Obama's approval ratings stabilize in latest poll

Obama's approval ratings stabilize in latest poll

Much like a turd settles to the bottom of a punch bowl and remains smelly and inert.
Dead is also stable.
Despite numerous attempts to redirect the conversation from the health care debacle, Obama's ratings have not rebounded at all.
The pic of him at Mandela's funeral was priceless.

Ain't that something?

He's chumming it up with the leaders of two foreign nations that you folks say he's pissing off.

Like a true Irishman, no less!

the only one he was pissing off was the mrs

it did not take her long to separate the two


Dead is also stable.
Despite numerous attempts to redirect the conversation from the health care debacle, Obama's ratings have not rebounded at all.
The pic of him at Mandela's funeral was priceless.

Ain't that something?

He's chumming it up with the leaders of two foreign nations that you folks say he's pissing off.

Like a true Irishman, no less!

the only one he was pissing off was the mrs

it did not take her long to separate the two



Seriously the only folks this gets any traction is..is with you folks.

You hate everything this guy does and you guys hated Mandela too.

So, "meh".

It's meaningless. :lol:

By the way, pissing off the mrs is something Irishmen do exceedingly well! :cool:
Obama's approval ratings stabilize in latest poll - latimes.com

WASHINGTON -- President Obama can’t yet claim to have turned a corner, but he does seem to have stopped a politically damaging slide in public approval for himself and his new healthcare law, new polling data indicate.

After seven months of steady decline, public approval of Obama’s job performance has ticked upward, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. The poll finds 45% of Americans approve of Obama’s work and 49% disapprove.

That’s the highest approval and closest margin since mid-summer, when the president’s ratings first turned negative. Obama’s low point came last month as the administration struggled to fix the HealthCare.gov website and placate Americans who had discovered, contrary to his promise, that their insurance policies were being canceled.

The problems of the last year – including the stalemate or defeat of major legislation on gun control and immigration, the standoff over the budget and the bungled rollout of the Affordable Care Act – have all taken a toll on how the public sees Obama. The percentage of those who say he is “not able to get things done” has risen steadily from a little more than one-third in the spring to just over half in the latest survey, which was conducted Tuesday through Sunday for USA Today.

But several factors continue to buoy the president, most notably the deep unpopularity of his opponents.

Well, that's certainly damning with faint praise! "Oh, sure; he sucks. But they suck worse!"

Not really.

The low poll ratings are a reflection of how people feel about government in general. Conservatives have been extremely successful in:

A. Painting the government as ineffective.
B. Proving it by making it ineffective.

Truman ran into the same sorts of poll numbers when Congress went obstructionist.

And that congress wasn't nearly as bad as this one.

Yes exactly. We'll said.
Obama's approval ratings stabilize in latest poll - latimes.com

Well, that's certainly damning with faint praise! "Oh, sure; he sucks. But they suck worse!"

Not really.

The low poll ratings are a reflection of how people feel about government in general. Conservatives have been extremely successful in:

A. Painting the government as ineffective.
B. Proving it by making it ineffective.

Truman ran into the same sorts of poll numbers when Congress went obstructionist.

And that congress wasn't nearly as bad as this one.

Yes exactly. We'll said.
The House and governors are the only thngs stopping the US from devolving into a third world shit hole like Detroit.
Ain't that something?

He's chumming it up with the leaders of two foreign nations that you folks say he's pissing off.

Like a true Irishman, no less!

the only one he was pissing off was the mrs

it did not take her long to separate the two



Seriously the only folks this gets any traction is..is with you folks.

You hate everything this guy does and you guys hated Mandela too.

So, "meh".

It's meaningless. :lol:

By the way, pissing off the mrs is something Irishmen do exceedingly well! :cool:

Don't call Obama an Irishman around Black folks. You'd probably get your ass kicked.
the only one he was pissing off was the mrs

it did not take her long to separate the two



Seriously the only folks this gets any traction is..is with you folks.

You hate everything this guy does and you guys hated Mandela too.

So, "meh".

