ObamaCare will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
With waivers, exemptions, and unions don't want it...

Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal

BY PAT FARNELLI (Staff writer)

He said that if a company must provide insurance if it has 50 employees, and currently employs 48 or 49 people, "the incentive to not hire that 50th employee is huge."

That makes the Obamacare concept hopelessly flawed and in need of repeal, he said.

During a question-and-answer session, Mr. Toomey was asked if Obamacare is a done deal.

"No, I do not believe it is a done deal," he replied. "It will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward, but we will repeal it."

He said that Obamacare will completely stifle innovation in health care.

On natural gas, Mr. Toomey said he expects the industry will lead the way to economic recovery, both immediately and eventually.

He conceded that at some point, the number of wells being drilled will fall off, "but by then, we'll have many enormously effective downstream effects, economic benefits, products, and jobs."

He said that the demand for compressed natural gas in particular will continue to grow, and the region needs to develop this market in a sensible, safe way.

But, he cautioned chamber members that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "could impede that one bright light."


Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal - News - The Times-Tribune
The closer Obamacare gets to full implementation the more damage we see it doing. The WSJ has run articles on how it will put self-insured companies out of business.
The unintended consequences (if they are unintended) are enormous).
obamacare is supposed to collapse and be replaced by single payer totally under government control.
obamacare is supposed to collapse and be replaced by single payer totally under government control.

Absolutely! And what are those "unintended consequences"???
Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

I mean this wholesale destruction of health care for what? 4 million that truly WANT and need health insurance?

I keep asking people to agree that if we all beat the hell out of our local media to explain where Obama's 46 million comes from when 18 million under 34 making over $50k don't want to buy.. leaves 28 million..
14 million people who answered Census saying didn't have insurance BUT didn't KNOW they qualify for Medicaid leaves 14 million...
and 10 million of 14 million are NOT citizens!

Tax lawyers 10% like tanning salons were in ACA and use the $27 billion to pay premiums for the 4 million uninsured!
Audit hospitals prevent them from padding and passing uninsured expenses sometimes marked up 6,000% if they register and send
claims for the uninsured!
Finally with lawyers tax pegged to declining $850 billion defensive medicine costs which doctors admit they do because of fear of lawsuits this would lower the $850 billion wastefully spent in duplicate, uncalled for tests,etc.!
Consequently that would decline and we could easily see insurance premium costs decline 10 to 20% because COSTS go down!

So please tell your local media to answer these questions:
1) why are 18 million people who don't want insurance counted as part of the 46 million?
2) Why are 14 million already covered under Medicaid counted?
3) Why are 10 million illegals counted?
4) That leaves 4 million truly that need health insurance and why don't the Media go after the $850 billion in defensive medicine costs?
First it wasn't supposed to pass.
Then it wasn't supposed to survive the Supreme Court.
Then it wasn't supposed to be supported by the States

Now it's supposed to "collapse under it's own weight"

It sounds as if there is a clear pattern here.
First it wasn't supposed to pass.
Then it wasn't supposed to survive the Supreme Court.
Then it wasn't supposed to be supported by the States

Now it's supposed to "collapse under it's own weight"

It sounds as if there is a clear pattern here.

YEA.. as Pelosi said "we have to pass it to know what's in it"!
Ignorant people who don't have a clue how health insurance works for example why in the f...k put 85% as a requirement in ACA for medical liability ratio WHEN it already averages 80%!!! What do these idiots think insurance reserves come from???
I bet YOU have no idea what I mean by that which is totally typical of idiots that support ACA!
Idiots who think all health insurance companies out to screw people are actually a reflection of themselves!
First it wasn't supposed to pass.
Then it wasn't supposed to survive the Supreme Court.
Then it wasn't supposed to be supported by the States

Now it's supposed to "collapse under it's own weight"

It sounds as if there is a clear pattern here.

YEA.. as Pelosi said "we have to pass it to know what's in it"!
Ignorant people who don't have a clue how health insurance works for example why in the f...k put 85% as a requirement in ACA for medical liability ratio WHEN it already averages 80%!!! What do these idiots think insurance reserves come from???
I bet YOU have no idea what I mean by that which is totally typical of idiots that support ACA!
Idiots who think all health insurance companies out to screw people are actually a reflection of themselves!

unfortunately Obamacare is designed to do just that....Obamacare regulations force insurance companies to charge more....so people think it's the insurance companies out to screw them....
"Oklahomans are going to see an increase in the range of 30-100%.
Georgia is going to see a 200% increase or higher," said Commissioner Doak.
Doak points out that other states are seeing similar or even higher increases including Florida and Indiana. The insurance department's chief actuary says this confirms the obvious, insurers must increase premiums due to additional requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
CNN Poll: Large Majority Opposes 'All' or 'Most' Obamacare Provisions - Guy Benson
Then why defund it? It's the gop's one sure way to the WH in 16.

not necessarily.....liberals will STILL blame republicans for it not working right....especially those not setting up state exchanges....

let's face it....Dims will always blame Reps for everything of theirs that goes wrong...which is just about everything...we need to make it hard for them and fight them every step of the way...
I'm not sure I understand the logic behind this. Why would lawmakers seek relief from Obamacare?

"Congress has won some partial relief for lawmakers and their staffs from the "Obamacare" health reforms that it passed and subjected itself to three years ago."

UPDATE 1-U.S. Congress wins relief on Obamacare health plan subsidies | Reuters

Because its going to be to expensive and they now know it.

They never read the damned thing and they screwed themselves just like the screwed all of us.
obamacare is supposed to collapse and be replaced by single payer totally under government control.

We can only hope.

Because the gov't that ran Benghazi and the IRS scandal can be totally counted on to give healthcare witout any bias at all.
I can just see it: "We're sorry Mr Smith. But you donated to the GOP last year so that puts you at the bottom of the list for cardiac bypass. Come back in 18 months."
obamacare is supposed to collapse and be replaced by single payer totally under government control.

We can only hope.

Because the gov't that ran Benghazi and the IRS scandal can be totally counted on to give healthcare witout any bias at all.
I can just see it: "We're sorry Mr Smith. But you donated to the GOP last year so that puts you at the bottom of the list for cardiac bypass. Come back in 18 months."

Or the death panel says you have to report to an extermination chamber...:eek:

With waivers, exemptions, and unions don't want it...

Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal

BY PAT FARNELLI (Staff writer)

He said that if a company must provide insurance if it has 50 employees, and currently employs 48 or 49 people, "the incentive to not hire that 50th employee is huge."

That makes the Obamacare concept hopelessly flawed and in need of repeal, he said.

During a question-and-answer session, Mr. Toomey was asked if Obamacare is a done deal.

"No, I do not believe it is a done deal," he replied. "It will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward, but we will repeal it."

He said that Obamacare will completely stifle innovation in health care.

On natural gas, Mr. Toomey said he expects the industry will lead the way to economic recovery, both immediately and eventually.

He conceded that at some point, the number of wells being drilled will fall off, "but by then, we'll have many enormously effective downstream effects, economic benefits, products, and jobs."

He said that the demand for compressed natural gas in particular will continue to grow, and the region needs to develop this market in a sensible, safe way.

But, he cautioned chamber members that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "could impede that one bright light."


Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal - News - The Times-Tribune

Republicans move to halt ObamaCare 'bailout' for angry unions ... so no unions get out

Nobody is waived or exempted. Everyone is in, AJ. And small business is pleased that BHO and the admin listened to their needs.

No please write something more clearly and to the point.

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