Obama's Admitted Un-Constitutional Edict Ends - DACA Participant Removal Begins

You are punishing children for the actions of their parents. They haven't committed a crime.
Thank you for the wonderful example of how snowflakes and Dems and their world are ruled by EMOTION, not law.

No one is 'punishing' anyone, snowflake - they are ENFORCING EXISTING LAW.

BARRY did this to the kids, snowflake, not Trump and not the Republicans. BARRY admitted before he did it that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do what he did anyway. He counted on easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes like you to later demand law be enforced based on EMOTION.

That's not how it works.
Easy, they all had time to register and request visas. why didn't they? it's all on them.
Not so. DACA recipients have no avenue for legal status.
So, you finally admit they are illegals.

Baby steps.
...You are punishing children for the actions of their parents...

The United States is (finally!) enforcing its Immigration Laws regardless of age, sex, creed, origin, etc.

...They haven't committed a crime...
They are present upon United States soil in violation of US Immigration Laws.

...This is unAmerican.
Oh, but it's entirely American... insisting upon border security, national sovereignty, obedience to our laws, etc.


Drag your kids along with you, in the hope that the Gringos won't have the heart to deport them, and your own heart gets broken.

There is no point in rewarding the ultimate aspiration of those parent-Illegals... rewarding them by making their children citizens.

Come here the right way... in volumes we control... at times we control... with our express prior consent, and you may be allowed to stay.

Fail to do so and you risk it all... for yourself, and anyone else you dragged along with you, young or old, well or sick, whatever.

Pharaoh has hardened his heart.

And sometimes that's righteous, too.

It's called "taking care of our own".
These people where children when they were brought here. They had no choice. Punishing them for their parent's crime is unAmerican no matter how you try to spin it.
You are punishing children for the actions of their parents. They haven't committed a crime.
Thank you for the wonderful example of how snowflakes and Dems and their world are ruled by EMOTION, not law.

No one is 'punishing' anyone, snowflake - they are ENFORCING EXISTING LAW.

BARRY did this to the kids, snowflake, not Trump and not the Republicans. BARRY admitted before he did it that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do what he did anyway. He counted on easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes like you to later demand law be enforced based on EMOTION.

That's not how it works.
Easy, they all had time to register and request visas. why didn't they? it's all on them.
Not so. DACA recipients have no avenue for legal status.
So, you finally admit they are illegals.

Baby steps.
Lol, swing and a miss!

Try again.
You are punishing children for the actions of their parents. They haven't committed a crime.
Thank you for the wonderful example of how snowflakes and Dems and their world are ruled by EMOTION, not law.

No one is 'punishing' anyone, snowflake - they are ENFORCING EXISTING LAW.

BARRY did this to the kids, snowflake, not Trump and not the Republicans. BARRY admitted before he did it that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do what he did anyway. He counted on easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes like you to later demand law be enforced based on EMOTION.

That's not how it works.
Easy, they all had time to register and request visas. why didn't they? it's all on them.
Not so. DACA recipients have no avenue for legal status.
So, you finally admit they are illegals.

Baby steps.
Lol, swing and a miss!

Try again.
If they have "No avenue for legal status", they are by definition illegal.

...You are punishing children for the actions of their parents...

The United States is (finally!) enforcing its Immigration Laws regardless of age, sex, creed, origin, etc.

...They haven't committed a crime...
They are present upon United States soil in violation of US Immigration Laws.

...This is unAmerican.
Oh, but it's entirely American... insisting upon border security, national sovereignty, obedience to our laws, etc.


Drag your kids along with you, in the hope that the Gringos won't have the heart to deport them, and your own heart gets broken.

There is no point in rewarding the ultimate aspiration of those parent-Illegals... rewarding them by making their children citizens.

Come here the right way... in volumes we control... at times we control... with our express prior consent, and you may be allowed to stay.

Fail to do so and you risk it all... for yourself, and anyone else you dragged along with you, young or old, well or sick, whatever.

Pharaoh has hardened his heart.

And sometimes that's righteous, too.

It's called "taking care of our own".
What is hilarious is the legal immigrants want these criminals deported
Deportation of participants in Obama's personal DACA program has begun.

"According to the government, the administration simply ended a prior administration’s choice not to enforce immigration policy. This is within the administration’s discretion and therefore cannot be second-guessed by the courts.

