Obama's Approval Rating Higher Than Reagans? Who Knew?

I know that I got to shoot one on the range in Basic. Hell of a lot of fun.
The 60's are a blast.
But the M-4 is like hot wet pussy. Once you fire it, ya' just can't get enough!:eusa_drool:

Never got to use an M-4. Always wanted to.
It's basically a 16. Same 5.56 ammo. Modified stock, shorter barrel. Light and accurate as hell. The shorter length gives it a throatier sound, similar to an AK. It's just a great weapon all around.
No, you know what's even better? Skydiving.

I always regretted not trying to go Airborne while I was in, but I've jumped from perfectly good airplanes a bunch since then and it's truly a religious experience.
It's not about segregation. It's about ensuring that you disgusting immoral freaks don't get special treatment or rights that are not due you, simply because you disgusting immoral freaks CHOOSE to live that disgusting immoral freaky lifestyle!
BTW, your beloved messiah doesn't support gay marriage and special treatment or rights to you disgusting people either.
I guess he must be a segregationist also!
Christ, you libs are freakin' stupid!

And you are a lying Segregationist. What a class act.
You just can't stand someone putting it all out there. Can't stand someone telling you exactly what you are, and the immorality of WHAT you are. After all, it is you who is CHOOSING to live that disgusting lifestyle. And it is you who is choosing to raise a child in that disgusting immoral environment. Talk about child abuse. Unfortunately, she didn't have the choice on who adopted her. It's quite sad that a child must endure the embarrasment of introducing you freaks as "here's my mom and mommy''. You should be ashamed of yourself!

As I said, a Lying Segregationist. With a pathetic need to make up a glorified life for himself to feel bigger than a foot tall....if that?
Obama is well on his way to beating Jimmy Carter out of 1st place for the worst President in history contest: This country in three years will be sooooooooooo glad to get rid of him that you could run your local sanitation worker against this guy and win.:lol:

You give stupid such a nice gloss. Keep putting morons like palin up and you neo cons will NEVER see the oval office again. You mistake the uneasiness and trauma of the population in regards to the economy which no one blames on Obama. What the population feels is fear because they don't know if Obama can FIX the economy. There is a big difference between the two concepts. It wouldn't matter if fucking einstein himself was in charge ..the economy will take another year or more to correct. All your bullshit is just trying to grab back power when even stupid people wouldn't trust your best people on a beer run.
You obviously need to lay off the beer!

Oh dear! Are you running out?
No, you know what's even better? Skydiving.

I always regretted not trying to go Airborne while I was in, but I've jumped from perfectly good airplanes a bunch since then and it's truly a religious experience.
thats something i'd like to try some day
and then do a skydive into a scuba dive
that would be so cool
I know that I got to shoot one on the range in Basic. Hell of a lot of fun.
The 60's are a blast.
But the M-4 is like hot wet pussy. Once you fire it, ya' just can't get enough!:eusa_drool:

Lit bit scary that you are comparing shooting a gun to sex but then I have never had the experience........Shooting an M-4 not sex. LOL!
Hey man, don't even go there. As whacked in the head as I am, the wifey just might find me layin' in bed with that wicked smile, a target on the wall, and a rifle by my side!
Hey honey!...Coldfusion gave me a great idea today!:eusa_drool:
Half of your posts here are about how you're a multi-millionaire war hero who retired at 45. (The other half are about how you hate faggots.) Please don't be offended if I don't believe you, anyone can claim to be whatever they want on the internet. Which makes me less inclined to believe anything you say.
Not offended in anyway. I know the truth every morning when I literally have to lift my re-constructed knee off the bed. Those first few steps hurt like hell.
There are no "war heros". Only those who get thrown into war and have to deal with the situations presented. Hopefully, you make the right decisions that get yourself out of those situations without becoming a member of the body count. It's that lil' thing all of us humans posess, the basic instict to survive. Fortunately, I survived but, a couple 47 rounds (great shots by the shooter BTW. I'll give the cocksucker that) and some RPG shards got the best o' me.
BTW, I didn't make my millions until I sold off one of my restaurants a couple months back. So, you're wrong about the "multi-millionaire war hero" statement.

A very smart man once told me.....if a man TELLS you he is a black belt, he is full of crap. No real black belt brags about it.

Yep. The same applies to Army Rangers and Navy SEALS. this Jester guy is just that...a buffoon.
Not offended in anyway. I know the truth every morning when I literally have to lift my re-constructed knee off the bed. Those first few steps hurt like hell.
There are no "war heros". Only those who get thrown into war and have to deal with the situations presented. Hopefully, you make the right decisions that get yourself out of those situations without becoming a member of the body count. It's that lil' thing all of us humans posess, the basic instict to survive. Fortunately, I survived but, a couple 47 rounds (great shots by the shooter BTW. I'll give the cocksucker that) and some RPG shards got the best o' me.
BTW, I didn't make my millions until I sold off one of my restaurants a couple months back. So, you're wrong about the "multi-millionaire war hero" statement.

