Obama's Admitted Un-Constitutional Edict Ends - DACA Participant Removal Begins

Ya mean Trump is ending ANOTHER very popular program?

I don't know that I would describe it as a "very popular" program and I would argue that Obama's Executive Order was unconstitutional, but I do agree that it's the right thing to do. The Republicans would be smart to embrace DACA and Trump supporting it and encouraging Congress to pass the law on their own should be a huge part of his reelection campaign. It's a sensible and compassionate policy and it simply makes sense to do. It would also help Trump and Republicans with their support among minority voters which they desperately need over the long term. Some Republicans understand this, like the Bushes, but they are overshadowed by the xenophobic and bigoted white Baby Boomers who dominate their party.
But Trump continues to employ Miller, so I can't see any basis to conclude he is not one of the xenophobe racists inhabiting and controlling today's gop.

I'm not sure how anyone who is not a xenophobe and racist can support Trump.
still lost eh bend?
But Trump continues to employ Miller, so I can't see any basis to conclude he is not one of the xenophobe racists inhabiting and controlling today's gop.

I'm not sure how anyone who is not a xenophobe and racist can support Trump.

There are plenty of reasons why people would support Trump: his economic policies, his judicial picks, gun rights, etc. The problem is the party bases are getting more extreme, so maybe people don't like everything Trump does, but they see the alternative and think "Hell no!" Consider the fact that Bernie Sanders is a front runner for the nomination and even leading in some early primary states. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and I don't intend to in 2020, but I DEFINITELY will vote for Trump if the alternative is an extremist like Bernie Sanders who will bring our country to its knees with his destructive policies. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

If the Democrats nominated a sensible person like Andrew Yang, for instance, voters would flock to him and Trump would become a memory, but I'm not sure someone with plain old common sense who can relate to majority of the population can survive a primary in either party anymore.

DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military because they are not US citizens and not permanent residents either.
About 900 DACA recipients are currently serving in the military or have signed contracts to serve, according to the Pentagon.

Immigration lawyers told the "NewsHour" around 300 are still waiting to ship off to basic training.

DACA recipients who dream of military service are stuck in limbo
There are approximately 820 individuals either currently serving in the military, or who have signed contracts to serve, who are recipients of DACA and were recruited via the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MAVNI) Pilot Program. This reflects approximately 520 individuals in the active duty and reserve component (to include the Selected Reserve (SELRES) Delayed Training Program) and approximately 310 in the Delayed Entry Program. Of the approximately 520 currently serving, personnel master files reflect that approximately 140 have self‐reported a change in their citizenship status to indicate naturalization. Citizenship data is as of July 31, 2017 and subject to change due to attrition, discharges, or other pending naturalization requests.

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default...ta/All Form Types/DACA/DACA_Military_Data.pdf
But Trump continues to employ Miller, so I can't see any basis to conclude he is not one of the xenophobe racists inhabiting and controlling today's gop.

I'm not sure how anyone who is not a xenophobe and racist can support Trump.

There are plenty of reasons why people would support Trump: his economic policies, his judicial picks, gun rights, etc. The problem is the party bases are getting more extreme, so maybe people don't like everything Trump does, but they see the alternative and think "Hell no!" Consider the fact that Bernie Sanders is a front runner for the nomination and even leading in some early primary states. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and I don't intend to in 2020, but I DEFINITELY will vote for Trump if the alternative is an extremist like Bernie Sanders who will bring our country to its knees with his destructive policies. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

If the Democrats nominated a sensible person like Andrew Yang, for instance, voters would flock to him and Trump would become a memory, but I'm not sure someone with plain old common sense who can relate to majority of the population can survive a primary in either party anymore.
what is it you find interesting in Yang exactly? universal basic income? yeah, take away from the drive of prosperity. It's what makes him a fking demofk.

DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military because they are not US citizens and not permanent residents either.
You are wrong, again.

Deadline puts pressure on 'Dreamers' who seek to serve in US military

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.

DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military because they are not US citizens and not permanent residents either.
You are wrong, again.

