ObamaCare- Mandate is Constitutional as a Tax, etc.

Riiiight. The people who pay zip in federal taxes now have to pay the Obamacare tax?

I don't think so.

The people who will have to pay this tax are those who can afford insurance but choose not to purchase it. Ya know....the definition of a leech. You can try and paint the picture that people who are truly needy and can't afford it are leeches but that's just the "compassionate conservative" in you coming out.

The American people won, partisan politics lost. Today at least.

Lying douches won today. If you tap dance long enough and throw enough sand, you can confuse people so much on the issues that they won't hold you accountable when the sand clears.

We now have a cobra basket filled with unfunded Obamacare mandates, health costs are going to continue to sky rocket, and dazed Americans are going to be standing around wondering what happened.

At least the dazed tax-paying Americans. Obama's core constituency won't. They just got more freebies. That will keep them happy for awhile until the economy tanks so badly that there aren't enough taxpayers to keep them in their houses much less pay their medical bills.

You could have just said you don't understand how the law works. It would have cut straight to the point.
That is why he wrote a narrow opinion. This was a smart move by Roberts. This gives Obama and progressives a short celebration until reality sets in. By ruling the mandate is a tax, he gave the republicans legal grounds to repeal it because as everyone knows, any tax can be repealed. Lol. This is a victory for republicans. Roberts didn't want to go down in history as the guy who took away the opportunity for tens of millions of Americans to not be able to get Health Insurance. He just passed the mandate back to Congress in the form of a tax so they can repeal it under that option.
I've been watching the news since the story broke and listening to the legal beagles trying to sort this out. There may be something for everybody here.

1. The Obama Administration is certainly high fiving and breaking out the champagne this morning as the President has not been totally embarrassed.

2. In 2009 when Obama was selling this fiasco on television, he again and again assured us that the mandate included in ACA was not a tax. SCOTUS has now effectively declared him a liar as Obama's lawyers got the ruling based on the fact that is IS a tax and in the opinion of SCOTUS, Congress has unlimited power to tax and spend. If Romney and the other anti-ACA people don't use that to good advantage, they are idiots.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_-qh9XDbgE]OBAMA MANDITORY TAX ON HEALTH CARE IS NOT A TAX - YouTube[/ame]

I am now hoping a very unhappy market this morning doesn't wipe out the rest of our 401K.
LOL. The other side of the coin is that it can, and should be, used to establish a single payer universal health care system based on an income tax on all income. A system that emphasizes preventive care rather than trips to the emergency room. A system, like those in Japan and Germany, that would require Health Insurance Companies, to be non-profits.

This will lower costs for all, with much better results, as we have seen in the other industrial nations.
LOL. The other side of the coin is that it can, and should be, used to establish a single payer universal health care system based on an income tax on all income. A system that emphasizes preventive care rather than trips to the emergency room. A system, like those in Japan and Germany, that would require Health Insurance Companies, to be non-profits.

This will lower costs for all, with much better results, as we have seen in the other industrial nations.

How many other countries encourage their lawyers to make a living from suing their HealthCare system?
LOL. The other side of the coin is that it can, and should be, used to establish a single payer universal health care system based on an income tax on all income. A system that emphasizes preventive care rather than trips to the emergency room. A system, like those in Japan and Germany, that would require Health Insurance Companies, to be non-profits.

This will lower costs for all, with much better results, as we have seen in the other industrial nations.

Yeah so we can all die while waiting for care....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would be a historical event, worthy of a page in a book on the Supreme Court if Roberts at this early stage came to the realization that he is a member of the Supreme Court and no longer just a Republican politician. He has a long time to go and his job is secure and a few of the judge-politicians did make the transistion from political hack to Supreme Court Judge, much to the gnashing of teeth by the party and appointer. That some judges can and do make the change is America's only hope with judge appointees.
The question I have is did Roberts become a real judge or was his decision part of some larger plan or on some instructions from one of the would-be rulers of Ameria ?
Incorrect. A tax on only those who decide to leech. Not surprisingly you are completely backwards on the reality of the situation.

Riiiight. The leeches who pay zip in federal taxes now have to pay the Obamacare tax?

I don't think so.

The "leeches" as you refer to poor people, already get free health coverage, only they're using emergency rooms as their primary care physicians.

80% of our population already is covered by insurance .... Notwithstanding the handwringing over the heritage foundation's plan

Wake up, we already pay for their emergency room visits in our insurance premiums...

We cannot continue down this path, it only spells ruin...

You have been smoked, the majority of Non Tax paying citizens are committing fraud on their tax returns and sucking billions out of the system, do you believe a $60K household income has valid deductions to get a $7K to $11K refund?
LOL. The other side of the coin is that it can, and should be, used to establish a single payer universal health care system based on an income tax on all income. A system that emphasizes preventive care rather than trips to the emergency room. A system, like those in Japan and Germany, that would require Health Insurance Companies, to be non-profits.

This will lower costs for all, with much better results, as we have seen in the other industrial nations.

Germany does not have single payer universal health care. They have a public/private partnership where people can have their own insurance if they choose, or just publicly provided insurance that covers nothing but basic care. You'll get an aspirn for your headache but not cancer treatment.

Japan's health care system is failing.

Health care in Japan: Not all smiles | The Economist

On the positive side, patients can nearly always see a doctor within a day. But they must often wait hours for a three-minute consultation. Complicated cases get too little attention. The Japanese are only a quarter as likely as the Americans or French to suffer a heart attack, but twice as likely to die if they do.

