Obamacare welfare (subsidies) will be given without verification of need!

Allow me:

Health insurance marketplaces will not be required to verify consumer claims - The Washington Post

This is nothing but Democrat vote-buying.

First, they delay the provisions that would hurt people the most until after the mid-terms...then this bullshit.

Obama really does believe he's above the law.

How does delaying the mandates for businesses and not the individual mandates help people? Now companies can just cut people off and let them fend for themselves, as did my company and their retirees.
You're right; I was wrong about that part.

The no-verification for subsidy is pure vote-buying, however.

All this amply demonstrates that Obamacare is a huge, steaming pile of unworkable crap that needs to be buried at midnight with a stake through its heart.
The subsidy that's part of the ACA is a tax credit that can be used to purchase health insurance. To get the tax credit, you must purchase your heath insurance from a company listed on the exchange, however you can purchase the policy either through the exchange or from an agent. From the exchange web site you fill out a simple form listing your income and a few other particulars. You then choose the policy you would like to investigate or compare with other policies. The premium and your tax credit will be shown. If you specified an income when you purchased your policy that's too low, it will be caught when you file your taxes. So, pre-qualifying would seem to be a big waste of money.

As a small business owner, this law is probably going to benefit you.

Do you have health insurance, by the way?

Here is a nice article written by someone in your area. See if you can believe any of it.

Obamacare is good for small business / LJWorld.com

As an idiot, you are a great defender of government excess. Anyone with a working brain, including Obama, knows just how bad it is going to be.
Whatever. We are talking about administrative adjustments as though they are pivots in the law. Let us try and keep some perspective.

This type of thing is expected. What is also expected......but really unwanted.....is the cries of outrage with a political agenda as motive.

I get it. Republicans want to win in 2014. Mountains out of molehills.

Administrative adjustments? Can I use that the next time a cop stops me for speeding? Or does it only work for black people?
From the link:

In addition, lying on the exchange form carries with it a penalty of as much as $25,000. An individual who fibbed on his income would also have to pay back the extra subsidies when filing a tax return for 2014.

I am sure that will fix everything.

Since you are such a believer in laws preventing crime, why do you think we need to have background checks? After all, anyone who is not supposed to have a gun is breaking the law already.
What the fuck are you babbling about? And who the hell are you talking to?

No wonder expecting others to use Google was a dumb expectation.

Look up. I was responding to a post.

Your hard-on for me is unbecoming. Try reading your own threads.
Every post is "up" above yours. Am I just supposed to guess who, if anyone, you were responding to? The quote function too complicated for you?

You are talking to LoneLaugher, the only guy on the board that makes rdean look intelligent.
How does delaying the mandates for businesses and not the individual mandates help people? Now companies can just cut people off and let them fend for themselves, as did my company and their retirees.
You're right; I was wrong about that part.

The no-verification for subsidy is pure vote-buying, however.

All this amply demonstrates that Obamacare is a huge, steaming pile of unworkable crap that needs to be buried at midnight with a stake through its heart.
The subsidy that's part of the ACA is a tax credit that can be used to purchase health insurance. To get the tax credit, you must purchase your heath insurance from a company listed on the exchange, however you can purchase the policy either through the exchange or from an agent. From the exchange web site you fill out a simple form listing your income and a few other particulars. You then choose the policy you would like to investigate or compare with other policies. The premium and your tax credit will be shown. If you specified an income when you purchased your policy that's too low, it will be caught when you file your taxes. So, pre-qualifying would seem to be a big waste of money.

Only 14 states have exchanges, what are the people in the other 36 states going to do?
You're right; I was wrong about that part.

The no-verification for subsidy is pure vote-buying, however.

All this amply demonstrates that Obamacare is a huge, steaming pile of unworkable crap that needs to be buried at midnight with a stake through its heart.
The subsidy that's part of the ACA is a tax credit that can be used to purchase health insurance. To get the tax credit, you must purchase your heath insurance from a company listed on the exchange, however you can purchase the policy either through the exchange or from an agent. From the exchange web site you fill out a simple form listing your income and a few other particulars. You then choose the policy you would like to investigate or compare with other policies. The premium and your tax credit will be shown. If you specified an income when you purchased your policy that's too low, it will be caught when you file your taxes. So, pre-qualifying would seem to be a big waste of money.

Only 14 states have exchanges, what are the people in the other 36 states going to do?
Is the answer secede? :lol:
Look up. I was responding to a post.

Your hard-on for me is unbecoming. Try reading your own threads.
Every post is "up" above yours. Am I just supposed to guess who, if anyone, you were responding to? The quote function too complicated for you?

You are talking to LoneLaugher, the only guy on the board that makes rdean look intelligent.

QW, are you still butthurt from the last time? Man......you sure do hate to be made a fool of. I be more gentle from now on.
I'll tell ya, the nutter attempt to make people believe that Obamacare is an "unmitigated disaster", a "government takeover", a "monstrosity"..........is getting very desperate.

With good reason, I suppose. You fuckers NAMED IT! In a move reminiscent of how you called yourselves "teabaggers".....only to whine about it later......this law, when it proves to be a moderate success, will burn you every time it is mentioned.

Obama-care. It does have a nice ring to it. Say it with me O-B-A-M-A-C-A-R-E.

I wonder which of your talking heads will be the first to implore you to start calling it by another name? When will your revisionist History charge the man with arrogantly naming a law after himself?
How does delaying the mandates for businesses and not the individual mandates help people? Now companies can just cut people off and let them fend for themselves, as did my company and their retirees.
You're right; I was wrong about that part.

The no-verification for subsidy is pure vote-buying, however.

All this amply demonstrates that Obamacare is a huge, steaming pile of unworkable crap that needs to be buried at midnight with a stake through its heart.
The subsidy that's part of the ACA is a tax credit that can be used to purchase health insurance. To get the tax credit, you must purchase your heath insurance from a company listed on the exchange, however you can purchase the policy either through the exchange or from an agent. From the exchange web site you fill out a simple form listing your income and a few other particulars. You then choose the policy you would like to investigate or compare with other policies. The premium and your tax credit will be shown. If you specified an income when you purchased your policy that's too low, it will be caught when you file your taxes. So, pre-qualifying would seem to be a big waste of money.
The whole thing is a big waste of money. You really can't see that the wheels are coming off this thing?

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