Obama's Approval Rating Higher Than Reagans? Who Knew?

An interesting perspective from the always interesting ragin' cajun.... James Carville.

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Obama can avoid midterm blues

Obama is well on his way to beating Jimmy Carter out of 1st place for the worst President in history contest: This country in three years will be sooooooooooo glad to get rid of him that you could run your local sanitation worker against this guy and win.:lol:

You give stupid such a nice gloss. Keep putting morons like palin up and you neo cons will NEVER see the oval office again. You mistake the uneasiness and trauma of the population in regards to the economy which no one blames on Obama. What the population feels is fear because they don't know if Obama can FIX the economy. There is a big difference between the two concepts. It wouldn't matter if fucking einstein himself was in charge ..the economy will take another year or more to correct. All your bullshit is just trying to grab back power when even stupid people wouldn't trust your best people on a beer run.
Is that your actual picture in your avatar?
'cause man, if it is, you ain't lookin' cool!...Particularly in those CVS pharmacy bought Foster Grants!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
An interesting perspective from the always interesting ragin' cajun.... James Carville.

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Obama can avoid midterm blues

Obama is well on his way to beating Jimmy Carter out of 1st place for the worst President in history contest: This country in three years will be sooooooooooo glad to get rid of him that you could run your local sanitation worker against this guy and win.:lol:

You give stupid such a nice gloss. Keep putting morons like palin up and you neo cons will NEVER see the oval office again. You mistake the uneasiness and trauma of the population in regards to the economy which no one blames on Obama. What the population feels is fear because they don't know if Obama can FIX the economy. There is a big difference between the two concepts. It wouldn't matter if fucking einstein himself was in charge ..the economy will take another year or more to correct. All your bullshit is just trying to grab back power when even stupid people wouldn't trust your best people on a beer run.

Ohhhh, I blame it all on Obama, that no stimulus stimulus bill that he signed has yet to create a job that I have seen. Obama can fix the economy by rescinding the stimulus bill and doing across the board tax cuts for business's so they can grow and hire people back. He won't though. Way tooooo liberal for that to happen. We won't need to grab the power back, the smart citizens of this country gladly will give it to us to save us from commie Obama.
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An interesting perspective from the always interesting ragin' cajun.... James Carville.

There are 14 months to go before a majority of Americans go to the ballot box again. Frequent comparisons are being made to the 1994 Clinton healthcare debacle and the ensuing Newt Gingrich-led Republican wave at that year’s midterms, of which I had a front-row view. But it is rarely noted that unlike then, there is plenty of time between now and the 2010 midterm elections

Historically, the first midterm election has usually been bad for a president’s party, often the result of giving back seats won on the president’s coat-tails. According to the latest Gallup poll, Mr Obama’s net approval rating (53 per cent approve, 40 per cent disapprove) is far more promising than Bill Clinton’s in 1994 (45 per cent approval, 46 per cent disapproval) and Ronald Reagan’s in 1982 (42 per cent approval, 47 per cent disapproval).

Much of the Republican hopes are pinned on Democrats’ economic policies failing over the course of the next year. The reputation of congressional Republicans is staked on the economy not getting better under President Obama. Democrats’ archives are full of Republicans promising Americans that Democrat policies won’t work. They offered meaningless alternatives and vehemently opposed each and every measure the economists and budget experts came up with.

If there is some improvement in job growth next year, Democrats will make the case down the home stretch that they not only staved off a major economic calamity inherited from a disastrous Republican administration but also managed to make progress despite unrelenting opposition.

The problem with Republicans, is that, as Ray Charles might have said, they are Republicans. In spite of all these Democratic troubles, the Republicans are held in lower esteem than they were in November 2006 (37 per cent warm, or favourable, against 48 per cent cool) or in November last year (37 per cent warm against 45 per cent cool). There’s been no improvement from elections in which they got clobbered. Our recent Democracy Corps polling showed the Republicans with a 32 per cent warm, 44 per cent cool rating. Sure, the right-wing Republican base is energised – with the “birthers”, tea parties, and town halls as proof – but they have to sustain their agitation, anger and general nuttiness for 14 more months. In elections, you don’t play against yourself; you have an opponent. Luckily, the Democrats are up against a still very unpopular Republican party.

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Obama can avoid midterm blues


Oh............and did I mention the Rasmussen Disapprove #'s on Obama today???