Deadline puts pressure on 'Dreamers' who seek to serve in US military

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
You lied. You got caught in that lie. Just man up and admit it.

DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military because they are not US citizens and not permanent residents either.
You are wrong, again.

Deadline puts pressure on 'Dreamers' who seek to serve in US military

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
You plainly said, "DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military".

There are approximately 820 individuals either currently serving in the military, or who have signed contracts to serve, who are recipients of DACA and were recruited via the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MAVNI) Pilot Program. This reflects approximately 520 individuals in the active duty and reserve component (to include the Selected Reserve (SELRES) Delayed Training Program) and approximately 310 in the Delayed Entry Program. Of the approximately 520 currently serving, personnel master files reflect that approximately 140 have self‐reported a change in their citizenship status to indicate naturalization. Citizenship data is as of July 31, 2017 and subject to change due to attrition, discharges, or other pending naturalization requests.

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Resources/Reports and Studies/Immigration Forms Data/All Form Types/DACA/DACA_Military_Data.pdf

MAVNI is not DACA and DACA is not MAVNI. Get that through your head please! Yes, technically there were DACAs in the MAVNI programs but they joined with the citizenship they had before coming to the US. Now, that program is gone and the DACAs cannot join.

Note that your information is over two and a half years old.
DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military because they are not US citizens and not permanent residents either.
You are wrong, again.

Deadline puts pressure on 'Dreamers' who seek to serve in US military

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
You lied. You got caught in that lie. Just man up and admit it.

I did not lie. Your interpretation of the program is wrong.

DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military because they are not US citizens and not permanent residents either.
You are wrong, again.

Deadline puts pressure on 'Dreamers' who seek to serve in US military

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
dude you got played. He's right, if the DACA kids completed an application, they got in. doesn't matter it had a different name, it still allowed DACA kids in. Period.
There are approximately 820 individuals either currently serving in the military, or who have signed contracts to serve, who are recipients of DACA and were recruited via the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest (MAVNI) Pilot Program. This reflects approximately 520 individuals in the active duty and reserve component (to include the Selected Reserve (SELRES) Delayed Training Program) and approximately 310 in the Delayed Entry Program. Of the approximately 520 currently serving, personnel master files reflect that approximately 140 have self‐reported a change in their citizenship status to indicate naturalization. Citizenship data is as of July 31, 2017 and subject to change due to attrition, discharges, or other pending naturalization requests.

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Resources/Reports and Studies/Immigration Forms Data/All Form Types/DACA/DACA_Military_Data.pdf

MAVNI is not DACA and DACA is not MAVNI. Get that through your head please! Yes, technically there were DACAs in the MAVNI programs but they joined with the citizenship they had before coming to the US. Now, that program is gone and the DACAs cannot join.

Note that your information is over two and a half years old.
Trump said some are serving in the military. He is correct, you are wrong.
But Trump continues to employ Miller, so I can't see any basis to conclude he is not one of the xenophobe racists inhabiting and controlling today's gop.

I'm not sure how anyone who is not a xenophobe and racist can support Trump.

There are plenty of reasons why people would support Trump: his economic policies, his judicial picks, gun rights, etc. The problem is the party bases are getting more extreme, so maybe people don't like everything Trump does, but they see the alternative and think "Hell no!" Consider the fact that Bernie Sanders is a front runner for the nomination and even leading in some early primary states. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and I don't intend to in 2020, but I DEFINITELY will vote for Trump if the alternative is an extremist like Bernie Sanders who will bring our country to its knees with his destructive policies. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

If the Democrats nominated a sensible person like Andrew Yang, for instance, voters would flock to him and Trump would become a memory, but I'm not sure someone with plain old common sense who can relate to majority of the population can survive a primary in either party anymore.
Supporting something positive done by a xenophobic racist is tantamount to saying the Confederacy did some good things too. The Confederacy did do some good things, and making it possible to be a small landowning subisitance farmer who at most "owned" one or two slaves who lived no worse than he did, probably was one. At least the slaves were safer and had at worst no more depravation than they had post-war. The Nazis were not all bad either.

