Obamacare Kicking In (And The People Like It So Far!!)

Did you notice that none of the crying nut-jobs answered why exactly they are against 26 year olds being allowed to be insured on their parents plan. They don't know why they're upset, they just like to bitch and moan.

We kick them out of the house when they are 21. Why would we want to continue paying their bills?
And what exactly is the problem with parents letting children stay on their policy until 26? You would think that you would be happy that these people are at least insured and not uninsured, "mooching" and adding to the problem we have. You people argue just to argue, even when what you're arguing makes no sense whatsoever.
When I was in my early 20's, I was invincible. Insurance was for old folks, not me. There is no way I would waste my money on health insurance. I needed to save my money for a new car and a trip to Europe.

For parents this option really buys peace of mind, knowing if your kids get seriously ill, they will be able to afford medical care and you won't have to spend your life savings trying to provide it.

For insurance companies it's not that big a deal. This age group is basically very healthy. They are rarely diagnosed with the really serious diseases and they are less likely to go to the doctor with minor problems.

For tax payers it's a win, because when young people without insurance get injured or seriously ill, they often end up on Medicaid and we all pay the costs.

Did you notice that none of the crying nut-jobs answered why exactly they are against 26 year olds being allowed to be insured on their parents plan. They don't know why they're upset, they just like to bitch and moan.

How about I tell you why I am bitching, double standards by the government.

For the same plan the military are required to pay through the nose.

For standard one "child" cost is 187 a month and that is a 80/20 payout without a dental option. For Prime it is 220 a month with one "child" and no dental.

The monthly premium for TYA Prime will be $213, or $2,556 a year, not counting Prime co-pays. That is more than five times what a military family pays to enroll in Tricare Prime.

AND the same standards were not applied as they are in the civilian world:

Congress imposed two other limitations unique to young adult Tricare users versus other American young adults: only unmarried dependents are eligible for TYA; and young adult dependents are disqualified if they are eligible for medical coverage through an employer-sponsored insurance program

Read more: Tricare for young adults carries high premium | islandpacket.com

So military kids have to pay more, they are not covered if they are married and they have to get the employer insurance as opposed to civilian kids who can remain on their parent’s policies if married and if employed.

So what irks me more than an adult child being covered is the fact that not all adult children are treated equal ( as people claimed this bill would do) when it's the government being forced to pay for it as opposed to forcing private carries to pay more and cover in a different manner.
Struggling, like MANY people are. Staying at home in this day makes a lot of financial sense for many people.

Call the fucking whaaambulance.

Maybe if they stopped sucking mommy's tit and turned off the fucking x box they could get a job or 2 or 3 and start taking care of themselves.

But that's right, no one should have to work more than one job right?

Look who is generalizing again. That's a nasty habit you got there.

You may be stupid or naive enough to think that a 26 year old able bodied person can't support themselves but I sure as hell am not.
Did you notice that none of the crying nut-jobs answered why exactly they are against 26 year olds being allowed to be insured on their parents plan. They don't know why they're upset, they just like to bitch and moan.

We kick them out of the house when they are 21. Why would we want to continue paying their bills?
I never kicked my kids out of the house. They are all grown now, have families, and have never needed my help. If they had, it would be there for the asking. If my kids were in their early 20's and didn't have insurance, I would welcome the opportunity to be able to carry them as dependents on my insurance. If they got seriously ill, I would spend my last dime on them. This provision in law is as much about protecting parents as it is the kids.
And what exactly is the problem with parents letting children stay on their policy until 26? You would think that you would be happy that these people are at least insured and not uninsured, "mooching" and adding to the problem we have. You people argue just to argue, even when what you're arguing makes no sense whatsoever.

Should we raise the voting age since children are now considered to be 26 years of age?

You can be 70 years old and still be someones child. What is your point?

Not a dependent child
Survey: Significant drop in uninsured young adults

The number of young adults without health insurance has dropped significantly, a new survey finds, thanks to a provision of President Barack Obama's health care law allowing them to stay on their parents' plans.