It's meaningless. :lol:

By the way, pissing off the mrs is something Irishmen do exceedingly well! :cool:

Don't call Obama an Irishman around Black folks. You'd probably get your ass kicked.


I do the ass kicking.

And the black guy I work with just had a chuckle..:lol:
Seriously the only folks this gets any traction is..is with you folks.

You hate everything this guy does and you guys hated Mandela too.

So, "meh".

It's meaningless. :lol:

By the way, pissing off the mrs is something Irishmen do exceedingly well! :cool:

Don't call Obama an Irishman around Black folks. You'd probably get your ass kicked.


I do the ass kicking.

And the black guy I work with just had a chuckle..:lol:

wht kind of work are you doing now Sallow? Glad to hear things are looking better for you.
Obama's approval ratings stabilize in latest poll - latimes.com

WASHINGTON -- President Obama can’t yet claim to have turned a corner, but he does seem to have stopped a politically damaging slide in public approval for himself and his new healthcare law, new polling data indicate.

After seven months of steady decline, public approval of Obama’s job performance has ticked upward, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. The poll finds 45% of Americans approve of Obama’s work and 49% disapprove.

That’s the highest approval and closest margin since mid-summer, when the president’s ratings first turned negative. Obama’s low point came last month as the administration struggled to fix the HealthCare.gov website and placate Americans who had discovered, contrary to his promise, that their insurance policies were being canceled.

The problems of the last year – including the stalemate or defeat of major legislation on gun control and immigration, the standoff over the budget and the bungled rollout of the Affordable Care Act – have all taken a toll on how the public sees Obama. The percentage of those who say he is “not able to get things done” has risen steadily from a little more than one-third in the spring to just over half in the latest survey, which was conducted Tuesday through Sunday for USA Today.

But several factors continue to buoy the president, most notably the deep unpopularity of his opponents.

Well, that's certainly damning with faint praise! "Oh, sure; he sucks. But they suck worse!"

I'm so happy, everyday I worry about politicians approval ratings. I don't worry about the economy or how I am going to get by the next month. I worry about politicians that don't give a fuck about me.

No kidding, Obama followers are about as shallow as he is
no wonder a man with no experience in anything but community agitating got elected by this bunch
good ole LaSlimes propping him up though
Hmm ...

My take is that if the polls are favourable to Obama, that the liberal media is covering for Obama and the polls are fake.

If they are unfavourable to him, it means that the polls are real and that the black man is keeping us all down.

Watching republicans awkwardly trying to juggle polls is downright embarrassing.

Like having your mom trying to use slang around your friends.

It's never going to end well.

I translate it this way, if Obama is up in the polls it is means that Obama is doing the best job ever and the racists are holding his poll numbers from going higher.

If his poll numbers are down, it's not because of poll numbers, it's that the GOP racists are making his numbers look worse than they really are.

So, both parties suck and spin propaganda, surprise, surprise!
Dead is also stable.
Despite numerous attempts to redirect the conversation from the health care debacle, Obama's ratings have not rebounded at all.
The pic of him at Mandela's funeral was priceless.

Ain't that something?

He's chumming it up with the leaders of two foreign nations that you folks say he's pissing off.

Like a true Irishman, no less!

the only one he was pissing off was the mrs

it did not take her long to separate the two



Thats hilarious !! Kinda like a mom sitting between two siblings to stop them from fighting.
Obama's approval ratings stabilize in latest poll

Much like a turd settles to the bottom of a punch bowl and remains smelly and inert.

pretty much just like that
I'm going to go out and do some cartwheels over this article from the LaSimes..:lol:
oh darn!! a lot of links in article at site

Doom: Obama’s approval hits new low, congressional Dems in trouble in new Quinnipiac poll

posted at 8:31 pm on December 10, 2013 by Allahpundit

I’m honestly surprised. The last three national polls before this one showed his job approval rebounding somewhat from the depths of November. He’s still bleeding politically from ObamaCare, but perceptions that the website has at least improved a little seem to have slowed it for awhile. And last Friday’s jobs report was downright upbeat by the standards of Obamanomics. You’d think The One would, at last, have a little good news in store for him from Quinnipiac.

