Obama's Admitted Un-Constitutional Edict Ends - DACA Participant Removal Begins


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Deportation of participants in Obama's personal DACA program has begun.

"According to the government, the administration simply ended a prior administration’s choice not to enforce immigration policy. This is within the administration’s discretion and therefore cannot be second-guessed by the courts.

The second question was whether the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA violated the law. Everyone agreed that the administration could end DACA."

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing immigration law...then turned around and did it anyway...

"When Obama was asked in March 2011 to prevent immigrants whose parents had brought them to this country when they were children from being deported, his response was that he couldn’t just suspend deportations with an executive order. Congress passes the laws, and the executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement them.

He was right."

Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well

We need real immigration reform, and it's got to be done in Congress like it is supposed to.
Do dat mean the Dreamers gotta go back...

... to where dey come from?
About time Obama’s unconstitutional writing of laws is overturned.
Ya mean Trump is ending ANOTHER very popular program?
Funny that Trump offers a DACA deal for immigration reform and The Democrats completely opposes any Immigration reform.

Now they get “No Deal”

Deportation of participants in Obama's personal DACA program has begun.

"According to the government, the administration simply ended a prior administration’s choice not to enforce immigration policy. This is within the administration’s discretion and therefore cannot be second-guessed by the courts.

The second question was whether the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA violated the law. Everyone agreed that the administration could end DACA."

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing immigration law...then turned around and did it anyway...

"When Obama was asked in March 2011 to prevent immigrants whose parents had brought them to this country when they were children from being deported, his response was that he couldn’t just suspend deportations with an executive order. Congress passes the laws, and the executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement them.

He was right."

Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well

Obama was kind of a Lazy President. And then he made the mistake of leaving a bunch of Court seats to fill to Clinton, because they thought they had it all rigged, and they wanted to make sure she got a bunch of credit for filling all those seats.

Imagine all the plotting, (they even got in bed with Putin) the money they poured in to the campaign, fed to them by corrupt Oligarchs like Steyer, & Bloomberg, and companies like Google,Amazon, Facebook, and then despite having the media behind your back and Billions you are still given The Boot by The People.

Imagine then All your friends being upset because they thought they were going to get jobs, and a bunch of liberal crooked activist attorneys & crooked judges, don’t get all their promised judgeships and cushy jobs on top of that.

Half the state of Virginia and DC cried out as if they were mortally wounded in battle.
Utter wailing and gnashing of teeth, and howling at the moon.

The Entire Nation of LibPhuckistan is enraged to insanity. Think of all those bribes, Millions and Billions all of these Liberals like Joe Biden, Harris, Booker, Bernie Sanders, Warren ALL cut off from all that Filthy Lucre.

And now you know why They Hate 65 Million People who voted for President Trump!

That pesky 9th Circuit Court in 3...2...1...
The 9th has been Neutered...
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Ya mean Trump is ending ANOTHER very popular program?

Populoar?? The only ones its popular with is the dreamers who were let into this country. Dreamers we tax payers have been supporting for years.

You are an idiot.
Deportation of participants in Obama's personal DACA program has begun.

"According to the government, the administration simply ended a prior administration’s choice not to enforce immigration policy. This is within the administration’s discretion and therefore cannot be second-guessed by the courts.

The second question was whether the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA violated the law. Everyone agreed that the administration could end DACA."

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing immigration law...then turned around and did it anyway...

"When Obama was asked in March 2011 to prevent immigrants whose parents had brought them to this country when they were children from being deported, his response was that he couldn’t just suspend deportations with an executive order. Congress passes the laws, and the executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement them.

He was right."

Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well


But, but, but...I thought the DACA ‘kids’ weren’t going anywhere?
Ya mean Trump is ending ANOTHER very popular program?

So how many of your relatives are going to get their ass kicked back over the border?
Nope. But approval of DACA is very high. Of course Trump is keeping people like you happy by attacking it

83% approve of the DACA program

So 83% of REAL Americans approve of illegal foreigners stealing American citizenships for their children?
What else do we ‘approve’ of them stealing for their children?
But, but, but...I thought the DACA ‘kids’ weren’t going anywhere?
Who the hell said THAT? It certainly wasn't me. Anyone who thought that proves they don't have the ability to think things through to their final conclusion.

If DACA was overturned, why would illegals who do not qualify for citizenship be eligible for staying in the US? Obama, the self-professed Constitutional Scholar, new this would happen but counted on Democrats t be able to make the bleeding-heart, emotional argument that crimes should be overlooked because it isn't 'fair'.

Just because Democrats say things and promise things does not make what they say true. Snowflakes should have learned that after Barry promised everyone could keep their insurance / doctor if they liked them, that just because he was destroying the old system and mandating every policy include newly mandated items 'won't matter'. ROFLOL! Yeah, how did that work out?! Or how about his mind-blowing BS promise that Obamacare would NOT COST A DIME, WOULD PAY FOR ITSELF? Just forget that fact that NO GOVERNMENT-FUNDED/CREATING PROGRAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD had ever NOT cost a dime and had NEVER paid for itself.

So 83% of REAL Americans approve of illegal foreigners stealing American citizenships for their children?
What else do we ‘approve’ of them stealing for their children?
Evidently being taxed at 70% to give illegals free medical care, free housing, free tuition, free food, and US citizens' jobs which will drive down the jobs market, lowering pay for everyone....

Wow, BL, you are so freakin' GENEROUS...and you had no idea.

Obama was kind of a Lazy President. And then he made the mistake of leaving a bunch of Court seats to fill to Clinton, because they thought they had it all rigged, and they wanted to make sure she got a bunch of credit for filling all those seats.

Imagine all the plotting, (they even got in bed with Putin) the money they poured in to the campaign, fed to them by corrupt Oligarchs like Steyer, & Bloomberg, and companies like Google,Amazon, Facebook, and then despite having the media behind your back and Billions you are still given The Boot by The People.

Imagine then All your friends being upset because they thought they were going to get jobs, and a bunch of liberal crooked activist attorneys & crooked judges, don’t get all their promised judgeships and cushy jobs on top of that.

Half the state of Virginia and DC cried out as if they were mortally wounded in battle.
Utter wailing and gnashing of teeth, and howling at the moon.

The Entire Nation of LibPhuckistan is enraged to insanity. Think of all those bribes, Millions and Billions all of these Liberals like Joe Biden, Harris, Booker, Bernie Sanders, Warren ALL cut off from all that Filthy Lucre.

And now you know why They Hate 65 Million People who voted for President Trump!

That pesky 9th Circuit Court in 3...2...1...
The 9th has been Neutered...
exactly, it's why they all yelled impeach in November of 2016. How dare the people interfere in their plans.

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