Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

Well they elected that POS twice so I guess there really are some stupid voters out there.
Gruber was right. American voters are stupid. Those who supported ObamaCare were stupid, but they had the good luck of being opposed by people even dumber then they.

FACT: Health care costs were outpacing inflation for decades.

FACT: Employees were getting higher and higher rates forced on them by their employers for decades.

Once ObamaCare was passed and insurance kept going up, the retards decided rising health care costs must be because of ObamaCare! This is either selective amnesia or willful ignorance or just plain stupidity.

The retards are missing the forest for the trees. The simple fact is that ObamaCare failed to address the underlying causes of rising health care costs.

Here's the thing: ObamaCare isn't making health care costs go up. It is simply redistributing more of the costs from the unproductive onto the productive.

And so ObamaCare is a failure, but not for the reasons the retards think it is. ObamaCare was sold as a plan to reduce per capita spending on healthcare. In this, it is an unequivocal failure.

Fucking moron. Obama care was opposed by the minority in the House and Senate - YOU fuckers passed it, not them. There was no "vote" by the people you asshole - there was only a fiat by the stupid son-of-a-bitches in YOUR party.

Still butthurt, eh? You guys should have...

1 Addressed this issue when you had the chance

2 Voted for electable candidates and not let the Koch brothers decide who was on the ticket.

Also, Republicans refused to even help with putting the law together and they deserved to not have any say.

You're so full of shit that your breath stinks. "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it". "Elections have consequences". "Stupid Americans"

Passed WITHOUT one republican vote. Nearly a BILLION dollars spent on a website that they STILL aren't sure works properly.

Has it never dawned on your dumb ass that that money alone could have provided health insurance for every man, woman and child in America for 10 years?

What a clueless idiot.
Leftism is based on the very idea that the citizens are stupid, and are better treated as subjects. Ordinary people are unable to manage their own affairs, and they are much better off if government overrides their own personal judgment and imposes its mandates on them. Invariably "for their own good"... which somehow never turns out to be very good.

OTOH, Conservatism, especially that embraced by most of America's Founding Fathers, holds that a society will be more prosperous and safe if people are left to their own devices, to make their own decisions, try their own ideas, fail and lear from their mistakes, and try again gaining knowledge and experience as they go.

To the FFs, government existed only to keep other people from interfering in their progress in ways they didn't as for (thieves, murderers, con artists as well as invading armies etc.). In most other matters, govt must leave the citizens alone to sink or swim by their own efforts, to help each other voluntarily, and to determine their own fates. And they wrote a Constitution that said so in no uncertain terms - it gave the central government only certain limited powers and denied it all others, leaving those for states and local governments to experiment with.

In fact, the Constitution makes big-government leftism illegal.

Gruber merely joins the ranks of centuries of big-govt addicts who are convince they are far better and more knowledgable than regular citizens, and who are ready to impose their superiority on the others whether they like it or not.

And those ranks include modern leftists who think government is the answer to people's ordinary, everyday problems, instead of letting people take their lumps and learn to do it better themselves.

Which is EXACTLY why I call the left in this country "Liberal Nazis". They want to control every facet of Americans' lives.

No, you do that because you have an "us vs them" mentality.

I never even heard of Gruber before he shot off his mouth.

Well, you've heard of him now, and he admits, they lied because they think you're stupid.

And sadly, you're ok with this.

These worthless "faculty lounge communists" COUNT on the left applauding their bullshit. Most of these pseudo-intellectual clowns are still scared shitless of the "professors" that have taken control of our government and it's operations. Once we kick that half-breed clown out of the White House - we can then get rid of these poseurs with tweed jackets that actually believe that their "opinions" actually matter.....

You know, the more that I think about it, the only "stupid" person here is that "professor"....betcha a wooden nickel that he wishes to hell he'd kept his big mouth shut now. :)
This issue is on fire on twitter and other parts of the internet....to the point that MSNBC felt a need to address it. LOL.

Now that it's made it into the mainstream, Dems are getting the shit beat out of them by lots of people who didn't see it last year.....to include a lot of millennials.

Kinda like sharks smelling blood in the water.....

This could really damage the Dem brand.

Kharma is so fun.....
I'm not sure if anyone else posted this earlier in the thread, but here's another Gruberism:

“In America, we have a pernicious feature of our tax code, which says that if MIT pays me in wages, I get taxed,” Gruber, an MIT health economist, said during his address. “But if your employer pays you in health insurance, you do not.”

Gruber explained that most Americans become defensive and object when policymakers try to change this, because they don't want their health insurance to be taxed. But it wasn’t until Secretary of State John Kerry, another Massachusetts "hero,” came along that he realized how to sell such a plan successfully.

John Kerry said, ‘No, no. We’re not going to tax your health insurance. We’re going to tax those evil insurance companies. We’re going to impose a tax that if they sell insurance that’s too expensive, we’re going to tax them,’” Gruber said. “And, conveniently, the tax rate will happen to be the marginal tax rate under the income tax code.”

“So, basically, it’s the same thing: We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on higher prices that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing,” he added. “It’s a very clever, you know, basically exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”

And another one:

The dirty secret is the American voter doesn’t actually care about the uninsured," Gruber said. "The dirty secret is: You can’t really get a law passed by saying, ‘We’re helping the uninsured.’ You have to make it about cost control to get it passed. Because that’s what the American public cares about. So they had to make this law not just about the uninsured, but about cost control. That was a challenge,” he added.

