Obamacare Is Now on Life Support

No, for catastrophic things there are charities.

There are over 5,000 heart transplants performed in the U.S. annually. At an initial cost (not counting lifelong immunosuppressive medications) of $1 million per, that's $5 billion.

List the charities that can dole out $5 billion every year.

And that's just cardiac transplantation. What about the funding for liver transplants, kidney transplants, skin grafts? Cancer treatments, MIs, neurosurgery, etc.? Where do those billions come from?

What about chronic degenerative disorders like Parkinson's, RA, MS, etc., etc.?

Tell the class what magical treasure trove that money would come from on your planet.
The country is already broke has been for decades, we can't spend what we don't have. Can't get blood out of turnips.

Mythology and a poor attempt at deflection.

But you've admitted you refuse to take care of your own and you'd sponge off a charity if necessary.

So let's try this again:

There are over 5,000 heart transplants performed in the U.S. annually. At an initial cost (not counting lifelong immunosuppressive medications) of $1 million per, that's $5 billion.

List the charities that can dole out $5 billion every year.

And that's just cardiac transplantation. What about the funding for liver transplants, kidney transplants, skin grafts? Cancer treatments, MIs, neurosurgery, etc.? Where do those billions come from?

What about chronic degenerative disorders like Parkinson's, RA, MS, etc., etc.?

Tell the class what magical treasure trove that money would come from on your planet.

I don't expect anyone to help, I can afford to pay for anything that goes wrong with me and my family, government has proven they certainly can't help anybody except make for a socialist state. Talk about moochers. I don't want any help from the government for their price is far too high...
I don't expect anyone to help, I can afford to pay for anything that goes wrong with me and my family...

So you've got $1 million to pay for a heart transplant? No wonder you're so indifferent to other people's situations.
I don't expect anyone to help, I can afford to pay for anything that goes wrong with me and my family...

So you've got $1 million to pay for a heart transplant? No wonder you're so indifferent to other people's situations.
Don't need a heart transplant, I take care of myself. Been to clinic a couple times in my life paid for it right there, same with my family. Living within your means and debt free makes life easy. Less government means happier life.
I don't expect anyone to help, I can afford to pay for anything that goes wrong with me and my family...

So you've got $1 million to pay for a heart transplant? No wonder you're so indifferent to other people's situations.
Don't need a heart transplant, I take care of myself. Been to clinic a couple times in my life paid for it right there, same with my family. Living within your means and debt free makes life easy. Less government means happier life.

You could find out tomorrow that cancer has invaded your body..
When they hear cancer, the bells start ringing Cha Ching $$$$$$$$$

$20,000 for a cancer shot x 6-10 times
$10,000 for a bag of chemo x 6-10 times
$200,000 for surgeries.
$500.00 for Dr. visits and blood work
$500.00 for MRIs , Iv's

Ya never know Rustic
I don't expect anyone to help, I can afford to pay for anything that goes wrong with me and my family...

So you've got $1 million to pay for a heart transplant? No wonder you're so indifferent to other people's situations.
Don't need a heart transplant, I take care of myself. Been to clinic a couple times in my life paid for it right there, same with my family. Living within your means and debt free makes life easy. Less government means happier life.

You could find out tomorrow that cancer has invaded your body..
When they hear cancer, the bells start ringing Cha Ching $$$$$$$$$

$20,000 for a cancer shot x 6-10 times
$10,000 for a bag of chemo x 6-10 times
$200,000 for surgeries.
$500.00 for Dr. visits and blood work
$500.00 for MRIs , Iv's

Ya never know Rustic
Being forced to pay for something that "MIGHT" happen is no way to live, it's nothing more than legalized extortion.
I don't expect anyone to help, I can afford to pay for anything that goes wrong with me and my family...

So you've got $1 million to pay for a heart transplant? No wonder you're so indifferent to other people's situations.
Don't need a heart transplant, I take care of myself. Been to clinic a couple times in my life paid for it right there, same with my family. Living within your means and debt free makes life easy. Less government means happier life.

You could find out tomorrow that cancer has invaded your body..
When they hear cancer, the bells start ringing Cha Ching $$$$$$$$$

$20,000 for a cancer shot x 6-10 times
$10,000 for a bag of chemo x 6-10 times
$200,000 for surgeries.
$500.00 for Dr. visits and blood work
$500.00 for MRIs , Iv's

Ya never know Rustic

If he did need care he was too irresponsible to provide for, he'd be the first one on Go Fund Me crying and pleading.
Why put everyone in the same boat??

Is everyone born with a heart defect? Your question makes no sense.

Healthcare is not an right.

So children with heart defects should die?
Shit happens...

So as long as it's not your kid, it doesn't matter. Even if it were your kid, you wouldn't have $1 million to pay for the transplant, anyway. So it's back to "Sorry, Rustic, Jr.; your Dad's a deadbeat and you're gonna die. But I'll buy you a nice Star Wars coffin."
Worrying what "might" happen is no way to live. I live within my means and am debt free. Everything I own is paid for.
I have taught my kids this since grade school, The federal government/insurance/paying into a pool/a village means nothing. These things will not save me or my family.
Worrying what "might" happen is no way to live.

Exactly. Which is why instead of worrying you behave like a responsible adult and provide for those who rely on you.

Apparently this is not something you're prepared in all cases to do. Your repeated denial of the reality of costs for medical procedures and your "there are always charities" fallback are emblematic of this.

You plan to coast through life and hope the Red Cross or your church will bail you out if one of your dependents needs life-saving treatment.

I hope you've at least made them aware of the fact that "Daddy doesn't give a shit."
Worrying what "might" happen is no way to live. I live within my means and am debt free. Everything I own is paid for.
I have taught my kids this since grade school, The federal government/insurance/paying into a pool/a village means nothing. These things will not save me or my family.

My husband is an attorney and we buy our own insurance, glad we had it when I got my 1st diagnosis of cancer 2011. It came back this last year so I had to go through everything again. I am healing now and will tell you Rustic there is so much that we don't see everyday in those rooms. Men , women and children are lining up to get chemo, and radiation.
Cancer doesn't give a shit who you are.
Worrying what "might" happen is no way to live.

Exactly. Which is why you behave like a responsible adult and provide for those who rely on you.

Apparently this is not something you're prepared in all cases to do. Your repeated denial of the reality of costs for medical procedures and your "there are always charities" fallback are emblematic of this.

You plan to coast through life and hope the Red Cross or your church will bail you out if one of your dependents needs life-saving treatment.

I hope you've at least made them aware of the fact that "Daddy doesn't give a shit."
Knowing me and my family doesn't have to depend on the federal government is the only way to live. Selling guns and ammo has been good to the family.
BTW me and my family never have to worry about money issues, they are set for life.
Knowing me and my family doesn't have to depend on the federal government is the only way to live.

The topic is health insurance.
Obamacare = legalized extortion


You refused to have health insurance even before the PPACA. Tell us again how you're a responsible adult.
I have never claimed anything off insurance, never plan to. Me and my family have no need for insurance.
Knowing me and my family doesn't have to depend on the federal government is the only way to live.

The topic is health insurance.
Obamacare = legalized extortion


You refused to have health insurance even before the PPACA. Tell us again how you're a responsible adult.
I have never claimed anything off insurance, never plan to. Me and my family have no need for insurance.

So far.

Grammar, OTOH...

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