Obamacare train pulls safely into the station

That may be your interpretation but it isn't factual. The whole point is that everyone have health insurance and therefore less free loaders. The other "whole point" is that poor people have access to the health care system.

Really? You'd with OK with dropping the mandate then?

You are not making sense. First you say that the people who passed the bill would agree with your spin. Then you don't seem to understand that without a mandate, then people who "opt out" will still be taken to the emergency room if they have a car accident or a heart attack. Who do you think should pay for their "free treatment"?

Whoever wants to.

The apologists for ACA have repeatedly justified the mandate as a way to supplement guaranteed issue. The idea was that forcing young, healthy people to buy more insurance than they want or need would compensate the insurance companies for the losses they would suffer being forced to take on people with pre-existing conditions.

The "free-rider" pitch is just demagoguery, and doesn't hold water. If that were the concern it could be far more easily addressed by repealing EMTALA.
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Really? You'd with OK with dropping the mandate then?

You are not making sense. First you say that the people who passed the bill would agree with your spin. Then you don't seem to understand that without a mandate, then people who "opt out" will still be taken to the emergency room if they have a car accident or a heart attack. Who do you think should pay for their "free treatment"?

Whoever wants to.

The apologists for ACA have repeatedly justified the mandate as a way to supplement guaranteed issue. The idea was that forcing young, healthy people to buy more insurance than they want or need would compensate the insurance companies for the losses they would suffer being forced to take on people with pre-existing conditions.

The "free-rider" pitch is just demagoguery, and doesn't hold water. If that were the concern it could be far more easily addressed by repealing EMTALA.

That is wrong. It is isn't a question of "wanting to". Anybody who pays for insurance has to pay higher premiums to cover the hospital bills of the uninsured. Nobody really "opts out" of life saving treatment, they only "opt out" of paying for it.
You are not making sense. First you say that the people who passed the bill would agree with your spin. Then you don't seem to understand that without a mandate, then people who "opt out" will still be taken to the emergency room if they have a car accident or a heart attack. Who do you think should pay for their "free treatment"?

Whoever wants to.

The apologists for ACA have repeatedly justified the mandate as a way to supplement guaranteed issue. The idea was that forcing young, healthy people to buy more insurance than they want or need would compensate the insurance companies for the losses they would suffer being forced to take on people with pre-existing conditions.

The "free-rider" pitch is just demagoguery, and doesn't hold water. If that were the concern it could be far more easily addressed by repealing EMTALA.

That is wrong. It is isn't a question of "wanting to". Anybody who pays for insurance has to pay higher premiums to cover the hospital bills of the uninsured.

Nobody should be forced to buy insurance and hospitals shouldn't be forced to treat the people who don't pay. We create these problems by passing stupid laws in the first place. If you really want to solve them, repeal the stupid laws that are causing the problem.

But again, I simply don't buy the argument. ACA creates millions of freeloaders by subsidizing their insurance at taxpayer expense. So don't try to convince me that the point of ACA is to make free riders pay their own way.
In order to keep it intact for those who benefit from it.

But the whole point, fully acknowledged by those who passed the bill, is to force those who don't benefit from it "into the pool". What you're advocating is, essentially, just repealing the mandate. Which, again, I'm totally in favor of. But few in Congress are. Even most of the Republicans who claim to be against the mandate simply want to replace it with an equivalent tax incentive.

That may be your interpretation but it isn't factual. The whole point is that everyone have health insurance and therefore less free loaders. The other "whole point" is that poor people have access to the health care system.


The ENTIRE point is force everyone into it, the theory being that the more in the pool the longer they system will stay solvent.
Whoever wants to.

The apologists for ACA have repeatedly justified the mandate as a way to supplement guaranteed issue. The idea was that forcing young, healthy people to buy more insurance than they want or need would compensate the insurance companies for the losses they would suffer being forced to take on people with pre-existing conditions.

