Obamacare Kicking In (And The People Like It So Far!!)

You can be 70 years old and still be someones child. What is your point?

Not a dependent child

And? Whats the problem?

Their's something wrong with a person if they are still depending on their parents at age 70 theirs something wrong with a person if they are still dependant on their parents at age 21. I like how the birds do it 6 weeks after the young break the egg shell they are kicked out of the nest to defend for themself
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So you hate our troops...fuck you anti-american scum.

LMAO you fucking idiot.

My whole family until this last generation was in the military. Those folks earn and deserve everything and more that this country can give them.

My sentiments apply to the freeloaders out there. Those that expect someone else to foot the bills for their responsibilities.

I believe you fall into that category. Fuck off idiot.

hahhahahaha you said everyone and got called out on it. Notice the bold, ANYONE!......

what a fucking piece of anti-america scum you are.

Wow. Nice to know you think anyone in the military is a freeloader.

I know they aren't so common sense dictates they aren't included in that freeloader category.

Boy. Guess that makes you the anti-American scum without a lick of Common Sense. Can't say that surprises me any.

BTW Fuck off yet again.

What an imbecile you are.
Errr... The bill doesn't make you keep them on your insurance. It lets you keep them on your insurance.

I neither understand the provision of the bill, nor understand your guys' outrage. It says you can stay on your parents policy. It doesn't, to my knowledge, address the price of that service.

What a moron. If 'A' get's to keep his kids on his insurance, then 'B,' 'C' and 'D' have to pay for it. Nothing is free. Someone always has to pay. As usual, the govenrment boondoggle shifted the costs to others. Of course, those others are also shifing their costs back to you.

Anyone who believes they're getting something "FOR FREE" failed the intelligence test.


Are you under the impression that the bill allows children to stay on their parents' policy... For free? :lmao:

Nah, nah, seriously, is that what you think?
Errr... The bill doesn't make you keep them on your insurance. It lets you keep them on your insurance.

I neither understand the provision of the bill, nor understand your guys' outrage. It says you can stay on your parents policy. It doesn't, to my knowledge, address the price of that service.

What a moron. If 'A' get's to keep his kids on his insurance, then 'B,' 'C' and 'D' have to pay for it. Nothing is free. Someone always has to pay. As usual, the govenrment boondoggle shifted the costs to others. Of course, those others are also shifing their costs back to you.

Anyone who believes they're getting something "FOR FREE" failed the intelligence test.


Are you under the impression that the bill allows children to stay on their parents' policy... For free? :lmao:

Nah, nah, seriously, is that what you think?

Why can't an adult at agr 22 get their own insurence?
People other than Republicans want healthcare.

Republicans figure if they can last until they are old enough, they will get "Medicare".
People other than Republicans want healthcare.

Republicans figure if they can last until they are old enough, they will get "Medicare".

As you may know, a bill that makes major changes to the country's health care system became law last year. Based on what you have read or heard about that legislation, do you generally favor or generally oppose it?

Favor: 39%
Oppose: 56%

As you may know, that legislation included a provision that will require all Americans who do not have health insurance to get it. Do you favor or oppose that provision?

Favor: 44%
Oppose: 54%
People other than Republicans want healthcare.

Republicans figure if they can last until they are old enough, they will get "Medicare".

As you may know, a bill that makes major changes to the country's health care system became law last year. Based on what you have read or heard about that legislation, do you generally favor or generally oppose it?

Favor: 39%
Oppose: 56%

As you may know, that legislation included a provision that will require all Americans who do not have health insurance to get it. Do you favor or oppose that provision?

Favor: 44%
Oppose: 54%

How many Americans don't want to pay for car insurance?

I guess you have a point. Not sure what it was. But my original statement stands.
Look who is generalizing again. That's a nasty habit you got there.

You may be stupid or naive enough to think that a 26 year old able bodied person can't support themselves but I sure as hell am not.

I'm still waiting for you to explain what the problem is with a 26 year old being on their parents insurance. In what way does this affect you? It only helps you, but you're too pig-headed to realize it. Three degrees and you can't figure this out. I'd ask for a refund on that education.

No it doesn't help me.

You realize that the more people on a so called family insurance plan the more that cost is transferred to those with fewer people on their family insurance plan and those on single insurance plans or are you too thick to understand the concept of insurance and shared risk?

