ObamaCare will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward

Don' t worry guys. They said exactly the same thing about Medicare in 1965.

Now, in 2013, I am enjoying the best health insurance plan I have ever had. It is called "Medicare Advantage....

Conservatives made a history out of being wrong.

Resistance to women voting, desegregating the military, stem cell research, alternative fuels....

It's a shameful history. Now it's continuing with same sex marriages and Obama care (of which I'm indifferent personally--it doesn't go far enough).
Don' t worry guys. They said exactly the same thing about Medicare in 1965.

Now, in 2013, I am enjoying the best health insurance plan I have ever had. It is called "Medicare Advantage....

The CMS flip-flop is good news for seniors and taxpayers alike. But Medicare Advantage is not out of the woods yet. Obamacare is set to slash hundreds of billions from the program over the next 10 years.

That’s a mistake. Medicare Advantage delivers better care at lower cost than does conventional Medicare. The program should be expanded — not cut, as the president and his allies advocate.

Some 14 million seniors — more than a quarter of all beneficiaries — have enrolled in Medicare Advantage.

Obamacare To Slash Hundreds Of Billions From Medicare Advantage Over Next 10 Years - Forbes

Van, I hope it works out in yo fav...

The MA plans are gog away, Plan F is replacing them at a very fast place.
Plan F basically gives Medicare folks an out of pocket of almost ZERO.
(smile) Honey, heatlh care is what I do every day.....you are an illiterate idiot :)

Obviously it isn't politcs....you haven't been right yet. There is a word for that...

Poor Candy, you are projecting ;)
You've NO idea as to what you are talking about.

You're the one with the sock puppet...not me. Or was it a coincidence you joined just after your candidate lost the 2012 election where a lot of posters here had bets that they would leave the board forever if Romney lost.

I'm still here...they (or at least their old handles) are gone. I'm pretty sure you're one of the morons I bet which is why you're so bitter about how your life turned out....

tsk tsk...
Obviously it isn't politcs....you haven't been right yet. There is a word for that...

Poor Candy, you are projecting ;)
You've NO idea as to what you are talking about.

You're the one with the sock puppet...not me. Or was it a coincidence you joined just after your candidate lost the 2012 election where a lot of posters here had bets that they would leave the board forever if Romney lost.

I'm still here...they (or at least their old handles) are gone. I'm pretty sure you're one of the morons I bet which is why you're so bitter about how your life turned out....

tsk tsk...

Poor Candy, this is called deflection.
You don't have the slightest cluse as to what you are talkingabout...its ok....dumbshit.
With waivers, exemptions, and unions don't want it...

Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal

BY PAT FARNELLI (Staff writer)

He said that if a company must provide insurance if it has 50 employees, and currently employs 48 or 49 people, "the incentive to not hire that 50th employee is huge."

That makes the Obamacare concept hopelessly flawed and in need of repeal, he said.

During a question-and-answer session, Mr. Toomey was asked if Obamacare is a done deal.

"No, I do not believe it is a done deal," he replied. "It will collapse under its own weight if it goes forward, but we will repeal it."

He said that Obamacare will completely stifle innovation in health care.

On natural gas, Mr. Toomey said he expects the industry will lead the way to economic recovery, both immediately and eventually.

He conceded that at some point, the number of wells being drilled will fall off, "but by then, we'll have many enormously effective downstream effects, economic benefits, products, and jobs."

He said that the demand for compressed natural gas in particular will continue to grow, and the region needs to develop this market in a sensible, safe way.

But, he cautioned chamber members that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "could impede that one bright light."


Toomey touts gas industry; pledges Obamacare repeal - News - The Times-Tribune

Yup, just like Taiwan, Japan, New Zeeland, Australia, Canada, South Africa, or the nations of western Europe.

Oh, wait a minute. :lol:
Poor Candy, you are projecting ;)
You've NO idea as to what you are talking about.

You're the one with the sock puppet...not me. Or was it a coincidence you joined just after your candidate lost the 2012 election where a lot of posters here had bets that they would leave the board forever if Romney lost.

I'm still here...they (or at least their old handles) are gone. I'm pretty sure you're one of the morons I bet which is why you're so bitter about how your life turned out....

tsk tsk...

