ObamaCare: The Bolshevik Fallacy

And to add America's doctors are legally bound to only provide what the FDA apporoves and the FDA is in bed with the Big Pharma..
I never said I was an obamacare supporter, but since I know what I am talking about, I know when you're wrong. Your last sentence implies is single payer, not so. If you can't get the fact through your brain that obamacare is not health insurance then I suggest you get off the bottle. You're copying and pasting links that doesn't have a damn thing to do with obamacare. You're spewing bs just for the sake of spewing. Go to bed.
1. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and debate with you, but I have work to do, so I will pop in and out. And you think that you won the debate...haaaa

2. You call out Debbie as a person resorting to vulgar , maybe go back and read some of the very mean remarks that you have made just in this thread, when someone doesn't agree with them.

3. Trump and the gang realized just how difficult health insurance is, so if there are problems look into fixing them instead of going back to the pre-obamacare days.

Pre-Obamacare days, people were denied healthcare and died because a pre-existing condition , why is it so hard for you to put your taxes toward something like that then paying for a luxury life for your corrupt congressman?

These same congressmen who are sucking off your taxes , while getting paid off by the Big Pharma..
Big Pharma spends billions of dollars to slam Obamacare...and you are the perfect example of the parrot they are looking for.


"1. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and debate with you,"

I don't debate.

I simply prove why I am correct.

Much thanks for helping to prove that.

Then what would you call this discussion?

I am finding it to be a waste of my time actually.... and I am getting bored with the lack of mutual discussion, I am only seeing diversion which is what the righties seem the be the best at.

Listen, I wouldn't have seen it either if I didn't get breast cancer times 2 in the last 5 years. I have been in the recovery, chemo, and doctors office with dying people.
I have read tons of things about our healthcare and how people were dying because of the crookedness in our country.
Pre-Obamacare these people had you by the balls because of pre-existing conditions. Obama stopped that stress.. we have enough to do to fight for our life's.

There is no 'discussion,' you dope....I've simply provided the facts about the updated Bolshevik proposal called ObamaCare.

Early on we agreed that you like it because it makes someone else financially responsible for your family's healthcare insurance.

Every other post of yours has been designed to hide that fact.


"...if I didn't get breast cancer times 2 in the last 5 years."
I wouldn't wish that on anyone....but this thread is about national policy not anecdote.

Be clear: before ObamaCare, American has the very best treatment for cancer in the world:
"If you're diagnosed with cancer, you have a better chance of surviving it in the United States than anywhere else, according to the Concord Five Continent Study. And the World Health Organization ranked the United States No. 1 out of 191 countries for being responsive to patients' needs, including providing timely treatments and a choice of doctors."
Defend Your Health

OK Fuck off you ninny you don't know what the F you are talking about.

I don't expect for anyone to pay for me you fuck...I have worked hard for my whole life and the pre-excisting conditions were killing people.

You are really something else. and are dummer than a door nail..

No facts were provided in your stupid posts~ but go ahead and stay in the dumb ass zone..


"OK Fuck off you ninny you don't know what the F you are talking about."

Now....isn't that exactly what I said Liberals and dopes would resort to when they can't find a way to dispute my posts?

OK....You've served your purpose....


Divert and distract....I see that you are really good at it..
And to add America's doctors are legally bound to only provide what the FDA apporoves and the FDA is in bed with the Big Pharma..

"the FDA is in bed with the Big Pharma."

How is that a rationalization for your demand???

There is no constitutional basis for your demand that everyone else pay your medical bills.

This is not to imply that only the rich in America can get the ‘expensive’ treatment, since there are many options such as
a)getting a loan,
b) asking a family member or a charity for help,
c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate.
All are common.

I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.
"1. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and debate with you,"

I don't debate.

I simply prove why I am correct.

Much thanks for helping to prove that.

Then what would you call this discussion?

I am finding it to be a waste of my time actually.... and I am getting bored with the lack of mutual discussion, I am only seeing diversion which is what the righties seem the be the best at.

