Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Oil last traded 2 minutes ago at $49.64 a bbl. Mighty low price for a $.40 increase in 2 weeks, as oil was trading then at -$1.50 to +$.50 bbl. on swings in the market

I blame the Republican Congress

You can blame whoever you want, you're ALWAYS wrong, or lying! We all know this!

Obamagas had dropped dollar a gallon until Republicans took over Congress

They obviously so us out to big oil

what a liar
Sorry bout that,


Not bad for a community organizer

1. Starting in 2010 prices went through the roof, why did it take so long before Obama did something genius?
2. Thats four years of price gouging right?
3. Thats most of his presidency at this point amiright?
4. So all in all Obama is a fuck up.

Who said he waited to do something about it?? That's your strawman, not reality. In 2009, he increased fuel efficiency standards. In 2010, he opened huge swaths to offshore drilling. In 2012, he pushed for more fracking. But these actions take years to return a benefit.
No it's not we consume 361.5 million gallons of gas a day, the fuel efficiency standards are used up in less than 2.5 days. That would put it at less than one percent which would not influence gas prices at all. It's a nice idea but it doesn't hold up.
The decrease in consumption in automobiles is about 8%. Not less than 1%

We use 363.5 BILLIONS of gallons of gas a year. Your figures show 886 MILLION gallons of gas are saved. It is well below 1%, it is not enough to bring the demand down. No difference, nothing.
The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.

Increasing light automobiles gas mileage is a good thing but it doesn't move oil prices up or down.
The Failed Republican Congress has established raising the price of Obamagas as their first priority
The real truth is that the refineries have cut back production since there is such a glut of oil. IF they started to OVERSTOCK gas again, the price would fall.... the president can mandate that...he has a pen and a phone, and can write an E.O. to that effect!

But thanks for making yourself look like the biggest fool on the board.... it wasn't hard for you!
Bullshit .....shameless suck up

Republicans sold us out in an attempt to jack up the price of Obamagas

They can't stand prices below $2 a gallon

Bookmarked to throw in this :ahole-1:'s face the next time he claims I lied... you are unbelievable, but then again, you are a lying subversive pile of dog shit!

Gas Rises as Refineries Close for Maintenance While Oil Supply Grows
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

As usual, :gay: vagisil :gay:, YOU provide the link which proves you're an imbecile.

Despite your ignorance that refineries scaled back production "since there is such a glut of oil," your link says they actually scaled back due to maintenance.

And had you clicked on the link in the article you linked, you would have learned refineries typically shut down for maintenance this time of year.

As always, you lose because you're a loser. :mm:

Did the article say there was a glut of oil....I'm sorry that you are such a fucking little fag, and OCD over the inconsequential that you BLOW YOURSELF!....From the article...

The price has rebounded as refineries have shut down for maintenance. "There’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there … but it’s not getting to the refineries," says Aaron Task of Yahoo Finance.
You see there is a huge mountain of crude, and that is why they are shut down for maintenance so that they can be tooled to handle that HUGE AMOUNT OF OIL!!!!!

You have been bitch slapped WORSE than the fucking rightwingnut, PAWNED...AGAIN!...Oh and .....

The decrease in consumption in automobiles is about 8%. Not less than 1%

We use 363.5 BILLIONS of gallons of gas a year. Your figures show 886 MILLION gallons of gas are saved. It is well below 1%, it is not enough to bring the demand down. No difference, nothing.
The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:
We use 363.5 BILLIONS of gallons of gas a year. Your figures show 886 MILLION gallons of gas are saved. It is well below 1%, it is not enough to bring the demand down. No difference, nothing.
The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

Fracking on PRIVATE LAND tends to do that.....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
Sorry bout that,


Not bad for a community organizer

1. Starting in 2010 prices went through the roof, why did it take so long before Obama did something genius?
2. Thats four years of price gouging right?
3. Thats most of his presidency at this point amiright?
4. So all in all Obama is a fuck up.

Who said he waited to do something about it?? That's your strawman, not reality. In 2009, he increased fuel efficiency standards. In 2010, he opened huge swaths to offshore drilling. In 2012, he pushed for more fracking. But these actions take years to return a benefit.

Shut up dipshit, it's mostly from Private leases and you know it.

