OBAMA'S "CZARS"-- Read who they are and realize what they want to do.

I also think these Czars are probably Unconstitutional and should be challenged. Thanks again for your fantastic & informative post.
OP, nice post. As usual, the liberals start whining "SHOW ME A LINK! SHOW ME A LINK!"

I'm not a liberal. And links to each person's stated positions would be great, because otherwise the liberals would simply say, "Nuh-UH!!"

Showing them would that each of them did in fact state each position would make their denials meaningless.

I agree. When posting the original, I was in a middle of a phone call and got "trigger happy" when posting.
Advise and consent? Who needs it? That's for small people! /Obama Administration

Are you under the impression that no one on the list has been confirmed to their position by the Senate?

Obama’s czars (*indicates individuals confirmed by Congress):

Afghanistan czar: Richard Holbrooke
Auto recovery czar: Steve Rattner (resigned); post previously held by Ed Montgomery (resigned)
California water czar: David J. Hayes*
Car czar: Ron Bloom
Domestic violence czar: Lynn Rosenthal
Energy and environment czar: Carol Browner
Government performance czar: Jeffrey Zients
Great Lakes czar: Cameron Davis
Green jobs czar: Van Jones (resigned)
Guantanamo closure czar: Daniel Fried
Information Czar: Vivek Kundra
Iran czar: Dennis Ross
Mideast peace czar: George Mitchell
Pay czar: Kenneth R. Feinberg
Performance czar: Jeffrey Zients
Science czar: John Holdren*
Safe school czar: Kevin Jennings
Stimulus accountability czar: Earl Devaney
Sudan czar: J. Scott Gration
TARP czar: Herb Allison*
Technology czar: Aneesh Chopra*
Terrorism czar: John Brennan
Urban affairs czar: Adolfo Carrion Jr.
Weapons czar: Ashton Carter*
WMD policy czar: Gary Samore
AIDS czar: Jeffrey Crowley
Border czar: Alan Bersin
Climate czar: Todd Stern
Cyber-security czar: Melissa Hathaway; post previously held by Howard Schmidt
Drug czar: Gil Kerlikowske*
Economic czar: Paul Volcker
Faith-based czar: Joshua DuBois
Health czar: Nancy-Ann DeParl
Manufacturing czar: Ron Bloom
Intelligence czar: Dennis Blair*
Regulatory czar: Cass R. Sunstein*
War czar: Douglas Lute
Oil czar: Ray Mabus

Read more: Do Obama’s czars rule America? ‘Oil czar’ Ray Mabus brings total to 38 according to Daily Caller count | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
Not all of them have.
Why in hell does our Govt need all these Czars???

Does anyone know how much these assholes being payed by we the taxpayer?? Jeeze.
you though, I new I smelled smoke

bet you have leather boots ghestapo boy, real tough on the internet. Never fought shit in real life.
It'd be interesting to know exactly which agency each of these people run or hold a post at, and exactly what their PD is, as well as pay grade. They are supposedly public servants so it should be public knowledge.
It'd be interesting to know exactly which agency each of these people run or hold a post at, and exactly what their PD is, as well as pay grade. They are supposedly public servants so it should be public knowledge.

Yeah, it is public knowledge. You just have to look for it.
How come none of your descriptions match up with the link you posted? Are the descriptions something you made up?
Advise and consent? Who needs it? That's for small people! /Obama Administration

Are you under the impression that no one on the list has been confirmed to their position by the Senate?

Obama’s czars (*indicates individuals confirmed by Congress):

Afghanistan czar: Richard Holbrooke
Auto recovery czar: Steve Rattner (resigned); post previously held by Ed Montgomery (resigned)
California water czar: David J. Hayes*
Car czar: Ron Bloom
Domestic violence czar: Lynn Rosenthal
Energy and environment czar: Carol Browner
Government performance czar: Jeffrey Zients
Great Lakes czar: Cameron Davis
Green jobs czar: Van Jones (resigned)
Guantanamo closure czar: Daniel Fried
Information Czar: Vivek Kundra
Iran czar: Dennis Ross
Mideast peace czar: George Mitchell
Pay czar: Kenneth R. Feinberg
Performance czar: Jeffrey Zients
Science czar: John Holdren*
Safe school czar: Kevin Jennings
Stimulus accountability czar: Earl Devaney
Sudan czar: J. Scott Gration
TARP czar: Herb Allison*
Technology czar: Aneesh Chopra*
Terrorism czar: John Brennan
Urban affairs czar: Adolfo Carrion Jr.
Weapons czar: Ashton Carter*
WMD policy czar: Gary Samore
AIDS czar: Jeffrey Crowley
Border czar: Alan Bersin
Climate czar: Todd Stern
Cyber-security czar: Melissa Hathaway; post previously held by Howard Schmidt
Drug czar: Gil Kerlikowske*
Economic czar: Paul Volcker
Faith-based czar: Joshua DuBois
Health czar: Nancy-Ann DeParl
Manufacturing czar: Ron Bloom
Intelligence czar: Dennis Blair*
Regulatory czar: Cass R. Sunstein*
War czar: Douglas Lute
Oil czar: Ray Mabus

