Obamacare Kicking In (And The People Like It So Far!!)

What a moron. If 'A' get's to keep his kids on his insurance, then 'B,' 'C' and 'D' have to pay for it. Nothing is free. Someone always has to pay. As usual, the govenrment boondoggle shifted the costs to others. Of course, those others are also shifing their costs back to you.

Anyone who believes they're getting something "FOR FREE" failed the intelligence test.


Are you under the impression that the bill allows children to stay on their parents' policy... For free? :lmao:

Nah, nah, seriously, is that what you think?

Hahahaha, Yup. That's what he actually thinks. I'm glad what he said has been quoted so he can't edit it now. These are the majority of the idiots that inhabit this board and the far right wing of the republican party. Completely uninformed, raving idiots who have nothing better to do than to bitch, bitch, bitch about things they don't understand one bit.

excuse me....it is not limited to the far right by any means.
And being far right or far left does not make an idiot.....there are as many idiots and unifomred in the middle, soft left and soft right.
An idiot is what makes an idiot. Unifomred is what makes one uninformed.
Ideology does not make one uninformed or an idiot.
I can also hardly wait for 2012 so Barry boy gets booted and a new POTUS can repeal this clusterfuck of a bill.

God help us if he wins re-election.

Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.
There is no god
Would you bet your life on it? I'm not a christian and I would bet my life that there is a God. Are you so cemented in your views that you would take that be?

Nah, I don't like to gamble, especially on things I have no control over.

Sure there is a chance there is a god, but I'm 99% sure there isn't, but I will allow for the possibility that I'm wrong.

Are you under the impression that the bill allows children to stay on their parents' policy... For free? :lmao:

Nah, nah, seriously, is that what you think?

Hahahaha, Yup. That's what he actually thinks. I'm glad what he said has been quoted so he can't edit it now. These are the majority of the idiots that inhabit this board and the far right wing of the republican party. Completely uninformed, raving idiots who have nothing better to do than to bitch, bitch, bitch about things they don't understand one bit.

excuse me....it is not limited to the far right by any means.
And being far right or far left does not make an idiot.....there are as many idiots and unifomred in the middle, soft left and soft right.
An idiot is what makes an idiot. Unifomred is what makes one uninformed.
Ideology does not make one uninformed or an idiot.

Agreed. But as far as this site goes, the extremists for the most part are idiots. And you're right, there are idiots everywhere. But I am talking about the loud mouthed idiots on this site in particular.
Hahahaha, Yup. That's what he actually thinks. I'm glad what he said has been quoted so he can't edit it now. These are the majority of the idiots that inhabit this board and the far right wing of the republican party. Completely uninformed, raving idiots who have nothing better to do than to bitch, bitch, bitch about things they don't understand one bit.

excuse me....it is not limited to the far right by any means.
And being far right or far left does not make an idiot.....there are as many idiots and unifomred in the middle, soft left and soft right.
An idiot is what makes an idiot. Unifomred is what makes one uninformed.
Ideology does not make one uninformed or an idiot.

Agreed. But as far as this site goes, the extremists for the most part are idiots. And you're right, there are idiots everywhere. But I am talking about the loud mouthed idiots on this site in particular.
lol...this site?
I thought I made myself clear about that y7esterday...

To recant...

You are ugly
You are an idiot
It was Bush's fault
Read the bill then debate it
You dont know how to read
You have comrpehension issues
you are a liar
Palin is a slut
Obama is a socialist
get your head out of your ass
Bachman is a lesbian
It was the GOP's fault
The dems pnly care about enslaving every American
He is not a citizen.
You are a racist.
Cheney is a warmongerer
I am right
You are wrong


Im pretty much summed up the next weeks worth of debates.
I can also hardly wait for 2012 so Barry boy gets booted and a new POTUS can repeal this clusterfuck of a bill.

God help us if he wins re-election.

Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.

And you know this how??

RD explain my friend.
I can also hardly wait for 2012 so Barry boy gets booted and a new POTUS can repeal this clusterfuck of a bill.

God help us if he wins re-election.

Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.

And you know this how??

RD explain my friend.

Which part?

God - Sheer logic combined with the crap I've seen in my life tells me there can't be a god. Not a competent one that cares at least.

It doesn't get repealed because despite the outcry here over the entire bill, the rest of the country isn't so passionately against it. People may not love it, but good luck explaining to people that yeah, we are going to allow insurance companies to start denying based upon pre-existing conditions again, etc... Unless like Jarhead said and the repubs take the White House, The house and senate, I don't see how it will ever even come close to being repealed. Altered, sure. But that's to be expected.
Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.
There is no god
Would you bet your life on it? I'm not a christian and I would bet my life that there is a God. Are you so cemented in your views that you would take that be?

Nah, I don't like to gamble, especially on things I have no control over.

Sure there is a chance there is a god, but I'm 99% sure there isn't, but I will allow for the possibility that I'm wrong.

Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.

And you know this how??

RD explain my friend.

Which part?

God - Sheer logic combined with the crap I've seen in my life tells me there can't be a god. Not a competent one that cares at least.

