Obama’s $400,000 Cantor Speech Makes Him Wall Street's Newest Fat Cat

Obama kind of has to do these speeches for money, all he's good for is rambling on like an idiot anyway. It's not like he has any actual skills.
So did everyone else. :lol:
So basically you admit you libroids are full of crap.

Presidents making money on the Mashed-Potato Circuit after their tenure isn't some startling discovery. It's par for the course; however, it is fun watching you attempt to turn this tradition post-presidential into a teary lament on how Republicans are treated so bitterly unfair. :crybaby:
As we speak Congress is attacking Michael Flynn for doing the same exact thing. Where is the justice in that?

And for that matter, why are Democrats like Obama and Hillary allowed to collect bribes like this, but yet Trump isn’t allowed to earn a penny while he serves as president???

Like I said: A teary lament. Obama making money on the speaker circuit is so unfair to Republicans.:crybaby:
If you people on the left didnt have your double-standards you'd have no standards atoll.

Like his predecessors, Obama will continue to make money off the speaking circuit and no amount of your pussy aching is good to change that fact.
Obama kind of has to do these speeches for money, all he's good for is rambling on like an idiot anyway. It's not like he has any actual skills.

It's a sweet gig, I imagine. Give an hour or so speech to room for all sycophants and then get showered in money.
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
So basically you admit you libroids are full of crap.

Presidents making money on the Mashed-Potato Circuit after their tenure isn't some startling discovery. It's par for the course; however, it is fun watching you attempt to turn this tradition post-presidential into a teary lament on how Republicans are treated so bitterly unfair. :crybaby:
As we speak Congress is attacking Michael Flynn for doing the same exact thing. Where is the justice in that?

And for that matter, why are Democrats like Obama and Hillary allowed to collect bribes like this, but yet Trump isn’t allowed to earn a penny while he serves as president???

Like I said: A teary lament. Obama making money on the speaker circuit is so unfair to Republicans.:crybaby:
If you people on the left didnt have your double-standards you'd have no standards atoll.

Like his predecessors, Obama will continue to make money off the speaking circuit and no amount of your pussy aching is good to change that fact.
..well suck my root.

The more a Democrat tries to say he's different, the more we discover they're no different than the rest of the fat cats in Washington. Bernie Sanders bought a beach front property after taking a bribe from Hillary to give him her support. Obama is no free to cash in on being president.

"Former President Obama is set to net $400,000 for speaking at a Wall Street health care conference; that's nearly twice what Clinton was paid to become one of the most expensive speakers on Wall Street.
Obama's speaking engagement at a conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald LP was confirmed by senior people at the firm, according to Fox Business."

Twice the price of Clinton: Obama to net $400K for Wall street speech

Obama sold America out to it's enemies and now he's cashing in.......just like everyone else does.
Strange how other than the corrupt Obama judge blocking yet another Trump executive order, the biggest story is Congress claiming that Michael Flynn took money from Russia, despite the fact that Hillary did the same thing. And she never had to declare that she was a Russian agent. I guess it's okay for Democrats to take money from Russia and from Wall Street, but not Republicans.

Yet another double-standard set up by the corrupt left and the media cronies.
You right wingers are just jealous. Sour grapes. We had the smart pres, you've got the bumbling Gomer.
Obama fucked up everything he touched. Your definition of smarts differs from mine.
If you think you are smart, then yes your definition is different from mine.

Example, you think taking an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% & turning it around to set a record number of consecutive months of jobs growth is taking something & turning it to shit.

I have news, starting with a balanced budget & ending with the worst recession in 80 years is taking something & turning it to shit.
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
As a retired General he had a shit load of other laws he was supposed to follow. Generals need permission to have relations with Russia. That is why he is claiming he gave briefings to the agency he used to work for.
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
I believe he was still required to register as a foreign agent, even though he was a private citizen. Isn't that what all the kerfluffle is about?
Yes, like his predecessors, Obama is going to make loads of money off the Mashed-Potato Circuit.

What if Karma strikes????

"As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan government there to “redistribute” income through higher taxes. He also demonized corporations and called for massive government “investment” in social programs.

“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”

Therefore, he added, “I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development.”
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK
Yes, like his predecessors, Obama is going to make loads of money off the Mashed-Potato Circuit.

What if Karma strikes????

"As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan government there to “redistribute” income through higher taxes. He also demonized corporations and called for massive government “investment” in social programs.

“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”

Therefore, he added, “I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development.”
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK

"Orthodoxy today"?

Do they realize that this has been a fundamental tenet of tax policy for.....uh........MILLENNIA? Employed by Chinese and Roman emperors as well as Faerie Qveens?
It's amazing to me that some people here are shocked at the fact that Presidents make shit loads of money on the Mashed-Potato Circuit after their presidency ends.
Who's shocked?
This is a classic "I told you so" moment.

Is it really? You didn't think Obama was going to make oodles of money off the speaking circuit?
I expected it.