Listen, I wouldn't have seen it either if I didn't get breast cancer times 2 in the last 5 years. I have been in the recovery, chemo, and doctors office with dying people.
I have read tons of things about our healthcare and how people were dying because of the crookedness in our country.
Pre-Obamacare these people had you by the balls because of pre-existing conditions. Obama stopped that stress.. we have enough to do to fight for our life's.

There is no 'discussion,' you dope....I've simply provided the facts about the updated Bolshevik proposal called ObamaCare.

Early on we agreed that you like it because it makes someone else financially responsible for your family's healthcare insurance.

Every other post of yours has been designed to hide that fact.


"...if I didn't get breast cancer times 2 in the last 5 years."
I wouldn't wish that on anyone....but this thread is about national policy not anecdote.

Be clear: before ObamaCare, American has the very best treatment for cancer in the world:
"If you're diagnosed with cancer, you have a better chance of surviving it in the United States than anywhere else, according to the Concord Five Continent Study. And the World Health Organization ranked the United States No. 1 out of 191 countries for being responsive to patients' needs, including providing timely treatments and a choice of doctors."
Defend Your Health

OK Fuck off you ninny you don't know what the F you are talking about.

I don't expect for anyone to pay for me you fuck...I have worked hard for my whole life and the pre-excisting conditions were killing people.

You are really something else. and are dummer than a door nail..

No facts were provided in your stupid posts~ but go ahead and stay in the dumb ass zone..


"OK Fuck off you ninny you don't know what the F you are talking about."

Now....isn't that exactly what I said Liberals and dopes would resort to when they can't find a way to dispute my posts?

OK....You've served your purpose....


Divert and distract....I see that you are really good at it..

Actually, I'm good at everything I do.

And....the only one who has attempted to change the subject is you.
The American healthcare philosophy must be to pay more than everyone else, but to not live longer than everybody else.

Notice Japan spends close to half that on healthcare spending as the USA does, but live about 4 years longer. (Sure, I'll admit the Japanese are small, and have a good diet, which helps them live longer)

But, what about the big Germans, who eat lots of Sausage, and who also spend less, but live longer than the USA?

And to add America's doctors are legally bound to only provide what the FDA apporoves and the FDA is in bed with the Big Pharma..

"the FDA is in bed with the Big Pharma."

How is that a rationalization for your demand???

There is no constitutional basis for your demand that everyone else pay your medical bills.

This is not to imply that only the rich in America can get the ‘expensive’ treatment, since there are many options such as
a)getting a loan,
b) asking a family member or a charity for help,
c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate.
All are common.

I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

Oh brother...I am not looking for someone else to pay for me. I think that that we need a complete overhaul on the US medical system, and the pre-existing condition law should stay in place.
You think that it should just stay the way it is while thinking it is ok for the mega rich to sit back and steal from the american people and continue to jack up the prices to make more..
Before the uninformed take over, let's review what has been shown, and proven, in this thread:

1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate description, as ,nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10 . Here's Obama stating he's for single payer:

As none of those who have attempted to disagree have been able to, I'd say the above have been proven as factual.
It appears that three Obama supporters have taken personal issue with an analysis of ObamaCare that should be, by now, clear and evident to all.

But.....let's add this note, how tone deaf every Leftist is to human nature, and how that has doomed the Bolshevik endeavor.

11. Free market answers should always be considered before collectivist responses to America's policies.
In the case of the Bolshevik Fallacy, ObamaCare, the flaw is in misunderstanding human nature.
If people have skin in the game, financially, they spend money far more carefully.

"Why Single-Payer Health Care Delivers Poor Quality at High Cost


When you spend your own money on yourself (box 1), you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost. And that drives the businesses that are competing for your money to constantly seek more efficient ways of producing better products at better prices.

Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost."

Why Single-Payer Health Care Delivers Poor Quality at High Cost | Daniel J. Mitchell

I never said I was an obamacare supporter, but since I know what I am talking about, I know when you're wrong. Your last sentence implies is single payer, not so. If you can't get the fact through your brain that obamacare is not health insurance then I suggest you get off the bottle. You're copying and pasting links that doesn't have a damn thing to do with obamacare. You're spewing bs just for the sake of spewing. Go to bed.
Two back-benchers slither onto this thread.....yet can't muster an intelligent thought on the issue at hand.

