ObamaCare will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward

The people who were sure the Bush tax cuts would work are sure Obamacare will fail.

In both cases they are correct.

Look who's stupid now.

As always, it's you....and always will be.

Not quite, honey.
If Obamacare is a rousing success why is Obama on board with changing the law?
If the Bush tax cuts were such failures, why did Obama and the Democrats in Congress extend them?

Wow, you're pretty clueless here.
In both cases they are correct.

Look who's stupid now.

As always, it's you....and always will be.

Not quite, honey.
If Obamacare is a rousing success why is Obama on board with changing the law?
If the Bush tax cuts were such failures, why did Obama and the Democrats in Congress extend them?

Wow, you're pretty clueless here.
And as always when confronted with facts the lib runs away.
As always, it's you....and always will be.

Not quite, honey.
If Obamacare is a rousing success why is Obama on board with changing the law?
If the Bush tax cuts were such failures, why did Obama and the Democrats in Congress extend them?

Wow, you're pretty clueless here.
And as always when confronted with facts the lib runs away.

one of the obamacare developers said last night on the tube

that providing financial assistance to the 5 million and counting

who have lost their plans will not cost the tax payer any more money

Here’s How the White House Fixed the Obamacare Website

Meghan Foley
December 03, 2013


The software that assigned particular identities to enrollees and kept their personal information linked to those identities, known internally as EIdM, was overwhelmed by the high traffic numbers, preventing customers from logging in and creating accounts. Park was called in to help, and together, he and the software engineers who built the system attempted to find the source of the glitches. “They kept looking, looking, looking, but there wasn’t anybody moving through the system,” The New York Times learned through a person familiar with the project.

The creation of accounts was under the jurisdiction of Quality Software Services Inc., or QSSI, a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group (NYSE:UNH) based in Columbia, Maryland. QSSI called upon its subcontractor Oracle (NYSE:ORCL), which sent in a team of software engineers to Washington. Experts could not agree on what went wrong, and it took eight days to resolve the account bottleneck.

While Obama was telling the public that “interest way exceeded expectations,” privately, White House officials were wondering whether the website needed to be taken down in order be fixed, the Times says. But it was eventually decided that the website should remain functioning so that problems could be identified. More importantly, senior White House officials determined that the website was fixable.

Still, potential enrollees could not register to buy insurance — a fact that was alarming insurance executives. While the system was intended to handle 50,000 concurrent users, as few as 500 users could disable it, according to Times sources. “These are not glitches,” one insurance executive said at the time, according to the publication. “The extent of the problems is pretty enormous. At the end of our calls, people say, ‘It’s awful, just awful.’”


Here?s How the White House Fixed the Obamacare Website
The closer Obamacare gets to full implementation the more damage we see it doing. The WSJ has run articles on how it will put self-insured companies out of business.
The unintended consequences (if they are unintended) are enormous).

We know now for certain that Obama and Democrats planned the blow-up of the private insurance market--"while promising Americans over 40 times that they could keep their insurance if they liked it." This was a planned event. Senate democrats voted against a bill in 2010 that would have actually allowed Americans to keep the insurance they liked.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.
Friendly reminder from CNN: Senate Democrats killed a 2010 GOP proposal to let more people keep their plans « Hot Air

5.5 million have lost the insurance they have liked to date--and they have postponed this plague that will move into the employer mandate--now until after the midterm elections in 2014.

Last edited:

Obamacare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Obama didn’t say it wouldn’t cost you more, he said you can keep you doctor.
Check it out:

If you want to keep your doctor, you might have to pay more for it, Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel said today on Fox News Sunday:

The host, Chris Wallace, said: “President Obama famously promised, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Doesn’t that turn out to be just as false, just as misleading, as his promise about if you like your plan, you can keep your plan? Isn’t it a fact, sir, that a number, most, in fact, of the Obamacare health plans that are being offered on the exchanges exclude a number of doctors and hospitals to lower costs?”

“The president never said you were going to have unlimited choice of any doctor in the country you want to go to,” said the Obamacare architect.

Post Continues on www.weeklystandard.com

Read more at Obamacare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update


70 percent of California doctors plan to boycott Obamacare exchanges

December 09, 2013

About 70 percent of California’s 104,000 doctors are reportedly planning to stay out of the state’s health insurance exchange, a move that could have significant impact on implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

As states across the country work to enroll Americans in the ACA, one question that remains is exactly what kind of doctor access patients will have when their coverage kicks in. According to the president of the California Medical Association, Dr. Richard Thorp, residents there could find limited options at the start of the new year.

Thorp told the Washington Examiner the primary reason that seven-out-of-10 California doctors are boycotting the Obamacare exchange is due to the state’s low Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement rates, which typically land 30 percent below those in other parts of the country.

For example, Medicare typically pays doctors $76 for return-office visits, but in California doctors only receive $24. A tonsillectomy, meanwhile, pays out between $500 and $700, whereas doctors in California receive $160 for the procedure.


