Obama’s Climate Obsession Harms U.S. Interests and Moral Standing


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Unbelievable, He's not just HURTING us now with his narrow minded views and policies. the thug/dictator wannabe can't bend on anything. it's either his way or you get thrown under the semi on the Highway.

His war on coal is a big winner for China and a big loser for the world’s poor.

By H. Sterling Burnett – 5.12.15

Among the many foreign policy blunders for which President Barack Obama will be remembered, few will arguably have as lasting a negative impact on U.S commercial interests and our position of moral leadership in the world as the pressure the president applied to the World Bank to cease funding coal-fired power plant projects in developing countries.

According to World Bank Executive Director Whitney Debevoise, “The Obama Administration believes that the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have a potentially critical role to play in the future international framework for climate finance, and, in particular, to assist developing countries in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and… build demand for no or low carbon resources.”

The World Bank’s decision to follow the Obama administration’s lead had an immediate, dramatic effect in Pakistan, shutting down construction of the Thar Coal and Energy Project, which depended on World Bank financing.

Dramatic effects often result in dramatic responses.

The world is rejecting the U.S.-led World Bank’s decision to defund fossil fuel energy development. Countries and international agencies are creating new development mechanisms outside of and competing with U.S.-controlled financial institutions. If they are successful, millions of people will be brought out of poverty, despite a diminished U.S. role.

China stepped in to replace the World Bank’s withdrawn financing for coal-fired power plants in Pakistan, agreeing to provide up to $37 billion in investment to generate 16,400 MW of power.

In a more profound and permanent move, China is leading the development of a new financing institution to counter the World Bank’s leverage. The Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank will get $50 billion in initial capital from China to invest in roads, cellphone towers, railways, airports, power plants, and other infrastructure projects across Asia.

Embarrassingly, despite the desperate, obvious need people in developing countries have for energy to reduce the grinding poverty crushing them, the Obama administration fiercely lobbied U.S. allies not to join the new bank.

In yet another show of our fading influence in world affairs under the Obama administration, most major U.S. allies and funding partners — including Australia, Britain, and South Korea — have agreed to join the Chinese-led effort.

ALL of it here;
Read more at Obama s Climate Obsession Harms U.S. Interests and Moral Standing The American Spectator
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! :laugh: Lololololololololololololol!! :rofl:

Staph, you've outdone yourself with this one! :laugh2: Congrats! :lol:
Obama hates American greatness and prosperity and is doing all he can to tear us down
Unbelievable, He's not just HURTING us now with his narrow minded views and policies. the thug/dictator wannabe can't bend on anything. it's either his way or you get thrown under the semi on the Highway.

LOL, put a Republican back in the Whitehouse and not a single RWnut on this forum will support 'bending'.

The way I read this it seems China is looking for customers for it's incredibly dirty coal because it is literally choking their cities to death and they are being forced to move to other sources of energy.
Thank god they ignored him and went ahead.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.
The way I read this it seems China is looking for customers for it's incredibly dirty coal because it is literally choking their cities to death and they are being forced to move to other sources of energy.

The way I read it is people need power, and coal is a good source of power.

Obama doesn't care about them.
Thank god they ignored him and went ahead.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.

Mmm, nope. I'm in favor of a high energy civilization.

I was against "simple low energy living" long before I ever heard of Obama.
Thank god they ignored him and went ahead.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.

Mmm, nope. I'm in favor of a high energy civilization.

I was against "simple low energy living" long before I ever heard of Obama.
OK then so why "Thank God" when the price of all this "help" and electricity is widespread respiratory illness for the developing countries in question? China itself is dumping coal as an energy source because it is killing them but it is just fine for them to ship it to their neighbors just to spite Obama? Sometimes the price of progress is much too high.
Thank god they ignored him and went ahead.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.

Mmm, nope. I'm in favor of a high energy civilization.

I was against "simple low energy living" long before I ever heard of Obama.
OK then so why "Thank God" when the price of all this "help" and electricity is widespread respiratory illness for the developing countries in question? China itself is dumping coal as an energy source because it is killing them but it is just fine for them to ship it to their neighbors just to spite Obama? Sometimes the price of progress is much too high.

If Obama and America wasn't being ANTI-PROGRESS, then maybe there would be "alternatives".

And I mean real alternatives, that actually produce large amounts of power reliably, not windmills or solar power.
Thank god they ignored him and went ahead.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.

Mmm, nope. I'm in favor of a high energy civilization.

I was against "simple low energy living" long before I ever heard of Obama.
OK then so why "Thank God" when the price of all this "help" and electricity is widespread respiratory illness for the developing countries in question? China itself is dumping coal as an energy source because it is killing them but it is just fine for them to ship it to their neighbors just to spite Obama? Sometimes the price of progress is much too high.

If Obama and America wasn't being ANTI-PROGRESS, then maybe there would be "alternatives".

And I mean real alternatives, that actually produce large amounts of power reliably, not windmills or solar power.
You can actually burn coal "cleanly" but do you think China is going to set up clean burning plants in Pakistan when they will not even do it in their own country? Hell no. When they are choking on sulphur smoke and having acid rain maybe they will think it's all worth it.
Thank god they ignored him and went ahead.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.

Mmm, nope. I'm in favor of a high energy civilization.

