Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Obviously I know far more about the oil biz than you do. Might wanna sit this one out. When you're reduced to argumentum ad populum you're running on empty.

"Supply and demand"... sheesh.

As already noted, the whole point of this thread -- satire -- is completely over your head.

You are committing the logical fallacy referred to as you don't have a fucking clue. So you have no response to the points I take it. You know nothing about the oil industry or economics, that is the one thing you've made clear.

Obama has as a policy negatively affected supply. That means his policies drive up prices, not down. Obama is not the only factor, which is why they are going down, the downward pressure on price now is massive compared to Obama's upward pressure. But that does mean he gets no credit for a price fall he fought against

"Supply" is not a domestic, son. It's international. Gas pump prices are set on the international market. No POTUS can influence that. Period.

This entire thread is a joke for the gullible, and you're still taking the bait. Unbelievable.

Sorry, did I say "son"? Let's go with "child".

OK, simpleton, I'll dumb this down for you.

Yes, oil is an international commodity, the United States is part of the world. All oil we produce is part of global supply, all oil we consume is part of oil demand. The equation is not just us, but we are part of the equation.

By trying to block exploration, Obama is working to reduce oil supply. That means he's working to drive up oil prices. As a global calculation, there are many more stronger upward pressures on supply, which is why oil is plummeting anyway.

So it hasn't worked, but to credit him with falling prices when his actions have been to drive up prices is retarded.

If you have a cup and are dumping water out of your pool while a thunderstorm fills it far faster than you are taking it out, you didn't make much difference. But you don't get credit for filling the pool when your efforts were to empty it.

This is simple, logical, intuitive and based on pure basic economics. Admit it, it's still completely over your head, isn't it?
Obama is not trying to curb production. U.S. Seen as Biggest Oil Producer After Overtaking Saudi - Bloomberg Business
as of july 4th 2014 we were the biggest, and EVEN if we lost the number one spot we are number two. again you dont know what you are talking about.

He is too trying to limit production........he just can't stop it.....just because we are still producing oil and gas and coal...despite his efforts.......doesn't mean he isn't doing all he can to stop it......
Then how do you explain this ... ?

Up $.40 a gal in the last 2 weeks! Almost a 20% rise from the low!
"The uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress.”
- Mitch McConnell
World consumption, OPEC have more to do with oil prices. World consumption is up 5%, OPEC had dropped prices. Watch for prices to increase this summer to last year's levels. If you want Obama take credit for the low, then you must give him blame when it goes high this summer.
What does any of that have to do with what I posted, which you called, "bullshit?"

His policy had nothing to do with the prices falling, it is complete bullshit.
You must be an idiot then because only an idiot would believe that either raising fuel efficiency standards doesn't lower consumption or that lower consumption doesn't lower demand or that lower demand doesn't lower prices.

Which of those do you deny?

It helps us in not relying as much on world oil, however US consumption is down less than 2% in the last 5 years. That hardly influences prices.

The demand worldwide is up 5%, that will not lower costs.

A bigger influence is US production, and through fracking US production is at an all time high.

Again, OPEC and world consumption have more of an impact than fuel mileage. If world consumption is up 5% and US consumption is down 2%, which has more of an impact on world prices?

Thanks for the name calling, it lets me know how juvenile you are.
There are many factors contributing to fluctuations in oil consumption over the last five years. Including, but not limited to, population growth and coming out of a major recession. After weighing those, the decrease due to fuel efficiency standards is more than the 2% total shift in consumption.

No it's not we consume 361.5 million gallons of gas a day, the fuel efficiency standards are used up in less than 2.5 days. That would put it at less than one percent which would not influence gas prices at all. It's a nice idea but it doesn't hold up.
Obamagas is just one other thing the Republicans will try to overturn. Anything good for Americans is just not good for them.

Um...who has tried to raise gas prices other than Democrats? Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl
well this isnt true. Plenty of Republicans would like to raise taxes on gas. Utah is one example.

Regardless Obama has very little to do with as prices.

When Obama blocks exploration and development such as off shore, Alaska, fracking, Keystone, that clearly does affect oil prices. Again, if liberals would just take one economics class and grasp supply and demand curves it would change everything for you

when you have the shale boom in the midwest, OPEC continuing to pump out the same level of oil, when the world economy slows down and stops buying up oil, you have a crash in prices.

