Obama's approval numbers slip back to the low 40's

That makes caddel dishonest, i suppose, and so we forget all the other liberal media pro-Rasmussen kudos, assume Fox is corrupt consequently we dismiss the poll results, right? What about the others?

Obama sucks, Rasmussen has the highest accuracy rating and you aren't coming close to winning this argument.

Since you like smilies:


There is no such thing as an accuracy rating for an approval poll.

Gallup has Obama at 48 - 43. Gallup is more respected than Rasmussen. Why is Gallup wrong and Rasmussen right?

Rasmussen always has Obama worse than the averages, and always had Bush better than the averages of other polls.

That makes Rasmussen a Republican biased pollster, period.
Rasmussen predicted the November 2010 GOP landslide before and more accurately than anyone else, even Gallup. Your hero Obama sucks and everyone knows it. deal with it.
Rasmussen predicted the November 2010 GOP landslide before and more accurately than anyone else, even Gallup. Your hero Obama sucks and everyone knows it. deal with it.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

and lying trolls like you.

is that you, revere?
Im going to chime in here as a conservative leaning board member:

I don't care.

Obama could have 99% approval level. He could have 0% approval level. It's a poll. What it is today won't effect what is going on in November 2012.

And his approval numbers (or lack thereof) is not going to effect the way I think of him. If he does something I approve of, ill support him in that. If he does something I oppose. I am going to oppose him.

Simple as that. These numbers dont matter a hill of beans.

Whhhooooaaaa, Au contrair, Avatar! They very much matter! Polls effect his political capital to get things done, to sway moderate democrats to stay with him or abandon him, to support his more radical agenda aspects or to vote against them. Everything in politics is driven by polls, like gas in your car. Right now from a political - not numerical - standpoint, Obama is getting near empty, because when you slip into the upper 30's, your political capital is gone completely.

Uh-uh. This is important. There maybe be nothing you can do about it, but as news this is important. The more this fact spreads around the country, the less power Obama will have politically. Any DC politico can tell you that. This is basic - and important. That's why it gets reported.

Poll numbers only mean something when it benefits your types point of view. I remember Fatass Rush Limpblow criticizing Bill Clinton because he was a "poll chaser" doing things that would make the public give him high approval ratings. Yet according to anal cyst he was a horrible President.
BTW Rasmussen polls the farthest right of all of the major polling groups. Try Real politics like the other poster provided. They show all of the poll averages.
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That makes caddel dishonest, i suppose, and so we forget all the other liberal media pro-Rasmussen kudos, assume Fox is corrupt consequently we dismiss the poll results, right? What about the others?

Obama sucks, Rasmussen has the highest accuracy rating and you aren't coming close to winning this argument.

Since you like smilies:


To you Obama may suck and that's understandable, from what I can see there is not a single viable candidate on the right that could be him in 2012.:eusa_whistle:
Im going to chime in here as a conservative leaning board member:

I don't care.

Obama could have 99% approval level. He could have 0% approval level. It's a poll. What it is today won't effect what is going on in November 2012.

And his approval numbers (or lack thereof) is not going to effect the way I think of him. If he does something I approve of, ill support him in that. If he does something I oppose. I am going to oppose him.

Simple as that. These numbers dont matter a hill of beans.

Dang, I nominate this for best post of the day.

So, QFT as I fully agree. I do however feel it is imposrtant because noobs like RW were all up on peoples shit about Obama = #1 as his numbers were going up despite most saying "LOL, like that matters!"
Obama makes America feel so third world like.

Being trailer trash, I thought you'd be happy if the country appeared to heading towards your standard of living?

what tank means by "third world like" is that he's black.

but good ole tank is trailer trash for sure.

though that might be an insult to trash...

and trailers.

I didn't read it like that at all... BTW, you're a bigot, please leave... you're disgusting.
That makes caddel dishonest, i suppose, and so we forget all the other liberal media pro-Rasmussen kudos, assume Fox is corrupt consequently we dismiss the poll results, right? What about the others?

Obama sucks, Rasmussen has the highest accuracy rating and you aren't coming close to winning this argument.

Since you like smilies:


To you Obama may suck and that's understandable, from what I can see there is not a single viable candidate on the right that could be him in 2012.:eusa_whistle:

Obama won't be on the ballot in half a dozens states because at least that many our of 11 so far are expected to pass laws demanding Obama release his long form and other citizenship records before he can get on the ballot, and he's been fighting lawsuits like crazy to keep it hidden. Even ultra-liberal Mother Jones News has said they think this may signal the end of obama's presidency.

So when the time comes and he has to turn over the records he's spent millions in taxpayer money defending from disclosure in lawsuits, what do you think he will do, because Gibbs the White House isn't even talking - and time is running out for Obama to shit or get off the pot.
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The OP is a Birther. I think we can all move on now.

btw, birther, starting the same thread twice on a board is flooding, and very uncool. Try to act like like an adult.
and keep in mind that 11 states (or 10) will be requiring proof of citizenship for the next presidential election! or your not on the ballot! I believe they are working on it in Pennsylvania.
Barack Obama aka Barry S (2 different last names beginning with S!)The Little Prince is back to where he was for most of last year, in the low 40's approval rating. Maybe this would be different if he didn't freak normal people out - his diehard supporters don't qualify - by bowing to Saudi princes, demanding that NASA's(!) first priority be to "reach out to Muslims" and continue to hide his citizenship records (don't debate why he's doing it, he's just doing it, and that could mean anything from sadism to paranoia to holding the office illegally - ya gotta know if that had been about George Bush the NY Times would have it on the front page every day, like they did Bush's ultimately phony military records created by liberals to embarrass Bush.)

