Obamacare sign-ups top 6 million

Republicans are so butthurt over another successful Democratic policy that they were too weak to stop. :lol:

So successful that you had to redefine what was success to make it appear like success.

7 million by Monday was defined as success, now it's 6 million, yet nobody can verify if the numbers are real. We simply have to trust an administration that keeps lying to us and hiding details from us.

If pulling the wool over everyone's eyes is the goal than you've succeeded.
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I'm curious, Random...what would you guess is the REAL number of people who have signed up for the ACA and paid their first premium? I would put that figure somewhere in the neighborhood of a third of the six million that the White House is claiming as "signed up". Care to make a gentleman's wager over what the numbers will be when this all shakes out?

That is irrelevant. Those who don't pay will lose the policy and then those stats will come out later. Surely, just as in the commercial market, there will be a small percentage that does this, but it doesn't change the fact that 6+ million have signed up.

This RW bellyaching over the most simple and direct of stats is really amazing.

So, let me put it in a context that even mentally challenged Righties can understand:

A girl comes home from school. "Mom, I and 18 other girls signed up for glee club".

the mother says: "but, you didn't pay for your Glee Club uniform yet, so you're not really signed up".


"Sure. You think you've signed up, but until you've memorized every bit of your music, payed for your uniform with your own money, walked backwards through the snow from Pottersville to Fuckyoutown four days in a row and then done 35 double saltos in the swimming competition, you're not really signed up."


Now, if you think that looked like bullshit, that is EXACTLY how Righties look when they complain about one single number.

So, it goes farther.

This is not the ONLY Obamacare sign-up deadline. This is just the first wave. There will be more waves, many of them. My gut told me it would be 6 million by the last day and it was 6 million about 5 days before. All who are considered signed up are those who have filled everything out and who have received confirmation of a plan. So, assuming the last minute stragglers, I am estimating that a good 6.5 to 6.8 million will have signed up. The WH wanted 7 million, so we are definitely in the ballpark if it hits 6.5 to 6.8.

How many of those people are people whose current plan was ditched by their current company because it did not meet Obamacare standards, I do not know, but I am quite sure these stats will come out with time as well. That being said, the company who has dropped anyone's policy because the policy itself was no longer Obamacare compliant is required by law to offer something comparable or better, which means that those people should not really have needed to go to the Obamacare website to get another plan, it was supposed to be offered to them from their current provider.

Now, for some butthurt Righties, I know that was a lot of words and you actually have to think about them some, but if you do, who knows, you might actually learn something.

You can't "lose" something that you never had, Stat! If you don't pay for your insurance...you don't HAVE insurance! The people that you liberals are counting as "signed up" are really people that have gone on the site and explored how expensive ObamaCare is going to be for them. They haven't GOTTEN coverage until they send in that first payment. It would be like a car dealership counting everyone who took a test drive in one of their cars as a "sale". I personally know of several people who "signed up" for the ACA (because the way they have it set up you have to apply to get quotes on price) only to be shocked by what their cost was.
And if the majority of those who have signed up are old or unhealthy, rather than young and healthy...then the costs for ObamaCare are going to go through the roof.

Dude, that was the entire point of the generational contract to begin with: to NOT exclude people because of pre-existing conditions or age.

You do understand that, right?

Oh, I understand it alright...but when I crunch the numbers they don't work! You needed 40% of the people signing up to be young and even optimistic estimates have that number at 25%. Why? Because the ACA is a terrible deal for young people. They are just now figuring out that THEY are expected to make this thing work by paying into the system but not using it. If it's mainly the elderly and the chronically ill that sign up then the program either goes into a "death spiral" because of costs or you have to raise premiums on the young and healthy folks to pay for the elderly and chronically ill. The latter will be what's coming next. There's no other way to make this work. There never WAS any other way to make the numbers work on ObamaCare. Any Middle Class person that signs up for the ACA is going to see major rate increases coming down the pike.
I'm curious, Random...what would you guess is the REAL number of people who have signed up for the ACA and paid their first premium? I would put that figure somewhere in the neighborhood of a third of the six million that the White House is claiming as "signed up". Care to make a gentleman's wager over what the numbers will be when this all shakes out?

That is irrelevant. Those who don't pay will lose the policy and then those stats will come out later. Surely, just as in the commercial market, there will be a small percentage that does this, but it doesn't change the fact that 6+ million have signed up.

This RW bellyaching over the most simple and direct of stats is really amazing.

So, let me put it in a context that even mentally challenged Righties can understand:

A girl comes home from school. "Mom, I and 18 other girls signed up for glee club".

the mother says: "but, you didn't pay for your Glee Club uniform yet, so you're not really signed up".