But sure we can say your retarded explanation is the key reason why oil and gas prices dropped over the winter. Its all the lefts fault.. Clearly you dont understand the issue. I'd go talk about something else you can blame the left on. Like turnips or something.

Swish, you didn't respond to a single point I made, you stated a bunch of things that didn't contradict me and made it sound like a lecture
no i gave you facts. End of debate
Obviously I know far more about the oil biz than you do. Might wanna sit this one out. When you're reduced to argumentum ad populum you're running on empty.

"Supply and demand"... sheesh.

As already noted, the whole point of this thread -- satire -- is completely over your head.

You are committing the logical fallacy referred to as you don't have a fucking clue. So you have no response to the points I take it. You know nothing about the oil industry or economics, that is the one thing you've made clear.

Obama has as a policy negatively affected supply. That means his policies drive up prices, not down. Obama is not the only factor, which is why they are going down, the downward pressure on price now is massive compared to Obama's upward pressure. But that does mean he gets no credit for a price fall he fought against

"Supply" is not a domestic, son. It's international. Gas pump prices are set on the international market. No POTUS can influence that. Period.

This entire thread is a joke for the gullible, and you're still taking the bait. Unbelievable.

Sorry, did I say "son"? Let's go with "child".

OK, simpleton, I'll dumb this down for you.

Yes, oil is an international commodity, the United States is part of the world. All oil we produce is part of global supply, all oil we consume is part of oil demand. The equation is not just us, but we are part of the equation.

By trying to block exploration, Obama is working to reduce oil supply. That means he's working to drive up oil prices. As a global calculation, there are many more stronger upward pressures on supply, which is why oil is plummeting anyway.

So it hasn't worked, but to credit him with falling prices when his actions have been to drive up prices is retarded.

If you have a cup and are dumping water out of your pool while a thunderstorm fills it far faster than you are taking it out, you didn't make much difference. But you don't get credit for filling the pool when your efforts were to empty it.

This is simple, logical, intuitive and based on pure basic economics. Admit it, it's still completely over your head, isn't it?
Obama is not trying to curb production. U.S. Seen as Biggest Oil Producer After Overtaking Saudi - Bloomberg Business
as of july 4th 2014 we were the biggest, and EVEN if we lost the number one spot we are number two. again you dont know what you are talking about.

He is too trying to limit production........he just can't stop it.....just because we are still producing oil and gas and coal...despite his efforts.......doesn't mean he isn't doing all he can to stop it......
he really isnt.
Gas is still very cheap where I reside. Thank you Mr. President.

What was Obama's policy that caused gas prices to fall?
For one, it was raising fuel efficiency standards in automobiles. That helped lower consumption, which in turn, helped lower demand.

Lol! What a bunch of bullshit!
I understand; to rightwingnuts, reality is bullshit and bullshit is reality.:rolleyes:

Obama Boosts Fuel Economy Standards Despite Detroit's Woes

Walking a tightrope between keeping its environmental pledges and trying to help struggling U.S. automakers, the Obama administration announced today the first increase in fuel economy standards for cars in more than 25 years. But to the dismay of environmentalists, the new standard doesn't go as far as a proposal that the Bush administration offered in 2008 but quickly abandoned.

The move increases fuel economy standards for light vehicles in 2011 to 27.3 miles per gallon, or 8 percent over the 2010-model-year requirement. New cars will have to meet a standard of 30.2 miles per gallon. The standards will save 887 million gallons of fuel and reduce carbon emissions by 8.3 million metric tons, according to the Department of Transportation.​

Again drop in the bucket. Seriously, you think we're pumping a million barrels a day more than we use because of Obama and his contribution to fuel efficinct cars. That's so naive it's adorable. Here's a cookie, run along and play
Strange how you call an 8% drop in automobile consumption, "a drop in the bucket?" That clearly contributed to the decrease in consumption and the decrease in prices.

And this is just the beginning. Obama's plan extends to 2025, when automakers are required to meet a minimum of 54 MPG; at which point, we can hope to see as much as a 2 million barrel per day decrease in consumption. Of course, Republicans & Conservatives will need to be reminded then too for why gas prices are as low as they are.