But racism and xenophobia are crimes against humanity, and nothing can morally excuse nurturing them. And Trump nurtures them even if he doesn't hold them near and dear in his small black heart.

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
You lied. You got caught in that lie. Just man up and admit it.

I did not lie. Your interpretation of the program is wrong.
Keep digging, liar.
But Trump continues to employ Miller, so I can't see any basis to conclude he is not one of the xenophobe racists inhabiting and controlling today's gop.

I'm not sure how anyone who is not a xenophobe and racist can support Trump.

There are plenty of reasons why people would support Trump: his economic policies, his judicial picks, gun rights, etc. The problem is the party bases are getting more extreme, so maybe people don't like everything Trump does, but they see the alternative and think "Hell no!" Consider the fact that Bernie Sanders is a front runner for the nomination and even leading in some early primary states. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and I don't intend to in 2020, but I DEFINITELY will vote for Trump if the alternative is an extremist like Bernie Sanders who will bring our country to its knees with his destructive policies. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

If the Democrats nominated a sensible person like Andrew Yang, for instance, voters would flock to him and Trump would become a memory, but I'm not sure someone with plain old common sense who can relate to majority of the population can survive a primary in either party anymore.
Supporting something positive done by a xenophobic racist is tantamount to saying the Confederacy did some good things too. The Confederacy did do some good things, and making it possible to be a small landowning subisitance farmer who at most "owned" one or two slaves who lived no worse than he did, probably was one. At least the slaves were safer and had at worst no more depravation than they had post-war. The Nazis were not all bad either.

But racism and xenophobia are crimes against humanity, and nothing can morally excuse nurturing them. And Trump nurtures them even if he doesn't hold them near and dear in his small black heart.
look at the parrot with the arm up his ass spew. prove trump is racist or xenophobic. so 63 million are this? go ahead chicken shit. you got shit, it's on the puppeteers arm.
But Trump continues to employ Miller, so I can't see any basis to conclude he is not one of the xenophobe racists inhabiting and controlling today's gop.

I'm not sure how anyone who is not a xenophobe and racist can support Trump.

There are plenty of reasons why people would support Trump: his economic policies, his judicial picks, gun rights, etc. The problem is the party bases are getting more extreme, so maybe people don't like everything Trump does, but they see the alternative and think "Hell no!" Consider the fact that Bernie Sanders is a front runner for the nomination and even leading in some early primary states. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and I don't intend to in 2020, but I DEFINITELY will vote for Trump if the alternative is an extremist like Bernie Sanders who will bring our country to its knees with his destructive policies. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

If the Democrats nominated a sensible person like Andrew Yang, for instance, voters would flock to him and Trump would become a memory, but I'm not sure someone with plain old common sense who can relate to majority of the population can survive a primary in either party anymore.
Supporting something positive done by a xenophobic racist is tantamount to saying the Confederacy did some good things too. The Confederacy did do some good things, and making it possible to be a small landowning subisitance farmer who at most "owned" one or two slaves who lived no worse than he did, probably was one. At least the slaves were safer and had at worst no more depravation than they had post-war. The Nazis were not all bad either.

But racism and xenophobia are crimes against humanity, and nothing can morally excuse nurturing them. And Trump nurtures them even if he doesn't hold them near and dear in his small black heart.
"Hitler got the trains running on time!"
DACAs were NEVER eligible to serve in the military because they are not US citizens and not permanent residents either.
You are wrong, again.

Deadline puts pressure on 'Dreamers' who seek to serve in US military

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
dude you got played. He's right, if the DACA kids completed an application, they got in. doesn't matter it had a different name, it still allowed DACA kids in. Period.

No, the MAVNI program was restricted. They didn't just "apply" and get in.

He doesn't seem to understand that they were never eligible for enlistment EXCEPT through the MAVNI program. Being a DACA had nothing to do with their status for that program.

Yes, DACAs did and probably still serve. They cannot be in any position requiring security clearance and that is why they are being removed.

I fully support them being eligible. It would make my job easier than to turn down Jose who is a high school senior, speaks perfect English and has never left the US since his parent's illegally brought him across the boarder.