Take your hero worship and shove it.
The Failed Republican Congress has established raising the price of Obamagas as their first priority
The real truth is that the refineries have cut back production since there is such a glut of oil. IF they started to OVERSTOCK gas again, the price would fall.... the president can mandate that...he has a pen and a phone, and can write an E.O. to that effect!

But thanks for making yourself look like the biggest fool on the board.... it wasn't hard for you!
Bullshit .....shameless suck up

Republicans sold us out in an attempt to jack up the price of Obamagas

They can't stand prices below $2 a gallon

Bookmarked to throw in this :ahole-1:'s face the next time he claims I lied... you are unbelievable, but then again, you are a lying subversive pile of dog shit!

Gas Rises as Refineries Close for Maintenance While Oil Supply Grows
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

As usual, :gay: vagisil :gay:, YOU provide the link which proves you're an imbecile.

Despite your ignorance that refineries scaled back production "since there is such a glut of oil," your link says they actually scaled back due to maintenance.

And had you clicked on the link in the article you linked, you would have learned refineries typically shut down for maintenance this time of year.

As always, you lose because you're a loser. :mm:

Did the article say there was a glut of oil....I'm sorry that you are such a fucking little fag, and OCD over the inconsequential that you BLOW YOURSELF!....From the article...

The price has rebounded as refineries have shut down for maintenance. "There’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there … but it’s not getting to the refineries," says Aaron Task of Yahoo Finance.
You see there is a huge mountain of crude, and that is why they are shut down for maintenance so that they can be tooled to handle that HUGE AMOUNT OF OIL!!!!!

You have been bitch slapped WORSE than the fucking rightwingnut, PAWNED...AGAIN!...Oh and .....

You're such a dolt, :gay: vagisil :gay:. But you know that, right??

It doesn't matter that the article stated there is a "mountain of crude oil sitting out there." Your idiotic claim wasn't just that there is a "glut of oil" ... you moronically claimed that "glut of oil" was the reason refineries back off production. Your own article laughs at you as it explains the actual reason is maintenance. Maintenance on refineries which typically occurs this time of year regardless how much crude is available.

You lose because you're a loser. That will never change. :itsok:
Sorry bout that,


Not bad for a community organizer

1. Starting in 2010 prices went through the roof, why did it take so long before Obama did something genius?
2. Thats four years of price gouging right?
3. Thats most of his presidency at this point amiright?
4. So all in all Obama is a fuck up.

Who said he waited to do something about it?? That's your strawman, not reality. In 2009, he increased fuel efficiency standards. In 2010, he opened huge swaths to offshore drilling. In 2012, he pushed for more fracking. But these actions take years to return a benefit.

Shut up dipshit, it's mostly from Private leases and you know it.

Take your hero worship and shove it.
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo: Quote me denying production is up mostly due to private leases....?
Sorry bout that,


Not bad for a community organizer

1. Starting in 2010 prices went through the roof, why did it take so long before Obama did something genius?
2. Thats four years of price gouging right?
3. Thats most of his presidency at this point amiright?
4. So all in all Obama is a fuck up.

Who said he waited to do something about it?? That's your strawman, not reality. In 2009, he increased fuel efficiency standards. In 2010, he opened huge swaths to offshore drilling. In 2012, he pushed for more fracking. But these actions take years to return a benefit.

Shut up dipshit, it's mostly from Private leases and you know it.

Take your hero worship and shove it.
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo: Quote me denying production is up mostly due to private leases....?

Really red helmet boy, show me where you ever said it was?
The real truth is that the refineries have cut back production since there is such a glut of oil. IF they started to OVERSTOCK gas again, the price would fall.... the president can mandate that...he has a pen and a phone, and can write an E.O. to that effect!

But thanks for making yourself look like the biggest fool on the board.... it wasn't hard for you!
Bullshit .....shameless suck up

Republicans sold us out in an attempt to jack up the price of Obamagas

They can't stand prices below $2 a gallon

Bookmarked to throw in this :ahole-1:'s face the next time he claims I lied... you are unbelievable, but then again, you are a lying subversive pile of dog shit!

Gas Rises as Refineries Close for Maintenance While Oil Supply Grows
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

As usual, :gay: vagisil :gay:, YOU provide the link which proves you're an imbecile.

Despite your ignorance that refineries scaled back production "since there is such a glut of oil," your link says they actually scaled back due to maintenance.

And had you clicked on the link in the article you linked, you would have learned refineries typically shut down for maintenance this time of year.