Some doctors see as many as 100 patients a day. Because their salaries are low, they tend to overprescribe tests and drugs. (Clinics often own their own pharmacies.) They also earn money, hotel-like, by keeping patients in bed. Simple surgery that in the West would involve no overnight stay, such as a hernia operation, entails a five-day hospital stay in Japan.

Emergency care is often poor. In lesser cities it is not uncommon for ambulances to cruise the streets calling a succession of emergency rooms to find one that can cram in a patient. In a few cases people have died because of this. One reason for a shortage of emergency care is an abundance of small clinics instead of big hospitals. Doctors prefer them because they can work less and earn more.
Roberts did a noble thing for Republicans. By ruling the mandate is a tax, he gave the republicans legal grounds to repeal it because as everyone knows, any tax can be repealed. Lol. This is a victory for republicans and Romney for he now has something to run on.
I would say the real winners are the millions that will now have healthcare coverage.
That is why he wrote a narrow opinion. This was a smart move by Roberts. This gives Obama and progressives a short celebration until reality sets in. By ruling the mandate is a tax, he gave the republicans legal grounds to repeal it because as everyone knows, any tax can be repealed. Lol. This is a victory for republicans. Roberts didn't want to go down in history as the guy who took away the opportunity for tens of millions of Americans to not be able to get Health Insurance. He just passed the mandate back to Congress in the form of a tax so they can repeal it under that option.

A mandate could have been repealed, too. Did you graduate from high school?
I've been watching the news since the story broke and listening to the legal beagles trying to sort this out. There may be something for everybody here.

1. The Obama Administration is certainly high fiving and breaking out the champagne this morning as the President has not been totally embarrassed.

2. In 2009 when Obama was selling this fiasco on television, he again and again assured us that the mandate included in ACA was not a tax. SCOTUS has now effectively declared him a liar as Obama's lawyers got the ruling based on the fact that is IS a tax and in the opinion of SCOTUS, Congress has unlimited power to tax and spend. If Romney and the other anti-ACA people don't use that to good advantage, they are idiots.


I am now hoping a very unhappy market this morning doesn't wipe out the rest of our 401K.

The fact that Obama lied all the way from his days of saying he supported single payer straight through the primaries and the general and the first two years of his presidency about every aspect imaginable of this is going to be completely obscured by the media narrative of, "Obama won, he did this great thing for Americans, and look at all the freebies you get now."

I hope somehow we can hold Obama to account for his duplicity but I am not optimistic at all.
LOL. The other side of the coin is that it can, and should be, used to establish a single payer universal health care system based on an income tax on all income. A system that emphasizes preventive care rather than trips to the emergency room. A system, like those in Japan and Germany, that would require Health Insurance Companies, to be non-profits.

This will lower costs for all, with much better results, as we have seen in the other industrial nations.

Yeah so we can all die while waiting for care....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like they all die waiting in those other countries, you know, the ones where average life expectancy is greater than our own?
That is why he wrote a narrow opinion. This was a smart...

not in this lifetime.

60 votes needed in the Senate.

even if GOP won House/Senate/Oval Office .... no way.

say goodnight dick



go away. the regular cons here can spin far better than this piece of shit you've posted

now bugger off
Oregon anticipated this and has been reducing OHP coverage substantially over the last couple of years.

Soon nobody will be able to get adequate medical care via insurance! Yay, progressive heaven! More people die that way!
LOL. The other side of the coin is that it can, and should be, used to establish a single payer universal health care system based on an income tax on all income. A system that emphasizes preventive care rather than trips to the emergency room. A system, like those in Japan and Germany, that would require Health Insurance Companies, to be non-profits.

This will lower costs for all, with much better results, as we have seen in the other industrial nations.

Yeah so we can all die while waiting for care....YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

will it be televised?
can I watch?
LOL. The other side of the coin is that it can, and should be, used to establish a single payer universal health care system based on an income tax on all income. A system that emphasizes preventive care rather than trips to the emergency room. A system, like those in Japan and Germany, that would require Health Insurance Companies, to be non-profits.

This will lower costs for all, with much better results, as we have seen in the other industrial nations.

Germany does not have single payer universal health care. They have a public/private partnership where people can have their own insurance if they choose, or just publicly provided insurance that covers nothing but basic care. You'll get an aspirn for your headache but not cancer treatment.

Japan's health care system is failing.

Health care in Japan: Not all smiles | The Economist

On the positive side, patients can nearly always see a doctor within a day. But they must often wait hours for a three-minute consultation. Complicated cases get too little attention. The Japanese are only a quarter as likely as the Americans or French to suffer a heart attack, but twice as likely to die if they do.

Some doctors see as many as 100 patients a day. Because their salaries are low, they tend to overprescribe tests and drugs. (Clinics often own their own pharmacies.) They also earn money, hotel-like, by keeping patients in bed. Simple surgery that in the West would involve no overnight stay, such as a hernia operation, entails a five-day hospital stay in Japan.

Emergency care is often poor. In lesser cities it is not uncommon for ambulances to cruise the streets calling a succession of emergency rooms to find one that can cram in a patient. In a few cases people have died because of this. One reason for a shortage of emergency care is an abundance of small clinics instead of big hospitals. Doctors prefer them because they can work less and earn more.

LOL. All of this, yet Japan has the highest longevity of any nation in the world. Sheesh, that alone says that they are doing something right that we are not. Because we rank down around 50th in longevity, below even some third world nations. That is not WHO statistics, but the CIA World Book statistics.

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