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Obama's Defense - Too Stupid Too Know He Was E-Mailing Hillary Private Server While Using Alias

Obama has tons of support from the strangest places = Jeff Sessions was one big supporter. Easy65 is another.

Why do so many pro life anti gay "conservatives" LOVE the left wing former Cocksucker in Chief?
Here's where I defend Obama: Obama was / is NOT that stupid. Again, he was using an ALIAS while officially communicating with his Secretary of State, according to him.

You did write that, didn't you???

Do you want Trump to order the FBI to investigate the "deaths" of Joan Rivers, Paul Horner, Don Young etc.?

Or are you, like "conservative" Fox News, 100% for covering up the truth that we had a MAN as FIRST LADY for 8 years?

It is what Obama COVERED UP that has so many "Republicans" supporting him....

From Politico....

"“Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling? Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Session!” the president wrote on Twitter, misspelling the name of his attorney general, Jeff Sessions. "

Jeff Sessions = pro life, anti gay, and 100% for covering up for the former left wing pro abortion COCKSUCKER IN CHIEF....
Trumpers are pathetic

In case you haven't looked lately it's the demodummies that are the pathetic losers who are reacting with increased desperation. Their knees are knocking and they're pissing their pants at this very moment.

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Here's where I defend Obama: Obama was / is NOT that stupid. Again, he was using an ALIAS while officially communicating with his Secretary of State, according to him.
You did write that, didn't you???

My saying Obama was / is NOT stupid, too stupid to know he was e-mailing Hillary's private e-mail on her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server, does NOT make me an 'Obama Supporter'.

It is pointing out that Barry is a lying criminal sack of shite who knowingly lied about finding out through the media that Hillary was using a personal e-mail and an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server.

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

The IG's report CONFIRMS Obama lied about Hillary's e-mail.
Here's where I defend Obama: Obama was / is NOT that stupid. Again, he was using an ALIAS while officially communicating with his Secretary of State, according to him.

You did write that, didn't you???

Do you want Trump to order the FBI to investigate the "deaths" of Joan Rivers, Paul Horner, Don Young etc.?

Or are you, like "conservative" Fox News, 100% for covering up the truth that we had a MAN as FIRST LADY for 8 years?

It is what Obama COVERED UP that has so many "Republicans" supporting him....

From Politico....

"“Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling? Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Session!” the president wrote on Twitter, misspelling the name of his attorney general, Jeff Sessions. "

Jeff Sessions = pro life, anti gay, and 100% for covering up for the former left wing pro abortion COCKSUCKER IN CHIEF....

Oh Gee. Looks like we have another unhinged sock never-met-a-conspiracy-he-didn't-like loon masquerading as a New Deal "Go-Gett'em" conservative.
Reading comprehension isn't a strong point for you. I am not a "conservative" or a "Republican." I actually support smaller government, not the "New Deal," and hence I opposed it when W and a GOP House and a GOP Senate socialized senior drugs in 2004.

And, yeah, there was "conspiracy" present there too.

1. pricing - the public was completely sold out as the socialization of senior drugs was done AT RETAIL PRICE for the drugs, no group discount (for the WHOLE COUNTRY)
2. W had the actuary who did the cost estimate of the bill threatened to "shut up or else" (NYT) because W was lying to the Congress about the "cost" to get it passed
3. A lot of self proclaimed "conservatives" loaded up on DRUG STOCKS, like Marsha (I am a fiscal conservative, but I don't want to be SPEAKER) Blackburn....
Reading comprehension isn't a strong point for you. I am not a "conservative" or a "Republican." I actually support smaller government, not the "New Deal," and hence I opposed it when W and a GOP House and a GOP Senate socialized senior drugs in 2004.

And, yeah, there was "conspiracy" present there too.

1. pricing - the public was completely sold out as the socialization of senior drugs was done AT RETAIL PRICE for the drugs, no group discount (for the WHOLE COUNTRY)
2. W had the actuary who did the cost estimate of the bill threatened to "shut up or else" (NYT) because W was lying to the Congress about the "cost" to get it passed
3. A lot of self proclaimed "conservatives" loaded up on DRUG STOCKS, like Marsha (I am a fiscal conservative, but I don't want to be SPEAKER) Blackburn....

That's all true of course except your dreams about my reading comprehension, Ace, but if you support small government, then you are a conservative, but if you're not a conservative then you must be one of those histrionic passive-aggressive pseudo-intellectual LIB•ER•ALS.

I bet when you were a kid all the other children beat you up.
but if you support small government, then you are a conservative

I agree that the definition of "conservative" included FISCAL CONSERVATISM prior to 1998. Since 1998, "conservative" has meant supporting

1. Homeland Security
2. Socializing Senior Drugs
3. Outspending LBJ (W and a GOP Congress did that)

Name a "conservative" today who has actually done SOMETHING about spending....
but if you support small government, then you are a conservative

I agree that the definition of "conservative" included FISCAL CONSERVATISM prior to 1998. Since 1998, "conservative" has meant supporting

1. Homeland Security
2. Socializing Senior Drugs
3. Outspending LBJ (W and a GOP Congress did that)

Name a "conservative" today who has actually done SOMETHING about spending....

