Obama's Criminal Illegal Immigrant Uncle Says His Rights Were Violated


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
Obama's Illegal Alien Uncle Says His Rights Were Violated - Onyango Obama - Fox Nation

President Obama’s illegal alien half-uncle argued in court today his arrest on a drunken driving charge this summer violated his constitutional rights and he wants evidence suppressed and the case thrown out.

Onyango Obama’s lawyer filed a motion to suppress in Framingham District Court today, claiming he questions the legality of the illegal alien’s Aug. 24 arrest on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and whether the arrest violated Obama’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure

Anyone see the irony in an illegal immigrant claiming citizen rights?

another story

AP News : Yuma Sun

After being booked at the police station, police said Obama was asked whether he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail.

"I think I will call the White House," he stated, according to a police report.

Obama initially was held without bail on a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials on allegations he violated an order to return to Kenya 20 years ago. He was subsequently released and ordered to regularly check in with immigration officials.
Michael Graham said:
President Obama’s Uncle Omar is asking a good question: Why should the same legal system that’s allowed him to stay here illegally, work here illegally, drive here illegally and file fraudulent tax reports every year SUDDENLY start applying the law to him now?

In court today Onyango Obama demanded that the drunk driving charges against him simply be dropped. After all, all the other laws he’s broken have been ignored.

President Obama’s illegal alien half-uncle argued in court today his arrest on a drunken driving charge this summer violated his constitutional rights and he wants evidence suppressed and the case thrown out.

Onyango Obama’s lawyer filed a motion to suppress in Framingham District Court today, claiming he questions the legality of the illegal alien’s Aug. 24 arrest on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and whether the arrest violated Obama’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure.

The legal blood alcohol limit in Massachusetts is .08%. Uncle Omar blew a .14. But then again—he’s an Obama. And an illegal immigrant. In Massachusetts, that’s a “get out of jail free” two-fer!

In fact, Uncle Omar left court and went straight back to his (illegally-held) job at Conti Liquors in Framingham.

Talk about unequal treatment under the law!
My state is screwed up

Guaman is accused of negligent vehicular homicide while driving under the influence of liquor, leaving the scene of an accident involving personal injury and death, possession of an open container of alcohol in a vehicle and unlicensed driving, among other charges.

Guaman had been Arrested three times since 2007 for driving without a license in Milford, Uxbridge and Attleboro, O'Loughlin said.

The Attleboro charge was dismissed. Guaman also served one year of probation from May 2008 to May 2009 for charges that included assault and battery on a police officer and assault on a firefighter after a 2008 incident in which he interfered with the treatment of a family member who had allegedly attempted to enter someone else's home, O'Loughlin said.

Read more: http://www.milforddailynews.com/arc...ily-of-motorcyclist-who-died-are-broken-heart....

Matthew J. Denice would be alive today if the Government had did its job and a democrat Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick did not welcome illegal's to his state with open arms.The Governor is a backer of instate tuition for illegal's,

called for the return of bilingual education, more translators at health centers,free health care for illegal's,free social welfare for illegal's and not to pursue any legal action on a illegal caught or arrested in Massachusetts,not notify ICE or any other Government agency concerning illegal's found in the state.This Governor is a real piece of work.
You people will stoop to anything.

hey under this same idiots criteria you fools are responsible for anything your family members do no matter if you know them or not.

I wish you could see just how pathetic you all have become
You people will stoop to anything.

hey under this same idiots criteria you fools are responsible for anything your family members do no matter if you know them or not.

I wish you could see just how pathetic you all have become

1) I didn't try to paint this on obama, Obama's uncle is the one who brought up the President when he was arrested and it appears his uncle is not being treated equally under the law.

2) Do you support unequal treatment under the law such as is being evidenced in this case?
You people will stoop to anything.

hey under this same idiots criteria you fools are responsible for anything your family members do no matter if you know them or not.

I wish you could see just how pathetic you all have become

1) I didn't try to paint this on obama, Obama's uncle is the one who brought up the President when he was arrested and it appears his uncle is not being treated equally under the law.

2) Do you support unequal treatment under the law such as is being evidenced in this case?

Ms. Truthie says I can stoop to anything....so, related to this family story,...

1. How about his cousin Odinga:

"Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?"
Should Obama

"Odinga is the son of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Kenya's first vice-president, a socialist who sent his son to Communist East Germany for college. The younger Odinga named one of his sons Fidel Castro and has also admitted to being one of the masterminds of a 1982 attempted coup against Daniel arap Moi, Kenya's second president. In American Op-Ed pages and in the blogosphere, many of Obama's political foes are already capitalizing on his supposed ties to Odinga.

When Obama took time off his campaign in New Hampshire to make a five-minute phone call to Odinga, urging him to talk with President Kibaki in order to avoid more bloodshed, New York Sun columnist Daniel Johnson wrote, "If [Obama] has been putting tribal or family considerations above America's national interest by supporting Mr. Odinga's anti-Western candidacy, it raises serious questions about his judgment."

