Obama’s Border Policy Fueled Epidemic, Evidence Shows


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Surprise, surprise, surprise.

When you let thousands of illegals in the country and let them stay, then give them free tickets to anywhere they claim they have relatives, this kind of shit happens.

Thanks a lot Obama

Obama s Border Policy Fueled Epidemic Evidence Shows The Daily Caller

The deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which struck thousands of kids this fall, was likely propelled through America by President Barack Obama’s decision to allow tens of thousands of Central Americans across the Texas border, according to a growing body of genetic and statistical evidence.

The evidence includes admissions from top health officials that the epidemic included multiple strains of the virus, and that it appeared simultaneously in multiple independent locations.

The question can be settled if federal researchers study the genetic fingerprint of the EV-D68 viruses that first hit kids in Colorado, Missouri and Illinois to see if they are close relatives to the EV-D68 viruses found in Central America.
Drones help BP spot incoming illegals...

Drones patrol half of Mexico border
Thursday, November 13, 2014 — The U.S. government now patrols nearly half the Mexican border by drones alone in a largely unheralded shift to control desolate stretches where there are no agents, camera towers, ground sensors or fences, and it plans to expand the strategy to the Canadian border.
It represents a significant departure from a decades-old approach that emphasizes boots on the ground and fences. Since 2000, the number of Border Patrol agents on the 1,954-mile border more than doubled to surpass 18,000 and fencing multiplied nine times to 700 miles. Under the new approach, Predator Bs sweep remote mountains, canyons and rivers with a high-resolution video camera and return within three days for another video in the same spot, two officials with direct knowledge of the effort said on condition of anonymity because details have not been made public. The two videos are then overlaid for analysts who use sophisticated software to identify tiny changes — perhaps the tracks of a farmer or cows, perhaps those of immigrants who entered the country illegally or a drug-laden Hummer, they said.

About 92 percent of drone missions have shown no change in terrain, but the others raised enough questions to dispatch agents to determine if someone got away, sometimes by helicopter because the area is so remote. The agents look for any sign of human activity — footprints, broken twigs, trash. About 4 percent of missions have been false alarms, like tracks of livestock or farmers, and about 2 percent are inconclusive. The remaining 2 percent offer evidence of illegal crossings from Mexico, which typically results in ground sensors being planted for closer monitoring. The government has operated about 10,000 drone flights under the strategy, known internally as "change detection," since it began in March 2013. The flights currently cover about 900 miles, much of it in Texas, and are expected to expand to the Canadian border by the end of 2015.

The purpose is to assign agents where illegal activity is highest, said R. Gil Kerlikowske, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, the Border Patrol's parent agency, which operates nine unmanned aircraft across the country. "You have finite resources," he said in an interview. "If you can look at some very rugged terrain (and) you can see there's not traffic, whether it's tire tracks or clothing being abandoned or anything else, you want to deploy your resources to where you have a greater risk, a greater threat." If the video shows the terrain unchanged, Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher calls it "proving the negative" — showing there isn't anything illegal happening there and therefore no need for agents and fences. The strategy was launched without fanfare and expanded at a time when President Barack Obama prepares to issue an executive order by the end of this year to reduce deportations and enhance border security.

Rep. Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee, applauded the approach while saying that surveillance gaps still remain. "We can no longer focus only on static defenses such as fences and fixed (camera) towers," he said. Sen. Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican who co-authored legislation last year to add 20,000 Border Patrol agents and 350 miles of fencing to the southwest border, said, "If there are better ways of ensuring the border is secure, I am certainly open to considering those options." Border missions fly out of Sierra Vista, home of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, or Corpus Christi, Texas. They patrol at altitudes between 19,000 at 28,000 feet and between 25 and 60 miles of the border.

Just PAWNS in Obuma's plan to get 30+ MILLION more Democrat voters, and he doesn't care how many Americans he kills by letting these diseased invaders into our country... They aren't even CHECK for disease, get them in, and ship them to people that are willing to COLLECT BIG BUCKS from the gov't to take care of them!

It wasn't here,he opens the border it's here.

You people who are just willing to suck up all the jizz this man throws your way are sick.
The Daily Caller. lol.

What's unusual at the moment is the high number of hospitalizations.

The virus has sent more than 30 children a day to a Kansas City, Missouri, hospital, where about 15% of the youngsters were placed in intensive care, officials said.

"It's worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care. I would call it unprecedented," said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, a director for infectious diseases at Children's Mercy Hospital, where about 475 children were recently treated."

""I've practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I've never seen anything quite like this," she said."

What is the respiratory disease Enterovirus EV-D68 - CNN.com

Shut up.
The enterovirous showed up in California 40 years ago,

or more.


You mean ILLEGALS WEREN'T sneaking into Kalipornia 40 years ago?:cuckoo:

When was operation WETBACK?

Please. shut. up.

