Obama’s Asst Def Sect, Evelyn Farkas, Pictured in Ukraine in Burisma Outfit w/Shady Atlantic Council

Looks like the entire corrupt Obama regime was cashing in on Ukraine.

Obama was the most corrupt President in history.

Firing the guy for not prosecuting enough?
Guess this is why his admin is the least prosecuted?
Nixon 1
Ronnie 2
The 5 deferment con ???
This darn deep state

One nation, two laws....

The most corrupt administration demonstrably and hands down was that of Potentate Obamugabe.

A curious pattern began to emerge. Obama and his administration would attack industries with government power, which led to substantially lower valuations for these companies. Nesbitt and Vistria, or others close to Obama, could then acquire those assets for pennies on the dollar."

As an example, Schweizer cites the case of for-profit higher education schools like University of Phoenix, ITT Technical Institute, and DeVry University. In 2013, Obama blamed the schools for taking advantage of students by saddling them with massive amounts of student debt, ruining their credit and making a profit on it. He ordered the Federal Trade Commission to go after them.

In the case of the University of Phoenix, its parent Apollo Education Group was suspended after a Federal Trade Commission investigation in 2015. The following year, three companies, including Vistria, swooped in to buy what remained of Apollo at a price 90% below its share price before the investigation.

As Vistria's education investment portfolio bulged, a number of Obama Education Department officials, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, ended up taking high-level jobs with Vistria.}

Schweitzer ??
The proven liar?
Must be a bud of our 16000 lie pres

Oh, did the lying vermin over at Snopes slander him or something?

"Proven liar" my ass. David Mikkelson is a lying pile of shit; and yes, I've told him that to his face.

Dave and his ex wife Barbara used to run Snopes to debunk urban legends. Everyone pretty much just accepted what they said at face value. But then Dave got political, not just political, but RADICAL left. And it became clear that he was lying, not occasionally, but constantly. Anything in Snopes about Bush was going to be slander and libel. DailyKOS level partisan bullshit. Once Barb dumped his filthy, lying ass, he lost all grip on sanity and is like Robert De Niro level batshit crazy.

Given what a fucking liar Dave is, one has to wonder if all the urban legend shit was just made up? The man has no ethics or honor.

So, let's see this supposed proof that Schweitzer is a liar? Go ahead and post Snopes....
Nice foul mouth.
Trump u?
White rube??
Looks like the entire corrupt Obama regime was cashing in on Ukraine.

Obama was the most corrupt President in history.

Firing the guy for not prosecuting enough?
Guess this is why his admin is the least prosecuted?
Nixon 1
Ronnie 2
The 5 deferment con ???
This darn deep state

One nation, two laws....

The most corrupt administration demonstrably and hands down was that of Potentate Obamugabe.

A curious pattern began to emerge. Obama and his administration would attack industries with government power, which led to substantially lower valuations for these companies. Nesbitt and Vistria, or others close to Obama, could then acquire those assets for pennies on the dollar."

As an example, Schweizer cites the case of for-profit higher education schools like University of Phoenix, ITT Technical Institute, and DeVry University. In 2013, Obama blamed the schools for taking advantage of students by saddling them with massive amounts of student debt, ruining their credit and making a profit on it. He ordered the Federal Trade Commission to go after them.

In the case of the University of Phoenix, its parent Apollo Education Group was suspended after a Federal Trade Commission investigation in 2015. The following year, three companies, including Vistria, swooped in to buy what remained of Apollo at a price 90% below its share price before the investigation.

As Vistria's education investment portfolio bulged, a number of Obama Education Department officials, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, ended up taking high-level jobs with Vistria.}

Schweitzer ??
The proven liar?
Must be a bud of our 16000 lie pres

Oh, did the lying vermin over at Snopes slander him or something?

"Proven liar" my ass. David Mikkelson is a lying pile of shit; and yes, I've told him that to his face.

Dave and his ex wife Barbara used to run Snopes to debunk urban legends. Everyone pretty much just accepted what they said at face value. But then Dave got political, not just political, but RADICAL left. And it became clear that he was lying, not occasionally, but constantly. Anything in Snopes about Bush was going to be slander and libel. DailyKOS level partisan bullshit. Once Barb dumped his filthy, lying ass, he lost all grip on sanity and is like Robert De Niro level batshit crazy.

Given what a fucking liar Dave is, one has to wonder if all the urban legend shit was just made up? The man has no ethics or honor.

So, let's see this supposed proof that Schweitzer is a liar? Go ahead and post Snopes....