The new Gallup poll findings translate to about 1 million more young adults with health insurance.

.....coverage for young adults has proven to be a popular and relatively low-cost benefit that families were eager to sign up for in these days of prolonged school-to-work transitions.


yeah, It sounds all nice and fuzzy, and parts of it are ok. However the Price tag is to much, Even if you use Obama's Funny math where he writes MC a 500 Billion dollar IOU and does not count that as part of the cost. And there are parts of it that are Horrible.

As a whole it is destined to fail to do what it was promised to do. It will not Insure Everyone, it Will not allow most people to stay in their private plans, It Will not be as cheap as we were told, it will not lower costs, and has already increased the cost of Private Insurance, It does nothing to address tort Reform, or the Insanely high costs of health care. (something is wrong when you go to the Walk In Clinic for a bad ear infection, the doctor is in the room for about 45 seconds, rights you a script and leaves, and sends you a bill for 450 dollars, Happened to me)

I am not a advocate of Single Payer, However I think Passing Single Payer would have been less damaging and more helpful than this mess we have.
Call the fucking whaaambulance.

Maybe if they stopped sucking mommy's tit and turned off the fucking x box they could get a job or 2 or 3 and start taking care of themselves.

But that's right, no one should have to work more than one job right?

Look who is generalizing again. That's a nasty habit you got there.

You may be stupid or naive enough to think that a 26 year old able bodied person can't support themselves but I sure as hell am not.

I'm still waiting for you to explain what the problem is with a 26 year old being on their parents insurance. In what way does this affect you? It only helps you, but you're too pig-headed to realize it. Three degrees and you can't figure this out. I'd ask for a refund on that education.
Did you notice that none of the crying nut-jobs answered why exactly they are against 26 year olds being allowed to be insured on their parents plan. They don't know why they're upset, they just like to bitch and moan.

We kick them out of the house when they are 21. Why would we want to continue paying their bills?

Errr... The bill doesn't make you keep them on your insurance. It lets you keep them on your insurance.

I neither understand the provision of the bill, nor understand your guys' outrage. It says you can stay on your parents policy. It doesn't, to my knowledge, address the price of that service.
Did you notice that none of the crying nut-jobs answered why exactly they are against 26 year olds being allowed to be insured on their parents plan. They don't know why they're upset, they just like to bitch and moan.

We kick them out of the house when they are 21. Why would we want to continue paying their bills?

Errr... The bill doesn't make you keep them on your insurance. It lets you keep them on your insurance.

I neither understand the provision of the bill, nor understand your guys' outrage. It says you can stay on your parents policy. It doesn't, to my knowledge, address the price of that service.

It's more fake outrage from people whose sole purpose in life it seems is to find things to bitch about.
Survey: Significant drop in uninsured young adults

The number of young adults without health insurance has dropped significantly, a new survey finds, thanks to a provision of President Barack Obama's health care law allowing them to stay on their parents' plans.

The new Gallup poll findings translate to about 1 million more young adults with health insurance.

.....coverage for young adults has proven to be a popular and relatively low-cost benefit that families were eager to sign up for in these days of prolonged school-to-work transitions.


yeah, It sounds all nice and fuzzy, and parts of it are ok. However the Price tag is to much, Even if you use Obama's Funny math where he writes MC a 500 Billion dollar IOU and does not count that as part of the cost. And there are parts of it that are Horrible.

As a whole it is destined to fail to do what it was promised to do. It will not Insure Everyone, it Will not allow most people to stay in their private plans, It Will not be as cheap as we were told, it will not lower costs, and has already increased the cost of Private Insurance, It does nothing to address tort Reform, or the Insanely high costs of health care. (something is wrong when you go to the Walk In Clinic for a bad ear infection, the doctor is in the room for about 45 seconds, rights you a script and leaves, and sends you a bill for 450 dollars, Happened to me)

I am not a advocate of Single Payer, However I think Passing Single Payer would have been less damaging and more helpful than this mess we have.