Oh, and I don't accept cookies from strangers and few are as strange as you. Not too mention, Republican cookies are loaded with stupid; which explains a lot as rightwingers feast on 'em.
What does any of that have to do with what I posted, which you called, "bullshit?"

His policy had nothing to do with the prices falling, it is complete bullshit.
You must be an idiot then because only an idiot would believe that either raising fuel efficiency standards doesn't lower consumption or that lower consumption doesn't lower demand or that lower demand doesn't lower prices.

Which of those do you deny?

It helps us in not relying as much on world oil, however US consumption is down less than 2% in the last 5 years. That hardly influences prices.

The demand worldwide is up 5%, that will not lower costs.

A bigger influence is US production, and through fracking US production is at an all time high.

Again, OPEC and world consumption have more of an impact than fuel mileage. If world consumption is up 5% and US consumption is down 2%, which has more of an impact on world prices?

Thanks for the name calling, it lets me know how juvenile you are.
There are many factors contributing to fluctuations in oil consumption over the last five years. Including, but not limited to, population growth and coming out of a major recession. After weighing those, the decrease due to fuel efficiency standards is more than the 2% total shift in consumption.

No it's not we consume 361.5 million gallons of gas a day, the fuel efficiency standards are used up in less than 2.5 days. That would put it at less than one percent which would not influence gas prices at all. It's a nice idea but it doesn't hold up.
The decrease in consumption in automobiles is about 8%. Not less than 1%
Um...who has tried to raise gas prices other than Democrats? Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl
well this isnt true. Plenty of Republicans would like to raise taxes on gas. Utah is one example.

Regardless Obama has very little to do with as prices.

When Obama blocks exploration and development such as off shore, Alaska, fracking, Keystone, that clearly does affect oil prices. Again, if liberals would just take one economics class and grasp supply and demand curves it would change everything for you

when you have the shale boom in the midwest, OPEC continuing to pump out the same level of oil, when the world economy slows down and stops buying up oil, you have a crash in prices.

But sure we can say your retarded explanation is the key reason why oil and gas prices dropped over the winter. Its all the lefts fault.. Clearly you dont understand the issue. I'd go talk about something else you can blame the left on. Like turnips or something.

Swish, you didn't respond to a single point I made, you stated a bunch of things that didn't contradict me and made it sound like a lecture
no i gave you facts. End of debate

OH! Now THAT is a wonderful concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
well this isnt true. Plenty of Republicans would like to raise taxes on gas. Utah is one example.

Regardless Obama has very little to do with as prices.

When Obama blocks exploration and development such as off shore, Alaska, fracking, Keystone, that clearly does affect oil prices. Again, if liberals would just take one economics class and grasp supply and demand curves it would change everything for you

when you have the shale boom in the midwest, OPEC continuing to pump out the same level of oil, when the world economy slows down and stops buying up oil, you have a crash in prices.

But sure we can say your retarded explanation is the key reason why oil and gas prices dropped over the winter. Its all the lefts fault.. Clearly you dont understand the issue. I'd go talk about something else you can blame the left on. Like turnips or something.

Swish, you didn't respond to a single point I made, you stated a bunch of things that didn't contradict me and made it sound like a lecture
no i gave you facts. End of debate

OH! Now THAT is a wonderful concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
oh its you...
His policy had nothing to do with the prices falling, it is complete bullshit.
You must be an idiot then because only an idiot would believe that either raising fuel efficiency standards doesn't lower consumption or that lower consumption doesn't lower demand or that lower demand doesn't lower prices.

Which of those do you deny?

It helps us in not relying as much on world oil, however US consumption is down less than 2% in the last 5 years. That hardly influences prices.

The demand worldwide is up 5%, that will not lower costs.

A bigger influence is US production, and through fracking US production is at an all time high.

Again, OPEC and world consumption have more of an impact than fuel mileage. If world consumption is up 5% and US consumption is down 2%, which has more of an impact on world prices?

Thanks for the name calling, it lets me know how juvenile you are.
There are many factors contributing to fluctuations in oil consumption over the last five years. Including, but not limited to, population growth and coming out of a major recession. After weighing those, the decrease due to fuel efficiency standards is more than the 2% total shift in consumption.