The second question was whether the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA violated the law. Everyone agreed that the administration could end DACA."

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing immigration law...then turned around and did it anyway...

"When Obama was asked in March 2011 to prevent immigrants whose parents had brought them to this country when they were children from being deported, his response was that he couldn’t just suspend deportations with an executive order. Congress passes the laws, and the executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement them.

He was right."

Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well

That's just unAmerican.
how is it unamerican? explain.
You are punishing children for the actions of their parents. They haven't committed a crime.

This is unAmerican.
how is it unamerican? I asked, you deflected.
You don't think punishing children for the actions of their parents is unAmerican? These kids haven't broken any laws, their parents did. Do you think you should be responsible for things you didn't do?
Nope! I want my government enforcing America’s law! It’s you that’s unamerican fkwad
Deportation of participants in Obama's personal DACA program has begun.

"According to the government, the administration simply ended a prior administration’s choice not to enforce immigration policy. This is within the administration’s discretion and therefore cannot be second-guessed by the courts.

The second question was whether the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA violated the law. Everyone agreed that the administration could end DACA."

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing immigration law...then turned around and did it anyway...

"When Obama was asked in March 2011 to prevent immigrants whose parents had brought them to this country when they were children from being deported, his response was that he couldn’t just suspend deportations with an executive order. Congress passes the laws, and the executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement them.

He was right."

Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well

That's just unAmerican.
How is it unAmerican to remove illegals who broke our laws to enter the country illegally?
Those kids aren't the ones who broke the laws. Would you punish them if their parents robbed a bank?
So? Did they renew their visas?
Deportation of participants in Obama's personal DACA program has begun.

"According to the government, the administration simply ended a prior administration’s choice not to enforce immigration policy. This is within the administration’s discretion and therefore cannot be second-guessed by the courts.

The second question was whether the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA violated the law. Everyone agreed that the administration could end DACA."

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing immigration law...then turned around and did it anyway...

"When Obama was asked in March 2011 to prevent immigrants whose parents had brought them to this country when they were children from being deported, his response was that he couldn’t just suspend deportations with an executive order. Congress passes the laws, and the executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement them.

He was right."

Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well

That's just unAmerican.
how is it unamerican? explain.
You are punishing children for the actions of their parents. They haven't committed a crime.

This is unAmerican.
If they came in illegally, they committed a crime. Period.
Not so. They didn't have a choice in the matter.
Sure they did. Go to Mexican embassy and renew their visas . That’s the lawful path
You are punishing children for the actions of their parents. They haven't committed a crime.
Thank you for the wonderful example of how snowflakes and Dems and their world are ruled by EMOTION, not law.

No one is 'punishing' anyone, snowflake - they are ENFORCING EXISTING LAW.

BARRY did this to the kids, snowflake, not Trump and not the Republicans. BARRY admitted before he did it that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do what he did anyway. He counted on easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes like you to later demand law be enforced based on EMOTION.

That's not how it works.
Easy, they all had time to register and request visas. why didn't they? it's all on them.
Not so. DACA recipients have no avenue for legal status.
Yes they did, I already posted it loser
But Trump continues to employ Miller, so I can't see any basis to conclude he is not one of the xenophobe racists inhabiting and controlling today's gop.

I'm not sure how anyone who is not a xenophobe and racist can support Trump.

There are plenty of reasons why people would support Trump: his economic policies, his judicial picks, gun rights, etc. The problem is the party bases are getting more extreme, so maybe people don't like everything Trump does, but they see the alternative and think "Hell no!" Consider the fact that Bernie Sanders is a front runner for the nomination and even leading in some early primary states. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and I don't intend to in 2020, but I DEFINITELY will vote for Trump if the alternative is an extremist like Bernie Sanders who will bring our country to its knees with his destructive policies. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

If the Democrats nominated a sensible person like Andrew Yang, for instance, voters would flock to him and Trump would become a memory, but I'm not sure someone with plain old common sense who can relate to majority of the population can survive a primary in either party anymore.
Supporting something positive done by a xenophobic racist is tantamount to saying the Confederacy did some good things too. The Confederacy did do some good things, and making it possible to be a small landowning subisitance farmer who at most "owned" one or two slaves who lived no worse than he did, probably was one. At least the slaves were safer and had at worst no more depravation than they had post-war. The Nazis were not all bad either.

