Obamacare welfare (subsidies) will be given without verification of need!

I'm sure you can't. Did you know anyone can say anything on the internet? My girlfriend, Scarlett Johannson, and I were just talking about that.

Difference being......you are a proven liar. I speak truth. Period.

When have I ever been a proven liar?

Oh, yeah, I forgot -- you SAID SO ON THE INTERNET.

:lmao: You're dismissed, kid.

Your named in synonymous with welshing...........lying.......DAVE!

And....unless you are 70, you calling me kid is retarded. If I am dismissed...why am I still here teaching you what's up?
The subsidy that's part of the ACA is a tax credit that can be used to purchase health insurance. To get the tax credit, you must purchase your heath insurance from a company listed on the exchange, however you can purchase the policy either through the exchange or from an agent. From the exchange web site you fill out a simple form listing your income and a few other particulars. You then choose the policy you would like to investigate or compare with other policies. The premium and your tax credit will be shown. If you specified an income when you purchased your policy that's too low, it will be caught when you file your taxes. So, pre-qualifying would seem to be a big waste of money.

Only 14 states have exchanges, what are the people in the other 36 states going to do?
Is the answer secede? :lol:

It might be.
Every post is "up" above yours. Am I just supposed to guess who, if anyone, you were responding to? The quote function too complicated for you?

You are talking to LoneLaugher, the only guy on the board that makes rdean look intelligent.

QW, are you still butthurt from the last time? Man......you sure do hate to be made a fool of. I be more gentle from now on.

Didn't your therapist explain the difference between reality and dreams yet?
I'll tell ya, the nutter attempt to make people believe that Obamacare is an "unmitigated disaster", a "government takeover", a "monstrosity"..........is getting very desperate.

With good reason, I suppose. You fuckers NAMED IT! In a move reminiscent of how you called yourselves "teabaggers".....only to whine about it later......this law, when it proves to be a moderate success, will burn you every time it is mentioned.

Obama-care. It does have a nice ring to it. Say it with me O-B-A-M-A-C-A-R-E.

I wonder which of your talking heads will be the first to implore you to start calling it by another name? When will your revisionist History charge the man with arrogantly naming a law after himself?

That explains why the government has not delayed the implementation of any portion of Obamacare, and has clearly stated that the federal exchange will be ready on schedule.

My bad. That was the alternate history world where unicorns fart rainbows, not the one where they are caused by refraction of light through water droplets dispersed in the atmosphere.
The subsidy that's part of the ACA is a tax credit that can be used to purchase health insurance. To get the tax credit, you must purchase your heath insurance from a company listed on the exchange, however you can purchase the policy either through the exchange or from an agent. From the exchange web site you fill out a simple form listing your income and a few other particulars. You then choose the policy you would like to investigate or compare with other policies. The premium and your tax credit will be shown. If you specified an income when you purchased your policy that's too low, it will be caught when you file your taxes. So, pre-qualifying would seem to be a big waste of money.

Only 14 states have exchanges, what are the people in the other 36 states going to do?

States may choose to join together to run multi-state exchanges, or they may opt out of running their own exchange, in which case the federal government will step in to create an exchange for use by their citizens.

Currently there are 17 Declared State-based Exchange
7 Planning for Partnership Exchange
27 Default to Federal Exchange
That accounts for all 50 states and DC

It actually doesn't because, even though the deadline for the exchanges is only 3 months away, the administration has no idea if the exchanges will be ready.

Obamacare exchanges may not be ready for October launch, GAO report finds - Jun. 19, 2013

You should really keep up with the facts if you want to defend your idol.
maybe you ought to check your 'facts' and stop swallowing and peddling stats unless you investigate and understand them;

-small biz. ;

- 20 people or under employ approx. 20 million people,

- firms with less than 100, 18 million,

-500 and under, 15 million

and 500 or more make up the rest equaling approx. 48 %.....


I will let you think about it some more.

I already looked up how many provide health care etc. before I posted....

I will let you think about it some more.......

You did? Well....you won't mind posting the link here then, will you.