No it's not we consume 361.5 million gallons of gas a day, the fuel efficiency standards are used up in less than 2.5 days. That would put it at less than one percent which would not influence gas prices at all. It's a nice idea but it doesn't hold up.
The decrease in consumption in automobiles is about 8%. Not less than 1%

We use 363.5 BILLIONS of gallons of gas a year. Your figures show 886 MILLION gallons of gas are saved. It is well below 1%, it is not enough to bring the demand down. No difference, nothing.
When Obama blocks exploration and development such as off shore, Alaska, fracking, Keystone, that clearly does affect oil prices. Again, if liberals would just take one economics class and grasp supply and demand curves it would change everything for you

when you have the shale boom in the midwest, OPEC continuing to pump out the same level of oil, when the world economy slows down and stops buying up oil, you have a crash in prices.

But sure we can say your retarded explanation is the key reason why oil and gas prices dropped over the winter. Its all the lefts fault.. Clearly you dont understand the issue. I'd go talk about something else you can blame the left on. Like turnips or something.

Swish, you didn't respond to a single point I made, you stated a bunch of things that didn't contradict me and made it sound like a lecture
no i gave you facts. End of debate

OH! Now THAT is a wonderful concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
oh its you...

A Re-Concession?

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Up $.40 a gal in the last 2 weeks! Almost a 20% rise from the low!
"The uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress.”
- Mitch McConnell
Nice try Ed new Congress was over 6 weeks ago, this RISE is 2 weeks old! Next LIE?
You must be an idiot then because only an idiot would believe that either raising fuel efficiency standards doesn't lower consumption or that lower consumption doesn't lower demand or that lower demand doesn't lower prices.

Which of those do you deny?

It helps us in not relying as much on world oil, however US consumption is down less than 2% in the last 5 years. That hardly influences prices.

The demand worldwide is up 5%, that will not lower costs.

A bigger influence is US production, and through fracking US production is at an all time high.

Again, OPEC and world consumption have more of an impact than fuel mileage. If world consumption is up 5% and US consumption is down 2%, which has more of an impact on world prices?

Thanks for the name calling, it lets me know how juvenile you are.
There are many factors contributing to fluctuations in oil consumption over the last five years. Including, but not limited to, population growth and coming out of a major recession. After weighing those, the decrease due to fuel efficiency standards is more than the 2% total shift in consumption.

No it's not we consume 361.5 million gallons of gas a day, the fuel efficiency standards are used up in less than 2.5 days. That would put it at less than one percent which would not influence gas prices at all. It's a nice idea but it doesn't hold up.
The decrease in consumption in automobiles is about 8%. Not less than 1%

We use 363.5 BILLIONS of gallons of gas a year. Your figures show 886 MILLION gallons of gas are saved. It is well below 1%, it is not enough to bring the demand down. No difference, nothing.
The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.
It helps us in not relying as much on world oil, however US consumption is down less than 2% in the last 5 years. That hardly influences prices.

The demand worldwide is up 5%, that will not lower costs.

A bigger influence is US production, and through fracking US production is at an all time high.

Again, OPEC and world consumption have more of an impact than fuel mileage. If world consumption is up 5% and US consumption is down 2%, which has more of an impact on world prices?

Thanks for the name calling, it lets me know how juvenile you are.
There are many factors contributing to fluctuations in oil consumption over the last five years. Including, but not limited to, population growth and coming out of a major recession. After weighing those, the decrease due to fuel efficiency standards is more than the 2% total shift in consumption.

No it's not we consume 361.5 million gallons of gas a day, the fuel efficiency standards are used up in less than 2.5 days. That would put it at less than one percent which would not influence gas prices at all. It's a nice idea but it doesn't hold up.
The decrease in consumption in automobiles is about 8%. Not less than 1%

We use 363.5 BILLIONS of gallons of gas a year. Your figures show 886 MILLION gallons of gas are saved. It is well below 1%, it is not enough to bring the demand down. No difference, nothing.
The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
Oil last traded 2 minutes ago at $49.64 a bbl. Mighty low price for a $.40 increase in 2 weeks, as oil was trading then at -$1.50 to +$.50 bbl. on swings in the market

I blame the Republican Congress

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