1. The mess you have has been brought to you by Big Pharma and Healthcare Robberbarons, Inc. who have driven up the cost of healthcare for the last 40 years.

2. Tort Reform is ridiculous. Multiple, independent studies have been done, check by peer review that show that the costs of healthcare aren't caused by med mal cases.

3. You've offered nothing but your opinion for what you think will happen, not citing any proof in that direction. The fact is, as it has been enacted, Obamacare will cover the gap between the poor we already pay for and those who can pay for themselves. It will allow people to stay on their private plans and even bring new people into the healthcare market.

4. Glenn Beck loves to talk about how people aren't dying in the streets in need of healthcare. Actually they are. There are lots of people who die, never having been diagnosed with diseases or being treated for illnesses. Those who can make it to a hospital use emergency care which is many many many times more expensive than preventative care. You're already paying for them...why not pay for them and pay less.

5. Biden's crazy ass even explained how many of the ideas in the bill were Republican ideas first...but yet he got stalled when it came to the vote. Don't blame Obama for forcing a vote through...you tried to stop it...and he won. Your rules.
No you wouldn't. You've made that clear.

And we're trying to solve a problem that is affecting 30+ million people. This isn't
something that can be solved through your local charity. Sorry.

Thats just it RD you don't know me at all.

I have no problem giving to a worthy cause when its my choice. I have given and will continue to give when I chose to.

The problems of 30+ milion people are not my problem and they are only yours because you chose to let them be yours.

You are not responsible for those 30+ million any more than I am.

Thats the difference between you and me RD. You want to carry that burden and I refuse to.

I recall one time I was at my parents house....with my wife, my two boys...my sister and her kids...and my brother..

All are very liberal...except for me, my wife and my younger son.

We were all having dinner...nice conversation....and I told a joke..

Now mind you...this was about a month after the Haiti earthquake...

All laughed at my joke....except my brother. He stood up and began to reprimand me for :telling jokes when there are so many people suffering in Haiti"...

And then my sister joined him in reprimanding me....even though she laughed at my joke.

My response?

If I were to suffer some devastating event...I would hope you will be there to assist me, but I would never feel it was your responsibility to assist me....I would appreicate your compassion....but I would expect you to live your life as you normally would for you spending your time only worrying about me is not going to help me any more than I can help myself...so why should we all be miserable.

My brother mumbled something about me being a greedy rich business owner and left.

My sister asked me if it truly were devastating and I were to die, can she move in with my wife and get half ownership of the house...and we all started to laugh again.

Haiti sealed their fate when they made a deal with the devil to get out from under French rule. I feel no sorrow for them. Anyone who cuts a deal with the devil deserves no remorse or sympathy.
Do I know any Haitians that are very good people? Yes I do, but as a whole, when shit happens there...it is for a reason.
That is AWFULLY high. I pay $5088.00 for a very comprehensive plan for myself AND two other employees combined...

I pay $3776.64 a year for my medical,dental and vision plan through Blue cross blue shield federal employee program, but it will go even higher after I add the new wifey on it.
I even pay for other people SSI and Medicare also "I say other peoples because it's sure as hell not going into a health savings account for me, it's being used right now as soon as it's taken from my check" , so if you add that in, it's even more. It's gonna suck to not get a return on my SSI investment, that shit will be gone by the time I could use it.

We have vision, no dental though. We're also 29, 26, and 27, respectively. But 2 smoke and the third has a family history of skin cancer.

I personally was shocked at how low the price was and just how comprehensive the plan is. Better by miles than my girlfriend gets from a HUGE group rate through her job at a major department store. Cheaper too.

FYI it is through Geisinger, I don't know if they offer wherever you're at but it might be worth looking at. The big names, Aetna, blue cross, amerihealth, etc, were marginally more expensive, but nowhere near what you and Jarhead's son are paying.