So you are a supporter of the Bolshevik policy called ObamaCare?


You never learned to question, to look at the underpinnings of your less-than-intuitive understanding of eschatological world views, or the political basis for many legal decisions.

Which makes my identification of you as a dunce,spot on.

Please, buy a ticket on the clue train…

How would you know anything about DebbieDowner? I see her posts and threads , she shows knowledge in her own writing rather than copying what another person says..like someone else on this thread..

You continue to one view copy/paste to make your point, maybe try going out to a hospital or chemotherapy facility .After that I may take you seriously..


Now for you:

We both know you were unable to respond to my posts, without my eviscerating yours.....

....so, why are you back?

Now.....if you'd care to dispute what I've proven about the Bolshevik plan.....I'd be more than happy to entertain your precis.

Go ahead.

1. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and debate with you, but I have work to do, so I will pop in and out. And you think that you won the debate...haaaa

2. You call out Debbie as a person resorting to vulgar , maybe go back and read some of the very mean remarks that you have made just in this thread, when someone doesn't agree with them.

3. Trump and the gang realized just how difficult health insurance is, so if there are problems look into fixing them instead of going back to the pre-obamacare days.

Pre-Obamacare days, people were denied healthcare and died because a pre-existing condition , why is it so hard for you to put your taxes toward something like that then paying for a luxury life for your corrupt congressman?

These same congressmen who are sucking off your taxes , while getting paid off by the Big Pharma..
Big Pharma spends billions of dollars to slam Obamacare...and you are the perfect example of the parrot they are looking for.


"1. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and debate with you,"

I don't debate.

I simply prove why I am correct.

Much thanks for helping to prove that.

Then what would you call this discussion?

I am finding it to be a waste of my time actually.... and I am getting bored with the lack of mutual discussion, I am only seeing diversion which is what the righties seem the be the best at.

Listen, I wouldn't have seen it either if I didn't get breast cancer times 2 in the last 5 years. I have been in the recovery, chemo, and doctors office with dying people.
I have read tons of things about our healthcare and how people were dying because of the crookedness in our country.
Pre-Obamacare these people had you by the balls because of pre-existing conditions. Obama stopped that stress.. we have enough to do to fight for our life's.

Sorry you had to go through all that, hope they got it all.

Immunotherapy for High-Risk or Metastatic Breast Cancer | MD Anderson Cancer Center
Before the uninformed take over, let's review what has been shown, and proven, in this thread:

1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate description, as ,nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10 . Here's Obama stating he's for single payer:

As none of those who have attempted to disagree have been able to, I'd say the above have been proven as factual.

You are only getting your information from a one sided view who want Obamacare gone, so I get why you are so stuck on your own dumb ass ideals.

You are not paying for my healthcare you ninny .... Our taxes are, and my insurance is based in California with our own plan.

Stop the taking the money from you bullshit, because it doesn't happen in California, we have a Covered California plan... although they do get money from the government too ... Just like Medicare, disability, and social security.

As far as getting government money, I don't see you giving a huff about how congress is screwing us, they have the best healthcare including home health nurse when they are old...the best retirement plan..

On top of that they vote against our best interest because they are paid off my these corrupt people, FDA, Big Pharma, Corrupt medical care, and the insurance companies mostly

Why don't you mention that?

Why don't you talk about how Trump and his family are costing us 3 Billion a week for traveling, and family security all over the world..

The Average Joe of Congress (there are 529 of them) gets paid $174,000 per year. But not everyone is average; the Speaker of the House gets $223,500 a year, while the majority and minority leaders of both the Senate and the House, along with the President Pro Tempore, get paid $193,400 per year.

They work 7 or less days a month..
It appears that three Obama supporters have taken personal issue with an analysis of ObamaCare that should be, by now, clear and evident to all.

But.....let's add this note, how tone deaf every Leftist is to human nature, and how that has doomed the Bolshevik endeavor.

11. Free market answers should always be considered before collectivist responses to America's policies.
In the case of the Bolshevik Fallacy, ObamaCare, the flaw is in misunderstanding human nature.
If people have skin in the game, financially, they spend money far more carefully.

