Obamacare: unquestionably the worst disaster in U.S. healthcare history

When I first came to the board some idiot liberal tried to show how Obamatax wasn't the biggest in history. Using the numbers supplied by the liberal I showed him/her exactly how it was the biggest. Although it was spelled out so a 5 year old could understand surprisingly she/he never said thanks for clarifying.

But it does not matter the poster probably never really looked at the numbers because to do so would mean they became informed. And let's face it being uninformed is a liberal goal.

You didn't get thanked for informing him/her. I'll do it for him/her. Thanks. Feel better now?
You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life. They do research which is 100% accurate, and that's what pisses your little parasite ass off... :)

Lol. Fine, then by that logic Michael Moore's documentaries are 100% accurate too.

The Repubic hair party should keep on listening to the Heritage Foundation and other super right wing propaganda machines. They're so much smarter than everyone else.

How'd that work out for you this last election?

With the educated portion of the population, it turned out wonderfully. Unfortunately, we have a nation full of people like you and her...

[ame=http://youtu.be/tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

You right wingers can't wait to put a black face in there connected with "free stuff", can you? And you wonder why the blacks vote democrat?
Heritage foundation with people like Coors, the Koch's and Paul Weyrich. Remember Weyrich's famous "I don't want everybody to vote". You'd think that some of these right wing posters would look into the backgrounds of the groups providing them all their information.

Oh, you mean one lunatic from the 1970's who hasn't been with the organization for over 30 years?!? :cuckoo:

You didn't answer my question, do you get paid for posting this dribble of yours? Is that a picture of your wife there? Is that why you're complaining about the veterinarian costs going up under Obamacare?

Like the ignorant dumbocrat you are, you're clearly missing critical posts in this thread. Please go back from the beginning and read the entire thing.

It's drivel you uneducated high-school dropout. Dribble is something a basketball player does....:rofl:
Heritage Foundation investigative reporter Lachlan Markay wrote a story recently that got people upset. The IRS recently ruled that some of the common devices used in veterinary offices will be hit be hit by Obamacare’s 2.3 percent device tax. In response, many of the manufacturers are expected to raise their prices, which will raise pet care costs for concerned owners.

A survey in January 2012 showed that more than half of 181 manufactures of medical devices said they would pass some or all of the tax on to their customers. Among manufacturers here in North America, that number was even higher–58 percent. According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent over $13.5 billion on veterinary care in 2012. This could rise under Obamacare.

The tax will not affect veterinary equipment that is used exclusively for treating animals. However, several medical devices are used in both doctors and veterinary offices, and these are subject to the tax.

Fluffy and Fido May Have to Pay for Obamacare Too | myHeritage

the stupid democrats taxed our pets too, leeches will be leeches.
You don't even know who or what the Heritage Foundation is - you never even heard of it before this post. You're just a typical dumbocrat parasite who wants free shit because he's too fuck'n lazy to earn his own way through life.

Anybody that follows politics has heard of the Heritage foundation. Do you get paid for posting this dribble of yours?


It's DRIVEL you ignorant, uneducated, high school drop out. Dribble is something a basketball player does.... :lol:

or someone with a terrible prostate! :D
Lol. Fine, then by that logic Michael Moore's documentaries are 100% accurate too.

The Repubic hair party should keep on listening to the Heritage Foundation and other super right wing propaganda machines. They're so much smarter than everyone else.

How'd that work out for you this last election?

With the educated portion of the population, it turned out wonderfully. Unfortunately, we have a nation full of people like you and her...

[ame=http://youtu.be/tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

You right wingers can't wait to put a black face in there connected with "free stuff", can you? And you wonder why the blacks vote democrat?

Wait, wait, wait here... I post video - indisputable video - and somehow I'm "putting a black face with free stuff"?!?! Shows what a racist asshole you are when all you see is color in the video.

What I saw was an uneducated parasite called a dumbocrat. You know, just like you. And that is how Obama won - a bunch of lazy fuck'n losers trading freedoms for Obama handouts.
Heritage foundation with people like Coors, the Koch's and Paul Weyrich. Remember Weyrich's famous "I don't want everybody to vote". You'd think that some of these right wing posters would look into the backgrounds of the groups providing them all their information.