This should be very interesting.
Difference being......you are a proven liar. I speak truth. Period.

When have I ever been a proven liar?

Oh, yeah, I forgot -- you SAID SO ON THE INTERNET.

:lmao: You're dismissed, kid.

Your named in synonymous with welshing...........lying.......DAVE!
Are you retards still bitterly clinging to that big of revisionist history? How pathetic. :lmao:

So...no proof of me lying. Got it.

Progs are long on accusations and short on proof.
And....unless you are 70, you calling me kid is retarded.
If you object to being called a kid, stop acting like a kid.

Your call.
If I am dismissed...why am I still here teaching you what's up?
Is that what you believe you're doing? :lmao:

I will let you think about it some more.

I already looked up how many provide health care etc. before I posted....

I will let you think about it some more.......

You did? Well....you won't mind posting the link here then, will you.

This should be very interesting.

I have posted links for you in the post and all I get is bupkis....

you have a counter point? make it, do your own homework for a change.
I already looked up how many provide health care etc. before I posted....

I will let you think about it some more.......

You did? Well....you won't mind posting the link here then, will you.

This should be very interesting.

I have posted links for you in the post and all I get is bupkis....

you have a counter point? make it, do your own homework for a change.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to cover for the fact that you did not look up the numbers in question.

I always research before I post. It works better that way.

Will the delay of the employer insurance mandate affect you?

Relax--Obamacare's Employer Mandate Affects Few Businesses - NationalJournal.com

You can apologize whenever you like. Fucking loser.
Only 14 states have exchanges, what are the people in the other 36 states going to do?

States may choose to join together to run multi-state exchanges, or they may opt out of running their own exchange, in which case the federal government will step in to create an exchange for use by their citizens.

Currently there are 17 Declared State-based Exchange
7 Planning for Partnership Exchange
27 Default to Federal Exchange
That accounts for all 50 states and DC

It actually doesn't because, even though the deadline for the exchanges is only 3 months away, the administration has no idea if the exchanges will be ready.

Obamacare exchanges may not be ready for October launch, GAO report finds - Jun. 19, 2013

You should really keep up with the facts if you want to defend your idol.
There is a contingency plans that would allow the federal government to step in and assume operational control of the 17 state-based exchanges if they are not ready to go by Oct. 1, a CMS official said.
You did? Well....you won't mind posting the link here then, will you.

This should be very interesting.

I have posted links for you in the post and all I get is bupkis....

you have a counter point? make it, do your own homework for a change.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to cover for the fact that you did not look up the numbers in question.

I always research before I post. It works better that way.

Will the delay of the employer insurance mandate affect you?

Relax--Obamacare's Employer Mandate Affects Few Businesses - NationalJournal.com

You can apologize whenever you like. Fucking loser.

I have to make a choice here, either you are lying, or are really stupid.

Given your past posting pattern here, and the fact that you actually make rdean look intelligent, I am going to have to go with both.

The simple truth is that Obama is exempting every company that has more than 50 employees from complying with any part of the employee mandate, including the requirement that they report the type of insurance they provide, the cost to each employee, and the wages of all their employees. Last time I checked that not just a few businesses, it is most of the businesses in this country.

feel free to keep lying though, it is all you have.

States may choose to join together to run multi-state exchanges, or they may opt out of running their own exchange, in which case the federal government will step in to create an exchange for use by their citizens.

Currently there are 17 Declared State-based Exchange
7 Planning for Partnership Exchange
27 Default to Federal Exchange
That accounts for all 50 states and DC

It actually doesn't because, even though the deadline for the exchanges is only 3 months away, the administration has no idea if the exchanges will be ready.

Obamacare exchanges may not be ready for October launch, GAO report finds - Jun. 19, 2013

You should really keep up with the facts if you want to defend your idol.
There is a contingency plans that would allow the federal government to step in and assume operational control of the 17 state-based exchanges if they are not ready to go by Oct. 1, a CMS official said.