"Why Single-Payer Health Care Delivers Poor Quality at High Cost


When you spend your own money on yourself (box 1), you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost. And that drives the businesses that are competing for your money to constantly seek more efficient ways of producing better products at better prices.

Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost."

Why Single-Payer Health Care Delivers Poor Quality at High Cost | Daniel J. Mitchell

I never said I was an obamacare supporter, but since I know what I am talking about, I know when you're wrong. Your last sentence implies is single payer, not so. If you can't get the fact through your brain that obamacare is not health insurance then I suggest you get off the bottle. You're copying and pasting links that doesn't have a damn thing to do with obamacare. You're spewing bs just for the sake of spewing. Go to bed.
Two back-benchers slither onto this thread.....yet can't muster an intelligent thought on the issue at hand.

How would you know anything about DebbieDowner? I see her posts and threads , she shows knowledge in her own writing rather than copying what another person says..like someone else on this thread..

You continue to one view copy/paste to make your point, maybe try going out to a hospital or chemotherapy facility .After that I may take you seriously..


Now for you:

We both know you were unable to respond to my posts, without my eviscerating yours.....

....so, why are you back?

Now.....if you'd care to dispute what I've proven about the Bolshevik plan.....I'd be more than happy to entertain your precis.

Go ahead.

1. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and debate with you, but I have work to do, so I will pop in and out. And you think that you won the debate...haaaa

2. You call out Debbie as a person resorting to vulgar , maybe go back and read some of the very mean remarks that you have made just in this thread, when someone doesn't agree with them.

3. Trump and the gang realized just how difficult health insurance is, so if there are problems look into fixing them instead of going back to the pre-obamacare days.

Pre-Obamacare days, people were denied healthcare and died because a pre-existing condition , why is it so hard for you to put your taxes toward something like that then paying for a luxury life for your corrupt congressman?

These same congressmen who are sucking off your taxes , while getting paid off by the Big Pharma..
Big Pharma spends billions of dollars to slam Obamacare...and you are the perfect example of the parrot they are looking for.


"1. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and debate with you,"

I don't debate.

I simply prove why I am correct.

Much thanks for helping to prove that.

Then what would you call this discussion?

I am finding it to be a waste of my time actually.... and I am getting bored with the lack of mutual discussion, I am only seeing diversion which is what the righties seem the be the best at.

Listen, I wouldn't have seen it either if I didn't get breast cancer times 2 in the last 5 years. I have been in the recovery, chemo, and doctors office with dying people.
I have read tons of things about our healthcare and how people wer:smiliehug:e dying because of the crookedness in our country.
Pre-Obamacare these people had you by the balls because of pre-existing conditions. Obama stopped that stress.. we have enough to do to fight for our life's.

Sorry you had to go through all that, hope they got it all.

Immunotherapy for High-Risk or Metastatic Breast Cancer | MD Anderson Cancer Center

Thanks so much...they think they got it all, and I have researched immunology it is exciting...

People buying off Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell so they will tell you how horrible Obamacare is..

Paul Ryan pay offs

Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $395,274 $190,574 $204,700
Health Professionals $221,000
Hospitals/Nursing Homes $101,000
Health Services/HMOs $66,700
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $204,700
Misc Health $1,000
Based on Federal Election Commission data available electronically on Wednesday, February 01, 2017.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $61,350 $38,850 $22,500

Pfizer Inc $63,255 $53,255 $10,000 <<<------ Major Pharmaceutical Profit making company

13 23 Hospitals/Nursing Homes $353,474 $252,474 $101,000

Lobbyists $402,832 $402,832

Mitch McConnell

Kindred Healthcare $104,650 $89,650 $15,000
Health Professionals $1,008,295 $719,295 $289,000
Humana Inc $103,300 $93,300 $10,000

