Obamacare Stung by the GOA


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
I've said it all along that there won't be any accountability from the politicians and there will be mass fraud.

I was assured by my leftwing loon friends on this board that it won't happen, there were safeguards against corruption and fraud written into the Bill.

GAO Sting Finds It Easy to Fake It, Get Obamacare Premiums
“The federal marketplace approved coverage for 11 of our 12 fictitious applicants who initially applied online, or by telephone,” Bagdoyan, who directs GAO’s Forensic Audits and Investigative Service, said in testimony obtained by NBC News.
Only one of the group of 12 was correctly told he or she could not apply. “For one application, the marketplace denied coverage because GAO’s fictitious applicant did not provide a Social Security number as part of the test,” Bagdoyan said.
“We are seeing a trend with Obamacare information systems: under every rock, there is incompetence, waste and the potential for fraud,” committee Chairman Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, told NBC News. “Last month, we found that the administration was unable to verify income or eligibility for insurance subsidies. Now, we learn that in many cases, the exchange is unable to screen out fake identities or documents.”
“For each of our six online applications that were among the total group of 12, we failed to clear an identity checking step,” he added. “However, we subsequently were able to obtain coverage for all six of these applications begun online by completing them by phone.” As of July 17, two of the fake applicants were told their citizenship had been verified.
GAO Sting Finds It Easy to Fake It, Get Obamacare Premiums - NBC News

Yup, we're screwed
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The largest attempts at fraud is by doctors...

I fully agree with you, but this Bill seems to be on it's way to be rife with corruption and fraud.
It shows that OUR GOVERNMENT isn't capable to run a mandate of this magnatude. Our government isn't concerned with the oversight of the taxpayers money.
Its both the two partiers doing it. The republicans look like the keystone cops and the democrats look and act like thugs when they are confronted with government abuse and waste.

Think about it. We are screwed. Its legal to kill American veterans with a bureaucratic system that gives out bonuses. And they still keep their jobs because the federal system protects them from administrators.
And if you come here illegally you have federal protections. We now find out our elected state officials are powerless against the federal system and politicians who wont do anything. Yeah were screwed.
I've said it all along that there won't be any accountability from the politicians and there will be mass fraud.

I was assured by my leftwing loon friends on this board that it won't happen, there were safeguards against corruption and fraud written into the Bill.

GAO Sting Finds It Easy to Fake It, Get Obamacare Premiums
“The federal marketplace approved coverage for 11 of our 12 fictitious applicants who initially applied online, or by telephone,” Bagdoyan, who directs GAO’s Forensic Audits and Investigative Service, said in testimony obtained by NBC News.
Only one of the group of 12 was correctly told he or she could not apply. “For one application, the marketplace denied coverage because GAO’s fictitious applicant did not provide a Social Security number as part of the test,” Bagdoyan said.
“We are seeing a trend with Obamacare information systems: under every rock, there is incompetence, waste and the potential for fraud,” committee Chairman Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, told NBC News. “Last month, we found that the administration was unable to verify income or eligibility for insurance subsidies. Now, we learn that in many cases, the exchange is unable to screen out fake identities or documents.”
“For each of our six online applications that were among the total group of 12, we failed to clear an identity checking step,” he added. “However, we subsequently were able to obtain coverage for all six of these applications begun online by completing them by phone.” As of July 17, two of the fake applicants were told their citizenship had been verified.
GAO Sting Finds It Easy to Fake It, Get Obamacare Premiums - NBC News

Yup, we're screwed

Fraud in government run programs ?..who knew:eusa_shifty:
even the insurance industry is saying it's not working

Many Americans can't afford Obamacare: Aetna CEO

Many Americans can't afford Obamacare: Aetna CEO

The Affordable Care Act—also known as Obamacare—is "not an affordable product" for many people and it does not fix the underlying problems causing high health-care costs, Aetna Chairman and CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC on Wednesday.

"If we're going to fix health care, we've got to get at the delivery of care and the cost of care," Bertolini said in a "Squawk Box" interview. "The ACA does none of that. The only person who's really going to drive that is the consumer and the decisions they make."

"Getting everybody insured should probably be our goal, but you have to have a more affordable system," he added. "We have a 1950[-style] health care system in the Unites States."

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