Three strikes Another video shows Obamacare architect talking about the exploitation of American voters WashingtonExaminer.com
This issue is on fire on twitter and other parts of the internet....to the point that MSNBC felt a need to address it. LOL.

Now that it's made it into the mainstream, Dems are getting the shit beat out of them by lots of people who didn't see it last year.....to include a lot of millennials.

Kinda like sharks smelling blood in the water.....

This could really damage the Dem brand.

Kharma is so fun.....
Just wait for the real big surprise in 2015. It's going to send a lot of the stupid people over the edge
Kids, take the food fights to the Flame Zone and discuss the OP. Thank you.
Boss it's kind of hard to have a civil discussion with people who are considered stupid by those who created obamacare.

Everyone has moments of extreme and incomprehensible stupidity...it's our job to find creative and on-topic methods of pointing that out

...or just say to hell with it and blast them with a call out in the Flame Zone :)
Kids, take the food fights to the Flame Zone and discuss the OP. Thank you.
Boss it's kind of hard to have a civil discussion with people who are considered stupid by those who created obamacare.

Everyone has moments of extreme and incomprehensible stupidity...it's our job to find creative and on-topic methods of pointing that out

...or just say to hell with it and blast them with a call out in the Flame Zone :)
The flame zone is so over rated :biggrin:
I'm not sure if anyone else posted this earlier in the thread, but here's another Gruberism:

“In America, we have a pernicious feature of our tax code, which says that if MIT pays me in wages, I get taxed,” Gruber, an MIT health economist, said during his address. “But if your employer pays you in health insurance, you do not.”

Gruber explained that most Americans become defensive and object when policymakers try to change this, because they don't want their health insurance to be taxed. But it wasn’t until Secretary of State John Kerry, another Massachusetts "hero,” came along that he realized how to sell such a plan successfully.

John Kerry said, ‘No, no. We’re not going to tax your health insurance. We’re going to tax those evil insurance companies. We’re going to impose a tax that if they sell insurance that’s too expensive, we’re going to tax them,’” Gruber said. “And, conveniently, the tax rate will happen to be the marginal tax rate under the income tax code.”

“So, basically, it’s the same thing: We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on higher prices that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing,” he added. “It’s a very clever, you know, basically exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”

And another one:

The dirty secret is the American voter doesn’t actually care about the uninsured," Gruber said. "The dirty secret is: You can’t really get a law passed by saying, ‘We’re helping the uninsured.’ You have to make it about cost control to get it passed. Because that’s what the American public cares about. So they had to make this law not just about the uninsured, but about cost control. That was a challenge,” he added.

Three strikes Another video shows Obamacare architect talking about the exploitation of American voters WashingtonExaminer.com
This should kill the democrats.
So how do you Obamacare supporters feel knowing that , Jonathan Gruber, who served as a technical advisor to President Obama during the ACA’s planning phases, revealed during a panel discussion that Obamacare was not designed as a tax, and that the lack of transparency about the new law was the only thing that saved
the controversial legislation from an untimely death in Congress.
Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In termsof risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”
Obamacare Gruber video stupid voters transparency

And I agree with HIM!!! Basically the stupid people that believed when Obama said:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

Even though the Census AGREED:
10 million of the 46 million were not legal Americans!
Proof: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Even though the Census AGREED...
14 million Medicaid eligible Americans were counted erroneously as "uninsured"!
Even though 18 million people didn't want, need health insurance were bogusly counted as wanting health insurance!
Gruber, Obama et.al. counted on stupid Americans who don't read, can't do simple arithmetic and simply think HOPE and CHANGE"!!!
Not one bit of what this guy said surprises me.
It goes right along with comments Obama made during his first term when he stated that the American people just don't "get it"..They don't understand ( what I'm trying to do)
Then Obama's post election comments. "We just didn't sell our message"....
'Scuse me? Sell? Is thast what your job is? A salesman?....
And then of course we have the DNC mouth piece Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz's comments. Oh her's were just a gem.
That woman is so far left. So immersed in her role as DNC Chair, is she that she believes her own far left partisan rhetorical bullshit.
Each time makes a public statement, Wasserman Schultz has no clue that more than half the electorate just shakes their head in exasperation.
I feel like the AFLAC Duck in the commercial with Yogi Berra in the barber shop when Yogi says " they give you cash. Which is just as good as money."
The duck walks out of the barber shop shaking its head in disbelief.
This issue is on fire on twitter and other parts of the internet....to the point that MSNBC felt a need to address it. LOL.

Now that it's made it into the mainstream, Dems are getting the shit beat out of them by lots of people who didn't see it last year.....to include a lot of millennials.

Kinda like sharks smelling blood in the water.....

This could really damage the Dem brand.

Kharma is so fun.....

I see now that he has actually made similar comments 2 other times. This guy reminds me of Ward Churchill - that "Professor" in Colorado who made ridiculous statements about the victims of the twin towers.

It never ceases to amaze me - these "intellectuals" that think themselves somehow "above" reproach because they have PhD at the end of their names. Amazing.

I understand this Gruber jag-off received some $400,000 from our government to serve as one of the "architects" of this mess we so lovingly call "Obamacare"......and that clown in the White House thought he'd be remembered "fondly".......... :)

Too bad - so sad Barry.......

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