Is that the same guy who told us last month that the employee mandate was not a burden on business?
I have posted links for you in the post and all I get is bupkis....

you have a counter point? make it, do your own homework for a change.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to cover for the fact that you did not look up the numbers in question.

I always research before I post. It works better that way.

Will the delay of the employer insurance mandate affect you?

Relax--Obamacare's Employer Mandate Affects Few Businesses - NationalJournal.com

You can apologize whenever you like. Fucking loser.

I have to make a choice here, either you are lying, or are really stupid.

Given your past posting pattern here, and the fact that you actually make rdean look intelligent, I am going to have to go with both.

The simple truth is that Obama is exempting every company that has more than 50 employees from complying with any part of the employee mandate, including the requirement that they report the type of insurance they provide, the cost to each employee, and the wages of all their employees. Last time I checked that not just a few businesses, it is most of the businesses in this country.

feel free to keep lying though, it is all you have.

Given your audience, I understand why you believe that pretending not to know what I have said works for you.

And, since you clearly want to take the conversation another way......with THREE references to RDean thus far, I must wonder how badly he has burned you recently. You seem obsessed.
If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to cover for the fact that you did not look up the numbers in question.

I always research before I post. It works better that way.

Will the delay of the employer insurance mandate affect you?

Relax--Obamacare's Employer Mandate Affects Few Businesses - NationalJournal.com

You can apologize whenever you like. Fucking loser.

I have to make a choice here, either you are lying, or are really stupid.

Given your past posting pattern here, and the fact that you actually make rdean look intelligent, I am going to have to go with both.

The simple truth is that Obama is exempting every company that has more than 50 employees from complying with any part of the employee mandate, including the requirement that they report the type of insurance they provide, the cost to each employee, and the wages of all their employees. Last time I checked that not just a few businesses, it is most of the businesses in this country.

feel free to keep lying though, it is all you have.

Given your audience, I understand why you believe that pretending not to know what I have said works for you.

And, since you clearly want to take the conversation another way......with THREE references to RDean thus far, I must wonder how badly he has burned you recently. You seem obsessed.

You didn't just post a link that claims that this is not a big deal because it only affects a few businesses?
You did? Well....you won't mind posting the link here then, will you.

This should be very interesting.

I have posted links for you in the post and all I get is bupkis....

you have a counter point? make it, do your own homework for a change.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to cover for the fact that you did not look up the numbers in question.

I always research before I post. It works better that way.

Will the delay of the employer insurance mandate affect you?

Relax--Obamacare's Employer Mandate Affects Few Businesses - NationalJournal.com

You can apologize whenever you like. Fucking loser.

you're seriously challenged dude, :cuckoo:

LIMRA Study Finds Less than Half of Small Businesses Offer Employee Benefits

WINDSOR, Conn., Jan. 28, 2013 — Only 47 percent of small businesses (2-99 employees) in the United States offer benefits to their employees, the lowest level in two decades of LIMRA research.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 98 percent of businesses in the U.S. have fewer than 100 employees, accounting for approximately 35 percent of the U.S. workforce.

"The recession has had an impact on smaller employers’ ability to offer benefits, particularly those with fewer than ten employees,” said Kim Landry, research analyst, LIMRA Product Research. “The weak economy caused a lot of small firms to close, while the new firms cropping up to replace them are less likely to offer benefits. Many small businesses are also hesitant to add new benefits until the economy improves."

LIMRA’s study found that 78 percent of small businesses in the U.S. are family-owned. Family-owned firms experienced a sharper decline in benefit penetration between 2005 and 2012 than non-family-owned firms, with only 40 percent of these businesses offering insurance benefits in 2012 (compared with 47% in 2005).

