Obama's birth certificate found to be a fake

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I knew from day one this birth certificate was phony. Vindication!

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I'm no fan of his but for the sake of argument let's say it was forged, so what? As long as one of his parents was an American citizen, he could have been born on Mars and it wouldn't have made a difference because he would have been a natural born citizen.

Yes, assuming she was his birth mother. His father never claimed having an anchor baby in order to stay in the U.S., though, which is a issue, too.
The truth is, Barack Obama is a Kenyan Muslim sleeper agent sent by ZOG to destroy America, dammit! Good thing Trump won the election, or that white woman-masked Lizard space alien would have been elected.

I knew from day one this birth certificate was phony. Vindication!

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I'm no fan of his but for the sake of argument let's say it was forged, so what? As long as one of his parents was an American citizen, he could have been born on Mars and it wouldn't have made a difference because he would have been a natural born citizen.

Yes, assuming she was his birth mother. His father never claimed having an anchor baby in order to stay in the U.S., though, which is a issue, too.

Falsifying a birth certificate is a felony and subject to fines and incarceration of 5-10 years in prison. Some Americans believe a president like Obama are above the law. I don't.
The truth is, Barack Obama is a Kenyan Muslim sleeper agent sent by ZOG to destroy America, dammit! Good thing Trump won the election, or that white woman-masked Lizard space alien would have been elected.

Another idiot who thinks Obama should be above the law.
When you have the US Attorney General providing this as proof, I'll buy into it.

The current AG is an Obama appointees, and has no credibility.

Until then, I just have to wonder what difference this is going to make to anyone? He's gone in 35 days.

It's important for the historical record; we need to keep his real 'Legacy' intact, as opposed to the fake made up one written for him by spin doctors. And whether or not one is a 'birther' or not, his real birth cert has never been seen by the public, and there is also a birth certificate issued in Kenya with a similar name to his born to his father also. There is enough doubt to make it an issue.

I would say we are beyond doubt at this point.

I knew from day one this birth certificate was phony. Vindication!

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I'm no fan of his but for the sake of argument let's say it was forged, so what? As long as one of his parents was an American citizen, he could have been born on Mars and it wouldn't have made a difference because he would have been a natural born citizen.

Yes, assuming she was his birth mother. His father never claimed having an anchor baby in order to stay in the U.S., though, which is a issue, too.

Falsifying a birth certificate is a felony and subject to fines and incarceration of 5-10 years in prison. Some Americans believe a president like Obama are above the law. I don't.

According to what I've read, the original doesn't exist any more from that far back, at least according to the Hawaiian bureaucrats; what he put on the White house web site isn't the original. The one issued in Kenya does exist, however.
Another idiot who thinks Obama should be above the law.
Incorrect. No one should be above the law.

The problem with low IQ people is that they often see only what they want to see. The problem with mentally ill people is that they have a tenuous grasp on reality and will clutch to whatever "evidence" regardless of common sense or the veracity of the "evidence".

I knew from day one this birth certificate was phony. Vindication!

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I'm no fan of his but for the sake of argument let's say it was forged, so what? As long as one of his parents was an American citizen, he could have been born on Mars and it wouldn't have made a difference because he would have been a natural born citizen.

Yes, assuming she was his birth mother. His father never claimed having an anchor baby in order to stay in the U.S., though, which is a issue, too.

Falsifying a birth certificate is a felony and subject to fines and incarceration of 5-10 years in prison. Some Americans believe a president like Obama are above the law. I don't.
Why would he have needed to falsify his birth certificate?
Another idiot who thinks Obama should be above the law.
Incorrect. No one should be above the law.

The problem with low IQ people is that they often see only what they want to see. The problem with mentally ill people is that they have a tenuous grasp on reality and will clutch to whatever "evidence" regardless of common sense or the veracity of the "evidence".

That puts a hypocrite like you in the low IQ category.
Why would he have needed to falsify his birth certificate?
It appears that some think it's a plot by ZOG and Muslim Kenyans to destroy the US and use the nuclear launch codes to start WWIII. Obama better hurry up, he's running out of time.