Obama's perceived support for Odinga may have arisen from a speech he gave to university students in Nairobi during his 2006 visit. Obama spoke out against corruption in President Kibaki's government. Because Odinga is Kibaki's main political rival, Obama's criticism was misconstrued to mean that he had endorsed Odinga.
Obama has not publicly confirmed or denied his relation to Odinga.
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches . Dispatches . Obama: The Kenya Connection | PBS

"Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama’s six-day stay. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies. In contrast, Mr. Obama had only criticism for Kibaki. He lashed out against the Kenyan government shortly after meeting with the president on Aug. 25. “The [Kenyan] people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials,” Mr. Obama announced.

Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama’s father were both from the Luo community, the second-largest tribe in Kenya, but their ties run much deeper. Mr. Odinga told a stunned BBC Radio interviewer the reason why he and Mr. Obama were staying in near daily telephone contact was because they were cousins. In a Jan. 8, 2008, interview, Mr. Odinga said Mr. Obama had called him twice the day before while campaigning in the New Hampshire primary before adding, “Barack Obama’s father is my maternal uncle.”
HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts - Washington Times

Did I stoop low enough?

BTW, I'd be happy to provide indicia of the two previous generations of Barack Obama's having communist ties.
You people will stoop to anything.

hey under this same idiots criteria you fools are responsible for anything your family members do no matter if you know them or not.

I wish you could see just how pathetic you all have become

1) I didn't try to paint this on obama, Obama's uncle is the one who brought up the President when he was arrested and it appears his uncle is not being treated equally under the law.

2) Do you support unequal treatment under the law such as is being evidenced in this case?

Ms. Truthie says I can stoop to anything....so, related to this family story,...

1. How about his cousin Odinga:

"Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?"
Should Obama

"Odinga is the son of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Kenya's first vice-president, a socialist who sent his son to Communist East Germany for college. The younger Odinga named one of his sons Fidel Castro and has also admitted to being one of the masterminds of a 1982 attempted coup against Daniel arap Moi, Kenya's second president. In American Op-Ed pages and in the blogosphere, many of Obama's political foes are already capitalizing on his supposed ties to Odinga.

When Obama took time off his campaign in New Hampshire to make a five-minute phone call to Odinga, urging him to talk with President Kibaki in order to avoid more bloodshed, New York Sun columnist Daniel Johnson wrote, "If [Obama] has been putting tribal or family considerations above America's national interest by supporting Mr. Odinga's anti-Western candidacy, it raises serious questions about his judgment."

Obama's perceived support for Odinga may have arisen from a speech he gave to university students in Nairobi during his 2006 visit. Obama spoke out against corruption in President Kibaki's government. Because Odinga is Kibaki's main political rival, Obama's criticism was misconstrued to mean that he had endorsed Odinga.
Obama has not publicly confirmed or denied his relation to Odinga.
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches . Dispatches . Obama: The Kenya Connection | PBS

"Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama’s six-day stay. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies. In contrast, Mr. Obama had only criticism for Kibaki. He lashed out against the Kenyan government shortly after meeting with the president on Aug. 25. “The [Kenyan] people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials,” Mr. Obama announced.

Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama’s father were both from the Luo community, the second-largest tribe in Kenya, but their ties run much deeper. Mr. Odinga told a stunned BBC Radio interviewer the reason why he and Mr. Obama were staying in near daily telephone contact was because they were cousins. In a Jan. 8, 2008, interview, Mr. Odinga said Mr. Obama had called him twice the day before while campaigning in the New Hampshire primary before adding, “Barack Obama’s father is my maternal uncle.”
HYMAN: Obama's Kenya ghosts - Washington Times

Did I stoop low enough?

BTW, I'd be happy to provide indicia of the two previous generations of Barack Obama's having communist ties.

There is always his formerly illegal immigrant Aunt Zeituni too Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango Granted Asylum - Political Hotsheet - CBS News who has now been granted asylum after violating the law

Zeituni Onyango, the half-sister of Mr. Obama's late father, moved from Kenya to the United States in 2000. She first applied for asylum in 2002, citing violence in Kenya, according to the AP. Onyango's request was rejected in 2004, but she stayed in the country, living in public housing in Boston.

When it was reported in 2008 that Onyango was possibly in the country illegally, Mr. Obama said he had no knowledge of her status.

Onyango testified on her own behalf in U.S. Immigration Court in Boston earlier this year. Her attorney's announced that she was granted asylum in Cleveland today, the AP reports.

Like I said my state does not apply the law equally at all.
Signing in and reading along here.

When it comes to the relatives of the President, it would take very gutsy and principled law enforcement or ICE to enforce the law in civil or criminal offenses or deport an illegal. All the President has to do is suggest that his staff 'look into it' and the next thing you know you have all sorts of investigations going on, the IRS is taking another look at your tax returns, etc. etc. etc. Am I saying our President would stoop that low? I don't know. But I do know it has happened.