As always, you lose because you're a loser. :mm:

Did the article say there was a glut of oil....I'm sorry that you are such a fucking little fag, and OCD over the inconsequential that you BLOW YOURSELF!....From the article...

The price has rebounded as refineries have shut down for maintenance. "There’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there … but it’s not getting to the refineries," says Aaron Task of Yahoo Finance.
You see there is a huge mountain of crude, and that is why they are shut down for maintenance so that they can be tooled to handle that HUGE AMOUNT OF OIL!!!!!

You have been bitch slapped WORSE than the fucking rightwingnut, PAWNED...AGAIN!...Oh and .....

You're such a dolt, :gay: vagisil :gay:. But you know that, right??

It doesn't matter that the article stated there is a "mountain of crude oil sitting out there." Your idiotic claim wasn't just that there is a "glut of oil" ... you moronically claimed that "glut of oil" was the reason refineries back off production. Your own article laughs at you as it explains the actual reason is maintenance. Maintenance on refineries which typically occurs this time of year regardless how much crude is available.

You lose because you're a loser. That will never change. :itsok:

Sorry :ahole-1: that you haven't the IQ to realize they closed down for maintenance in order to process the oil more efficiently.... why do it for anything else, if NOT BROKEN and a GLUT of oil to refine?...Oh, I'm asking a complete idiot...BUT he is our entertainment, little OCDPawn will now continue to argue the logical and only reason, but go ahead, I need more chuckles.... What a liberal idiot you are!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Sorry bout that,


Not bad for a community organizer

1. Starting in 2010 prices went through the roof, why did it take so long before Obama did something genius?
2. Thats four years of price gouging right?
3. Thats most of his presidency at this point amiright?
4. So all in all Obama is a fuck up.

Who said he waited to do something about it?? That's your strawman, not reality. In 2009, he increased fuel efficiency standards. In 2010, he opened huge swaths to offshore drilling. In 2012, he pushed for more fracking. But these actions take years to return a benefit.

Shut up dipshit, it's mostly from Private leases and you know it.

Take your hero worship and shove it.
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo: Quote me denying production is up mostly due to private leases....?

Really red helmet boy, show me where you ever said it was?
You remain a fucking retard. And that you can't quote me denying it proves as much since you just shoved your foot in your mouth as deep as it can go. Though to your credit, that was only a foot. You don't want to know what :gay: vagisil :gay: shoves in his mouth. :eek:

Oh, and post #934 answers your question.
Sorry bout that,

1. Starting in 2010 prices went through the roof, why did it take so long before Obama did something genius?
2. Thats four years of price gouging right?
3. Thats most of his presidency at this point amiright?
4. So all in all Obama is a fuck up.

Who said he waited to do something about it?? That's your strawman, not reality. In 2009, he increased fuel efficiency standards. In 2010, he opened huge swaths to offshore drilling. In 2012, he pushed for more fracking. But these actions take years to return a benefit.

Shut up dipshit, it's mostly from Private leases and you know it.

Take your hero worship and shove it.
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo: Quote me denying production is up mostly due to private leases....?

Really red helmet boy, show me where you ever said it was?
You remain a fucking retard. And that you can't quote me denying it proves as much since you just shoved your foot in your mouth as deep as it can go. Though to your credit, that was only a foot. You don't want to know what :gay: vagisil :gay: shoves in his mouth. :eek:

Oh, and post #934 answers your question.

Well we know you suck obuma cock, that's enough, we don't need pictures!
Last edited:
We use 363.5 BILLIONS of gallons of gas a year. Your figures show 886 MILLION gallons of gas are saved. It is well below 1%, it is not enough to bring the demand down. No difference, nothing.
The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

And it had NOTHING to do with Obama's policies! :eek:

So much for your theory.
Bullshit .....shameless suck up

Republicans sold us out in an attempt to jack up the price of Obamagas

They can't stand prices below $2 a gallon

Bookmarked to throw in this :ahole-1:'s face the next time he claims I lied... you are unbelievable, but then again, you are a lying subversive pile of dog shit!

Gas Rises as Refineries Close for Maintenance While Oil Supply Grows
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

As usual, :gay: vagisil :gay:, YOU provide the link which proves you're an imbecile.

Despite your ignorance that refineries scaled back production "since there is such a glut of oil," your link says they actually scaled back due to maintenance.