The "free-rider" pitch is just demagoguery, and doesn't hold water. If that were the concern it could be far more easily addressed by repealing EMTALA.

That is wrong. It is isn't a question of "wanting to". Anybody who pays for insurance has to pay higher premiums to cover the hospital bills of the uninsured.

Nobody should be forced to buy insurance and hospitals shouldn't be forced to treat the people who don't pay. We create these problems by passing stupid laws in the first place. If you really want to solve them, repeal the stupid laws that are causing the problem.

But again, I simply don't buy the argument. ACA creates millions of freeloaders by subsidizing their insurance at taxpayer expense. So don't try to convince me that the point of ACA is to make free riders pay their own way.

This nutter has become unhappy with the GOP's health insurance mandate. Funny.

And.....hospitals should not be forced to treat people who don't pay. What a great way to solve the problem. Genius!
absolutely laughable; obama has delayed implementation of his own law for countless millions. if he had NOT done that; you would be able to see what a TRUE CATASTROPHE IT REALLY IS

IT'S JUST A DELAY; until after the next elections

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Waivers up to 1 year have been granted, not because there was a problem with the law but to give employers and other groups additional time to comply.

1231 companies and other organizations have received a 1 year waiver on the annual benefit cap which expires this year. All other parts of the law apply. This is a one-year waiver regarding one, relatively small aspect of the law. The employer mandate for medium sized companies 50 to 100 employees will be delayed a year, until Jan 1, 2016 in order to give them more time to adjust to the new rules on coverage.

The overwhelming majority of employers — about 96 percent, according to the U.S. Treasury Department — were never going to be affected by the employer mandate and won't be affected by the change because they have fewer than 50 employees. The remaining firms — 2 percent with 50 to 99 workers and another 2 percent with more than 100 — potentially are affected, but experts said yesterday's adjustments likely won't spur major changes.

Crain's Chicago Business : Subscription Center
That is wrong. It is isn't a question of "wanting to". Anybody who pays for insurance has to pay higher premiums to cover the hospital bills of the uninsured.

Nobody should be forced to buy insurance and hospitals shouldn't be forced to treat the people who don't pay. We create these problems by passing stupid laws in the first place. If you really want to solve them, repeal the stupid laws that are causing the problem.

But again, I simply don't buy the argument. ACA creates millions of freeloaders by subsidizing their insurance at taxpayer expense. So don't try to convince me that the point of ACA is to make free riders pay their own way.

This nutter has become unhappy with the GOP's health insurance mandate.

It's good to read that you've seen the light. Will you now help us to repeal it?
Nobody should be forced to buy insurance and hospitals shouldn't be forced to treat the people who don't pay. We create these problems by passing stupid laws in the first place. If you really want to solve them, repeal the stupid laws that are causing the problem.

But again, I simply don't buy the argument. ACA creates millions of freeloaders by subsidizing their insurance at taxpayer expense. So don't try to convince me that the point of ACA is to make free riders pay their own way.

This nutter has become unhappy with the GOP's health insurance mandate.

It's good to read that you've seen the light. Will you now help us to repeal it?

Weeeeeeee! When presented with an opportunity to take the low hanging fruit....nutters never fail. Makes for sour grapes.
But the whole point, fully acknowledged by those who passed the bill, is to force those who don't benefit from it "into the pool". What you're advocating is, essentially, just repealing the mandate. Which, again, I'm totally in favor of. But few in Congress are. Even most of the Republicans who claim to be against the mandate simply want to replace it with an equivalent tax incentive.

That may be your interpretation but it isn't factual. The whole point is that everyone have health insurance and therefore less free loaders. The other "whole point" is that poor people have access to the health care system.


The ENTIRE point is force everyone into it, the theory being that the more in the pool the longer they system will stay solvent.

Who's "theory" is that? Sounds like something from the Sean Hannity Show.
That may be your interpretation but it isn't factual. The whole point is that everyone have health insurance and therefore less free loaders. The other "whole point" is that poor people have access to the health care system.