I like Blue Cross, they take care of me for the most part. And I am sure blue cross has a bigger provider list than some of the other smaller less expensive ones, so it would not be worth it I dont think to go elsewhere. I appreciate the info though, I may look into it in the near future if things go downhill some with BCBS.
That is AWFULLY high. I pay $5088.00 for a very comprehensive plan for myself AND two other employees combined...

I pay $3776.64 a year for my medical,dental and vision plan through Blue cross blue shield federal employee program, but it will go even higher after I add the new wifey on it.
I even pay for other people SSI and Medicare also "I say other peoples because it's sure as hell not going into a health savings account for me, it's being used right now as soon as it's taken from my check" , so if you add that in, it's even more. It's gonna suck to not get a return on my SSI investment, that shit will be gone by the time I could use it.

We have vision, no dental though. We're also 29, 26, and 27, respectively. But 2 smoke and the third has a family history of skin cancer.

I personally was shocked at how low the price was and just how comprehensive the plan is. Better by miles than my girlfriend gets from a HUGE group rate through her job at a major department store. Cheaper too.

FYI it is through Geisinger, I don't know if they offer wherever you're at but it might be worth looking at. The big names, Aetna, blue cross, amerihealth, etc, were marginally more expensive, but nowhere near what you and Jarhead's son are paying.

Also, I may pay more a year, but it covers more on deductible and what not. For example, I have sleep apnea, and BCBS paid $1500 for my cpap machine and my replacement masks and parts and what not, plus they cover all my appointments every 6 months. I have not paid a red cent yet. So even though I pay more a year I get more return on my investment.
Thanks for a great discussion RD.

Nice to have a discussion with someone who doesn't call you fucking stupid or a fucking idiot. LOL

We don't agree my friend but I respect your opinion and your right to that opinion.

Have a great rest of the day.

Hey, no peacemaking in this thread. Just listen to this song and get back to work. :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO_QntXc-c4]Drowning Pool - Bodies (Let The Bodies Hit The Floor) - YouTube[/ame]
Jarhead, a public option is not an option at all. It is basically the gubment telling you that you have to buy it, whether you want to or not. Because if you buy it "The collective" will all benefit from it in the end. It's bullshit, and unconstitutional. It's actually not an option, it's an individual mandate where you are forced to pay into it. They only called it an option so it would sound less intrusive when they where trying to pass it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye1V62UVYK0]Obama-Care Unconstitutional Mandate - YouTube[/ame]
I never kicked my kids out of the house. They are all grown now, have families, and have never needed my help. If they had, it would be there for the asking. If my kids were in their early 20's and didn't have insurance, I would welcome the opportunity to be able to carry them as dependents on my insurance. If they got seriously ill, I would spend my last dime on them. This provision in law is as much about protecting parents as it is the kids.

In other words, there's no need for this bill since parents will pay for their kid's insurance anyway. Is that what you're saying?
Errr... The bill doesn't make you keep them on your insurance. It lets you keep them on your insurance.

I neither understand the provision of the bill, nor understand your guys' outrage. It says you can stay on your parents policy. It doesn't, to my knowledge, address the price of that service.

What a moron. If 'A' get's to keep his kids on his insurance, then 'B,' 'C' and 'D' have to pay for it. Nothing is free. Someone always has to pay. As usual, the govenrment boondoggle shifted the costs to others. Of course, those others are also shifing their costs back to you.

Anyone who believes they're getting something "FOR FREE" failed the intelligence test.
I'm still waiting for you to explain what the problem is with a 26 year old being on their parents insurance. In what way does this affect you? It only helps you, but you're too pig-headed to realize it. Three degrees and you can't figure this out. I'd ask for a refund on that education.

It doesn't help me if I'm single, have no kids and have my insurance rates jacked up because we all have to pay the cost of you covering your kid's insurance until they are 26.

It also doesn't help me if my kids are paying for their own insurance when they are 21.

The stupidity of Democrat drones defies comprehension.

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