"Sure. You think you've signed up, but until you've memorized every bit of your music, payed for your uniform with your own money, walked backwards through the snow from Pottersville to Fuckyoutown four days in a row and then done 35 double saltos in the swimming competition, you're not really signed up."


Now, if you think that looked like bullshit, that is EXACTLY how Righties look when they complain about one single number.

So, it goes farther.

This is not the ONLY Obamacare sign-up deadline. This is just the first wave. There will be more waves, many of them. My gut told me it would be 6 million by the last day and it was 6 million about 5 days before. All who are considered signed up are those who have filled everything out and who have received confirmation of a plan. So, assuming the last minute stragglers, I am estimating that a good 6.5 to 6.8 million will have signed up. The WH wanted 7 million, so we are definitely in the ballpark if it hits 6.5 to 6.8.

How many of those people are people whose current plan was ditched by their current company because it did not meet Obamacare standards, I do not know, but I am quite sure these stats will come out with time as well. That being said, the company who has dropped anyone's policy because the policy itself was no longer Obamacare compliant is required by law to offer something comparable or better, which means that those people should not really have needed to go to the Obamacare website to get another plan, it was supposed to be offered to them from their current provider.

Now, for some butthurt Righties, I know that was a lot of words and you actually have to think about them some, but if you do, who knows, you might actually learn something.

You can't "lose" something that you never had, Stat! If you don't pay for your insurance...you don't HAVE insurance! The people that you liberals are counting as "signed up" are really people that have gone on the site and explored how expensive ObamaCare is going to be for them. They haven't GOTTEN coverage until they send in that first payment. It would be like a car dealership counting everyone who took a test drive in one of their cars as a "sale". I personally know of several people who "signed up" for the ACA (because the way they have it set up you have to apply to get quotes on price) only to be shocked by what their cost was.

I never said they had it yet. I reported that 6 million signed up. But rest assured, the vast majority, if not all, wiill pay for what they just signed up for.
We are told that six million signed up. There is no independent verification of how many signed up. There's the word of the liar of the year and that's all.
That is irrelevant. Those who don't pay will lose the policy and then those stats will come out later. Surely, just as in the commercial market, there will be a small percentage that does this, but it doesn't change the fact that 6+ million have signed up.

This RW bellyaching over the most simple and direct of stats is really amazing.

So, let me put it in a context that even mentally challenged Righties can understand:

A girl comes home from school. "Mom, I and 18 other girls signed up for glee club".

the mother says: "but, you didn't pay for your Glee Club uniform yet, so you're not really signed up".


"Sure. You think you've signed up, but until you've memorized every bit of your music, payed for your uniform with your own money, walked backwards through the snow from Pottersville to Fuckyoutown four days in a row and then done 35 double saltos in the swimming competition, you're not really signed up."


Now, if you think that looked like bullshit, that is EXACTLY how Righties look when they complain about one single number.

So, it goes farther.

This is not the ONLY Obamacare sign-up deadline. This is just the first wave. There will be more waves, many of them. My gut told me it would be 6 million by the last day and it was 6 million about 5 days before. All who are considered signed up are those who have filled everything out and who have received confirmation of a plan. So, assuming the last minute stragglers, I am estimating that a good 6.5 to 6.8 million will have signed up. The WH wanted 7 million, so we are definitely in the ballpark if it hits 6.5 to 6.8.

How many of those people are people whose current plan was ditched by their current company because it did not meet Obamacare standards, I do not know, but I am quite sure these stats will come out with time as well. That being said, the company who has dropped anyone's policy because the policy itself was no longer Obamacare compliant is required by law to offer something comparable or better, which means that those people should not really have needed to go to the Obamacare website to get another plan, it was supposed to be offered to them from their current provider.

Now, for some butthurt Righties, I know that was a lot of words and you actually have to think about them some, but if you do, who knows, you might actually learn something.

You can't "lose" something that you never had, Stat! If you don't pay for your insurance...you don't HAVE insurance! The people that you liberals are counting as "signed up" are really people that have gone on the site and explored how expensive ObamaCare is going to be for them. They haven't GOTTEN coverage until they send in that first payment. It would be like a car dealership counting everyone who took a test drive in one of their cars as a "sale". I personally know of several people who "signed up" for the ACA (because the way they have it set up you have to apply to get quotes on price) only to be shocked by what their cost was.

I never said they had it yet. I reported that 6 million signed up. But rest assured, the vast majority, if not all, wiill pay for what they just signed up for.