Hillary sold us out in the same manner. Obama is all about the money like everyone else. His ideology was just a ticket to a payday. He lives in his walled compounds while you and I will have to deal with the effects of his Social Justice policies.
He's living in a house with a standard fence in the Kalorama District, you idiot.
Sure he is.
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
I believe he was still required to register as a foreign agent, even though he was a private citizen. Isn't that what all the kerfluffle is about?
He did.
Yes, like his predecessors, Obama is going to make loads of money off the Mashed-Potato Circuit.

What if Karma strikes????

"As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. advised the pro-Western Kenyan government there to “redistribute” income through higher taxes. He also demonized corporations and called for massive government “investment” in social programs.

“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”

Therefore, he added, “I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development.”
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK

"Orthodoxy today"?

Do they realize that this has been a fundamental tenet of tax policy for.....uh........MILLENNIA? Employed by Chinese and Roman emperors as well as Faerie Qveens?

Ever notice, when some dunce is irked by the statement, and cannot deny that it is the truth......they default to complaining about the source?

Thanks for proving both that you are a dunce, and the axiom I provided.
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
As a retired General he had a shit load of other laws he was supposed to follow. Generals need permission to have relations with Russia. That is why he is claiming he gave briefings to the agency he used to work for.
His lawyer says he got permission.

So who's lying.....Congressional establishment assholes trying to score political points, or his lawyer?

Gee......tough choice.
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
As a retired General he had a shit load of other laws he was supposed to follow. Generals need permission to have relations with Russia. That is why he is claiming he gave briefings to the agency he used to work for.
His lawyer says he got permission.

So who's lying.....Congressional establishment assholes trying to score political points, or his lawyer?

Gee......tough choice.
Tit for tat? Getting back for the Nunes fiasco? I wouldn't put it past Chaffetz, to be honest. All those boys are just game playing these days.
Lawmakers Say It Appears Michael Flynn Acted Illegally In Taking Russian Payments
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
As a retired General he had a shit load of other laws he was supposed to follow. Generals need permission to have relations with Russia. That is why he is claiming he gave briefings to the agency he used to work for.
His lawyer says he got permission.

So who's lying.....Congressional establishment assholes trying to score political points, or his lawyer?

Gee......tough choice.
Tit for tat? Getting back for the Nunes fiasco? I wouldn't put it past Chaffetz, to be honest. All those boys are just game playing these days.
Lawmakers Say It Appears Michael Flynn Acted Illegally In Taking Russian Payments
Notice the key word "Appears"....as in could be, or we think he is, not that he is in direct violation of....

If they weren't making this stuff up there wouldn't be any speculation at all.
Flynn fucked up and may bring down the administration.

People's stupidity never fails to surprise me.
You sure hope so.
Regardless of the fact that everything he did was legal and as a private citizen, not when he was a member of the Trump Administration. But that FACT seems to escape you. He's only mentioned periodically to keep this fake Russian connect rumor alive.
As a retired General he had a shit load of other laws he was supposed to follow. Generals need permission to have relations with Russia. That is why he is claiming he gave briefings to the agency he used to work for.
His lawyer says he got permission.

So who's lying.....Congressional establishment assholes trying to score political points, or his lawyer?

Gee......tough choice.
Tit for tat? Getting back for the Nunes fiasco? I wouldn't put it past Chaffetz, to be honest. All those boys are just game playing these days.
Lawmakers Say It Appears Michael Flynn Acted Illegally In Taking Russian Payments
Notice the key word "Appears"....as in could be, or we think he is, not that he is in direct violation of....

If they weren't making this stuff up there wouldn't be any speculation at all.
Yes, they're playing games. I heard about him acting as a lobbyist for Turkey months ago. It was not a big deal except he had forgotten to register as a foreign agent. Did anyone think he would be working for them for free? Maybe I'm missing something, but this seems to be a bombshell that went off months ago and we're just now hearing the boom?

The more a Democrat tries to say he's different, the more we discover they're no different than the rest of the fat cats in Washington. Bernie Sanders bought a beach front property after taking a bribe from Hillary to give him her support. Obama is no free to cash in on being president.

"Former President Obama is set to net $400,000 for speaking at a Wall Street health care conference; that's nearly twice what Clinton was paid to become one of the most expensive speakers on Wall Street.
Obama's speaking engagement at a conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald LP was confirmed by senior people at the firm, according to Fox Business."

Twice the price of Clinton: Obama to net $400K for Wall street speech

Obama sold America out to it's enemies and now he's cashing in.......just like everyone else does.
Strange how other than the corrupt Obama judge blocking yet another Trump executive order, the biggest story is Congress claiming that Michael Flynn took money from Russia, despite the fact that Hillary did the same thing. And she never had to declare that she was a Russian agent. I guess it's okay for Democrats to take money from Russia and from Wall Street, but not Republicans.

Yet another double-standard set up by the corrupt left and the media cronies.

Supply vs demand

Few ex presidents, low supply

Huge demand


Big bucks

That's a concept Mudwhistle will ignore. He is a classic curmudgeon, a hater of all things progressive - unless it somehow creates a profit; he will piss and moan incessantly about Obama, liberals, progressives and anything which might impact his bottom line, i.e. himself; for he is a member of the "I got mine, fuck the rest of you" club.
Thread has been cleaned up. Stick to the topic and stop insulting each other, please. Thanks

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