Obama's coalition is starting to crumble.

Germany's military doesn't do offensive ops. Haven't done since WWII. No change, and they provide their support in other ways.

They block NATO involvement and NATO assuming control of the operation, together with Turkey.
This position might change, but that's where we are as of now after 2 days of NATO meetings.

Gotta keep the Muslims happy somehow.

Yes, I'm sure that the Iraqi Shiite and Sunni MUSLIM tribes are extremely happy these days now that the U.S. spent over a trillion bucks so far interfering with their civil war.
Al-Qaeda has a small foothold in eastern Libya. Does Al-Qaeda gain a larger foothold if Libya splits in two or if Ghadafi gets overthrown?

What are AQ doing in Libya in the first place? Wasn't that G-daffy's deal with Bush and Blair? To keep them out? Oh my... talk about bad planning.
Following multiple reports about China mistreating journalists covering the budding protest movement in the country, fearful Beijing has threatened the Hong Kong media.

According to Yonhap:

"Hong Kong media are free to cover the mainland as long as they are in compliance with the country's 'basic law,' but if their attitudes are inclined to overthrow the regime, no country will accept that," Hao Tiechuan, director general of publicity at the Liaison Office of the Chinese government in Hong Kong, said in an interview with Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK).

The Chinese Foreign Ministry claimed that journalists had not followed the necessary procedures for covering an incident at a major shopping mall at Wangfujing, Beijing, last Sunday.

"The Beijing police properly handled the incident at Wangfujing," Foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in the face of criticism voiced by foreign correspondents and envoys of United States and European Union over incidents of beating and detention of journalists. At least four journalists were pushed and kicked around at the Wang Fu Jiang shopping street on Sunday. They had gone there expecting protests by rebels who has been giving calls for demonstrations to create a Egyptian type 'Jasmine revolution' in China.

China Warns Hong Kong Media About "Jasmine Revolution" Coverage :: FOOYOH ENTERTAINMENT

China is now mistreating journalists who are covering Chinese protesters. When will Obama attack? It'll be interesting to see how the Obama administration handles this issue with the largest holder of US debt. :lol:

George Bush assembled coalitions of the willing, a euphemism for his failure to get the UN to back his invasion of Iraq in 2003. Barack Obama has UN cover for a no-fly zone in Libya, but he has paradoxically produced a coalition of the unwilling to enforce it. US commanders expected that Nato would announce yesterday that it was taking over. That was blocked by Turkey, whose prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for immediate talks. Neither Germany nor eastern European members are keen on Nato heading an operation that has nothing to do with the defence of Europe.
Libya: Moving targets | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The scale of the bombing is a clear intervention in in the war as a party.
The so-called coalition provides Aircover for rebels driving tanks and jeep-mounted automatic guns of high claibre, that's not civilians.
It is another aggression by the 'West' against an Arab nation.

Too bad that opinion won't wash. It it were seen as another "agression by the West against an Arab Nation," there would be anti-American protests all over the region taking center stage over the individual protests, by Arabs against their Arab leaders.
Meanwhile there was EU Foreign Minister meeting.
France and Germany also crashed there with Germany securing support from Eastern European nations to limit EU's engagement in Libya solely to humanitarian mission.
At the end of week there will be another EU meeting with participation of the EU leaders (not FM's).

Einsatz gegen Gaddafi: Europas neue Risse - Arabische Welt - Politik - FAZ.NET

It's time for Germany to tell those bailout deficit-debt countries who is the real boss.
This happens, when you 1st bomb and think later. And present facts to the Alliance to swallow.

It was almost a competition who will get to bomb Libya 1st.
Obama's coalition is starting to crumble.

This thread lauches off the pad with a erroneous presumption...that the NATO forces are "Obama's coalition".

All part of the American centristic POV that pervades this place, I guess.

Here's a clue, kids...it ain't ALL about America.

In this case it is all about America. Not one other country has the strategic, and operational resources to run an operation of this magnitude. One of two things will happen. NATO will stick it to the USA, and we'll be stuck holding the bag. We'll then be stuck in Libya for years.

Another option would be that after NATO sticks it the USA, Obama, tucks his tail between his legs, and leaves. Qaddafi, stays in power. He kills millions of his own people. US credibility would be irrevocably damaged. That seems to happen every time the libs are in control.

The results in either case would have disastrous consequences for this country. The moral of this story is that you can't send an ACORN operative to do a President's job. Obama, is in way over his head.