It doesn't get repealed because despite the outcry here over the entire bill, the rest of the country isn't so passionately against it. People may not love it, but good luck explaining to people that yeah, we are going to allow insurance companies to start denying based upon pre-existing conditions again, etc... Unless like Jarhead said and the repubs take the White House, The house and senate, I don't see how it will ever even come close to being repealed. Altered, sure. But that's to be expected.

This is how the left justifies their no moral stance. no God.
I'm still waiting for you to explain what the problem is with a 26 year old being on their parents insurance. In what way does this affect you? It only helps you, but you're too pig-headed to realize it. Three degrees and you can't figure this out. I'd ask for a refund on that education.

No it doesn't help me.

You realize that the more people on a so called family insurance plan the more that cost is transferred to those with fewer people on their family insurance plan and those on single insurance plans or are you too thick to understand the concept of insurance and shared risk?

I pay for family insurance to cover me and my wife. You and your gaggle of rug rats including your slacker adult child pay the same premium as I do.

Tell me who is using the pooled resources of premiums more?


So using your "logic" your wife is costing ME more money because she doesn't go out and get her own plan. Tell that "freeloader" she needs to get her own plan.

I love now their argument isn't that people don't have insurance is that they don't have their own individual plans. Bwhaahahahahahahahah!

Why not just let everyone stay on mommy's insurance until mommy croaks then?

And I seriously doubt that my wife and I use more insurance than you your wife and your rug rats including the 26 yr old still sucking on your wife's tit.

Sooner or later you idiots have to grow up and that means you support yourself.

Just because you don't want to take responsibility for your own sorry ass and you don't want to teach your fuck up of an adult child to take care of himself, that's your fucking problem.

Don't ask me to pay for it.
And you know this how??

RD explain my friend.

Which part?

God - Sheer logic combined with the crap I've seen in my life tells me there can't be a god. Not a competent one that cares at least.

It doesn't get repealed because despite the outcry here over the entire bill, the rest of the country isn't so passionately against it. People may not love it, but good luck explaining to people that yeah, we are going to allow insurance companies to start denying based upon pre-existing conditions again, etc... Unless like Jarhead said and the repubs take the White House, The house and senate, I don't see how it will ever even come close to being repealed. Altered, sure. But that's to be expected.

This is how the left justifies their no moral stance. no God.

the left is not an ideology of no morals.
Sure, some take it to that level...but so do many on the right.

RDD is a man of convictions and I can attest that they do not compromise morals.
Two things

1) There is no god

2) There is no way this bill ever gets outright repealed.

So if you're waiting for either of those things to happen, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment.

And you know this how??

RD explain my friend.

Which part?

God - Sheer logic combined with the crap I've seen in my life tells me there can't be a god. Not a competent one that cares at least.

It doesn't get repealed because despite the outcry here over the entire bill, the rest of the country isn't so passionately against it. People may not love it, but good luck explaining to people that yeah, we are going to allow insurance companies to start denying based upon pre-existing conditions again, etc... Unless like Jarhead said and the repubs take the White House, The house and senate, I don't see how it will ever even come close to being repealed. Altered, sure. But that's to be expected.

You have a point on the insurance companies denying coverage and I can see your point. So perhaps your right and it would be amended in some way.

I would rather they scrap the whole thing and start over with some actual reform as to cost which is the main problem with HC IMO.

As for God?? I could care. Each person believes or disbelieves in his own way.
Would you bet your life on it? I'm not a christian and I would bet my life that there is a God. Are you so cemented in your views that you would take that be?

Nah, I don't like to gamble, especially on things I have no control over.

Sure there is a chance there is a god, but I'm 99% sure there isn't, but I will allow for the possibility that I'm wrong.


NOBODY and I mean nobody calls me chickenshit.....

ooooh, now you've done it. You've made me angry. I'm warning you, you probably won't like me when I'm angry.
No it doesn't help me.

You realize that the more people on a so called family insurance plan the more that cost is transferred to those with fewer people on their family insurance plan and those on single insurance plans or are you too thick to understand the concept of insurance and shared risk?

I pay for family insurance to cover me and my wife. You and your gaggle of rug rats including your slacker adult child pay the same premium as I do.

Tell me who is using the pooled resources of premiums more?


So using your "logic" your wife is costing ME more money because she doesn't go out and get her own plan. Tell that "freeloader" she needs to get her own plan.

I love now their argument isn't that people don't have insurance is that they don't have their own individual plans. Bwhaahahahahahahahah!

Why not just let everyone stay on mommy's insurance until mommy croaks then?

And I seriously doubt that my wife and I use more insurance than you your wife and your rug rats including the 26 yr old still sucking on your wife's tit.

Sooner or later you idiots have to grow up and that means you support yourself.

Just because you don't want to take responsibility for your own sorry ass and you don't want to teach your fuck up of an adult child to take care of himself, that's your fucking problem.

Don't ask me to pay for it.

LOL. You make me smile.
Nah, I don't like to gamble, especially on things I have no control over.

Sure there is a chance there is a god, but I'm 99% sure there isn't, but I will allow for the possibility that I'm wrong.


