Obamacare INVENTED by Conservatives . Do they seek redemption?!?!?!?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Never Forget: Conservatives Invented “Obamacare.” Where They Want to Take Us Next Should Scare You Even More

By Dale Steinreich

This week “Obamacare” (the Affordable Care Act, or ACA) enrollment begins. Briefly, how did we get here?

The core of “Obamacare,” the requirement that individuals purchase health insurance, traces back to Stuart Butler at the conservative Heritage Foundation in the late 1980s. This can be seen in a 1989 Heritage monograph (p. 51). Ezra Klein points to University of Pennsylvania economics professor and conservative Mark Pauly as the father of the individual mandate based on Pauly’s co-authored 1991 Health Affairs paper (p. 8, item 3) supporting the idea.

Two years after Pauly’s paper, and using the same argument Pauly made about mandatory auto insurance, conservative Republican Newt Gingrich appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press enthusiastically supporting the mandate. (Gingrich re-endorsed the mandate on the same program on May 15, 2011, then recanted the next day after a firestorm of criticism and ridicule.)

A Republican governor, Mitt Romney, signed the mandate into law in Massachusetts in April of 2006. Barack Obama, as a presidential primary candidate in 2008, firmly opposed the mandate but as president signed it into U.S. law on March 23, 2010.

In danger of being overturned, in June of 2012 conservative Republican Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts, came to the mandate’s rescue, providing the critical fifth vote to the court’s progressive judges in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius to cement the mandate in place as supposedly constitutional statute."

good grief, still trying to excuse this thug of a man Obama and his comrades in arms..

who the hell is lew Rockwell?

sheesh, it goes on and on with these people
good grief, still trying to excuse this thug of a man Obama and his comrades in arms..

who the hell is lew Rockwell?

sheesh, it goes on and on with these people

Steph, Obamacare sucks regardless of who proposed the idea.

But as you can see the idea originated in the "conservative"camp. That means that BOTH parties are composed of government supremacist scumbags. And that we are on our own - no one is protecting our best interests.

good grief, still trying to excuse this thug of a man Obama and his comrades in arms..

who the hell is lew Rockwell?

sheesh, it goes on and on with these people

Steph, Obamacare sucks regardless of who proposed the idea.

But as you can see the idea originated in the "conservative"camp. That means that BOTH parties are composed of government supremacist scumbags. And that we are on our own - no one is protecting our best interests.


Oh I agree totally with you on that

we are on our OWN and people NEED TO WAKE UP to what this government HAS BECOME...from BOTH parties
good grief, still trying to excuse this thug of a man Obama and his comrades in arms..

who the hell is lew Rockwell?

sheesh, it goes on and on with these people

Steph, Obamacare sucks regardless of who proposed the idea.

But as you can see the idea originated in the "conservative"camp. That means that BOTH parties are composed of government supremacist scumbags. And that we are on our own - no one is protecting our best interests.


Oh I agree totally with you on that

we are on our OWN and people NEED TO WAKE UP to what this government HAS BECOME...from BOTH parties

And that explains why "conservative" Justice Roberts approved the measure.

The Republicans grandstand is a fucking fraud.

Ezra Klein points to University of Pennsylvania economics professor and conservative Mark Pauly as the father of the individual mandate based on Pauly’s co-authored 1991 Health Affairs paper (p. 8, item 3) supporting the idea


Really something that this was the republicans plan. Why are they fighting it now????

Would single payer be better?
Thank God the few Republicans who were pushing it back then never got it through.

The rest were smart enough to avoid it.

BTW, Romney's is a State wide policy... What he did there doesn't affect me here. That just gives me one more reason NOT to more to Taxachuessetts.

I remember when that mandatory crap was being discussed. I was against it then and I am against it now.
Hummmm ,,,,, So you are against people being forced to behave in a responsible manner and for paying for the healthcare of someone who can buy health care but refuses to do so.
Personally I think everyone should have health insuranse whether they willingly purchase it or are forced to purchase it. I am tired of deadbeats refusing to carry their part of the load and raising the cost of my health insurance.
Funny how fast this dropped off the front page so fast. Partisans don't want to talk about it obviously. Partisan democrats want the credit for this POS legislation, partisan republicans don't want to have to acknowledge that there party is on board with it and all the theatre is just theatre.

This is how it is with all legislation. There's a dimes thickness difference between the two parties and all the public opposition we see from one party to the other over any proposed legislation is usually just that, public opposition.

Wake up partisans. Both the elephant and the ass need to be dumped.
Really something that this was the republicans plan. Why are they fighting it now????

Would single payer be better?

They're only fighting it just enough to appease their constituencies, they will not oppose it to the point of defeat. It's theatre.
Another Liberaltarian thread where it is always a republicans fault because we didn't nominate in the crazy old bastard Ron Paul. Grow up . Hell the OP is so full of hate and ignorance that he doesnt even tell the full story like it was a idea that they admitted to be wrong so they dropped it. Nope why would the OP do that? I mean the great Ron Paul hasn't told him and his crazy conspiracy brother and sisters how to think yet...These idiots still think Slavery had nothing to do with the civil war for fucks sake!
Another Liberaltarian thread where it is always a republicans fault because we didn't nominate in the crazy old bastard Ron Paul. Grow up . Hell the OP is so full of hate and ignorance that he doesnt even tell the full story like it was a idea that they admitted to be wrong so they dropped it. Nope why would the OP do that? I mean the great Ron Paul hasn't told him and his crazy conspiracy brother and sisters how to think yet...These idiots still think Slavery had nothing to do with the civil war for fucks sake!

You sig line conflicts with that post!
BTW, Romney's is a State wide policy... What he did there doesn't affect me here. That just gives me one more reason NOT to more to Taxachuessetts.

Why Do Conservatives Support Medicare and Medicaid?

by Jacob G. Hornberger October 4, 2013

For the life of me, I just don’t get conservatives. They profess to love free enterprise and free markets and they say they hate socialism.

Okay, then why do they never call for the repeal of Medicare and Medicaid?

Another Liberaltarian thread where it is always a republicans fault because we didn't nominate in the crazy old bastard Ron Paul. Grow up . Hell the OP is so full of hate and ignorance that he doesnt even tell the full story like it was a idea that they admitted to be wrong so they dropped it. Nope why would the OP do that? I mean the great Ron Paul hasn't told him and his crazy conspiracy brother and sisters how to think yet...These idiots still think Slavery had nothing to do with the civil war for fucks sake!

You sig line conflicts with that post!

Only if you're a idiot.

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