Lets look at the coalition. Obama, instructed Sec. State Clinton to push for the UN resolution, and put the coalition together after the international pressure for him to resolve this issue increased. At the moment all theater forces are under US command and control. The US is bringing the most assets, and resources to the issue. Neither the UN, or NATO have ever moved with out US support. This is Obama's coalition.

I will agree that what Obama put together is a giant Charlie Foxtrot. He has made just about every rookie mistake that he can make. We don't have a clear mission, we don't have an exit strategy. The troops don't even know if they're going to be under American command and control tomorrow. This tells me that Obama isn't listening to his professional war fighters. Hitler had that problem too. We kicked his ass.

The good news is that we only have 1 1/2 years of the Obama nightmare to go. Our exit strategy from the Obama debacle will be put into place in November 2012. Booyah! What say you.

What would his replacement do?
NATO met for 3 days, each day at least 6 hours of meetings.

That's all they got: NATO patrolling the Med-Sea and searching ships headed towards Libya for weapons.
This happens, when you 1st bomb and think later. And present facts to the Alliance to swallow.

It was almost a competition who will get to bomb Libya 1st.

Good point. This looks nothing like a "No Fly Zone." Unless Libya has flying buildings,cars,and tanks. This is not a "No Fly Zone." This is a massacre. It's very sad.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

NATO will only patrol Mediteranean Sea with ships and enforce weapons embargo.
Nothing More.

Rassmussen is accusing France, Germany and Turkey to disable NATO.

Einsatz gegen Gaddafi: Europas neue Risse - Arabische Welt - Politik - FAZ.NET

Now let's see. What Italy's stance will be... Whilst Obama has fled Washington to S.America to get away from the pressure.

That last comment is so completely ignorant. Where would you like Obama to be placed to your satisfaction, given that he has immediate access to anyone, anytime, anywhere he wants?
This happens, when you 1st bomb and think later. And present facts to the Alliance to swallow.

It was almost a competition who will get to bomb Libya 1st.

Actually, it was about taking quick, decisive action to ensure he didn't have time to move any assets. But, please, do continue with the hyperbolic ranting.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

NATO will only patrol Mediteranean Sea with ships and enforce weapons embargo.
Nothing More.

Rassmussen is accusing France, Germany and Turkey to disable NATO.

Einsatz gegen Gaddafi: Europas neue Risse - Arabische Welt - Politik - FAZ.NET

Now let's see. What Italy's stance will be... Whilst Obama has fled Washington to S.America to get away from the pressure.

I think you'll find that it takes longer than 24 hours to organize for the POTUS to visit foreign countries. More bullshit and hyperbole.

You're on a roll. Unfortunately, you are rolling towards stupidity.
Actually, it was about taking quick, decisive action to ensure he didn't have time to move any assets. But, please, do continue with the hyperbolic ranting.

We were excluded from Paris meeting, because Sarkozy has a personal problem with Turkey's EU membership talks.
Instead, mighty Muslim countries like Qatar and Jordan were invited.

And then you expect, that we simply OK NATO as a defense alliance being drawn into offensive action to help secure France not crashing against the wall with all this hyper-activism.

Obama failed.
Qatar's 4 aircrafts have been reduced to 2 Aircrafts and 1 refueling plane.

Now that French Interior Minister comes in-front of TV cameras and speaks of crusade and how happy he is that Sarkozy leads it
Sarkozy opposes Nato taking control of Libya operation | World news | guardian.co.uk

This is a mess and Obama is hiding in S.America
This happens, when you 1st bomb and think later. And present facts to the Alliance to swallow.

It was almost a competition who will get to bomb Libya 1st.

Good point. This looks nothing like a "No Fly Zone." Unless Libya has flying buildings,cars,and tanks. This is not a "No Fly Zone." This is a massacre. It's very sad.

What do you think happens by creating a no-fly zone? That fighter jets just buzz around looking threatening? Like painting sharks teeth on the nose of the aircraft?

A massacre? Are you hoping? I mean, really, look how many of those evil Muslims you hate so much might be killed. You should be jumping for joy.

Before the coalition air strikes, Ghadaffi's army had killed thousands of civilians. He is now using civilians as human shields, so any "massacre" has been at his direction all along.
And in Muslim Newspapers it will read:
'Obama kills Muslims to steal Libya's Oil'.

Simple as that.
And in Muslim Newspapers it will read:
'Obama kills Muslims to steal Libya's Oil'.

Simple as that.

You seem almost excited and eager to have this thing turn into another international upheaval resulting in all out war. Pathetic. I'll bet you get a thrill every time the unemployment number doesn't drop too, because of course that means you can pile more on Obama as creating the entire economic mess as well as all the unrest in the Mideast.

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