Oh, you mean one lunatic from the 1970's who hasn't been with the organization for over 30 years?!? :cuckoo:

You didn't answer my question, do you get paid for posting this dribble of yours? Is that a picture of your wife there? Is that why you're complaining about the veterinarian costs going up under Obamacare?

Any wonder why this high-school dropout is a dumbocrat? I'm clearly dealing with a real genius here.... :lol:
Lol. Fine, then by that logic Michael Moore's documentaries are 100% accurate too.

The Repubic hair party should keep on listening to the Heritage Foundation and other super right wing propaganda machines. They're so much smarter than everyone else.

How'd that work out for you this last election?

With the educated portion of the population, it turned out wonderfully. Unfortunately, we have a nation full of people like you and her...

[ame=http://youtu.be/tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

You right wingers can't wait to put a black face in there connected with "free stuff", can you? And you wonder why the blacks vote democrat?

You left wingers can't wait to put a racists face on the GOP and exploit the African American community in return for power, can you? And you wonder why the educated people in this nation vote Republican?
With the educated portion of the population, it turned out wonderfully. Unfortunately, we have a nation full of people like you and her...

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

You right wingers can't wait to put a black face in there connected with "free stuff", can you? And you wonder why the blacks vote democrat?

Wait, wait, wait here... I post video - indisputable video - and somehow I'm "putting a black face with free stuff"?!?! Shows what a racist asshole you are when all you see is color in the video.

What I saw was an uneducated parasite called a dumbocrat. You know, just like you. And that is how Obama won - a bunch of lazy fuck'n losers trading freedoms for Obama handouts.

:suck: <------ The relationship between the Heritage Foundation and it's Republican supporters.
You right wingers can't wait to put a black face in there connected with "free stuff", can you? And you wonder why the blacks vote democrat?

Wait, wait, wait here... I post video - indisputable video - and somehow I'm "putting a black face with free stuff"?!?! Shows what a racist asshole you are when all you see is color in the video.

What I saw was an uneducated parasite called a dumbocrat. You know, just like you. And that is how Obama won - a bunch of lazy fuck'n losers trading freedoms for Obama handouts.

:suck: <------ The relationship between the Heritage Foundation and it's Republican supporters.

:suck: <------ The relationship between you and your crack dealer
You know Rottweiler, using right wing partisan think tanks ala Heritage, is equivalent to a lefty using HuffPost, Center for Public Integrity, Media Matters; etc. All one gets is a partisan hack's view.

"unquestionably the worst disaster in U.S. healthcare history"? That would be all the elected politicians who are letting the healthcare industry rape the American people and American businesses with the highest cost in the world by double! And it just keeps on getting worse and worse. Hundreds on millions dollars annually in lobbying efforts have paid off for the few at the expense of the masses.


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You know Rottweiler, using right wing partisan think tanks ala Heritage, is equivalent to a lefty using HuffPost, Center for Public Integrity, Media Matters; etc. All one gets is a partisan hack's view.

"unquestionably the worst disaster in U.S. healthcare history"? That would be all the elected politicians who are letting the healthcare industry rape the American people and American businesses with the highest cost in the world by double! And it just keeps on getting worse and worse. Hundreds on millions dollars annually in lobbying efforts have paid off for the few at the expense of the masses.

"Letting"? Wow - one of the most ignorant posts in USMB history. You really demonstrate your complete lack of knowledge on how your own government works.

News flash "genius" - it's not up to the government to allow or not allow private industry to do anything. That's the beauty of the free market. If you don't like the cost, you can go to a competitor.

Or, better yet, you can start your own hospital and charge lower costs! Gasp! Imagine that. Except that you're too fuck'n lazy and/or too fuck'n stupid to do that, uh? You'd rather just have a Castro-wannabe do a Cuban-style communism and control everything and everyone.
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Pub dupes- just LOVE getting screwed by the greedy rich and corporations. Self regulating industry is insanity. Keep it up! LOL
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You know Rottweiler, using right wing partisan think tanks ala Heritage, is equivalent to a lefty using HuffPost, Center for Public Integrity, Media Matters; etc. All one gets is a partisan hack's view.