Ronald who?????:funnyface::funnyface::tomato:
Obama is well on his way to beating Jimmy Carter out of 1st place for the worst President in history contest: This country in three years will be sooooooooooo glad to get rid of him that you could run your local sanitation worker against this guy and win.:lol:

You give stupid such a nice gloss. Keep putting morons like palin up and you neo cons will NEVER see the oval office again. You mistake the uneasiness and trauma of the population in regards to the economy which no one blames on Obama. What the population feels is fear because they don't know if Obama can FIX the economy. There is a big difference between the two concepts. It wouldn't matter if fucking einstein himself was in charge ..the economy will take another year or more to correct. All your bullshit is just trying to grab back power when even stupid people wouldn't trust your best people on a beer run.
You obviously need to lay off the beer!

If you are indeed a multi millionaire then you are smart enough to read. If you read my last reply then you know I am right..at least about that.

I don't drink beer.

If you really think that someone like the eskimoess or someone like her would stand any chance against Obama in four yearrs then I would like to be your newest closest friend so I can steal all your multi millions before somebody else gets to it first.
Read it and weep Jillian, Rasmussen runs counter to what your post states about republicans, it's them that is on the rise, the dems are tanking.

Generic Congressional Ballot - Rasmussen Reports™

see above post...

btw, if you knew anything at all... you'd know that generic ballots are meaningless.

like i said, if i listened to you idiots, i'd have believed the dems were going to lose the november election.
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yo Wicked..........you know, what we have here is one of those hideous bulldog feminists from a group names something like a Tribe Called Quest.......................

Im thinking here is a pretty accurate representation of the level of misery here..................

You give stupid such a nice gloss. Keep putting morons like palin up and you neo cons will NEVER see the oval office again. You mistake the uneasiness and trauma of the population in regards to the economy which no one blames on Obama. What the population feels is fear because they don't know if Obama can FIX the economy. There is a big difference between the two concepts. It wouldn't matter if fucking einstein himself was in charge ..the economy will take another year or more to correct. All your bullshit is just trying to grab back power when even stupid people wouldn't trust your best people on a beer run.
You obviously need to lay off the beer!

If you are indeed a multi millionaire then you are smart enough to read. If you read my last reply then you know I am right..at least about that.

I don't drink beer.

If you really think that someone like the eskimoess or someone like her would stand any chance against Obama in four yearrs then I would like to be your newest closest friend so I can steal all your multi millions before somebody else gets to it first.

Uh, excuse me but No!, I don't want Palin anywhere near the nomination. I didn't want her anywhere near McCain last year. Nothing against her personally, but she is nowhere near presidential material, just the same as Obama is nowhere near presidential material.
But i'd love to see her naked!:eusa_drool:
Then tell lil' "smokinbone" to quit askin' about it!
He asked the question, I gave the honest answer. It's really not a hard concept to grasp.

Half of your posts here are about how you're a multi-millionaire war hero who retired at 45. (The other half are about how you hate faggots.) Please don't be offended if I don't believe you, anyone can claim to be whatever they want on the internet. Which makes me less inclined to believe anything you say.
Not offended in anyway. I know the truth every morning when I literally have to lift my re-constructed knee off the bed. Those first few steps hurt like hell.
There are no "war heros". Only those who get thrown into war and have to deal with the situations presented. Hopefully, you make the right decisions that get yourself out of those situations without becoming a member of the body count. It's that lil' thing all of us humans posess, the basic instict to survive. Fortunately, I survived but, a couple 47 rounds (great shots by the shooter BTW. I'll give the cocksucker that) and some RPG shards got the best o' me.
BTW, I didn't make my millions until I sold off one of my restaurants a couple months back. So, you're wrong about the "multi-millionaire war hero" statement.

A very smart man once told me.....if a man TELLS you he is a black belt, he is full of crap. No real black belt brags about it.
yo Wicked..........you know, what we have here is one of those hideous bulldog feminists from a group names something like a Tribe Called Quest.......................

Im thinking here is a pretty accurate representation of the level of misery here..................

That's about what I envision buddy!
They are fuckin' freaks man!
Instead of uniting, y'all divide. Democrats could easily pass the health care reform because they own Washington. They have total control. But because they don't want to be blame for the health care reform bill, they want bipartisan support on it. So if the health care reform becomes a disaster, they can't be blamed for it. Otherwise, if their plan is great, they don't need republican support...they already controlled the house, senate, and the White House.
Read it and weep Jillian, Rasmussen runs counter to what your post states about republicans, it's them that is on the rise, the dems are tanking.

Generic Congressional Ballot - Rasmussen Reports™

generic ballots are meaningless...

see above post...

btw, if you knew anything at all... you'd know that generic ballots are meaningless.

like i said, if i listened to you idiots, i'd have believed the dems were going to lose the november election.
this one says a lot more

and the gov't ethics one says LOADS

Trust on Issues - Rasmussen Reports™
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yo Wicked..........you know, what we have here is one of those hideous bulldog feminists from a group names something like a Tribe Called Quest.......................

