Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

Leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Gruber merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.
Gruber was right. American voters are stupid. Those who supported ObamaCare were stupid, but they had the good luck of being opposed by people even dumber then they.

FACT: Health care costs were outpacing inflation for decades.

FACT: Employees were getting higher and higher rates forced on them by their employers for decades.

Once ObamaCare was passed and insurance kept going up, the retards decided rising health care costs must be because of ObamaCare! This is either selective amnesia or willful ignorance or just plain stupidity.

The retards are missing the forest for the trees. The simple fact is that ObamaCare failed to address the underlying causes of rising health care costs.

Here's the thing: ObamaCare isn't making health care costs go up. It is simply redistributing more of the costs from the unproductive onto the productive.

And so ObamaCare is a failure, but not for the reasons the retards think it is. ObamaCare was sold as a plan to reduce per capita spending on healthcare. In this, it is an unequivocal failure.
Everyone seems to think that government is providing insurance. All the government is doing is subsidizing insurance so the poor can afford it. They still have to buy it from an insurance provider.
Okay so you repeal the ACA and 10 million Americans lose their newly acquired healthcare coverage.

What do they do?
But insurance like we always have.
I know you thought you were being smart, but "Duh!!!" is actually quite apt for just how retarded your response is.

Because of retards like you, we are going to end up with single payer health care.

Going back to what we had before ObamaCare is not the right answer. But that is all you retards have to offer. And so we will end up with UHC.

It is inevitable now.
Gruber was right. American voters are stupid. Those who supported ObamaCare were stupid, but they had the good luck of being opposed by people even dumber then they.

FACT: Health care costs were outpacing inflation for decades.

FACT: Employees were getting higher and higher rates forced on them by their employers for decades.

Once ObamaCare was passed and insurance kept going up, the retards decided rising health care costs must be because of ObamaCare! This is either selective amnesia or willful ignorance or just plain stupidity.

The retards are missing the forest for the trees. The simple fact is that ObamaCare failed to address the underlying causes of rising health care costs.

Here's the thing: ObamaCare isn't making health care costs go up. It is simply redistributing more of the costs from the unproductive onto the productive.

And so ObamaCare is a failure, but not for the reasons the retards think it is. ObamaCare was sold as a plan to reduce per capita spending on healthcare. In this, it is an unequivocal failure.

Pretty retarded to say that.
The smart ones didn't fall for it FYI.

As usual you're sitting on the fence flinging your crap on everyone else.

BTW, since you didn't vote, zip it.
Okay so you repeal the ACA and 10 million Americans lose their newly acquired healthcare coverage.

What do they do?
But insurance like we always have.
I know you thought you were being smart, but "Duh!!!" is actually quite apt for just how retarded your response is.

Because of retards like you, we are going to end up with single payer health care.

Going back to what we had before ObamaCare is not the right answer. But that is all you retards have to offer. And so we will end up with UHC.

It is inevitable now.

Highly doubtful.
As the underlying causes of rising health care costs continue unabated, and the failure of ObamaCare to mitigate those causes becomes more and more apparent, and the retards on the modern Right fail to offer any comprehensive alternative to ObamaCare, the "stupid American voter" will rise up and demand Universal Health Care.
As the underlying causes of rising health care costs continue unabated, and the failure of ObamaCare to mitigate those causes becomes more and more apparent, and the retards on the modern Right fail to offer any comprehensive alternative to ObamaCare, the "stupid American voter" will rise up and demand Universal Health Care.

They'll have to rename it something touchy-feely like "Everyone Wins healthcare".

The only way single-payer can work is if they get rid of the Democrats and bring in Germans.
Everyone seems to think that government is providing insurance. All the government is doing is subsidizing insurance so the poor can afford it. They still have to buy it from an insurance provider.

That isn't really ALL that the government is now involved in, yes, the ACA is a law; that law mandates coverage for EVERYONE. This is a very good thing, it forces insurance companies to now be responsible for the uninsured and not ... wait for it ... YOU AND I, THE TAX PAYER!!! I love the fact that we taxpayers are now off the hook for most unpaid hospital bills.

Insurance companies are now capped with how much they can profit, this keeps the over-all costs down.

One thing Healthmyths seems to forget is that every year, the Government (read tax-payers) were responsible for the unpaid hospitals bills that totaled in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!

Oh, but there was NO NEED for heathcare reform, no sir!!!


Only a completely blind partisan would make the erroneous claim that heathcare was NOT in need of reform.


I know that republicans demand "instant results," but look at this chart for a minute and try to understand that this will take time.
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Gruber was right. American voters are stupid. Those who supported ObamaCare were stupid, but they had the good luck of being opposed by people even dumber then they.