The ENTIRE point is force everyone into it, the theory being that the more in the pool the longer they system will stay solvent.

Who's "theory" is that? Sounds like something from the Sean Hannity Show.

It's how Obama and the Democrats described the bill. Take it up with them if you disagree.
It's good to read that you've seen the light. Will you now help us to repeal it?

Weeeeeeee! When presented with an opportunity to take the low hanging fruit....nutters never fail. Makes for sour grapes.

Apparently so. Some people prefer silly insults.

Nutters have a habit of making ridiculous arguments.....getting insulted for them....and then whining about it. Happens every day here.

Hint.....the insults will stop when the ridiculous arguments stop.
That may be your interpretation but it isn't factual. The whole point is that everyone have health insurance and therefore less free loaders. The other "whole point" is that poor people have access to the health care system.


The ENTIRE point is force everyone into it, the theory being that the more in the pool the longer they system will stay solvent.

Who's "theory" is that? Sounds like something from the Sean Hannity Show.

Likely because it is from the Sean Hannity Show, it’s where most on the right get their ‘facts,’ as opposed to actually reading the Act.

And the fact remains that the ACA doesn’t ‘force’ anyone to do anything – it’s a rightwing myth contrived at the advent of the Act’s drafting.
That may be your interpretation but it isn't factual. The whole point is that everyone have health insurance and therefore less free loaders. The other "whole point" is that poor people have access to the health care system.


The ENTIRE point is force everyone into it, the theory being that the more in the pool the longer they system will stay solvent.

Who's "theory" is that? Sounds like something from the Sean Hannity Show.

Your willful ignorance is not my problem, you and LL are perfect for each other. ;)
All we know for certain is Obama lied about keeping your plan and built the world's most expensive website that can't tell if anyone bought the product

The ENTIRE point is force everyone into it, the theory being that the more in the pool the longer they system will stay solvent.

Who's "theory" is that? Sounds like something from the Sean Hannity Show.

Likely because it is from the Sean Hannity Show, it’s where most on the right get their ‘facts,’ as opposed to actually reading the Act.

And the fact remains that the ACA doesn’t ‘force’ anyone to do anything – it’s a rightwing myth contrived at the advent of the Act’s drafting.

Why Counselor......why must you lie?

The ENTIRE point is force everyone into it, the theory being that the more in the pool the longer they system will stay solvent.

Who's "theory" is that? Sounds like something from the Sean Hannity Show.

Likely because it is from the Sean Hannity Show, it’s where most on the right get their ‘facts,’ as opposed to actually reading the Act.

And the fact remains that the ACA doesn’t ‘force’ anyone to do anything – it’s a rightwing myth contrived at the advent of the Act’s drafting.

See counselor YOU have never read the Bill, not once.



a) Requirement To Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage- An applicable individual shall for each month beginning after 2013 ensure that the individual, and any dependent of the individual who is an applicable individual, is covered under minimum essential coverage for such month.

Now maybe it's just me...but I am pretty sure that this Bill is a "Legal" document that does not use words carelessly......you people are idiots.
Weeeeeeee! When presented with an opportunity to take the low hanging fruit....nutters never fail. Makes for sour grapes.

Apparently so. Some people prefer silly insults.

Nutters have a habit of making ridiculous arguments.....getting insulted for them....and then whining about it. Happens every day here.

Hint.....the insults will stop when the ridiculous arguments stop.

If it's all you got...

I suppose it's a lot easier than making your case.
Apparently so. Some people prefer silly insults.

Nutters have a habit of making ridiculous arguments.....getting insulted for them....and then whining about it. Happens every day here.

Hint.....the insults will stop when the ridiculous arguments stop.

If it's all you got...

I suppose it's a lot easier than making your case.

LL takes pot shots from the sideline, it never has ANYTHING pertinent to add to ANY conversation.

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