Got something against Homeland Security? There had been no 9/11 in 1998.

And tell us genius where you will cut spending first. Trump has already said no new programs without cutting two others, but ultimately, spending is the job of the Legislature. What shall you cut first, an already weakened military with stuff all over in need of repair or upgrading, or social programs which is not only political suicide but upon which many people dearly depend? And don't say they don't.

We need to close whole departments like maybe the Department of Education, a large part of the EPA, department of labor, department of energy, and perhaps the department of housing and urban development. Anything the state can do the private sector can handle better.
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Got something against Homeland Security? There had been no 9/11 in 1998.

I understand Physics. Hence I understand 911. You do not... you believe a "757" flying at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground smashed right through steel reinforced concrete and blew up inside the Pentagon. That was a fully loaded 757, not a cruise missile, right???

Just ask Pilots for 911 Truth....

And that liquid steel flowing out of the South Tower, 2200 degrees F, a mere 1600 degrees warmer than burning jet fuel...
where you will cut spending first.

I would start by repealing the Senior Drug Socialization you and other "conservatives" supported. It has flooded our high schools with cheap taxpayer funded pills for kids.

I would attempt to reduce the Federal government back to the size it was when Gingrich was Speaker and we had a $5 trillion debt and practically no deficit...

As for NSA, yeah, they would be zeroed out... and I mean ALL the way out.... FIRING SQUAD style...
I understand Physics. Hence I understand 911. You do not...

FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. I'm a recently retired electrical engineer with a Masters in physics, still working part time in an unrelated science. Don't you tell me what I don't understand. I TEACH the stuff. And YOU obviously don't understand kinetic energy and how a spec of dust in space going 25,000 mph can punch right through the ISS or a rock only 8 miles in diameter can punch a hole in the Earth's crust 18 miles deep lofting 25 trillion metric tons of stone high enough that some of it landed on the Moon and Mars releasing the equivalent energy of more than a billion Hiroshima bombs.

You don't understand 9/11 because NO ONE has all the answers, but one thing I DO know is that YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT.
How fast can a fully loaded and fueled 757 passenger aircraft fly with its nose 8 feet off the ground?

A: 0 mph, since if its nose is 8 feet off the ground, its engines are IN THE GROUND....

How fast can that 757 go if it is 50 feet off the ground?

A: nowhere near 500 mph - source Pilots for 911 Truth

Why aren't there any photos of "Osama" in Saudi Arabia?

A: because Col Tom Osman was never there

Why weren't there any airplane parts on the ground in Shanksville?

A: because no plane crashed there

What did Vlad Putin say on 9/13?

A: 911 was a fraud, and the US, Israel, and Saudi were behind it

What is the one thing we can be certain of on 911?

A: that the Russians were spying on us
I like how trumpers both like to label Obama as the dumbest president in history while also claiming he is a brilliant evil mastermind who was able to break every law on the books for 8 years and not get a single indictment or conviction -- while also forcing republicans to investigate, indict and convict people in their own party's presidential campaign and administration....

And everyday one of these Trumpers will make an OP saying "Anyday now, Obama is going to jail" -- only to have to admit --- "Obama is protected, nothing will happen to him" --- protected by who?

And how is someone so "dumb" able to have all of this power and protection?
I like how trumpers both like to label Obama as the dumbest president in history while also claiming he is a brilliant evil mastermind who was able to break every law on the books for 8 years and not get a single indictment or conviction -- while also forcing republicans to investigate, indict and convict people in their own party's presidential campaign and administration....

And everyday one of these Trumpers will make an OP saying "Anyday now, Obama is going to jail" -- only to have to admit --- "Obama is protected, nothing will happen to him" --- protected by who?

And how is someone so "dumb" able to have all of this power and protection?
Isn't that essentially what you lefties claim about Trump? On the one hand, you call him stupid. On the other hand you accuse him of pulling off the theft of an election from the smartest woman in the world, then being brilliant enough to escape justice after a two year investigation by a hand picked prosecutor with 40 FBI agents and unlimited funds.
How many times you going to beat this dead ass horse?
Until snowflakes admit Barry was dirty as hell, lied his ass off, protected Hillary, and his administration engaged in the biggest scandal in US history by trying to take down Trump, which more and more evidence continues to come out showing that is what happened.

How many Presidents conduct official business by communicating with their Cabinet Members / Directors through private e-mail while using an alias, which is what Barry did?

The Obama administration set a new Presidential Record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA....

This is an exposed example of how he reached that record...
How many times you going to beat this dead ass horse?
Don't blame me for Barry borrowing Comey's justification for not recommending Hillary be indicted for her crimes in defense of his own ass - 'Too Stupid'.

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