Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide


Republicans in power not even two weeks now and gas prices are down to two bucks a gallon.

Give those people enough time and before we know it, gas will be free!
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer



He tries so hard to raise gas prices and this is the result.

Count this as an epic fail and move on.

Not bad for a community organizer

Surely this is the work of Allah, the Kenyan SocioFascist god that the O'bama secretly worships in front of his Teleprompter.
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Funny how, when prices were through the roof, all you ever said was "the POTUS has nothing to do with oil prices".
Now you want him to take credit

National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Funny how, when prices were through the roof, all you ever said was "the POTUS has nothing to do with oil prices".
Now you want him to take credit


With Obamagas, our President has one slogan

The buck stops here
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Did you REALLY just make the claim that Barry is responsible for our current good news on gasoline prices?

Need I remind you that he's the guy who thinks $6 a gallon for gas would be just about right!

After six years it should be apparent that our current President would have a hard time organizing his sock drawer.

National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer
Actually IN SPITE of the community organizer who HAS NO DIRECT affect on the price of oil except in ONE SPECIFIC way of which HE HAS been a NEGATIVE
affect AND NOW they are doing something about it!!!

From the White House...

Here are some of the other measures recently taken by the administration to boost domestic oil production, according to a recent White House factsheet:
* An increase in the sales of leases for oil and gas drilling on federal lands. In 2013, the Bureau of Land Management held 30 such sales—the most in a decade—offering 5.7 million acres for lease by industry.
* An increase in the speed with which permits are being issued for actual drilling on federal lands. What's called "processing time" has, the White House boasts, been cut from 228 days in 2012 to 194 days in 2013.
* The opening up of an additional 59 million acres for oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, the site of a disastrous BP oil spill in April 2010.
In a turnaround that has gotten next to no attention and remarkably little criticism, President Obama is now making a legacy record for himself that will put the "permanent reduction of our dependence on oil" in its grave. His administration is instead on a drill-baby-drill course to increase production in every way imaginable on US territory, including offshore areas that were long closed to drilling due to environmental concerns.

What explains this dramatic turnaround?

Think what the gas prices WOULD HAVE BEEN if Obama hadn't wished for higher prices?
He signs oil exploration leases on Federal lands.
Obama has signed 40% LESS leases then any president!
Therefore fewer leases means fewer explorations and therefore fewer production from Federal lands!

"Oil and gas production has stalled on federal lands for the third year in a row under the Obama administration, despite booming energy production on private and state lands, according to a new government report.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) says that the share of oil and gas production coming from federal lands have plummeted from 2009 to 2013.
Oil production on federal lands fell by 11 percent over this time period and natural gas production fell by 28 percent.
Federal onshore oil production fell for the third year in a row, while offshore oil production increased slightly — just enough to increase total oil production by 15,300 barrels per day in 2013 above 2012 levels.

But total federal oil production is still 316,800 barrels per day below 2010 levels of 1,975,100 barrels per day.
The energy industry and federal lawmakers have long criticized the Obama administration for saddling energy producers with lengthy permitting times and environmental review processes.

“The CRS report clearly shows that where the federal government has the most control, on federal lands, it is suppressing development of the energy that all Americans own while preventing job creation and economic prosperity,” said Tim Wigley, president of pro-drilling Western Energy Alliance.
Oil and gas on federal lands is in free fall under Obama The Daily Caller

AGAIN YOU people seemingly can't do a little research can you!!!

National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Federal oil & gas creation IS DOWN dumbass. The increase is from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

Gas prices are low DESPITE Obama.

Fucking lib idiot

Do I detect the smell of sour grapes?


The record setting drop in the price of Obamagas is sending conservatives who predicted $5 plus gas (sound familiar gramps?) into a tizzy
You are a dumb motherfucker. My thread never mentioned Obama & it was grounded in reality as compared to this donkey fart bullshit you're peddling as an Obama accomplishment. You're an embarrassment to fellow democrats

Obamagas will go down as one of our presidents greatest accomplishments
Only on planet PROGTARD.

NO ONE else believes this HORSE SHIT.
Did you REALLY just make the claim that Barry is responsible for our current good news on gasoline prices?

Need I remind you that he's the guy who thinks $6 a gallon for gas would be just about right!

After six years it should be apparent that our current President would have a hard time organizing his sock drawer.
Pretty funny to see the same posters who blamed Obama for high gas prices NOW saying he has nothing to do with it.

Not hard at all to draw out the hypocrites, huh?

Guess he has NOTHING to do with lower unemployment rates

or the five-year climb of the DOW

Bigger forces than POTUS are at work and POTUS always gets more credit or blame than deserved.

It's just HILARIOUS to see the hypocrites blame him when they are bad and disassociate him when they improve.

Well, since Obama himself claimed that he wanted higher gas prices to cut consumption, my take on it is that he is a failure.


List the things that Obama has done to drive oil & gas prices down.......

It is a complex economic formula involving Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, ISIS and Ebola

I'd explain it all to you but it will take too long
That's what I thought. Now be a good little lemming and run along off that cliff over there.

The economics of Obamagas are complex and highly volatile

Factors such as Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Keystone, the IRS, ISIS and Ebola combine to force a positive downward pressure on crude oil prices

But you are correct in pointing out that I give President Obama too much credit for low gas prices. Hillary Clinton,Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Al Gore all played a role
If gas prices start to rise again will you continue to call it Obamagas and give him the credit for that as well? I have also seen talk about raising the gas tax now that prices are falling I wonder where the President stands on that?
Ever seen a tax democrats didn't like?
List the things that Obama has done to drive oil & gas prices down.......

It is a complex economic formula involving Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, ISIS and Ebola

I'd explain it all to you but it will take too long
That's what I thought. Now be a good little lemming and run along off that cliff over there.

The economics of Obamagas are complex and highly volatile

Factors such as Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Keystone, the IRS, ISIS and Ebola combine to force a positive downward pressure on crude oil prices

But you are correct in pointing out that I give President Obama too much credit for low gas prices. Hillary Clinton,Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Al Gore all played a role
You misspelled ISIL
Recent news leaked from unnamed Whitehouse sources says that Obama has dropped the price of Obamagas to make the Keystone pipeline unnecessary and piss off a bunch of Republicans

By reading this thread, it appears to be working

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