Poor Candy, this is called deflection.
You don't have the slightest cluse as to what you are talkingabout...its ok....dumbshit.

At least you didn't deny you're a sock puppet sonny boy...it's okay; we understand....dumbshit.
Just correcting the oft repeated erroneous quote. I do know that my assistant is able to keep her special needs child on her work insurance now. That has been a big help.

Why wasn't she able to keep her child on her insurance plan prior to the aca?
The irony is that Obama Care will probably be with us for eons will Social Security and it will forever be named after the president, Obama care. Even FDR didn't get something like
And Republicans did it.
You're the one with the sock puppet...not me. Or was it a coincidence you joined just after your candidate lost the 2012 election where a lot of posters here had bets that they would leave the board forever if Romney lost.

I'm still here...they (or at least their old handles) are gone. I'm pretty sure you're one of the morons I bet which is why you're so bitter about how your life turned out....

tsk tsk...

Poor Candy, this is called deflection.
You don't have the slightest cluse as to what you are talkingabout...its ok....dumbshit.

At least you didn't deny you're a sock puppet sonny boy...it's okay; we understand....dumbshit.

LOL, no need to respond anything so stupid honey, especially coming from you.

The fact remains, you don't know shit about the ACA and that is evident to everyone.
Poor Candy, this is called deflection.
You don't have the slightest cluse as to what you are talkingabout...its ok....dumbshit.

At least you didn't deny you're a sock puppet sonny boy...it's okay; we understand....dumbshit.

LOL, no need to respond anything so stupid honey, especially coming from you.

The fact remains, you don't know shit about the ACA and that is evident to everyone.

Looks like you smoked Candyass...:lol:

It will not collapse as long as a part of the law authorized hundreds of armed IRS agents to make sure the Stalinist agenda is complied with.
ObamaCare: Exposing Citizens to Identity Theft, Fraud

September 26, 2013 By Michael Volpe


A congressional report, issued by Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on September 18, 2013, is warning that a key portion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) program is being mismanaged and is under threat for abuse and fraud. This report follows another report on the same Obamacare program which also warned the program was susceptible to fraud.

Exchanges were set up in Obamacare to provide a marketplace for individuals not covered by their employer’s health insurance or by Medicare/Medicaid. These exchanges were supposed to be set up by each individual state, but about half refused and forced the federal government to set up exchanges in those states.


With less than a week before Obamacare is to be fully implemented, most news stories are concerned with the economic effects of the law. Fraud, identity theft, and other crimes should be of concern as well since this complicated program is being put together on the fly, with all sorts of individuals being hired to help implement, whether they are qualified to do so or not.

ObamaCare: Exposing Citizens to Identity Theft, Fraud | FrontPage Magazine
ObamaCare’s Failure to Launch

October 4, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


Despite repeated warnings, highlighted by Democrat Sen. Max Baucus’s (D-MT) prediction last April of “a huge train wreck coming down” if ObamaCare wasn’t implemented correctly, that train wreck is exactly what has come to pass. Furthermore, there are already signs that the unpopular law is becoming more unpopular in the process.

Nonetheless, the Obama administration defended the chaotic start to the program, contending that the innumerable technical breakdowns associated with the program’s websites were caused by heavy traffic, as opposed to flaws in the design of the system. That assertion stretches credulity: the administration has had three years to prepare for a law that requires virtually every adult in America to buy health insurance or pay a fine. Still, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) urged consumers who logged on to the government website to remain patient if a “holding page” pops up, warning that any attempt to refresh the page, or navigate away from it, would cost them their place in line.


Yet amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, a bit of unintentional humor came to light as well. It seems that the letter substitutions for the official number HHS wants Americans to dial when seeking a healthcare provider spells 1-800-F**KYO.

Unfortunately, when the laughter dies down, that may be American’s ultimate assessment of a healthcare law that has all the earmarks of another giant and unaffordable bureaucratic nightmare. A nightmare in which the number of uninsured Americans never falls below 30 million over the next decade, according to the CBO. Nothing says train wreck better than that.

ObamaCare?s Failure to Launch | FrontPage Magazine

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