A very smart man once told me.....if a man TELLS you he is a black belt, he is full of crap. No real black belt brags about it.

So tell me where i'm braggin'?
I simply told you my story.
If I were braggin', I would of told ya' I picked up an m-60 and raided an entire battalion and wiped 'em out by myself. That didn't happen. I simply let my guard down and paid the price. Lack of sleep and extreme exhaustion causes those things to happen. My bad. And it cost me.
Ya' see, this is the pattern with you loony liberals. ANYBODY mentions they're a vet, and you spineless weasels pile on. It happens everytime. I'm used to that childish shit. It doesn't faze me in the least bit.
But hey, if you happen to be on eof the rare cases of a liberal who actually works and pays taxes, thanks!..Those taxes will go towards paying for my lifelong VA care. I'm sure that just thrills the fuck out of ya'!


Maybe I'll see you at the VA at Wilshire some time. Let's see...what floor was it I used to drop the loonies and drug addicts off on.....:cuckoo:
No, you know what's even better? Skydiving.

I always regretted not trying to go Airborne while I was in, but I've jumped from perfectly good airplanes a bunch since then and it's truly a religious experience.

One does not jump out of perfectly good airplanes.....:eusa_whistle:
Not offended in anyway. I know the truth every morning when I literally have to lift my re-constructed knee off the bed. Those first few steps hurt like hell.
There are no "war heros". Only those who get thrown into war and have to deal with the situations presented. Hopefully, you make the right decisions that get yourself out of those situations without becoming a member of the body count. It's that lil' thing all of us humans posess, the basic instict to survive. Fortunately, I survived but, a couple 47 rounds (great shots by the shooter BTW. I'll give the cocksucker that) and some RPG shards got the best o' me.
BTW, I didn't make my millions until I sold off one of my restaurants a couple months back. So, you're wrong about the "multi-millionaire war hero" statement.

A very smart man once told me.....if a man TELLS you he is a black belt, he is full of crap. No real black belt brags about it.

Yep. The same applies to Army Rangers and Navy SEALS. this Jester guy is just that...a buffoon.

I'm a FORMER Ranger, no longer bound by the UCMJ. I can say whatever I want nowadays. Deal with it!, you immoral, disgusting homosexual FREAK!
The 60's are a blast.
But the M-4 is like hot wet pussy. Once you fire it, ya' just can't get enough!:eusa_drool:

Lit bit scary that you are comparing shooting a gun to sex but then I have never had the experience........Shooting an M-4 not sex. LOL!
Hey man, don't even go there. As whacked in the head as I am, the wifey just might find me layin' in bed with that wicked smile, a target on the wall, and a rifle by my side!
Hey honey!...Coldfusion gave me a great idea today!:eusa_drool:

And you say OTHER people are freaky. LOL!
A very smart man once told me.....if a man TELLS you he is a black belt, he is full of crap. No real black belt brags about it.

Yep. The same applies to Army Rangers and Navy SEALS. this Jester guy is just that...a buffoon.

I'm a FORMER Ranger, no longer bound by the UCMJ. I can say whatever I want nowadays. Deal with it!, you immoral, disgusting homosexual FREAK!

Of course you are....:wink: Of course.

I'm sorry, I have too much respect for our Military men and women to think they would ever include the likes of you....a lying segregationist.
I BET shydiving is a religious exp...........Oh my God OH my God OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A very smart man once told me.....if a man TELLS you he is a black belt, he is full of crap. No real black belt brags about it.

So tell me where i'm braggin'?
I simply told you my story.
If I were braggin', I would of told ya' I picked up an m-60 and raided an entire battalion and wiped 'em out by myself. That didn't happen. I simply let my guard down and paid the price. Lack of sleep and extreme exhaustion causes those things to happen. My bad. And it cost me.
Ya' see, this is the pattern with you loony liberals. ANYBODY mentions they're a vet, and you spineless weasels pile on. It happens everytime. I'm used to that childish shit. It doesn't faze me in the least bit.
But hey, if you happen to be on eof the rare cases of a liberal who actually works and pays taxes, thanks!..Those taxes will go towards paying for my lifelong VA care. I'm sure that just thrills the fuck out of ya'!


Maybe I'll see you at the VA at Wilshire some time. Let's see...what floor was it I used to drop the loonies and drug addicts off on.....:cuckoo:
Yep, that would be the VA hospital where i'm treated. While you're there, take your fat dyke ass across the street and pay your respects to the TRUE war hero's. The VA cemetary. It's easy to find, just across Sepulveda boulevard.
Yeah, like that would ever happen!
Referring to our brave soldiers with head wounds as "loony's"
Yeah, you're one sick dyke bitch to be sure!
Oh and don't blame that shit on ME WJ if your wife can put up with you she would probably come all the way up here and KICK MY ASS for giving a bad idea. LOL!

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