I knew from day one this birth certificate was phony. Vindication!

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I'm no fan of his but for the sake of argument let's say it was forged, so what? As long as one of his parents was an American citizen, he could have been born on Mars and it wouldn't have made a difference because he would have been a natural born citizen.

Yes, assuming she was his birth mother. His father never claimed having an anchor baby in order to stay in the U.S., though, which is a issue, too.

Falsifying a birth certificate is a felony and subject to fines and incarceration of 5-10 years in prison. Some Americans believe a president like Obama are above the law. I don't.

According to what I've read, the original doesn't exist any more from that far back, at least according to the Hawaiian bureaucrats; what he put on the White house web site isn't the original. The one issued in Kenya does exist, however.

Nothing about this guy is real except his hatred for America.
Nothing about this guy is real except his hatred for America.
Even if true, why did he allegedly falsify his birth certificate to become President? He only has about 5 weeks to carry out his nefarious plans. Won't Trump erase about everything Obama did?
That puts a hypocrite like you in the low IQ category.
What is hypocritical about my statement?

Let me answer by asking what you thought of the evidence in video?
You're dodging. If you can't answer the question, at least admit it. That's what honest people would do. You're the one who labeled me a hypocrite. Now either say why you did so or be man enough to admit you don't have fucking clue.
Nothing about this guy is real except his hatred for America.
Even if true, why did he allegedly falsify his birth certificate to become President? He only has about 5 weeks to carry out his nefarious plans. Won't Trump erase about everything Obama did?

We don't know but we do know he's hiding something. I'd like to know what that is.
That puts a hypocrite like you in the low IQ category.
What is hypocritical about my statement?

Let me answer by asking what you thought of the evidence in video?
You're dodging. If you can't answer the question, at least admit it. That's what honest people would do. You're the one who labeled me a hypocrite. Now either say why you did so or be man enough to admit you don't have fucking clue.

I was trying to find out if I owe you an apology and the only way to do that is to re-assesss where you're coming from. Now if you want to be a prick about then piss off.
Wait until the new AG is sworn in.
The shit is going to hit the LIB fan.
Two K NG surrounding the building Obama's real LFBC is kept.
I'll bet you a million dollars when the vault is opened Obama's real LFBC will have disappeared.
If anyone thinks President Trump is going to 'let it go' after being publicly ridiculed by the LIB MSM for years the assholes have another thing coming.

I knew from day one this birth certificate was phony. Vindication!

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I'm no fan of his but for the sake of argument let's say it was forged, so what? As long as one of his parents was an American citizen, he could have been born on Mars and it wouldn't have made a difference because he would have been a natural born citizen.

Yes, assuming she was his birth mother. His father never claimed having an anchor baby in order to stay in the U.S., though, which is a issue, too.

Falsifying a birth certificate is a felony and subject to fines and incarceration of 5-10 years in prison. Some Americans believe a president like Obama are above the law. I don't.

According to what I've read, the original doesn't exist any more from that far back, at least according to the Hawaiian bureaucrats; what he put on the White house web site isn't the original. The one issued in Kenya does exist, however.
The officials in Hawaii have been putting certified copies of authentic LFBCs on microfilm since the forties.
If the microfilm is missing along with the real paper LFBC the new AG is going to find out who committed the felony crime.
Wait until the new AG is sworn in.
The shit is going to hit the LIB fan.
Two K NG surrounding the building Obama's real LFBC is kept.
I'll bet you a million dollars when the vault is opened Obama's real LFBC will have disappeared.
If anyone thinks President Trump is going to 'let it go' after being publicly ridiculed by the LIB MSM for years the assholes have another thing coming.

I hope you're right.
I was trying to find out if I owe you an apology and the only way to do that is to re-assesss where you're coming from. Now if you want to be a prick about then piss off.
You labeled me a hypocrite and now you are admitting you have no evidence I am one. Awesome. Enjoy your hissy fit.
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