"unquestionably the worst disaster in U.S. healthcare history"? That would be all the elected politicians who are letting the healthcare industry rape the American people and American businesses with the highest cost in the world by double! And it just keeps on getting worse and worse. Hundreds on millions dollars annually in lobbying efforts have paid off for the few at the expense of the masses.

"Letting"? Wow - one of the most ignorant posts in USMB history. You really demonstrate your complete lack of knowledge on how your own government works.

News flash "genius" - it's not up to the government to allow or not allow private industry to do anything. That's the beauty of the free market. If you don't like the cost, you can go to a competitor.

Or, better yet, you can start your own hospital and charge lower costs! Gasp! Imagine that. Except that you're too fuck'n lazy and/or too fuck'n stupid to do it - to do that, uh? You'd rather just have a Castro-wannabe do a Cuban-style communism and control everything and everyone.

My post was stupid, compared to what you post? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, the beauty of the free market has given the American people and businesses the highest priced healthcare in the world by double. And you think that's great? Look at the percentage of the GNP healthcare spending sucks up? And that's good?
The conservatives like to think they are pro-business but look:
Skyrocketing Health Care Costs Hamper U.S. Competitiveness
Skyrocketing Health Care Costs Hamper U.S. Competitiveness - DailyFinance
Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness
Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness - Council on Foreign Relations
Backgrounder: Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness

Health care related bankruptcy is on the rise, study says
Health care related bankruptcy is on the rise, study says

Healthcare costs increased 131% 1999-2009 and wages increased 38% and that's good? Yeaaaa for the free markets!!!!
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I just hope they can fix this pig before it causes too much damage.

I also hope the "fixes" aren't even worse than what they're trying to repair.

"unquestionably the worst disaster in U.S. healthcare history"? That would be all the elected politicians who are letting the healthcare industry rape the American people

PPACA forces us by law to keep doing business with these "rapists." If you think health insurance companies and the health care industry are committing rape, then PPACA is its accomplice.

Hundreds on millions dollars annually in lobbying efforts have paid off for the few at the expense of the masses.

PPACA is the health insurance lobby's masterpiece. It sounds like you completely agree with the OP.
Yeah, the beauty of the free market has given the American people and businesses the highest priced healthcare in the world by double.

And now we're federally mandated to pay for it, no matter how bad of a deal it is. You can sound the alarms all you want, but the fact remains: ObamaCare throws fuel on the fire.

Healthcare costs increased 131% 1999-2009 and wages increased 38% and that's good? Yeaaaa for the free markets!!!!

The entire concept of health insurance is inherently anti-free market. We haven't had ANY semblance of a free market in health care in probably a hundred years or more.

To see how a free market would affect health care prices, we'd have to abolish health insurance altogether and return to a cash-only system.
"unquestionably the worst disaster in U.S. healthcare history"? That would be all the elected politicians who are letting the healthcare industry rape the American people

PPACA forces us by law to keep doing business with these "rapists." If you think health insurance companies and the health care industry are committing rape, then PPACA is its accomplice.

Hundreds on millions dollars annually in lobbying efforts have paid off for the few at the expense of the masses.

PPACA is the health insurance lobby's masterpiece. It sounds like you completely agree with the OP.

"It sounds like you completely agree with the OP."

My point is all inclusive as far as the players versus the OP's, which points at just one player and is nothing but partisan hackery.
"It sounds like you completely agree with the OP."

My point is all inclusive as far as the players versus the OP's, which points at just one player and is nothing but partisan hackery.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, but what I see in this thread is a link to Heritage that calls PPACA the worst health care disaster in history, and responses that 1) attack the source, and 2) describe the pre-PPACA state of health care in the US.

Whether Heritage is a legit source or not... and whether health care in the US was a disaster pre-PPACA or not, there still has been no counterargument to the OP's main argument, which is that PPACA is disastrous.

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