Stupid insults.
Dead giveaway for zero college
How long did it take you to invent Obama ....?
Don't have enough brains to quote "lesbian daughters in the WH?"
Clinton cash???!!! Even S admitted to it being riddled with lies.
Maybe he is a secret snopes employee?
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer's Long History Of Errors, Retractions, And Questionable Sourcing
Once we trace where the $1 billion in US foreign aid actually went, there are plenty of top level people from the Cocksucker Administration who will be busted for getting kickbacks, just like Hunter Biden did...

The attack on Trump by the Cocksucker in Chief was 100% about

preventing the full truth of the Cocksucker Administration from coming out.... of not just the closet either....

Nice foul mouth.
Zero college?
Interesting how trumpanzees are fascinated by male sex.
Wonder why??
And the con kids are not getting kickbacks?
How small minded can you be?
A trumpanzee?

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Obama's Assistant Defense Secretary, Evelyn Farkas, Pictured in Ukraine in Burisma Outfit with Shady Atlantic Council

Former Assistant Defense Secretary under the Obama administration, Evelyn Farkas admitted that the Obama administration was trying to collect as much intelligence as possible on the Trump administration:

Evelyn Farkas:
“…Frankly speaking the people on The Hill..get as much information as you can. Get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior people who left so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy…

Ummm that the Trump folks if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians that they would try to compromise the sources and methods meaning that we would no longer have access to that intelligence.”

'Evelyn Farkas also served as an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign and was up for a position in the Clinton administration if Hillary became President.'

Farkas worked as Obama's Assistant Defense Secretary...served as an Advisor to CANDIDATE Hillary Clinton and had a job waiting on her if Hillary won...and is seen wearing BURISMA gear (Hunter...Joe Biden & his videotaped extortion confession) ... and hanging out with the Atlantic Council who is connected to Sciff's non-qualifying Whistle Blower at the heart of the 'Collusion Delusion II: Ukraine' coup attempt....

Obama-Biden-Burisma-Atlantic Council/Ukraine Coup Attempt - all put on display, all together in 1 photo.....all this f*ing GIFT needs is a bow on top!


Nice out of context con blurb.
Why don't you post the context of her??
Prefer to regurgitate knees news?

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Obama's Assistant Defense Secretary, Evelyn Farkas, Pictured in Ukraine in Burisma Outfit with Shady Atlantic Council

Former Assistant Defense Secretary under the Obama administration, Evelyn Farkas admitted that the Obama administration was trying to collect as much intelligence as possible on the Trump administration:

Evelyn Farkas:
“…Frankly speaking the people on The Hill..get as much information as you can. Get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior people who left so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy…

Ummm that the Trump folks if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians that they would try to compromise the sources and methods meaning that we would no longer have access to that intelligence.”

'Evelyn Farkas also served as an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign and was up for a position in the Clinton administration if Hillary became President.'

Farkas worked as Obama's Assistant Defense Secretary...served as an Advisor to CANDIDATE Hillary Clinton and had a job waiting on her if Hillary won...and is seen wearing BURISMA gear (Hunter...Joe Biden & his videotaped extortion confession) ... and hanging out with the Atlantic Council who is connected to Sciff's non-qualifying Whistle Blower at the heart of the 'Collusion Delusion II: Ukraine' coup attempt....

Obama-Biden-Burisma-Atlantic Council/Ukraine Coup Attempt - all put on display, all together in 1 photo.....all this f*ing GIFT needs is a bow on top!


Nice out of context con blurb.
Why don't you post the context of her??
Prefer to regurgitate knees news?

Obama sent Biden to Ukraine as his 'Top Man'.
Biden tells the Ukraine PM that if he does not believe he can cancel the promised money to go ahead and call Barry, insinuating Barry already knew about it!
Obama hired a high-ranking Burisma-connected member
Farkas, a member of Obama's staff, is wearing Burisma-clothing

Joe lied about not knowing about Burisma - there are photos of him with them & his son golfing.
- Schiff's State Department 'witness' testified he warned Joe several times about the Conflict of Interest but that Joe blew him off, that if anyone needed to be investigated and brought to testify it is Joe and hunter...

Oh, and let's not forget Joe's video-taped confession....

Dude, if you can't see or smell the criminal BS here you are a combination of Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson (the later version whose nose could some off).

Russian Collusion was a hoax and this is where Ukraine Collusion is going to end up.
NAZI is an acronym that means National Socialist Party.

Hitler inserted national because he hated socialists
Hitler was a Socialist, Dupe.
He was a national socialist, believed like you in the ayran race
The guy who hated socialists?
You must be a trumpanzee
And what about Natalie Jaresko

Selected by Obama in 2017 to head PROMESA,
a position established in 2017 to oversee
the billions of dollars of aid for Puerto Rico...