The Democrats could have easily enacted new immigration laws, but they chose to be obstructionist because they hate Trump.

That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
dude you got played. He's right, if the DACA kids completed an application, they got in. doesn't matter it had a different name, it still allowed DACA kids in. Period.

No, the MAVNI program was restricted. They didn't just "apply" and get in.

He doesn't seem to understand that they were never eligible for enlistment EXCEPT through the MAVNI program. Being a DACA had nothing to do with their status for that program.

Yes, DACAs did and probably still serve. They cannot be in any position requiring security clearance and that is why they are being removed.

I fully support them being eligible. It would make my job easier than to turn down Jose who is a high school senior, speaks perfect English and has never left the US since his parent's illegally brought him across the boarder.

The Democrats could have easily enacted new immigration laws, but they chose to be obstructionist because they hate Trump.
You originally claimed DACA recipients were NEVER eligible.

Now they were never eligible EXCEPT.

That is you admitting you lied, liar.
That programs was the MAVNI program and had nothing to do with DACAs but would have been eligible for that program which ended years ago. Without MAVNI, DACAs would not be eligible.

I work for the Army Recruiting Command, so I know the rules. There two people allowed to permanently disqualify applicants who initially apply by telephone, email or internet. I am one of two.

Thank you very much!
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
dude you got played. He's right, if the DACA kids completed an application, they got in. doesn't matter it had a different name, it still allowed DACA kids in. Period.

No, the MAVNI program was restricted. They didn't just "apply" and get in.

He doesn't seem to understand that they were never eligible for enlistment EXCEPT through the MAVNI program. Being a DACA had nothing to do with their status for that program.

Yes, DACAs did and probably still serve. They cannot be in any position requiring security clearance and that is why they are being removed.

I fully support them being eligible. It would make my job easier than to turn down Jose who is a high school senior, speaks perfect English and has never left the US since his parent's illegally brought him across the boarder.

The Democrats could have easily enacted new immigration laws, but they chose to be obstructionist because they hate Trump.
You originally claimed DACA recipients were NEVER eligible.

Now they were never eligible EXCEPT.

That is you admitting you lied, liar.

MAVNI applicants were eligible. DACAs joined through that program. Being a DACA alone is ineligible.

You are splitting hairs here.

Jose, the DACA could never join based on his being a DACA alone. Without the MAVNI programs they would be ineligible.

If you consider that a lie, so be it. You are the apparent expert on lies.
You claimed DACAs were never eligible to serve. I proved you wrong.

Their status as DACAs did not make them eligible, dumbass!

Their application through the MAVNI programs made them eligible, just like it did for anyone else other than permanent residents and US citizens.

A US citizen or permanent resident could not join via the MAVNI program.

Once again, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Those in the MAVNI program are now being kicked out because they cannot meet their security background checks.
dude you got played. He's right, if the DACA kids completed an application, they got in. doesn't matter it had a different name, it still allowed DACA kids in. Period.

No, the MAVNI program was restricted. They didn't just "apply" and get in.

He doesn't seem to understand that they were never eligible for enlistment EXCEPT through the MAVNI program. Being a DACA had nothing to do with their status for that program.

Yes, DACAs did and probably still serve. They cannot be in any position requiring security clearance and that is why they are being removed.

I fully support them being eligible. It would make my job easier than to turn down Jose who is a high school senior, speaks perfect English and has never left the US since his parent's illegally brought him across the boarder.

The Democrats could have easily enacted new immigration laws, but they chose to be obstructionist because they hate Trump.
You originally claimed DACA recipients were NEVER eligible.

Now they were never eligible EXCEPT.

That is you admitting you lied, liar.

MAVNI applicants were eligible. DACAs joined through that program. Being a DACA alone is ineligible.

You are splitting hairs here.

Jose, the DACA could never join based on his being a DACA alone. Without the MAVNI programs they would be ineligible.

If you consider that a lie, so be it. You are the apparent expert on lies.
I am an expert on exposing Libnut lies.

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