And yes the hypocrisy and double standards are a reality too.
Signing in and reading along here.

When it comes to the relatives of the President, it would take very gutsy and principled law enforcement or ICE to enforce the law in civil or criminal offenses or deport an illegal. All the President has to do is suggest that his staff 'look into it' and the next thing you know you have all sorts of investigations going on, the IRS is taking another look at your tax returns, etc. etc. etc. Am I saying our President would stoop that low? I don't know. But I do know it has happened.

And yes the hypocrisy and double standards are a reality too.

Excellent point. The instinct of self-preservation is very strong in most people.
All persons, not just citizens, get the protection of the Constitution when charged with a crime in our country. Therefore, I see no irony or anything else troubling when I see a lawyer representing this alien saying something that might have equally applied to any other person (aline of citizen) charged with that same crime.

I don't see HOW the President's uncle is being treated unequally under the law. Maybe I just missed it, though.

Now, he might have been the recipient of some undeserved BENEFIT based on his relationship to President (former Senator) Obama. If he has been under a removal order, it is not clear WHY he's even still here in our country or HOW he managed to "get out" of jail once arrested on the state driving under the influence of alcohol charge. For most people, once ICE drops a detainer on your ass, you stay IN -- especially after already having been ordered removed.

Somebody please tell me that the President's uncle isn't complaining about not getting EVEN MORE preferential treatment.
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All persons, not just citizens, get the protection of the Constitution when charged with a crime in our country. Therefore, I see no irony or anything else troubling when I see a lawyer representing this alien saying something that might have equally applied to any other charged with that same crime.

I don't see HOW the President's uncle is being treated unequally under the law.
Maybe I just missed it, though.

Now, he might have been the recipient of some undeserved BENEFIT based on his relationship to President (former Senator) Obama. If he has been under a removal order, it is not clear WHY he's even still here in our country or HOW he managed to "get out" of jail once arrested on the state driving under the influence of alcohol charge. For most people, once ICE drops a detainer on your ass, you stay IN -- especially after already having been ordered removed.

Somebody please tell me that the President's uncle isn't complaining about not getting EVEN MORE preferential treatment.

the cranberry parts ;)
Anyone see the irony in an illegal immigrant claiming citizen rights?

No, no irony – just the OP and those in agreement exhibiting their ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

Those in the country illegally or non-citizens charged with a crime are entitled to habeas and due process rights per the 14th Amendment. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982), Boumediene v. Bush (2008).
All illegals when arrested for any crime should be escorted to the airport and placed on the next flight to their country of origin. And I don't give a rats ass what the crime is or who they are related to. Unless of course the crime is a capital offense, then the courts need to hold them up at least long enough to see if their own country wants to lock their ass up or if we should.....
Seems "Uncle Omar" was named in President Obama's book, "Dreams of My Father" and is officially a part of American History now.

The Boston Herald, Nov 17 issue reported that "Onyango Obama’s lawyer said in Framingham District Court today that he will file a motion to suppress an Aug. 24 traffic stop, claiming he questions the legality of the illegal alien’s arrest on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol. The arrest, Attorney P. Scott Bratton said, violated Obama’s Fourth Amendment right against unlawful search and seizure."

It's illegal to stop Uncle Omar from driving drunk and almost hitting a MA police car (taking notes)...
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Seems "Uncle Omar" was named in President Obama's book, "Dreams of My Father" and is officially a part of American History now.

The Boston Herald, Nov 17 issue reported that "Onyango Obama’s lawyer said in Framingham District Court today that he will file a motion to suppress an Aug. 24 traffic stop, claiming he questions the legality of the illegal alien’s arrest on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol. The arrest, Attorney P. Scott Bratton said, violated Obama’s Fourth Amendment right against unlawful search and seizure."

It's illegal to stop Uncle Omar from driving drunk and almost hitting a MA police car (taking notes)...

We need to take notes and get someone to write a book, maybe several books, to chronicle the failures of this administration.....
Seems "Uncle Omar" was named in President Obama's book, "Dreams of My Father" and is officially a part of American History now.

The Boston Herald, Nov 17 issue reported that "Onyango Obama’s lawyer said in Framingham District Court today that he will file a motion to suppress an Aug. 24 traffic stop, claiming he questions the legality of the illegal alien’s arrest on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol. The arrest, Attorney P. Scott Bratton said, violated Obama’s Fourth Amendment right against unlawful search and seizure."

It's illegal to stop Uncle Omar from driving drunk and almost hitting a MA police car (taking notes)...

We need to take notes and get someone to write a book, maybe several books, to chronicle the failures of this administration.....
The Obumble book would be longer than the 2500+page ObamaCare white paper the Congress passed.

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