I'm curious, Stat...do you ever get tired of being made a fool of by this Administration? I mean I "get" that you're a loyal progressive and you fervently believe in the cause but I've got to believe that at SOME point you would have to face facts and admit that the guys you've been supporting have been feeding you a steady stream of bullshit!

A large portion of the people that have "signed up" simply went to the site to see what health insurance would cost them under ObamaCare. The way they designed the site you can't get a quote without going through the sign up process, something that is going to totally skew the numbers. For the vast majority of Middle Class Americans...what they found out was not encouraging. The ACA is a great deal if you've got a preexisting condition or are elderly or earning little but if you're just a regular Middle Class worker it's quite often more expensive than what you were getting quoted before the ACA became law. The $2,500 a year savings that Barack Obama "promised" Middle Class families would be getting never materialized. Quite frankly anyone who believed that it would is extremely naive.
You can't "lose" something that you never had, Stat! If you don't pay for your insurance...you don't HAVE insurance! The people that you liberals are counting as "signed up" are really people that have gone on the site and explored how expensive ObamaCare is going to be for them. They haven't GOTTEN coverage until they send in that first payment. It would be like a car dealership counting everyone who took a test drive in one of their cars as a "sale". I personally know of several people who "signed up" for the ACA (because the way they have it set up you have to apply to get quotes on price) only to be shocked by what their cost was.

I never said they had it yet. I reported that 6 million signed up. But rest assured, the vast majority, if not all, wiill pay for what they just signed up for.

I'm curious, Stat...do you ever get tired of being made a fool of by this Administration? I mean I "get" that you're a loyal progressive and you fervently believe in the cause but I've got to believe that at SOME point you would have to face facts and admit that the guys you've been supporting have been feeding you a steady stream of bullshit!

A large portion of the people that have "signed up" simply went to the site to see what health insurance would cost them under ObamaCare. The way they designed the site you can't get a quote without going through the sign up process, something that is going to totally skew the numbers. For the vast majority of Middle Class Americans...what they found out was not encouraging. The ACA is a great deal if you've got a preexisting condition or are elderly or earning little but if you're just a regular Middle Class worker it's quite often more expensive than what you were getting quoted before the ACA became law. The $2,500 a year savings that Barack Obama "promised" Middle Class families would be getting never materialized. Quite frankly anyone who believed that it would is extremely naive.

And how do you know that I am a "loyal progressive"?

chuckle, chuckle.
How many are by people who had insurance that Obama forced them to lose?

How many are from the 48M uninsured that ObamaCare was suppose to cover?

How many have actually paid?

The answers are all right here. The Associated Press contributed to the article.

Maryland to reportedly abandon $125M ObamaCare exchange for new system | Fox News


That's what they were supposed to do in the first place.

What took them so freakin long?
Now, all of the sudden, there's this surprising rush of people signing up. They're claiming that over 6.5 million have been enrolled.

And guess what, this is a quote; "Those signing up are getting younger by the minute".

Heck, pretty soon they'll have unborn fetuses signing up.

The fact of the matter is; Nothing that the administrations says can be trusted. They simply lie, and then even if they're caught lying red-handed, it doesn't matter, because their supporters are so biased and pig-headed that nothing else matters to them. The lie is all that matters from then on.
I never said they had it yet. I reported that 6 million signed up. But rest assured, the vast majority, if not all, wiill pay for what they just signed up for.

I'm curious, Stat...do you ever get tired of being made a fool of by this Administration? I mean I "get" that you're a loyal progressive and you fervently believe in the cause but I've got to believe that at SOME point you would have to face facts and admit that the guys you've been supporting have been feeding you a steady stream of bullshit!

A large portion of the people that have "signed up" simply went to the site to see what health insurance would cost them under ObamaCare. The way they designed the site you can't get a quote without going through the sign up process, something that is going to totally skew the numbers. For the vast majority of Middle Class Americans...what they found out was not encouraging. The ACA is a great deal if you've got a preexisting condition or are elderly or earning little but if you're just a regular Middle Class worker it's quite often more expensive than what you were getting quoted before the ACA became law. The $2,500 a year savings that Barack Obama "promised" Middle Class families would be getting never materialized. Quite frankly anyone who believed that it would is extremely naive.

And how do you know that I am a "loyal progressive"?

chuckle, chuckle.

Ah, because you DO believe the line of bullshit that this Administration puts out?:bs1::bs1::bs1:
Now, all of the sudden, there's this surprising rush of people signing up. They're claiming that over 6.5 million have been enrolled.

And guess what, this is a quote; "Those signing up are getting younger by the minute".