FACT: Health care costs were outpacing inflation for decades.

FACT: Employees were getting higher and higher rates forced on them by their employers for decades.

Once ObamaCare was passed and insurance kept going up, the retards decided rising health care costs must be because of ObamaCare! This is either selective amnesia or willful ignorance or just plain stupidity.

The retards are missing the forest for the trees. The simple fact is that ObamaCare failed to address the underlying causes of rising health care costs.

Here's the thing: ObamaCare isn't making health care costs go up. It is simply redistributing more of the costs from the unproductive onto the productive.

And so ObamaCare is a failure, but not for the reasons the retards think it is. ObamaCare was sold as a plan to reduce per capita spending on healthcare. In this, it is an unequivocal failure.

Fucking moron. Obama care was opposed by the minority in the House and Senate - YOU fuckers passed it, not them. There was no "vote" by the people you asshole - there was only a fiat by the stupid son-of-a-bitches in YOUR party.
Leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Gruber merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.

Which is EXACTLY why I call the left in this country "Liberal Nazis". They want to control every facet of Americans' lives.
Gruber was right. American voters are stupid. Those who supported ObamaCare were stupid, but they had the good luck of being opposed by people even dumber then they.

FACT: Health care costs were outpacing inflation for decades.

FACT: Employees were getting higher and higher rates forced on them by their employers for decades.

Once ObamaCare was passed and insurance kept going up, the retards decided rising health care costs must be because of ObamaCare! This is either selective amnesia or willful ignorance or just plain stupidity.

The retards are missing the forest for the trees. The simple fact is that ObamaCare failed to address the underlying causes of rising health care costs.

Here's the thing: ObamaCare isn't making health care costs go up. It is simply redistributing more of the costs from the unproductive onto the productive.

And so ObamaCare is a failure, but not for the reasons the retards think it is. ObamaCare was sold as a plan to reduce per capita spending on healthcare. In this, it is an unequivocal failure.

Fucking moron. Obama care was opposed by the minority in the House and Senate - YOU fuckers passed it, not them. There was no "vote" by the people you asshole - there was only a fiat by the stupid son-of-a-bitches in YOUR party.

Still butthurt, eh? You guys should have...

1 Addressed this issue when you had the chance

2 Voted for electable candidates and not let the Koch brothers decide who was on the ticket.

Also, Republicans refused to even help with putting the law together and they deserved to not have any say.
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Leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Gruber merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.

Which is EXACTLY why I call the left in this country "Liberal Nazis". They want to control every facet of Americans' lives.

No, you do that because you have an "us vs them" mentality.

I never even heard of Gruber before he shot off his mouth.
Another fucking idiot.

^^^ Albert Einstein's financial consultant.

Can you show us idiots how smart you are by actually debating the OP?

Are you saying that my post was wrong? instead of hurling insults, why not prove it by offering your own opinion on the matter?

You know ... if you can....

The ACA is a huge fucking mess. But that's what you get when a massive part of the American economy becomes politicized.

We still have six (6), SIX different fucking health care delivery/payment systems, and the GOP has no answer for it:
  1. Medicare
  2. Medicaid
  3. Individual/ACA
  4. Group
  5. VA
  6. Indigent
Both parties are responsible for this fucking mess, a pox (no pun intended) on both houses.

They don't have an answer? Or they don't have an answer YOU agree with?

The ACA is a huge fucking mess. But that's what you get when a massive part of the American economy becomes politicized.

We still have six (6), SIX different fucking health care delivery/payment systems, and the GOP has no answer for it:
  1. Medicare
  2. Medicaid
  3. Individual/ACA
  4. Group
  5. VA
  6. Indigent
Both parties are responsible for this fucking mess, a pox (no pun intended) on both houses.

They don't have an answer? Or they don't have an answer YOU agree with?

We discussed this in posts 146 through 169.

Leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Gruber merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.

Which is EXACTLY why I call the left in this country "Liberal Nazis". They want to control every facet of Americans' lives.

No, you do that because you have an "us vs them" mentality.

I never even heard of Gruber before he shot off his mouth.

Well, you've heard of him now, and he admits, they lied because they think you're stupid.

And sadly, you're ok with this.
Bush and the GOP had a six year long majority, and did nothing, unless of course you want to count the unfunded Medicare expansion as a GOP accomplishment.

Obama and the Democrats had 2 years, and at least did something.

Prove that healthcare is in worse shape now than the way Bush and the GOP left it.
I wonder if this wakes up the liberal drones. The liberal elite think you people are a bunch of stupid morons, first they lie to you, then when you fall for it they mock you.

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