I pay for family insurance to cover me and my wife. You and your gaggle of rug rats including your slacker adult child pay the same premium as I do.

Tell me who is using the pooled resources of premiums more?

Jarhead, a public option is not an option at all. It is basically the gubment telling you that you have to buy it, whether you want to or not. Because if you buy it "The collective" will all benefit from it in the end. It's bullshit, and unconstitutional. It's actually not an option, it's an individual mandate where you are forced to pay into it. They only called it an option so it would sound less intrusive when they where trying to pass it.

Did you intentionally get everything wrong in your post?
I'm still waiting for you to explain what the problem is with a 26 year old being on their parents insurance. In what way does this affect you? It only helps you, but you're too pig-headed to realize it. Three degrees and you can't figure this out. I'd ask for a refund on that education.

It doesn't help me if I'm single, have no kids and have my insurance rates jacked up because we all have to pay the cost of you covering your kid's insurance until they are 26.

It also doesn't help me if my kids are paying for their own insurance when they are 21.

The stupidity of Democrat drones defies comprehension.

So you're saying you have no clue how the legislation works. Because you seem to think that these 26 year olds get to stay on their parents insurance at no cost. LOL. Their parents still have to pay for them, all this bill allows them to do is have the option to continue to keep them on their policy, AND PAY FOR THEM, until the age of 26.

A real mean would apologize for being dead fucking wrong and acting like an asshole about it, but we both know you won't apologize because well....
I can also hardly wait for 2012 so Barry boy gets booted and a new POTUS can repeal this clusterfuck of a bill.

God help us if he wins re-election.
You may be stupid or naive enough to think that a 26 year old able bodied person can't support themselves but I sure as hell am not.

I'm still waiting for you to explain what the problem is with a 26 year old being on their parents insurance. In what way does this affect you? It only helps you, but you're too pig-headed to realize it. Three degrees and you can't figure this out. I'd ask for a refund on that education.

No it doesn't help me.

You realize that the more people on a so called family insurance plan the more that cost is transferred to those with fewer people on their family insurance plan and those on single insurance plans or are you too thick to understand the concept of insurance and shared risk?

I pay for family insurance to cover me and my wife. You and your gaggle of rug rats including your slacker adult child pay the same premium as I do.

Tell me who is using the pooled resources of premiums more?


So using your "logic" your wife is costing ME more money because she doesn't go out and get her own plan. Tell that "freeloader" she needs to get her own plan.

I love now their argument isn't that people don't have insurance is that they don't have their own individual plans. Bwhaahahahahahahahah!
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I can also hardly wait for 2012 so Barry boy gets booted and a new POTUS can repeal this clusterfuck of a bill.

God help us if he wins re-election.

Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.
Errr... The bill doesn't make you keep them on your insurance. It lets you keep them on your insurance.

I neither understand the provision of the bill, nor understand your guys' outrage. It says you can stay on your parents policy. It doesn't, to my knowledge, address the price of that service.

What a moron. If 'A' get's to keep his kids on his insurance, then 'B,' 'C' and 'D' have to pay for it. Nothing is free. Someone always has to pay. As usual, the govenrment boondoggle shifted the costs to others. Of course, those others are also shifing their costs back to you.

Anyone who believes they're getting something "FOR FREE" failed the intelligence test.


Are you under the impression that the bill allows children to stay on their parents' policy... For free? :lmao:

Nah, nah, seriously, is that what you think?

Hahahaha, Yup. That's what he actually thinks. I'm glad what he said has been quoted so he can't edit it now. These are the majority of the idiots that inhabit this board and the far right wing of the republican party. Completely uninformed, raving idiots who have nothing better to do than to bitch, bitch, bitch about things they don't understand one bit.
I can also hardly wait for 2012 so Barry boy gets booted and a new POTUS can repeal this clusterfuck of a bill.

God help us if he wins re-election.

Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.
There is no god
Would you bet your life on it? I'm not a christian and I would bet my life that there is a God. Are you so cemented in your views that you would take that be?
I can also hardly wait for 2012 so Barry boy gets booted and a new POTUS can repeal this clusterfuck of a bill.

God help us if he wins re-election.

Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.

1) God exisits within for those that believe in God. So there may not be God in your life, but it does not mean God does not existr in the lives of others.

2) If..and yes, a big if....we elect a republican President and the GOP captures majorities in both houses, an outright repeal and then a "rewrite/restructure" is likely.

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