I was against "simple low energy living" long before I ever heard of Obama.
OK then so why "Thank God" when the price of all this "help" and electricity is widespread respiratory illness for the developing countries in question? China itself is dumping coal as an energy source because it is killing them but it is just fine for them to ship it to their neighbors just to spite Obama? Sometimes the price of progress is much too high.

If Obama and America wasn't being ANTI-PROGRESS, then maybe there would be "alternatives".

And I mean real alternatives, that actually produce large amounts of power reliably, not windmills or solar power.
You can actually burn coal "cleanly" but do you think China is going to set up clean burning plants in Pakistan when they will not even do it in their own country? Hell no. When they are choking on sulphur smoke and having acid rain maybe they will think it's all worth it.

Mmm. To bad the US didn't push for clean burning coal plants.

THat sounds like something YOU might want to take up with Obama.

Be careful though. YOu don't want to seem like a hater.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.

Mmm, nope. I'm in favor of a high energy civilization.

I was against "simple low energy living" long before I ever heard of Obama.
OK then so why "Thank God" when the price of all this "help" and electricity is widespread respiratory illness for the developing countries in question? China itself is dumping coal as an energy source because it is killing them but it is just fine for them to ship it to their neighbors just to spite Obama? Sometimes the price of progress is much too high.

If Obama and America wasn't being ANTI-PROGRESS, then maybe there would be "alternatives".

And I mean real alternatives, that actually produce large amounts of power reliably, not windmills or solar power.
You can actually burn coal "cleanly" but do you think China is going to set up clean burning plants in Pakistan when they will not even do it in their own country? Hell no. When they are choking on sulphur smoke and having acid rain maybe they will think it's all worth it.

Mmm. To bad the US didn't push for clean burning coal plants.

THat sounds like something YOU might want to take up with Obama.

Be careful though. YOu don't want to seem like a hater.
He won't, Obama is occupied's God.
Thank god they ignored him and went ahead.
God had nothing to do with it. You guys hate Obama so much that you will applaud the continued burning of the dirtiest coal in the world. Even if you deny climate change you cannot deny what that nasty shit is doing for air quality in China.

Mmm, nope. I'm in favor of a high energy civilization.

I was against "simple low energy living" long before I ever heard of Obama.
OK then so why "Thank God" when the price of all this "help" and electricity is widespread respiratory illness for the developing countries in question? China itself is dumping coal as an energy source because it is killing them but it is just fine for them to ship it to their neighbors just to spite Obama? Sometimes the price of progress is much too high.
I guess they could just continue to starve to death so that they have cleaner air.

It is asinine to try and demand that developing nations go directly to costly energy programs they cannot support. WE used 'dirty' methods as well. Here we are simply denying the natural progression of their societies and it is rather idiotic to do so - particularly when it is the major nations that are using far more energy and creating more pollution.

They are going to use coal - the OP is proving that. The real question is weather or not you want the US with an active and powerful EPA and other environmental standards to have influence over those nations energy grids or if you want China who does not give a damn to have that influence.
My, my, what a bunch of dumb ignorant fucks posting here. Coal is dead. Just needs to be buried at this point.

In Texas, Austin Energy signed a deal this spring for 20 years of output from a solar farm at less than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. In September, the Grand River Dam Authority in Oklahoma announced its approval of a new agreement to buy power from a new wind farm expected to be completed next year. Grand River estimated the deal would save its customers roughly $50 million from the project.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.


The cost of coal continues to rise. And the cost of wind, solar, and geothermal continues to fall. Already wind is far cheaper than coal, and solar is cheaper than clean coal. Market economics spell the end of coal, and that cannot happen too soon.
Wind and solar will be 24/7 in before 2025.

Texas Utility Oncor Wants to Invest 5.2B in Storage Can It Get Approval Greentech Media

Texas utility Oncor wants to spend billions of dollars on batteries to back up its transmission and distribution network -- a major investment in grid-scale energy storage that will require major changes in the country’s most deregulated energy market.

In a first for a Texas transmission and distribution utility, Oncor will seek state regulatory approval for up to $5.2 billion in distribution-grid-connected batteries, with deployment set to start in 2018. According to the Dallas Morning News, Oncor’s plan calls for up to 5 gigawatts of batteries, ranging from refrigerator-sized to containerized units, across its service territory.

2018 is a suitable deadline for a process sure to include pushback from the state’s power generation utilities, which hold privileges in supplying energy and power to the state’s grid under Texas’ competitive energy regime. But it’s also indicative of a bet that battery prices will fall significantly over the next four years, ensuring the investment pay off in terms of fewer power outages, lower grid-upgrade costs, and other benefits that will end up reducing customer utility bills.

Oncor hired the Brattle Group to analyze the impact of $5.2 billion invested in distributed, utility-controlled batteries. The Boston-based consulting group reported that ERCOT could see positive impacts from up to 5 gigawatts of “grid-integrated, distributed electricity storage,” based on the presumption that battery prices will fall to $350 per kilowatt-hour, about half the cost of the cheapest lithium-ion batteries available today (PDF). At those prices, Oncor’s distributed storage fleet could drive average Texas residential power bills down by 34 cents to $179.66 a month, according to the report.

Renewables Continue to Outpace Conservative Global Projections Greentech Media

Looking good.

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