ObamaCare will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward

Macdonald said:

Obamacare is a shining example of the fucking mess that is our political system. On both ends of the spectrum.

And the blatantly political "delays" are an insult.




Insult is a very mild adjective.


Health insurance does NOTHING to lower actual healthcare costs.

But you, and many others, already knew that. :D

Jumping through hoops in order for a doc or facility to be reimbursed is fkn ridiculous!

Let's not even mention Medicaid...which most doctors will not take.
Docs that I know were refusing new Medi-Cal patients since 2006 at least.

/steps off truth box :D
ObamaCare Defender Forced to Try ObamaCare says, “I Feel Like a Dupe”.

March 20, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


William Rivers Pitt was Dennis Kucinich’s press secretary. He co-wrote a book with notorious pedophile and Saddam cover-up artist Scott Ritter.

He’s also an editor at left-wing site TruthOut. Not too long ago he was an enthusiastic cheerleader for ObamaCare, writing, “If you’re one of the people fighting the Affordable Care Act, wouldn’t it be an example of enlightened, conservative self-interest to make sure this law is as robust as can be?”

“The ACA makes sure your insurance company can’t shaft you if your inevitable illness becomes too expensive for their balance sheet,” Pitt assured conservatives.

That was last year. This year Pitt tried ObamaCare. His response was enthusiastic and unprintable.

“F__ you, insurance industry. F___ you, Mr. President, you piece of s___t used-car salesman. F___ my heart and soul, fuck you.”

In follow-up posts on Democratic Underground, he added, “I long for a time machine. I helped, in my own small way, to promote this thing, because of the pre-existing conditions aspect that would benefit my wife. I feel like a f_____ dupe.”


ObamaCare Defender Forced to Try ObamaCare says, ?I Feel Like a Dupe?. | FrontPage Magazine
A J in April we will begin to have actual hard data currently we have none. We will see 1-3 of the following by the end of May:

Rate increases and/or shrinking networks on at least low end exchange policies.

Rate decreases and/or larger networks on higher end non-exchange policies.

Refusal to take new policies by some companies in some states.

Those actions will have electoral effects. The more actions the bigger the effects.
The commies better known as the democrats (Saul Alinsky disciples) are counting on the failure of Obamacare. It has been a trojan horse in order to usher in single payer. That is what they truly want, and they knew they would not have been able to sell it, so they discovered a way to get it implemented. This is the best way.

Predictably, when Obamacare fails, they will blame the insurance companies, and the puppets/pawns will fall right in line. It will not matter what facts you give these mindless squishpots. They will listen to their masters. They have no ability to think objectively. You can tell that, when these bloviated idiots try to refute facts. Hell, they still either deny or do not care that Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Bush ever took office. That is pretty much how stupid they are, and they still to this day claim Bush lied about that, regardless of the facts that show he did not lie.

Anyway, yes Obamacare is a failure, and they are counting on it. They are already blaming the insurance industry like we all predicted. By this time next year, the plan will be in full swing.
The commies better known as the democrats (Saul Alinsky disciples) are counting on the failure of Obamacare. It has been a trojan horse in order to usher in single payer. That is what they truly want, and they knew they would not have been able to sell it, so they discovered a way to get it implemented. This is the best way.

Predictably, when Obamacare fails, they will blame the insurance companies, and the puppets/pawns will fall right in line. It will not matter what facts you give these mindless squishpots. They will listen to their masters. They have no ability to think objectively. You can tell that, when these bloviated idiots try to refute facts. Hell, they still either deny or do not care that Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Bush ever took office. That is pretty much how stupid they are, and they still to this day claim Bush lied about that, regardless of the facts that show he did not lie.

Anyway, yes Obamacare is a failure, and they are counting on it. They are already blaming the insurance industry like we all predicted. By this time next year, the plan will be in full swing.
True but they lack the votes to pull it off.
ObamaCare and Drug Poverty

March 24, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


Hard as it is to believe, there is yet another price spike coming courtesy of ObamaCare. Avalere Health, a market and healthcare research firm, estimates that some consumers will pay as much as half the cost of so-called “specialty drugs” under health overhaul-related plans. By comparison, consumers in private plans typically pay no more than a third of those costs. ”There’s a significant percentage of plans who are using coinsurance of 50 percent or higher,” said Caroline Pearson, who tracks the health care overhaul for Avalere Health. “It is generally a lot higher than what we see in private insurance.”


“In the past, we’ve seen 10 or 20 percent coinsurance rates. Now we’re seeing 30, 40 and 50 percent,” said Brian Rosen, senior vice president for public policy at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which commissioned actuarial firm Milliman Inc. to study the new plans. ”So patients are being asked to bear more of the cost.” Milliman’s study of California, Texas, Florida and New York confirmed coinsurance rates as high as 40 and 50 percent for specialty drugs in those states. Drugs that can cost $8000 or more per month. Rosen addressed the inevitable result. ”Patients are going to spend their entire out-of-pocket cap before they ever see a dime from the insurance company,” he explained.


Prior to Friday March 14, many insurance companies were faced with either jacking premiums through the roof, or abandoning the exchanges. With the “enhanced” bailout that increases permissible profit margins from 3 percent to 5 percent, and the amount of money companies can spend on non-patient-related expenses from from 20 percent to 22 percent, companies can continue to sell policies with artificially low premium prices — secure in the knowledge that billions of taxpayer dollars are readily available to underwrite their losses.


Yet there is something far larger going on here. Because ObamaCare is wholly owned by the American left, its failure represents an existential threat to their ideology. Thus Americans should expect even more changes to the law, courtesy of people who believe the ends justify the means, even if the rule of law must be tossed aside in the process. ObamaCare represents the epitome of such lawlessness — along with the bankruptcy of progressive ideology.

ObamaCare and Drug Poverty | FrontPage Magazine
ObamaCare’s Indefinitely Extended Deadline

March 27, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


The Obama administration’s contempt for the rule of law has hit a new low. On Tuesday night, federal officials revealed that Americans who claim they have been unable to enroll in healthcare plans on the federal exchange will be granted an extension past the March 31 deadline. “We are . . . making sure that we will be ready to help consumers who may be in line by the deadline to complete enrollment — either online or over the phone,” said Julie Bataille, director of the office of communications for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

The move reeks of desperation. Once again, as the administration did for calculating premium subsidies based on one’s income, no actual verification is necessary. People need only check a blue box on the HealthCare.gov website indicating that they tried to enroll before the deadline, and they will have until mid-April — or perhaps longer — to ask for an extension based on the “honor system.” In other words, the government will make no effort whatsoever to determine if people are telling the truth. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is immune to the absurdity. ”This is not an extension of open enrollment,” she told Michigan Fox 2 yesterday. “It is just saying, like you do on election day, if you’re in line to vote, we want to make sure you vote.”

Of all the illegal and unconstitutional extensions implemented by the Obama administration, this one is the most egregious. Previously, when the president and his minions rewrote the bill passed by Congress, signed by the president and reverently described by Democrats and their media allies as the “law of the land,” they cited the “statutory authority” to do so.


In the ultimate testimony to Democratic arrogance, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) attempted to shift the blame for the law’s disastrous rollout onto the American public, “because people are not educated on how to use the Internet.”

And so it goes for a Democratic Party and an Obama administration for whom the rule of law has become little more than what they say it is, until it must be changed for nothing more than political expediency. In reality there is only one “law” to which the American left religiously adheres: by any means necessary. Whether our democratic republic can survive three more years of such overt contempt remains to be seen. We are truly in uncharted waters.

ObamaCare?s Indefinitely Extended Deadline | FrontPage Magazine

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