Which just so happens to be 'missing' BILLIONS

She was the minister of finance in Ukraine
from 2014-2016 during which time BILLIONS
in IMF loans were funneled out of the UNB
and laundered through Burisma subsidiaries

She worked for our state and treasury department,
interacted with the World Bank, IMF, and European Bank R&D
created her own business which took over
distribution of USAID funding for Ukraine and Moldova


Fucked Up

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Obama's Assistant Defense Secretary, Evelyn Farkas, Pictured in Ukraine in Burisma Outfit with Shady Atlantic Council

Former Assistant Defense Secretary under the Obama administration, Evelyn Farkas admitted that the Obama administration was trying to collect as much intelligence as possible on the Trump administration:

Evelyn Farkas:
“…Frankly speaking the people on The Hill..get as much information as you can. Get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior people who left so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy…

Ummm that the Trump folks if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians that they would try to compromise the sources and methods meaning that we would no longer have access to that intelligence.”

'Evelyn Farkas also served as an advisor to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign and was up for a position in the Clinton administration if Hillary became President.'

Farkas worked as Obama's Assistant Defense Secretary...served as an Advisor to CANDIDATE Hillary Clinton and had a job waiting on her if Hillary won...and is seen wearing BURISMA gear (Hunter...Joe Biden & his videotaped extortion confession) ... and hanging out with the Atlantic Council who is connected to Sciff's non-qualifying Whistle Blower at the heart of the 'Collusion Delusion II: Ukraine' coup attempt....

Obama-Biden-Burisma-Atlantic Council/Ukraine Coup Attempt - all put on display, all together in 1 photo.....all this f*ing GIFT needs is a bow on top!


Nice out of context con blurb.
Why don't you post the context of her??
Prefer to regurgitate knees news?

Obama sent Biden to Ukraine as his 'Top Man'.
Biden tells the Ukraine PM that if he does not believe he can cancel the promised money to go ahead and call Barry, insinuating Barry already knew about it!
Obama hired a high-ranking Burisma-connected member
Farkas, a member of Obama's staff, is wearing Burisma-clothing

Joe lied about not knowing about Burisma - there are photos of him with them & his son golfing.
- Schiff's State Department 'witness' testified he warned Joe several times about the Conflict of Interest but that Joe blew him off, that if anyone needed to be investigated and brought to testify it is Joe and hunter...

Oh, and let's not forget Joe's video-taped confession....

Dude, if you can't see or smell the criminal BS here you are a combination of Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson (the later version whose nose could some off).

He and the euros were getting rid of a guy who didn't investigate ENOUGH
Where on earth do you get your info?
Gateway pundit?
Stupid insults.
Dead giveaway for zero college
How long did it take you to invent Obama ....?
Don't have enough brains to quote "lesbian daughters in the WH?"
Clinton cash???!!! Even S admitted to it being riddled with lies.
Maybe he is a secret snopes employee?
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer's Long History Of Errors, Retractions, And Questionable Sourcing

Well, it's not Snopes, but just as sleazy. So George Soros is slandering Schweitzer? That means Soros views him as a threat. Soros is not what ANYONE would call "credible."

EDIT: Alright, that shit's more laughable than the usual Soros idiocy. Nothing but slander and innuendo

{Cause For Concern: 10 Incidents Of Significant Errors, Retractions, Or Questionable Sourcing By Schweizer. Reporters and fact checkers have excoriated Schweizer for massive factual problems over the years. A Media Matters analysis found at least 10 separate incidents in which the media called out Schweizer for botching his reporting.}

Ohhh, sounds serious, what did the Marxist little Goebbels find? :eek:

{HarperCollins is owned by NewsCorp, which is headed by Rupert Murdoch and is the sister company of Fox News parent 21st Century Fox. [HarperCollins.com, accessed 4/9/15]}

What? That
Stupid insults.
Dead giveaway for zero college
How long did it take you to invent Obama ....?
Don't have enough brains to quote "lesbian daughters in the WH?"
Clinton cash???!!! Even S admitted to it being riddled with lies.
Maybe he is a secret snopes employee?
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer's Long History Of Errors, Retractions, And Questionable Sourcing

Well, it's not Snopes, but just as sleazy. So George Soros is slandering Schweitzer? That means Soros views him as a threat. Soros is not what ANYONE would call "credible."