Well dummy, you could have told the class that we've had problems with INVADERS for decades, and operation WETBACK was in 1954!... But you, as a N.Y. pond scum liberal, had no fucking idea, much less an answer.... pathetic subversive, hope one of the THUGERY stops you before a cop does a STOP AND FRISK on you!....The ONLY way a liberal becomes more CONSERVATIVE, through actual example!
Surprise, surprise, surprise.

When you let thousands of illegals in the country and let them stay, then give them free tickets to anywhere they claim they have relatives, this kind of shit happens.

Thanks a lot Obama

Obama s Border Policy Fueled Epidemic Evidence Shows The Daily Caller

The deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which struck thousands of kids this fall, was likely propelled through America by President Barack Obama’s decision to allow tens of thousands of Central Americans across the Texas border, according to a growing body of genetic and statistical evidence.

The evidence includes admissions from top health officials that the epidemic included multiple strains of the virus, and that it appeared simultaneously in multiple independent locations.

The question can be settled if federal researchers study the genetic fingerprint of the EV-D68 viruses that first hit kids in Colorado, Missouri and Illinois to see if they are close relatives to the EV-D68 viruses found in Central America.

I read that stupid article- searching for the 'evidence'- and there was no evidence in the article which supports the claim.


Lots of speculation.

But no evidence.
The enterovirous showed up in California 40 years ago,

or more.


You mean ILLEGALS WEREN'T sneaking into Kalipornia 40 years ago?:cuckoo:

When was operation WETBACK?

Please. shut. up.

Well dummy, you could have told the class that we've had problems with INVADERS for decades, and operation WETBACK was in 1954!... But you, as a N.Y. pond scum liberal, had no fucking idea, much less an answer.... pathetic subversive, hope one of the THUGERY stops you before a cop does a STOP AND FRISK on you!....The ONLY way a liberal becomes more CONSERVATIVE, through actual example!

We have fewer illegals in the United States today then we had the day George Bush left office.

Not exactly a 'liberal' problem.
If enterovirus is coming from Latin America, shouldn't there be massive epidemics of it IN Latin America?
The enterovirous showed up in California 40 years ago,

or more.


You mean ILLEGALS WEREN'T sneaking into Kalipornia 40 years ago?:cuckoo:

When was operation WETBACK?

"Researchers first isolated EV-D68 in California in 1962 and have reported clusters of illness in Japan, France, Italy, the Philippines, the Netherlands and Thailand in recent years."

Did Enterovirus D68 Come From Central America Probably Not. Dallas Morning News
Just PAWNS in Obuma's plan to get 30+ MILLION more Democrat voters, and he doesn't care how many Americans he kills by letting these diseased invaders into our country... They aren't even CHECK for disease, get them in, and ship them to people that are willing to COLLECT BIG BUCKS from the gov't to take care of them!


Not only are they not checked for disease, they are excused from the required immunization rules that apply to American children.
The enterovirous showed up in California 40 years ago,

or more.


You mean ILLEGALS WEREN'T sneaking into Kalipornia 40 years ago?:cuckoo:

When was operation WETBACK?

Please. shut. up.

Well dummy, you could have told the class that we've had problems with INVADERS for decades, and operation WETBACK was in 1954!... But you, as a N.Y. pond scum liberal, had no fucking idea, much less an answer.... pathetic subversive, hope one of the THUGERY stops you before a cop does a STOP AND FRISK on you!....The ONLY way a liberal becomes more CONSERVATIVE, through actual example!

We have fewer illegals in the United States today then we had the day George Bush left office.

Not exactly a 'liberal' problem.

Prove that!
If enterovirus is coming from Latin America, shouldn't there be massive epidemics of it IN Latin America?
The enterovirous showed up in California 40 years ago,

or more.


You mean ILLEGALS WEREN'T sneaking into Kalipornia 40 years ago?:cuckoo:

When was operation WETBACK?

"Researchers first isolated EV-D68 in California in 1962 and have reported clusters of illness in Japan, France, Italy, the Philippines, the Netherlands and Thailand in recent years."

Did Enterovirus D68 Come From Central America Probably Not. Dallas Morning News

And dear boy, where is Ebola found today?... But that didn't come out of Africa...

Below is a list of countries that have confirmed cases of Ebola:
· Every country in Africa
· Spain
· Italy
· France
· Germany
· Poland
· Greece
· Turkey
· Saudi Arabia
· Yemen
· Oman
· Iran
· Kuwait
· Vietnam
· Myanmar
· India
· Indonesia
· Australia
· China
· Brazil
· Venezuela
· Mexico
· United States
· Canada

Confirmed Ebola Countries Below Is A List of Countries That Have Confirmed Ebola Cases Is MSM Facilitating Mass Murder by Omitting Facts Health

Fucking people TRAVEL, BUT they don't let into a country HUNDREDS of thousand of UNDIAGNOSED invaders like this fucking idiot in the White house has done over the last year!
Obama doesn't give a shit.

It's all politics for him.

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