And had you clicked on the link in the article you linked, you would have learned refineries typically shut down for maintenance this time of year.

As always, you lose because you're a loser. :mm:

Did the article say there was a glut of oil....I'm sorry that you are such a fucking little fag, and OCD over the inconsequential that you BLOW YOURSELF!....From the article...

The price has rebounded as refineries have shut down for maintenance. "There’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there … but it’s not getting to the refineries," says Aaron Task of Yahoo Finance.
You see there is a huge mountain of crude, and that is why they are shut down for maintenance so that they can be tooled to handle that HUGE AMOUNT OF OIL!!!!!

You have been bitch slapped WORSE than the fucking rightwingnut, PAWNED...AGAIN!...Oh and .....

You're such a dolt, :gay: vagisil :gay:. But you know that, right??

It doesn't matter that the article stated there is a "mountain of crude oil sitting out there." Your idiotic claim wasn't just that there is a "glut of oil" ... you moronically claimed that "glut of oil" was the reason refineries back off production. Your own article laughs at you as it explains the actual reason is maintenance. Maintenance on refineries which typically occurs this time of year regardless how much crude is available.

You lose because you're a loser. That will never change. :itsok:

Sorry :ahole-1: that you haven't the IQ to realize they closed down for maintenance in order to process the oil more efficiently.... why do it for anything else, if NOT BROKEN and a GLUT of oil to refine?...Oh, I'm asking a complete idiot...BUT he is our entertainment, little OCDPawn will now continue to argue the logical and only reason, but go ahead, I need more chuckles.... What a liberal idiot you are!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Moron ... err, I mean, :gay: vagisil :gay: ..... had you actually read through your own link, you would have discovered a link to man they were quoting....

“Refineries are in what’s called the 'shoulder season,' where they shoulder some of their capacity,” says Task. Gas prices typically rise this time of year because many U.S. oil and gas refineries shut down to perform maintenance. As a result, prices peak in the spring as a result just as weather warms up and drivers start driving more. “So there’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there…But it’s sitting there and it’s not getting to the refineries” ~ Aaron Task

Are you capable of understanding what that means? I'm fairly certain you're not. You simply don't possess enough intelligence. :dunno: So lemme 'splain it to ya, Lucy. Refineries shut down this time of year every year for maintenance. According to Aaron Task, the closure of the refineries is due to maintenance, not to how much crude they process. Furthermore, Mr. task indicates the "glut of oil," as you put it, is due to the closure of the refineries because as he puts it, "there’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there…But it’s sitting there and it’s not getting to the refineries,"
The increase in efficiency standards was 8%. That 887 million gallons figure does not specify a timeframe.

Overall consumption in the US is down less than 2% over 5 years, Your light auto savings amounts to far less we you consider all the other vehicles on the road, including 18 wheelers, 4X4's, SUV's and on and on. Again with world consumption up overall, we can assume that the policy does nothing on the big picture of oil prices which are determined by OPEC and not Obama.
To deny decreasing consumption decreases prices is to deny the laws of economics. Even going with your figures of a 2% decrease over the last 5 years; that ignores the reality that there would not have been a decrease at all if not for Obama's policies. Again, the laws of supply and demand step in. I am in no way ignoring the impact of fracking in the U.S. or the impact of OPEC manipulating prices; which have had the greatest impact on prices. I am certain Obama's policies contributed to the drop. And the policy I mentioned is not the only one.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The U.S. has decreased consumption, the world, the arena that oil is sold on is up 5% overall. Prices to the U.S. will not decrease as long as world demand is up.
And yet, prices in the U.S. were down some 46% since last Spring before bouncing back up in recent weeks.

So much for your post. :eek:

And it had NOTHING to do with Obama's policies! :eek:

So much for your theory.
Now you're spouting nonsense. Of course Obama's policies have affected prices at the pumps. You can't increase production and decrease consumption and not have an effect on the price. I know you wish this were true, but it simply defies the laws of supply and demand.

Meanwhile, you actually posted global demand is up 5% and that prices in the U.S. wouldn't fall as long as global demand is up -- only prices in the U.S. actually fell dramatically despite your idiotic claim. :cuckoo:
Who said he waited to do something about it?? That's your strawman, not reality. In 2009, he increased fuel efficiency standards. In 2010, he opened huge swaths to offshore drilling. In 2012, he pushed for more fracking. But these actions take years to return a benefit.