Nope. This is a bloodbath.

President Barack Obama’s job approval among American voters drops to a new low, a negative 38 – 57 percent, as the outlook for Democrats running for Congress and the U.S. Senate fades also, according to a national poll released today. He even gets a negative 41 – 49 percent among voters 18 to 29 years old and a lackluster 50 – 43 percent approval among Hispanic voters.

The president’s job approval compares to a negative 39 – 54 percent score in a November 12 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University. ..

American voters say 41 – 38 percent that they would vote for a Republican over a Democrat for the U.S. House of Representatives, the first time this year the Democrats come up on the short end of this generic ballot. Independent voters back Republican candidates 41 – 28 percent. Voters also say 47 – 42 percent that they would like to see Republicans gain control of the U.S. Senate and the House. Independent voters go Republican 50 – 35 percent for each.
Democrats led by nine on the generic ballot in October thanks to a swell of upset at the GOP over the shutdown. Two months later, Quinnipiac’s seeing the same sort of reversal that made Charlie Cook’s jaw drop a few days ago. None of that springs from any love for the GOP, either: Approval of congressional Republicans is at 19/74 versus 27/67 for congressional Dems, and yet when people were asked which party they’d rather see win the House and Senate respectively, the GOP wins by five points on each score. Obama’s simply killing the Democrats. Even on the question of whether he cares about their needs and problems, a metric where he usually cleans up, he’s at 48/49. And here’s what happens when you ask whether he’s honest and trustworthy. Bambi doesn’t seem bambi-ish after lying egregiously about whether people could keep their plans or not:

ALL of it here
Doom: Obama?s approval hits new low, congressional Dems in trouble in new Quinnipiac poll « Hot Air
Here's some propaganda.....for the libs....you think he's stabilized in the polls? Just wait for the business mandates to kick in next year and the huge numbers of people who'll be cancelled by their healthcare insurers. For the love of God, you liberals are the ones with the propaganda these days. We've just seen the tip of the iceberg.

And that pic showing him and the skirt kicking it up? It's a friggin FUNERAL! The once most powerful man in the world should be showing some respect.....like his own wife did.
Just shows that this simpleton was never ready and probably would never be ready for prime time.
Real clear politics has him at 41% approve 53% disapprove the key thing I have seen in almost every poll is the do you find Obama honest and trustworthy question and the percent who do are in the 30's that used to be one of his strongest traits when the people no longer trust you it is very hard to win them back and even harder to push your agenda without their support.
Definitely looks like the slide has stopped and possibly reversed.


But hopefully the near-black-out on O-care news will be lifted in January.

CBS mentioned O-care tonight. Pelley said with a smile that 300,000 people had selected plans and 800,000 people had found out they qualified for Medicaid or subsidies. And that was the extent of their report. As if those were good numbers. Shameful.

In January surely they'll have to start talking about the net loss of insured people and other negative realities of O-care.

Definitely looks like the slide has stopped and possibly reversed.


But hopefully the near-black-out on O-care news will be lifted in January.

CBS mentioned O-care tonight. Pelley said with a smile that 300,000 people had selected plans and 800,000 people had found out they qualified for Medicaid or subsidies. And that was the extent of their report. As if those were good numbers. Shameful.

In January surely they'll have to start talking about the net loss of insured people and other negative realities of O-care.


Only 10% to 15% of those that had selected plans have actually paid. go figure....
My apolitical friend just posted on her facebook page that the O-care site doesn't recognize her as a person. As the push begins, the news has to turn back to O-care. Big deadline on Dec. 23.
Definitely looks like the slide has stopped and possibly reversed.


But hopefully the near-black-out on O-care news will be lifted in January.

CBS mentioned O-care tonight. Pelley said with a smile that 300,000 people had selected plans and 800,000 people had found out they qualified for Medicaid or subsidies. And that was the extent of their report. As if those were good numbers. Shameful.

In January surely they'll have to start talking about the net loss of insured people and other negative realities of O-care.


Selecting a plan is one thing until someone has been paid you don't have insurance and the payment part of the website is still messed up.

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