This from Rasmussen Reports, the polling agency that liberals loved when they said Bush's poll numbers were low, but now they hate because they're saying Obama's are poor!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18 (see trends).

Yesterday and today mark the president’s lowest ratings since mid-December. It remains to be seen whether this is merely the result of statistical noise or a change in perceptions of President Obama. For most of 2010, more than 40% of voters voiced Strong Disapproval of the president. However, following his December agreement with Senate Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts, the level of Strong Disapproval had declined.

HERE'S the complete story

Obama's 'approval' ratings tank every time he buckles in to the demands of the Republicans. American's don't want what they preach. Obama's problems is twofold.
1. He doesn't realize were American's are at on issues.
2. He doesn't have the backbone to stand up to the noisy minority that has plagued him since he took office.
Barack Obama aka Barry S (2 different last names beginning with S!)The Little Prince is back to where he was for most of last year, in the low 40's approval rating. Maybe this would be different if he didn't freak normal people out - his diehard supporters don't qualify - by bowing to Saudi princes, demanding that NASA's(!) first priority be to "reach out to Muslims" and continue to hide his citizenship records (don't debate why he's doing it, he's just doing it, and that could mean anything from sadism to paranoia to holding the office illegally - ya gotta know if that had been about George Bush the NY Times would have it on the front page every day, like they did Bush's ultimately phony military records created by liberals to embarrass Bush.)

This from Rasmussen Reports, the polling agency that liberals loved when they said Bush's poll numbers were low, but now they hate because they're saying Obama's are poor!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18 (see trends).

Yesterday and today mark the president’s lowest ratings since mid-December. It remains to be seen whether this is merely the result of statistical noise or a change in perceptions of President Obama. For most of 2010, more than 40% of voters voiced Strong Disapproval of the president. However, following his December agreement with Senate Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts, the level of Strong Disapproval had declined.

HERE'S the complete story

Obama's 'approval' ratings tank every time he buckles in to the demands of the Republicans. American's don't want what they preach. Obama's problems is twofold.
1. He doesn't realize were American's are at on issues.
2. He doesn't have the backbone to stand up to the noisy minority that has plagued him since he took office.

IIIII Seeee... so that's why Pelosi who hates republicans and says so has a 7 - SEVEN - percent approval rating! Why Reid, ditto, almost lost his re-election bid. And why every dem who was ultra liberal and anti-GOP got their asses kicked this past November, and why the only time Obama's numbers went up is when he reached out to the GOP, and now that he's posturing against them again, he's going down. You have everything upside down - manifestly!
The OP is a Birther. I think we can all move on now.

btw, birther, starting the same thread twice on a board is flooding, and very uncool. Try to act like like an adult.

Not the same thread. yesterday he was low, but today it's different news - he's at his worst ever. that's a significant distinction, genius.
and keep in mind that 11 states (or 10) will be requiring proof of citizenship for the next presidential election! or your not on the ballot! I believe they are working on it in Pennsylvania.

Hello and yes, they absolutely are working on it in Penn, that's official! It's 11 states at last count, but rumblings of more to come.

I keep asking liberals what they think Obama will do when he has to show the records he doesn't want to show. I keep getting responses like this:

No liberal wants to answer. Why do you think no liberal wants to answer what they think Obama will do when he has to turn over his records, a moment liberal Mother Jones News says will probably end his presidency? I can't figure it out.
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You refuse to answer. I win the debate. Fuck off, "Skippy"

Tsk, tsk, Skippy. I give you a low-risk way to make a lot of money and what do I get? Nothing but hostility.

You said it was a done deal and Obama wouldn't run. Yet when the chips are down, you turn tail and hide. Why am I not surprised.

As for "I win the debate," let me tell you Skippy, there was once another conservatard such as yourself here who frequently proclaimed his victories. Sadly for you, you will never, ever be as legendary as he.

Oh Rasmussen! I was confused for a second there - I thought you were going to quote a legitimate poll.

Yeah....but the k00ks to a person loved Rasmussen back in October of 2008. They couldnt post up the polls fast enough when he was pulling away from McCain. Now that their guys #'s are tanking, Rasmussen is a :boobies::boobies::funnyface:phoney.
You refuse to answer. I win the debate. Fuck off, "Skippy"

Tsk, tsk, Skippy. I give you a low-risk way to make a lot of money and what do I get? Nothing but hostility.

You said it was a done deal and Obama wouldn't run. Yet when the chips are down, you turn tail and hide. Why am I not surprised.

As for "I win the debate," let me tell you Skippy, there was once another conservatard such as yourself here who frequently proclaimed his victories. Sadly for you, you will never, ever be as legendary as he.



The Black Knight............a perfect illustration for every single liberal on the planet these days.

Bloggin these days is a hoot for conservatives. For liberals.........not so much!!!:2up:
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You refuse to answer. I win the debate. Fuck off, "Skippy"

Tsk, tsk, Skippy. I give you a low-risk way to make a lot of money and what do I get? Nothing but hostility.

You said it was a done deal and Obama wouldn't run. Yet when the chips are down, you turn tail and hide. Why am I not surprised.

As for "I win the debate," let me tell you Skippy, there was once another conservatard such as yourself here who frequently proclaimed his victories. Sadly for you, you will never, ever be as legendary as he.


You refuse to answer. I win the debate. Fuck off, "Skippy"
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The OP is a Birther. I think we can all move on now.

btw, birther, starting the same thread twice on a board is flooding, and very uncool. Try to act like like an adult.

He also thinks Obama may be the devil!


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