Read more: Do Obama’s czars rule America? ‘Oil czar’ Ray Mabus brings total to 38 according to Daily Caller count | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
Not all of them have.

That's right, not all of them have. Part of the confusion here is that these lists tend to mix up lots of different people who are playing very different roles (which is why I question how well-defined the "czar" term is here).

In the list in the OP, several of those people were confirmed by the Senate (Allison, Blair, Carter, Chopra, Hayes, Holdren, Kerlikowske, Sunstein) or recess-appointed to Senate confirmable positions (Bersin). Others occupy positions created by Congress (Devaney, Kundra) or hold positions whose authority derives directly from Congressional directives (Feinberg). Brennan is the deputy National Security Adviser so you might put him in the previous category or put him in one by himself. Some are on Task Forces that advise the President on a specific issue and their sole purpose is to come up with recommendations to submit to the President (Bloom, Montgomery). Others are special envoys, representatives, or advisers working for the State Department at the pleasure of the President (Fried, Gration, Holbrooke, Mitchell, Ross, Stern). None of these should seem particularly strange.

Others exist in executive branch organizations created by the President (though not necessarily Obama), like the Domestic Policy Council and its subdivisions, or they act as special advisers on certain issues. These are people like Browner, Carrion, Crowley, DuBois, DeParle, Samore--generally they're Assistants or Deputy Assistants to the President charged with managing some implementation activity or executive branch initiative (e.g. fostering faith-based initiatives). The Domestic Policy Council is an equivalent to the National Economic Council (the only difference being that the NEC is dedicated solely to economic issues and the DPC isn't) so people running divisions of that are essentially playing roles analogous to Larry Summers or Jason Furman (or their subordinates) on the NEC side.

This last bit--the executive branch positions, usually created by executive order--is what I assume people are suddenly concerned about (though you'll note that 1. this is a much smaller subset of the czar lists, and 2. this concept is hardly new). But let's zoom in one of those and do a little cast study on Adolfo Carrion, director of the White House Office of Urban Affairs.

The White House Office of Urban Affairs was actually created by Obama through an Executive Order. Carrion reports to Obama and to Melody Barnes, the head of the Domestic Policy Council. Part of their role is to coordinate urban policy so what does that mean? They've established an Urban Policy Working Group that's working with the NEC, DPC, and OMB to review the regional effects of various federal policies; a "Sustainable Communities Initiative" in which they're bringing together HUD, the EPA, and the Department of Transportation to coordinate some of their interrelated work; similar coordinating work on various areas of federal policy affecting low-income children. They're also apparently doing an Urban Tour at the behest of the President in which they're traveling to various cities to "1. Communicate the President’s vision and priorities for Urban and Metropolitan America; and 2. Identify best practices and innovative policy reforms for the Administration."

So are they usurping authority or even engaging in policymaking apart from departments that weren't created by Executive Order? No, they're facilitating and synthesizing and, to some degree, promoting. Their job is essentially to get the right people from the right agencies (HUD, the EPA, whatever) sitting at the same table, talking about a certain priority (for them, of course, that would be urban issues) and potentially bringing suggestions and ideas to the table. All departments are directed in the Executive Order to "cooperate with the Office and provide such information, support, and assistance to the Office as the Director may request, to the extent permitted by law" but it also specifically stresses that this Office can't step on the toes of those other departments ("Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head thereof"). So the "czar's" power here is to get agencies relevant to the Office's focus--urban policy--at the table and to attempt to engage them in joint initiatives with each other on that policy area. Power has not been transferred to this new Office from those other departments (whose heads have been confirmed by the Senate).

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