DaVita HealthCare Partners $94,625 $77,125 $17,500

Blue Cross/Blue Shield $72,050 $52,050 $20,000

Metlife Inc $62,150 $53,150 $9,000

Top Senate Recipients Funded
Recipient Amount
Orrin G. Hatch $343,310
Mitch McConnell $321,250
Rob Portman $292,350
Patty Murray $283,364
Cory A. Booker $276,138
Robert P. Casey, Jr. $263,580
Richard Burr $250,799
Patrick J. Toomey $237,766
Tim Scott $224,400
Roy Blunt $215,518
Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Nov 29, 2010 - Nov 28, 2016, including contributions to presidential campaigns.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Top House Recipients Funded
Recipient Amount
Paul D. Ryan $229,050
Kevin McCarthy $211,850
John Shimkus $169,700
Frank Pallone, Jr. $141,150
Kevin Brady $136,101
Fred Upton $135,450
Leonard Lance $134,150
Erik Paulsen $130,700
Greg Walden $110,000
Scott H. Peters $107,000
Contributions shown for the last two years of available data, Nov 29, 2014 - Nov 28, 2016, including contributions to presidential campaign

Interest Group donations

Health Professionals

Other physician specialists $18,750,701 35
Physicians $17,734,585 18
Dentists $5,527,372 6
Psychiatrists & psychologists $4,172,407 10
Other non-physician health practitioners $3,163,111 13
Optometrists & Ophthalmologists $2,625,562 5
Nurses $1,600,729 11
Pharmacists $1,300,299 13
Chiropractors $993,848
Health professionals $101,943 19
Health Services/HMOs
HMOs $5,712,933 2
Outpatient health services (incl drug & alcohol) $2,376,452 1
Health care services $2,278,631 11
Home care services $1,000,036 1
Health care Consultants $657,270 1
Medical laboratories $596,819 1
Mental Health Services $431,275 5
Optical services (glasses & contact lenses) $58,250
AIDS treatment & testing $17,216 3
Hospitals/Nursing Homes
Hospitals $14,812,461 16
Nursing homes $3,691,101 7
Health care institutions $1,609,776 8
Drug & alcohol treatment hospitals $73,602
Misc Health
Health, Education & Human Resources $2,216,020 37
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products
Pharmaceutical manufacturing $13,345,278 6
Medical Devices & Supplies $4,532,795 5
Pharmaceutical wholesale $3,299,694 6
Biotech products & research $2,638,155 3
Health care products $761,303
Nutritional & dietary supplements $646,229 2
Personal health care products $270,045
Pharmaceutical cannabis $15,500

Before the uninformed take over, let's review what has been shown, and proven, in this thread:

1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate description, as ,nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10 . Here's Obama stating he's for single payer:

As none of those who have attempted to disagree have been able to, I'd say the above have been proven as factual.

You are only getting your information from a one sided view who want Obamacare gone, so I get why you are so stuck on your own dumb ass ideals.

You are not paying for my healthcare you ninny .... Our taxes are, and my insurance is based in California with our own plan.

Stop the taking the money from you bullshit, because it doesn't happen in California, we have a Covered California plan... although they do get money from the government too ... Just like Medicare, disability, and social security.

As far as getting government money, I don't see you giving a huff about how congress is screwing us, they have the best healthcare including home health nurse when they are old...the best retirement plan..

On top of that they vote against our best interest because they are paid off my these corrupt people, FDA, Big Pharma, Corrupt medical care, and the insurance companies mostly

Why don't you mention that?

Why don't you talk about how Trump and his family are costing us 3 Billion a week for traveling, and family security all over the world..

1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate description, as ,nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10 . Here's Obama stating he's for single payer:

As none of those who have attempted to disagree have been able to, I'd say the above have been proven as factual.
Not one fucking mention about how the anti-obamacare congress/ senate are paid of to scam you...

Go ahead and think that you are right..I don't give a shit.

Not one fucking mention about how the anti-obamacare congress/ senate are paid of to scam you...

Go ahead and think that you are right..I don't give a shit.


Try to curb your vulgarity.

Do your best.

Is it your only response to what I set out to prove...and did?


1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate description, as ,nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10. ObamaCare is single payer....

Pretty certain theres a range of the law was written under a bunch of radical medically unethical human rights from the hillaryzone.
At least, they were on the radio and one of the 'architects' had come out against the bill.

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