EDIT: Alright, that shit's more laughable than the usual Soros idiocy. Nothing but slander and innuendo

{Cause For Concern: 10 Incidents Of Significant Errors, Retractions, Or Questionable Sourcing By Schweizer. Reporters and fact checkers have excoriated Schweizer for massive factual problems over the years. A Media Matters analysis found at least 10 separate incidents in which the media called out Schweizer for botching his reporting.}

Ohhh, sounds serious, what did the Marxist little Goebbels find? :eek:

{HarperCollins is owned by NewsCorp, which is headed by Rupert Murdoch and is the sister company of Fox News parent 21st Century Fox. [HarperCollins.com, accessed 4/9/15]}

What? That
Can't trust that commie knees news
Stupid insults.
Dead giveaway for zero college
How long did it take you to invent Obama ....?
Don't have enough brains to quote "lesbian daughters in the WH?"
Clinton cash???!!! Even S admitted to it being riddled with lies.
Maybe he is a secret snopes employee?
Clinton Cash Author Peter Schweizer's Long History Of Errors, Retractions, And Questionable Sourcing

Well, it's not Snopes, but just as sleazy. So George Soros is slandering Schweitzer? That means Soros views him as a threat. Soros is not what ANYONE would call "credible."

EDIT: Alright, that shit's more laughable than the usual Soros idiocy. Nothing but slander and innuendo

{Cause For Concern: 10 Incidents Of Significant Errors, Retractions, Or Questionable Sourcing By Schweizer. Reporters and fact checkers have excoriated Schweizer for massive factual problems over the years. A Media Matters analysis found at least 10 separate incidents in which the media called out Schweizer for botching his reporting.}

Ohhh, sounds serious, what did the Marxist little Goebbels find? :eek:

{HarperCollins is owned by NewsCorp, which is headed by Rupert Murdoch and is the sister company of Fox News parent 21st Century Fox. [HarperCollins.com, accessed 4/9/15]}

What? That
Just out of interest who DO you trust?
Knees news ? (Roger ayels, We don't publish news only report what our viewers believe)
Gateway pundit?
Daily caller?
Only sites who don't believe we landed on the moon?
And Stumpy, Pelosi's son sold off his shares of that company years before they were investigated for securities fraud.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Deflection, Doesn't matter when he sold them, or what he did with them.

What matters is crazy Democrats are running gaff machine Corruption Joe as a candidate for POTUS. Whole country is saying "Whaaaaaat ?" :rolleyes:
Just out of interest who DO you trust?
Knees news ? (Roger ayels, We don't publish news only report what our viewers believe)
Gateway pundit?
Daily caller?
Only sites who don't believe we landed on the moon?
I trust Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and Daily Caller. Absolutely.
And Stumpy, Pelosi's son sold off his shares of that company years before they were investigated for securities fraud.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Deflection, Doesn't matter when he sold them, or what he did with them.

What matters is crazy Democrats are running gaff machine Corruption Joe as a candidate for POTUS. Whole country is saying "Whaaaaaat ?" :rolleyes:

You poor, senile old coot. Of course it matters when he sold off his shares of the company. It means he had nothing to do that company when they were committing fraud.

That's why he wasn't indicted on securities fraud charges like the others who were.

You poor, senile old coot. Of course it matters when he sold off his shares of the company. It means he had nothing to do that company when they were committing fraud.

That's why he wasn't indicted on securities fraud charges like the others who were.
You still don't get it even after I pointed it out to you. The "he" you're talking about, is the wrong "he".

No matter what Hunter did, or when he did it, Quid Pro Joe, went corruption whole hog, with his threat to the Ukrainians, regarding the prosecutor he didn't like. And don't come blabbing back about the prosecutor, it doesn't matter who he is, either.

Only thing that matters is, gaff goon Joe disliked him, and forced the Ukrainians to cave to his wishes, by threatening to withhold big money. Same as what Democrat jokes accuse Trump of, in their latest laughingstock attempt to discredit him.

Ha ha. If anybody ever wrote a fictional movie script that was a match of what the Daffy Dems have been doing since the Kavanaugh hearing, most producers would brush it off as too much fantasy, and not believable enough.

You poor, senile old coot. Of course it matters when he sold off his shares of the company. It means he had nothing to do that company when they were committing fraud.

That's why he wasn't indicted on securities fraud charges like the others who were.
You still don't get it even after I pointed it out to you. The "he" you're talking about, is the wrong "he".

No matter what Hunter did, or when he did it, Quid Pro Joe, went corruption whole hog, with his threat to the Ukrainians, regarding the prosecutor he didn't like. And don't come blabbing back about the prosecutor, it doesn't matter who he is, either.

Only thing that matters is, gaff goon Joe disliked him, and forced the Ukrainians to cave to his wishes, by threatening to withhold big money. Same as what Democrat jokes accuse Trump of, in their latest laughingstock attempt to discredit him.

Ha ha. If anybody ever wrote a fictional movie script that was a match of what the Daffy Dems have been doing since the Kavanaugh hearing, most producers would brush it off as too much fantasy, and not believable enough.

You're fucked in the head, gramps. Too much metamucil? :lmao:

We're talking about Pelosi, not Biden.


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