Shut up dipshit, it's mostly from Private leases and you know it.

Take your hero worship and shove it.
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo: Quote me denying production is up mostly due to private leases....?

Really red helmet boy, show me where you ever said it was?
You remain a fucking retard. And that you can't quote me denying it proves as much since you just shoved your foot in your mouth as deep as it can go. Though to your credit, that was only a foot. You don't want to know what :gay: vagisil :gay: shoves in his mouth. :eek:

Oh, and post #934 answers your question.

Well we know you suck obuma cock, that's enough, we don't need pictures!
Ahhh, the ever popular rightard intellect of the pre-K equivalent of, "I know you are but what am I?"

I'm shocked you could attain such a high level of a retort, :gay: vagisil :gay:? I actually thought pre-K was above your reach.
Bookmarked to throw in this :ahole-1:'s face the next time he claims I lied... you are unbelievable, but then again, you are a lying subversive pile of dog shit!

Gas Rises as Refineries Close for Maintenance While Oil Supply Grows
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

As usual, :gay: vagisil :gay:, YOU provide the link which proves you're an imbecile.

Despite your ignorance that refineries scaled back production "since there is such a glut of oil," your link says they actually scaled back due to maintenance.

And had you clicked on the link in the article you linked, you would have learned refineries typically shut down for maintenance this time of year.

As always, you lose because you're a loser. :mm:

Did the article say there was a glut of oil....I'm sorry that you are such a fucking little fag, and OCD over the inconsequential that you BLOW YOURSELF!....From the article...

The price has rebounded as refineries have shut down for maintenance. "There’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there … but it’s not getting to the refineries," says Aaron Task of Yahoo Finance.
You see there is a huge mountain of crude, and that is why they are shut down for maintenance so that they can be tooled to handle that HUGE AMOUNT OF OIL!!!!!

You have been bitch slapped WORSE than the fucking rightwingnut, PAWNED...AGAIN!...Oh and .....

You're such a dolt, :gay: vagisil :gay:. But you know that, right??

It doesn't matter that the article stated there is a "mountain of crude oil sitting out there." Your idiotic claim wasn't just that there is a "glut of oil" ... you moronically claimed that "glut of oil" was the reason refineries back off production. Your own article laughs at you as it explains the actual reason is maintenance. Maintenance on refineries which typically occurs this time of year regardless how much crude is available.

You lose because you're a loser. That will never change. :itsok:

Sorry :ahole-1: that you haven't the IQ to realize they closed down for maintenance in order to process the oil more efficiently.... why do it for anything else, if NOT BROKEN and a GLUT of oil to refine?...Oh, I'm asking a complete idiot...BUT he is our entertainment, little OCDPawn will now continue to argue the logical and only reason, but go ahead, I need more chuckles.... What a liberal idiot you are!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Moron ... err, I mean, :gay: vagisil :gay: ..... had you actually read through your own link, you would have discovered a link to man they were quoting....

“Refineries are in what’s called the 'shoulder season,' where they shoulder some of their capacity,” says Task. Gas prices typically rise this time of year because many U.S. oil and gas refineries shut down to perform maintenance. As a result, prices peak in the spring as a result just as weather warms up and drivers start driving more. “So there’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there…But it’s sitting there and it’s not getting to the refineries” ~ Aaron Task

Are you capable of understanding what that means? I'm fairly certain you're not. You simply don't possess enough intelligence. :dunno: So lemme 'splain it to ya, Lucy. Refineries shut down this time of year every year for maintenance. According to Aaron Task, the closure of the refineries is due to maintenance, not to how much crude they process. Furthermore, Mr. task indicates the "glut of oil," as you put it, is due to the closure of the refineries because as he puts it, "there’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there…But it’s sitting there and it’s not getting to the refineries,"

And WHY do they do maintenance you
to make the refineries MORE EFFICIENT to handle the glut that will be used as SPRING AND SUMMER DRIVING drive up the use of gasoline....Like I said, this fagot hasn't the MIND to logically think.... BUT THANKS for making yourself look like the fucking :ahole-1: you are! Liberalism, IS A MENTAL DISORDER here's the perfect example of a 2 digit IQ NOT knowing why things are done.... LARGER DEMAND in the summer so refineries make their machinery more efficient! OCD Pawned....again!!!!

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

As usual, :gay: vagisil :gay:, YOU provide the link which proves you're an imbecile.