LIMRA Study Finds Less than Half of Small Businesses Offer Employee Benefits

You do realize that the mandate itself will affect how hiring at that level goes forward, as its already applying downward pressure on full time jobs, example, of the trend; more jobs were created at the part time level than full time ala the 195k as of the last employment report?

here, I'll help you, this is where you need to be focused,

Firms with 5 to 9 employees 6,878,051
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 8,497,391
Firms with 20 to 99 employees 20,684,691

and that as of 2008....HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO

Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

so, back to the point- I am still waiting on your 2% verification, anytime will do, since you already researched it, well not very well since your own 'sources' refute that.....:rolleyes: .....
You do realize that the mandate itself will affect how hiring at that level goes forward, as its already applying downward pressure on full time jobs, example, of the trend; more jobs were created at the part time level than full time ala the 195k as of the last employment report?

here, I'll help you, this is where you need to be focused,

Firms with 5 to 9 employees 6,878,051
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 8,497,391
Firms with 20 to 99 employees 20,684,691
You do realize that the Affordable Care Act does not require businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees to provide their employees with healthcare coverage. (And if they do have fewer than 25 employees and choose to provide insurance anyway, the Act provides a tax credit to offset the cost.) Since 96% of the businesses in the US have less than 50 employees it seems a bit ridiculous to claim that the ACA is going to have a major impact on employment.
Is The Affordable Care Act Really Bad For Business? - Forbes
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You do realize that the mandate itself will affect how hiring at that level goes forward, as its already applying downward pressure on full time jobs, example, of the trend; more jobs were created at the part time level than full time ala the 195k as of the last employment report?

here, I'll help you, this is where you need to be focused,

Firms with 5 to 9 employees 6,878,051
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 8,497,391
Firms with 20 to 99 employees 20,684,691
You do realize that the Affordable Care Act does not require businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees to provide their employees with healthcare coverage. (And if they do have fewer than 25 employees and choose to provide insurance anyway, the Act provides a tax credit to offset the cost.) Since 96% of the businesses in the US have less than 50 employees it seems a bit ridiculous to claim that the ACA is going to have a major impact on employment.
Is The Affordable Care Act Really Bad For Business? - Forbes

96% of the businesses in the US have fewer than 50 employees? Whose ass did you pull that lie out of? Do you have anything to support other than a PR piece?
You do realize that the mandate itself will affect how hiring at that level goes forward, as its already applying downward pressure on full time jobs, example, of the trend; more jobs were created at the part time level than full time ala the 195k as of the last employment report?

here, I'll help you, this is where you need to be focused,

Firms with 5 to 9 employees 6,878,051
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 8,497,391
Firms with 20 to 99 employees 20,684,691
You do realize that the Affordable Care Act does not require businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees to provide their employees with healthcare coverage. (And if they do have fewer than 25 employees and choose to provide insurance anyway, the Act provides a tax credit to offset the cost.) Since 96% of the businesses in the US have less than 50 employees it seems a bit ridiculous to claim that the ACA is going to have a major impact on employment.
Is The Affordable Care Act Really Bad For Business? - Forbes

96% of the businesses in the US have fewer than 50 employees? Whose ass did you pull that lie out of? Do you have anything to support other than a PR piece?

That seems plausible. But I wonder what percentage of workers work for a company with more than 50 employees? Wanna bet it's a good deal more than 4%?
You do realize that the Affordable Care Act does not require businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees to provide their employees with healthcare coverage. (And if they do have fewer than 25 employees and choose to provide insurance anyway, the Act provides a tax credit to offset the cost.) Since 96% of the businesses in the US have less than 50 employees it seems a bit ridiculous to claim that the ACA is going to have a major impact on employment.
Is The Affordable Care Act Really Bad For Business? - Forbes

96% of the businesses in the US have fewer than 50 employees? Whose ass did you pull that lie out of? Do you have anything to support other than a PR piece?

That seems plausible. But I wonder what percentage of workers work for a company with more than 50 employees? Wanna bet it's a good deal more than 4%?

It doesn't seem plausible to me. I even looked at the 4 year old numbers that the Census Bureau has on their website and it doesn't seem plausible.
Some people have trouble with numbers and difficulty comprehending that which their opponent is trying to say.


That means you eliminate all businesses with less than 50 employees.
That means you eliminate all businesses with more than 50 employees who already offer health insurance that meets the guidelines.

Remaining is a very small percentage of BUSINESSES.

Have a great day.

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