But racism and xenophobia are crimes against humanity, and nothing can morally excuse nurturing them. And Trump nurtures them even if he doesn't hold them near and dear in his small black heart.

Comparing Trump to the Confederacy and the Third Reich is absurdity and a perfect example of why it's so difficult to have civil political discourse these days.
No what's absurd is your defense of a loathsome and hateful person. We used to be a country where we respected the positions of elected officials whom we disagreed with, because we believed them to be honorable and acting in what they thought were the nation's interests. Trump's racisim and xenophopbia cannot be in our interests because racism and xenophobia are wrong. Putting children in cages to permantly separate them from parents is not a defensible act. It is a crime against humanity. Even Bush's torture did not rise to that level and was defensible as necessary to protect from imminent attack. Callign Obama a non-citizen, and never changing his tune, is not defensible and should be disquallfying. But 48% of voters found that not to be. They should be ashamed.

Trump has not engaged in mass murder simply because it isn't in his interests. His morality cannot be trusted.
And PS, Trump has used US force to participate in genocide in both Yemen and Syria. At one time, we accused Nixon of genocide, but in fact he forced US forces into knowingly ignoring collateral damage to civilians esp in Cambodia, but we never directly targeted, or supported directly targeting, civilians.

As a nation we have gone where we have not gone before except in our own revolution, and even there, we only expelled supporters of the King.
No what's absurd is your defense of a loathsome and hateful person.

Who is defending him?

Trump has not engaged in mass murder simply because it isn't in his interests. His morality cannot be trusted.

Umm.... yeah.... okay......

And here I always thought you were one of the sane ones.

I guess TDS can infect anyone
You are punishing children for the actions of their parents. They haven't committed a crime.
Thank you for the wonderful example of how snowflakes and Dems and their world are ruled by EMOTION, not law.

No one is 'punishing' anyone, snowflake - they are ENFORCING EXISTING LAW.

BARRY did this to the kids, snowflake, not Trump and not the Republicans. BARRY admitted before he did it that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do what he did anyway. He counted on easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes like you to later demand law be enforced based on EMOTION.

That's not how it works.
Easy, they all had time to register and request visas. why didn't they? it's all on them.
Not so. DACA recipients have no avenue for legal status.
So, you finally admit they are illegals.

Baby steps.
Lol, swing and a miss!

Try again.

But that is the very definition of what you just claimed.

If you say they have no avenue for legal status, there is only one way to end up in a situation you have no avenue for legal status..... .they are illegal.

You said that. How is it 'swing and a miss' to repeat back to you, what you admitted?
Deportation of participants in Obama's personal DACA program has begun.

"According to the government, the administration simply ended a prior administration’s choice not to enforce immigration policy. This is within the administration’s discretion and therefore cannot be second-guessed by the courts.

The second question was whether the Trump administration’s decision to end DACA violated the law. Everyone agreed that the administration could end DACA."

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect existing immigration law...then turned around and did it anyway...

"When Obama was asked in March 2011 to prevent immigrants whose parents had brought them to this country when they were children from being deported, his response was that he couldn’t just suspend deportations with an executive order. Congress passes the laws, and the executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement them.

He was right."

Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well


Hasta la bye bye assholes. Free ride gets bumpy now!
...These people where children when they were brought here...
A warning to future intruders planning to squeeze-out citizenship for their foreign brats, no doubt.

...They had no choice...
Sucks to be them. They can thank their lawbreaking parents, who will not be rewarded by seeing them become citizens.

...Punishing them for their parent's crime is unAmerican no matter how you try to spin it.
No need to spin. They are not being punished. They are being deported. Enforcing laws is as American as apple pie.


The sneak-'em--in-for-eventual-citizenship path is now closed.
And the beautiful thing is that since DACA was nothing more than an EO, then another president can end it with another EO and it can't be challenged in the courts.

Rescinding Obama's EO has already been done, challenged, and DACA was kept in place by a federal judge.

Which is unconstitutional. The law clearly states that an EO is only in force until the president that issued it leaves office or until a following president issues and EO cancelling the previous one. Judges have no authority of EO's. Technically DACA died the day Obama left office. According to the law.

Unless the EO is outside the constitutional powers given to the president, judges can't touch them. The SCOTUS already ruled in Trumps favor on this and if they keep pushing their buttons legislation will be passed changing the law.
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