How that would affect doctor participation in California and other parts of the United States is unclear, but if doctors continue to hold out, patients could find their choice of physicians shrink, leading to increased waiting times and less access to their doctor.

“Enrollment doesn’t mean access, because there aren’t enough doctors to take the low rates of Medicaid,” Alex Briscoe, health director for Alameda County Health Care Services Agency in California, said to the Examiner. “There aren’t enough primary care physicians, period.”

70 percent of California doctors plan to boycott Obamacare exchanges ? RT USA
Doctors Face A 24% Pay Cut In Both Medicare And Medicaid Reimbursements

Merrill Matthews


Doctors seeing Medicare patients face a 24 percent cut in reimbursements beginning January 1. But almost no one has grasped that those cuts will hit Medicaid too—thanks to Obamacare. Unless Congress acts, we’re likely to see a huge exodus of doctors who will not accept either Medicare or Medicaid patients.

In 1997 Congress passed legislation, known as the “sustainable growth rate” (SGR), to try and reduce Medicare spending. If Medicare spending grew faster than a predetermined amount, doctors’ Medicare reimbursements would be cut the next year by enough to offset the overspending.


Doctors Face A 24% Pay Cut In Both Medicare And Medicaid Reimbursements - Forbes
ObamaCare: A Word of Warning from Britain

December 11, 2013 by Enza Ferreri

The UK is one of the few countries in the world – mostly concentrated in Europe – to have completely free universal health. It sounds cuddly and comfy, but, like in all utopias and fairy tales, reality is a different matter.

The NHS is Britain’s sacred cow. No party, if it wants to be elected, can scrap it or reform it in any real sense. All parties have to recite the mantra: “The NHS is safe with us. We are ring-fencing the NHS.”

In 2009, British Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan, interviewed on Fox News (see video below) about the impending Obamacare bill, warned Americans that the NHS is a “60-year-old relic” and claimed he “would not wish it on anyone.” Hannan was then condemned back home as “evil,” “unpatriotric” and “a traitor.”

Former Chancellor Nigel Lawson said that the NHS is “the closest thing that the British have to a religion.” And Labour politicians have managed to create a climate in which this institution is considered sacrosanct, untouchable by criticism.


ObamaCare: A Word of Warning from Britain | FrontPage Magazine

Obamacare in Full Effect

Conn Carroll | Jan 01, 2014


The politically “popular provisions” (such as, so-called “free” preventive care, covering 26-year-old “children” on their parents’ plans, and expanding Medicare prescription drug benefits) took effect first—prior to the 2012 election. But these provisions are nearly inconsequential compared to the damaging Obamacare components slated to take full effect in January 2014.

That’s when a new and completely unsustainable subsidy program takes hold via the government exchanges. It’s also when Obamacare expands the broken Medicaid program to take in millions of new patients, and when Americans start paying for most of the nearly $1.8 trillion in new entitlement spending with massive tax hikes and unprecedented cuts to the Medicare program.

The results of these intertwining provisions will profoundly change the U.S. health care system and will undoubtedly produce lasting negative effects for a majority of Americans, regardless of the source of their health care coverage. Many Americans will see higher costs, fewer choices for coverage and less access to doctors and hospitals.


The Exchanges
The key vehicle used by Obamacare to radically transform and standardize health insurance in the U.S. is the creation of government health insurance exchanges. These exchanges were created to sell and subsidize standardized government-approved health care plans. Most of those who acquire coverage through the exchanges will have their costs subsidized by federal taxpayers. In 34 states, the federal government will be in charge of running the exchange.

Sixteen states, plus the District of Columbia, have elected to run their own state exchange. Open enrollment in the exchanges began on October 1. Coverage for enrollees kicks in beginning January 1, 2014.

Standardizing Health Insurance
Over-Regulation of Insurance
Subsidizing Coverage in the Exchange
Higher Premiums and Fewer Choices
Health Coverage Doesn’t Equal Access to Care
New Taxes, Mandates, and Fees Obamacare contains 18 specific tax hikes, mandates or penalties estimated to raise a total of $771 billion in new revenue from 2013-2022. All but four of these are already in effect, and three more will take hold in 2014. Total tax revenue from Obamacare is estimated to be almost $32 billion in 2014.


Using Medicare to Pay for Obamacare
An Experiment We Can ’t Afford

Obamacare’s new entitlements are kicking into high gear at a time when the nation rapidly approaches a fiscal crisis. The national debt has surpassed $17 trillion, and government spending is on track to exceed revenues in 2014 by 18 percent. Existing entitlement programs, desperately in need of reform, are largely to blame for this untenable situation.

While the U.S. health care system certainly needed reform before Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act exacerbates pre-existing flaws and creates new problems. Americans can’t afford the cost of Obamacare or its harmful impact on access to quality health care.