NOBODY and I mean nobody calls me chickenshit.....

ooooh, now you've done it. You've made me angry. I'm warning you, you probably won't like me when I'm angry.

so you are ugly, a stupid head AND angry.
And you know this how??

RD explain my friend.

Which part?

God - Sheer logic combined with the crap I've seen in my life tells me there can't be a god. Not a competent one that cares at least.

It doesn't get repealed because despite the outcry here over the entire bill, the rest of the country isn't so passionately against it. People may not love it, but good luck explaining to people that yeah, we are going to allow insurance companies to start denying based upon pre-existing conditions again, etc... Unless like Jarhead said and the repubs take the White House, The house and senate, I don't see how it will ever even come close to being repealed. Altered, sure. But that's to be expected.

You have a point on the insurance companies denying coverage and I can see your point. So perhaps your right and it would be amended in some way.

I would rather they scrap the whole thing and start over with some actual reform as to cost which is the main problem with HC IMO.

As for God?? I could care. Each person believes or disbelieves in his own way.

Yeah I can see it being amended in a variety of ways, but all out repeal is highly unlikely.

I would like to scrap it as well and seriously look at a public option. But there's little chance thats happening either.

NOBODY and I mean nobody calls me chickenshit.....

ooooh, now you've done it. You've made me angry. I'm warning you, you probably won't like me when I'm angry.

so you are ugly, a stupid head AND angry.

haha, I was just kidding. I think bigreb was trying to get under my skin, so I gave him what he wanted and tried to incorporate some movie references while I was at it.

Nothing anyone on this or any website says will ever make me angry. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time.
NOBODY and I mean nobody calls me chickenshit.....

ooooh, now you've done it. You've made me angry. I'm warning you, you probably won't like me when I'm angry.

so you are ugly, a stupid head AND angry.

haha, I was just kidding. I think bigreb was trying to get under my skin, so I gave him what he wanted and tried to incorporate some movie references while I was at it.

Nothing anyone on this or any website says will ever make me angry. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time.

thats what keeps me sane. I let things roll off my shoulders...well...except Truthmatters...something about her approach really irks the hell out of me.

But on the most part, I am even keeled on this site...actually have learned a lot.

However, sad to say, I am likely going to be leaving here soon....for a couple of reasons...first, I am starting to see that for the most part, this is a rant site...not a debate site...
And secondly....now that my clients fiscal years are winding down and new budegts implemented, I am going to start getting way too busy to sit here and rant and rave.

And I will admit...when I sign on here, I get addicted and have trouble signing off...so I may have to just stop signing on.
so you are ugly, a stupid head AND angry.

haha, I was just kidding. I think bigreb was trying to get under my skin, so I gave him what he wanted and tried to incorporate some movie references while I was at it.

Nothing anyone on this or any website says will ever make me angry. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time.

thats what keeps me sane. I let things roll off my shoulders...well...except Truthmatters...something about her approach really irks the hell out of me.

But on the most part, I am even keeled on this site...actually have learned a lot.

However, sad to say, I am likely going to be leaving here soon....for a couple of reasons...first, I am starting to see that for the most part, this is a rant site...not a debate site...
And secondly....now that my clients fiscal years are winding down and new budegts implemented, I am going to start getting way too busy to sit here and rant and rave.

And I will admit...when I sign on here, I get addicted and have trouble signing off...so I may have to just stop signing on.

Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. If you leave I really won't have anyone left to have a reasonable debate with. I'm in the same boat though, I've been getting busier and busier and I probably should step away from here for a bit. There's just too much comedy gold here though, it's tough.
Nah, I don't like to gamble, especially on things I have no control over.

Sure there is a chance there is a god, but I'm 99% sure there isn't, but I will allow for the possibility that I'm wrong.


NOBODY and I mean nobody calls me chickenshit.....

ooooh, now you've done it. You've made me angry. I'm warning you, you probably won't like me when I'm angry.

That white little speck on top of chickenshit is still chickenshit.
Who said I cared if you liked me or not?
so you are ugly, a stupid head AND angry.

haha, I was just kidding. I think bigreb was trying to get under my skin, so I gave him what he wanted and tried to incorporate some movie references while I was at it.

Nothing anyone on this or any website says will ever make me angry. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time.

thats what keeps me sane. I let things roll off my shoulders...well...except Truthmatters...something about her approach really irks the hell out of me.

But on the most part, I am even keeled on this site...actually have learned a lot.

However, sad to say, I am likely going to be leaving here soon....for a couple of reasons...first, I am starting to see that for the most part, this is a rant site...not a debate site...
And secondly....now that my clients fiscal years are winding down and new budegts implemented, I am going to start getting way too busy to sit here and rant and rave.

And I will admit...when I sign on here, I get addicted and have trouble signing off...so I may have to just stop signing on.

LOL I agree. I try not to let anyone get under my skin though on occasion it does happen.

I agree 110% about TDM. Was there ever a more patisan hack??

Hope you don't leave permenantly there JH. I for one will miss your RANTS. LOL

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