Im thinking here is a pretty accurate representation of the level of misery here..................

That's about what I envision buddy!
They are fuckin' freaks man!

yeah man.....the real nasty, miserable one's like Jillian and a handful of others on this board are certified bulldogs. You can spot the feminist misery a million miles away on these forums.............:lol:
yo Wicked..........you know, what we have here is one of those hideous bulldog feminists from a group names something like a Tribe Called Quest.......................

Im thinking here is a pretty accurate representation of the level of misery here..................

That's about what I envision buddy!
They are fuckin' freaks man!

yeah man.....the real nasty, miserable one's like Jillian and a handful of others on this board are certified bulldogs. You can spot the feminist misery a million miles away on these forums.............:lol:

You got to communicate better. That's what is the problem, communication between the left and the right. We have these ppl on both sides (Hannity/Beck -vs- MSNBC) rallying the troops/creating great opposition. We fallen into the lobbyist hands. If we can't unite as a people, we let corps/whoever funds Washington to dictate for us.
Harvard’s Feldstein Sees Risk of ‘Double-Dip’ Recession in U.S. - Bloomberg.com

We are headed for a double dip recession. Obama is borrowing .50 on every dollar spent, we owe the Chinese billions, this is not free money, they charge interest to the tune of millions of dollars a DAY. Now he is going to have to start printing it, flooding the market with it. It's the law of supply and demand, the more of it there is, the less value it has, the more money the government borrows, the more it drives up our interest rates because there is less of it to go around. The train wreck is a comin and it's a comin fast right on top of the first recession. It's my prediction that this little pop up in the economy will crash in the next couple of months. Whopee, what a guy. He needs to go back to Harvard and learn some basic common sense and re-take econ 101. And you guys think he is smart. :lol:

He is real proud of those government jobs that he has saved through his no stimulus stimulus bill, but when private industry fails there is no one left to pay the bills or the payroll for all of those saved employees. From what I have seen he is absolutely clueless about this scenario.
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Harvard’s Feldstein Sees Risk of ‘Double-Dip’ Recession in U.S. - Bloomberg.com

We are headed for a double dip recession. Obama is borrowing .50 on every dollar spent, we owe the Chinese billions, this is not free money, they charge interest to the tune of millions of dollars a DAY. Now he is going to have to start printing it, flooding the market with it. It's the law of supply and demand, the more of it there is, the less value it has, the more money the government borrows, the more it drives up our interest rates because there is less of it to go around. The train wreck is a comin and it's a comin fast right on top of the first recession. It's my prediction that this little pop up in the economy will crash in the next couple of months. Whopee, what a guy. He needs to go back to Harvard and learn some basic common sense and re-take econ 101. And you guys think he is smart. :lol:

We only have 3 years to go. Mayans predicted something World changing to happen in 2012.
Half of your posts here are about how you're a multi-millionaire war hero who retired at 45. (The other half are about how you hate faggots.) Please don't be offended if I don't believe you, anyone can claim to be whatever they want on the internet. Which makes me less inclined to believe anything you say.
Not offended in anyway. I know the truth every morning when I literally have to lift my re-constructed knee off the bed. Those first few steps hurt like hell.
There are no "war heros". Only those who get thrown into war and have to deal with the situations presented. Hopefully, you make the right decisions that get yourself out of those situations without becoming a member of the body count. It's that lil' thing all of us humans posess, the basic instict to survive. Fortunately, I survived but, a couple 47 rounds (great shots by the shooter BTW. I'll give the cocksucker that) and some RPG shards got the best o' me.
BTW, I didn't make my millions until I sold off one of my restaurants a couple months back. So, you're wrong about the "multi-millionaire war hero" statement.

A very smart man once told me.....if a man TELLS you he is a black belt, he is full of crap. No real black belt brags about it.

So tell me where i'm braggin'?
I simply told you my story.
If I were braggin', I would of told ya' I picked up an m-60 and raided an entire battalion and wiped 'em out by myself. That didn't happen. I simply let my guard down and paid the price. Lack of sleep and extreme exhaustion causes those things to happen. My bad. And it cost me.
Ya' see, this is the pattern with you loony liberals. ANYBODY mentions they're a vet, and you spineless weasels pile on. It happens everytime. I'm used to that childish shit. It doesn't faze me in the least bit.
But hey, if you happen to be on eof the rare cases of a liberal who actually works and pays taxes, thanks!..Those taxes will go towards paying for my lifelong VA care. I'm sure that just thrills the fuck out of ya'!

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