Despite your ignorance that refineries scaled back production "since there is such a glut of oil," your link says they actually scaled back due to maintenance.

And had you clicked on the link in the article you linked, you would have learned refineries typically shut down for maintenance this time of year.

As always, you lose because you're a loser. :mm:

Did the article say there was a glut of oil....I'm sorry that you are such a fucking little fag, and OCD over the inconsequential that you BLOW YOURSELF!....From the article...

The price has rebounded as refineries have shut down for maintenance. "There’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there … but it’s not getting to the refineries," says Aaron Task of Yahoo Finance.
You see there is a huge mountain of crude, and that is why they are shut down for maintenance so that they can be tooled to handle that HUGE AMOUNT OF OIL!!!!!

You have been bitch slapped WORSE than the fucking rightwingnut, PAWNED...AGAIN!...Oh and .....

You're such a dolt, :gay: vagisil :gay:. But you know that, right??

It doesn't matter that the article stated there is a "mountain of crude oil sitting out there." Your idiotic claim wasn't just that there is a "glut of oil" ... you moronically claimed that "glut of oil" was the reason refineries back off production. Your own article laughs at you as it explains the actual reason is maintenance. Maintenance on refineries which typically occurs this time of year regardless how much crude is available.

You lose because you're a loser. That will never change. :itsok:

Sorry :ahole-1: that you haven't the IQ to realize they closed down for maintenance in order to process the oil more efficiently.... why do it for anything else, if NOT BROKEN and a GLUT of oil to refine?...Oh, I'm asking a complete idiot...BUT he is our entertainment, little OCDPawn will now continue to argue the logical and only reason, but go ahead, I need more chuckles.... What a liberal idiot you are!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Moron ... err, I mean, :gay: vagisil :gay: ..... had you actually read through your own link, you would have discovered a link to man they were quoting....

“Refineries are in what’s called the 'shoulder season,' where they shoulder some of their capacity,” says Task. Gas prices typically rise this time of year because many U.S. oil and gas refineries shut down to perform maintenance. As a result, prices peak in the spring as a result just as weather warms up and drivers start driving more. “So there’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there…But it’s sitting there and it’s not getting to the refineries” ~ Aaron Task

Are you capable of understanding what that means? I'm fairly certain you're not. You simply don't possess enough intelligence. :dunno: So lemme 'splain it to ya, Lucy. Refineries shut down this time of year every year for maintenance. According to Aaron Task, the closure of the refineries is due to maintenance, not to how much crude they process. Furthermore, Mr. task indicates the "glut of oil," as you put it, is due to the closure of the refineries because as he puts it, "there’s a huge mountain of crude oil sitting out there…But it’s sitting there and it’s not getting to the refineries,"

And WHY do they do maintenance you
to make the refineries MORE EFFICIENT to handle the glut that will be used as SPRING AND SUMMER DRIVING drive up the use of gasoline....Like I said, this fagot hasn't the MIND to logically think.... BUT THANKS for making yourself look like the fucking :ahole-1: you are! Liberalism, IS A MENTAL DISORDER here's the perfect example of a 2 digit IQ NOT knowing why things are done.... LARGER DEMAND in the summer so refineries make their machinery more efficient! OCD Pawned....again!!!!

No, you moron. The article explains the glut is caused by the refineries shutting down.

How can you possibly be this fucking stupid?? :eusa_doh:
Shut up dipshit, it's mostly from Private leases and you know it.

Take your hero worship and shove it.
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo: Quote me denying production is up mostly due to private leases....?

Really red helmet boy, show me where you ever said it was?
You remain a fucking retard. And that you can't quote me denying it proves as much since you just shoved your foot in your mouth as deep as it can go. Though to your credit, that was only a foot. You don't want to know what :gay: vagisil :gay: shoves in his mouth. :eek:

Oh, and post #934 answers your question.

Well we know you suck obuma cock, that's enough, we don't need pictures!
Ahhh, the ever popular rightard intellect of the pre-K equivalent of, "I know you are but what am I?"

I'm shocked you could attain such a high level of a retort, :gay: vagisil :gay:? I actually thought pre-K was above your reach.

You haven't the intelligence to go to a pre-K! But little fagot
Pawn, thinks he's brilliant, when a 5 W. bulb outshines his limited abilities! BUT FUNNY! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh2::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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