Heck, pretty soon they'll have unborn fetuses signing up.

The fact of the matter is; Nothing that the administrations says can be trusted. They simply lie, and then even if they're caught lying red-handed, it doesn't matter, because their supporters are so biased and pig-headed that nothing else matters to them. The lie is all that matters from then on.

Let's face it, this Administration has learned that it can say pretty much anything and the main stream media will dutifully repeat the message even if it makes no sense at all. A perfect example of what I'm talking about is how the Administration invented a new economic statistic "jobs saved or created" because the stimulus they blew a trillion dollars on didn't come close to creating the number of jobs they had predicted. It was an economic number that had never existed before and it was a number that was virtually impossible to verify (which is great if you're trying to trick people into believing what you're doing is succeeding!) which meant you could use any number you felt sounded good and the opposition would have a hard time proving you were full of shit. Barry and his minions used that "jobs created or saved" made up number for years and didn't get called on it by the main stream media despite the fact that the unemployment numbers got worse instead of better.

Given THAT...is it any wonder that they've decided to go with lies about how many people have enrolled in the ACA? They do it...because they know they can get away with it!
Republicans are so butthurt over another successful Democratic policy that they were too weak to stop. :lol:
Well, you show Me a successful Democrat policy, and I'll let you know if you're right.

The Democrats can’t run on the facts, so they’re trying to run from them. They’re spending an unprecedented amount of money on campaign ads to distort the facts and distract voters from the real issues. O'Care has even the most ardent former supporter of Obama, running scared. No one wants him to show up at their campaign stops. They are afraid of the photo-op. They know the Independents are watching.
Republicans are so butthurt over another successful Democratic policy that they were too weak to stop. :lol:
Well, you show Me a successful Democrat policy, and I'll let you know if you're right.

The Democrats can’t run on the facts, so they’re trying to run from them. They’re spending an unprecedented amount of money on campaign ads to distort the facts and distract voters from the real issues. O'Care has even the most ardent former supporter of Obama, running scared. No one wants him to show up at their campaign stops. They are afraid of the photo-op. They know the Independents are watching.
LOL. I lost my health insurance and had to scramble to find another one that the hospitals and doctors I want accept it. I suppose this has happened to millions like myself, and will multiply when the businesses have to comply as well. I don't know anybody, doctors and Democrats included, who have anything positive to say about this Frankenstein Obamacare. It's becoming like a four letter word in doctor's offices and hospitals.
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I'm curious, Stat...do you ever get tired of being made a fool of by this Administration? I mean I "get" that you're a loyal progressive and you fervently believe in the cause but I've got to believe that at SOME point you would have to face facts and admit that the guys you've been supporting have been feeding you a steady stream of bullshit!

A large portion of the people that have "signed up" simply went to the site to see what health insurance would cost them under ObamaCare. The way they designed the site you can't get a quote without going through the sign up process, something that is going to totally skew the numbers. For the vast majority of Middle Class Americans...what they found out was not encouraging. The ACA is a great deal if you've got a preexisting condition or are elderly or earning little but if you're just a regular Middle Class worker it's quite often more expensive than what you were getting quoted before the ACA became law. The $2,500 a year savings that Barack Obama "promised" Middle Class families would be getting never materialized. Quite frankly anyone who believed that it would is extremely naive.

And how do you know that I am a "loyal progressive"?

chuckle, chuckle.

Ah, because you DO believe the line of bullshit that this Administration puts out?:bs1::bs1::bs1:

I am measuring the numbers to see where they go. Which is why I kept the tone of the OP neutral and simply reported what is being given out as data.

But if you must know about me, because for some strange reason you are focused on me instead of on the topic, actually, IMHO Obamacare does not go far enough. I live where there is single-payer and it works like a top. Best system in the world. I would not trade this system for anything because it is a fiscal conservative's dream.
Now, all of the sudden, there's this surprising rush of people signing up. They're claiming that over 6.5 million have been enrolled.

And guess what, this is a quote; "Those signing up are getting younger by the minute".

Heck, pretty soon they'll have unborn fetuses signing up.

The fact of the matter is; Nothing that the administrations says can be trusted. They simply lie, and then even if they're caught lying red-handed, it doesn't matter, because their supporters are so biased and pig-headed that nothing else matters to them. The lie is all that matters from then on.

Hate to ruin your whine-fest, but a last minute surge in enrollment was expected. This also happened with Bush's Medicaid Plan-D or whatever is what called during his administration. It's human nature for stragglers to sign up at the last second. It wouldn't surprise me if it hits the target of 7 million tomorrow, or just right under 7 million.

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