‘Obamacare’ National Marketing Campaign To Cost Nearly $700 Million


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Marketing campaign?. ..Even the unions are turning against Obamacare

CHICAGO (AP) — It will make you stronger. It will give you peace of mind and make you feel like a winner. Health insurance is what the whole country has been talking about, so don’t be left out.

Sound like a sales pitch? Get ready for a lot more. As President Barack Obama’s health care law moves from theory to reality in the coming months, its success may hinge on whether the best minds in advertising can reach one of the hardest-to-find parts of the population: people without health coverage.

The campaign won’t come cheap: The total amount to be spent nationally on publicity, marketing and advertising will be at least $684 million, according to data compiled The Associated Press from federal and state sources.

About 16 percent of Americans are uninsured, but despite years of political debate and media attention, more than three-quarters of them still know little about the law known as “Obamacare,” according to recent surveys.

“It’s not sugar cereal, beer and detergent,” said Brooke Foley, chief executive officer of the Chicago-based Jayne Agency, one of the advertising firms crafting messages to reach the uninsured.

The Obama administration and many states are launching campaigns this summer to get the word out before enrollment for new benefits begins in October.

The targets are mostly the working poor, young people who are disengaged, or those who gave up their insurance because of the cost. Three-quarters are white. Eighty-six percent have a high school education or less. Together they make up a blind spot in the nation’s health care system.

?Obamacare? National Marketing Campaign To Cost Nearly $700 Million « CBS DC
He spends OUR money to feed us bullshit to convince us he's not pissing away OUR money. What kind of idiot falls for that shit. Oh, what was I thinking? I know the answer to that.....liberals.
Bet over a billion is spent when all is said and done. Most of it will be going to political spheres that supported him.
Think of it as payola; on the taxpayers' dime of course.
A lot of it wil be going to help the dems win congress
A lot of it wil be going to help the dems win congress

Good. The sooner the Dems control everything, the sooner they have to take ownership of the problems their policies create. Get to the one party system they want and watch what happens when the Republican boogeyman no longer has any teeth and the Dems are on the hook.
A lot of it wil be going to help the dems win congress

Good. The sooner the Dems control everything, the sooner they have to take ownership of the problems their policies create. Get to the one party system they want and watch what happens when the Republican boogeyman no longer has any teeth and the Dems are on the hook.
They'll still blame the Republicans, just like they did during the first two years of Obama's presidency.

Obamacare is already starting to save people money.

There is a lot of ignorance out there about what Obamacare does, and I think the ad campaign will swing all the moderates over who are on the fence now.

The healthcare exchanges have started and go into full effect next year, and they work. It's so strange, too, because Republicans used to be for competition in the market place, but now that a black guy is also for it, they don't want competition anymore. Go figure.

Obamacare is already starting to save people money.

There is a lot of ignorance out there about what Obamacare does, and I think the ad campaign will swing all the moderates over who are on the fence now.

The healthcare exchanges have started and go into full effect next year, and they work. It's so strange, too, because Republicans used to be for competition in the market place, but now that a black guy is also for it, they don't want competition anymore. Go figure.

Yeah? Who's saving money? Premiums are going up not down. Why the waivers and delays in the mandate if it's good?..."Go figure"

Obamacare is already starting to save people money.

There is a lot of ignorance out there about what Obamacare does, and I think the ad campaign will swing all the moderates over who are on the fence now.

The healthcare exchanges have started and go into full effect next year, and they work. It's so strange, too, because Republicans used to be for competition in the market place, but now that a black guy is also for it, they don't want competition anymore. Go figure.

Yeah? Who's saving money? Premiums are going up not down. Why the waivers and delays in the mandate if it's good?..."Go figure"

[Dem Talking Point]

But those premiums will go down...eventually...probably...and besides the people with insurance now are all fatcats who aren't paying their fair share anyways. Normal middle class Americans aren't being affected at all and even if they are, they should welcome increased rates for less service because we're all in this together. And Bush's fault. Right? Right?

[/Dem talking Point]
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I wonder how much of the tax payer's money the GObP has spent to spread their lies about ObamaCare.

Has anyone noticed that the Rs haven't promised to pay us what we would lose if they did repeal ObamaCare? Or, that not one of those lying weales has turned down their own tax paid version of ObamaCare.

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