Obamacare in Full Effect - Conn Carroll
ObamaCare will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward
Has it collapsed yet?
The Year of ObamaCare

January 1, 2014 by Arnold Ahle



Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Howard Dean one-upped Norton, insisting the entire law wasn’t necessary, “and it’s probably a big political thing, and that is going to hurt the Democrats because people don’t like to be told what to do by the government no matter what party they’re in,” he contended. Americans were relatively blasé about that prospect until they began to experience what it truly meant. A combination of cancelled policies, sticker shock and the realization that the selling of ObamaCare was based on a series of coordinated lies and broken promises has already taken it toll. And while the president and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius have made every effort to postpone the next eruption of chaos until after the 2014 election, they are unlikely to succeed.

In a piece entitled “Here Comes the ObamaCare Tax Avalanche,” columnist John Hayward details the series of levies that are now in effect. These include a 2 percent tax on every healthcare plan, and $2.00 fee per policy to support the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, a new medical-research trust fund. Individual Americans who earn $200,000 and families with an income of $250,000 or above will be subjected to a 0.9 percent Medicare surtax in addition to the existing 1.45 percent Medicare payroll tax, along with a 3.8 percent tax on all unearned income, such as capital gains or other investment income. ”Hidden” taxes include raising the threshold of income tax deductions for those with high out-of-pocket medical expenses from 7.5 percent to 10 percent.

One insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, is refusing to play along. They’re adding a separate line item on their bills entitled, “Affordable Care Act Fees and Taxes.” In an example provided by the company, the hit on one insurance bill came to $23.14 a month, or $277.68 annually. It boosted the cost of that policy from $322.26 to $345.40 per month. If other companies follow suit, it will undoubtedly blow a giant hole in the administration’s efforts to re-focus the blame for escalating insurance costs from the Obama administration and Democrats onto the insurance companies.


Right now, most Americans are enjoying their New Year’s holiday, relaxing and/or nursing a hangover. After that, they may very well undertake whatever work is necessary to extract themselves from the hangover known as ObamaCare. Perhaps 2014 is the year most Americans decide that, “if you like your freedom, you can keep your freedom. Period.”

The Year of ObamaCare | FrontPage Magazine
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gqiPw3Lr4c]ObamaCare: My Frustrating Journey - YouTube[/ame]
With waivers, exemptions, and unions don't want it...

Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal

BY PAT FARNELLI (Staff writer)

He said that if a company must provide insurance if it has 50 employees, and currently employs 48 or 49 people, "the incentive to not hire that 50th employee is huge."

That makes the Obamacare concept hopelessly flawed and in need of repeal, he said.

During a question-and-answer session, Mr. Toomey was asked if Obamacare is a done deal.

"No, I do not believe it is a done deal," he replied. "It will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward, but we will repeal it."

He said that Obamacare will completely stifle innovation in health care.

On natural gas, Mr. Toomey said he expects the industry will lead the way to economic recovery, both immediately and eventually.

He conceded that at some point, the number of wells being drilled will fall off, "but by then, we'll have many enormously effective downstream effects, economic benefits, products, and jobs."

He said that the demand for compressed natural gas in particular will continue to grow, and the region needs to develop this market in a sensible, safe way.

But, he cautioned chamber members that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "could impede that one bright light."


Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal - News - The Times-Tribune

Don't you really mean the republican party will collapse under its own weight whe obama care moves forward ... isn't that the real truth
AJ, The data on Ocare will keep trickling out quarter by quarter but the states with state exchanges will commit to the sunk cost fallacy. That means 30 senators willing to scorch the Earth to bedrock in order to avoid national repeal. If they are joined by 10 other senators repeal will be impossible. It is far simpler to certify any and all state plans as compliant then let people vote with their feet and wallets.
The President’s Devious ObamaCare Delays

March 7, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


A lawless and politically transparent Obama administration just became more so on both counts. The “imminent” decision to implement yet another delay of ObamaCare, reported by The Hill on Tuesday, became reality Wednesday. Americans who have plans that don’t comply with the ObamaCare mandates can keep them through October 2017, provided that their states allow it, according to the latest fixes. In addition, next year’s open enrollment period was extended by a month, and insurers will get additional financial help to offset the costs of claims made by new ObamaCare enrollees. The Hill provided an accurate assessment of just why the administration is making these changes: “The White House is intent on protecting its allies in the Senate, where Democrats face a battle to keep control of the chamber,” the website stated.

Why should they need protection? According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), all is well with the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) itself. It is only the propagandists who despise it who are raining on the parade. “Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told,” Reid declared on the floor of the Senate Feb. 26. “All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.” A few hours hours later, he added the American left’s favorite targets to the mix. “I can’t say that every one of the Koch brothers’ ads are a lie, but I’ll say this: Mr. President, the vast, vast majority of them are,” he contended.


The President?s Devious ObamaCare Delays | FrontPage Magazine
Sorry AJ. At first Ocare was a tragedy but now it is becoming one of the best "Three Stooges" films ever. OK Obama is Curly obviously, Boehner is Moe but who is Larry? So many worthy candidates on both sides of the aisle.

Obamacare is a shining example of the fucking mess that is our political system. On both ends of the spectrum.

And the blatantly political "delays" should be an insult.


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