Obama's DoJ Strikes Again!!!


Jul 27, 2012
As was recently learned the hard way by Fender Guitars, you don't fuck with Obama and his Chicago buddies and expect to get away with it.

In Fender's case it was nothing more than the company's tendency to donate to conservative politicians that stirred up a hornet's nest that resulted in Fender's being forced to pay their way out of a witch hunt, somewhere in the neighborhood of $3 million all told, and months of inconvenience and threats from the fed that they would shut down even the supply lines found to have been outside the scope of the "investigation".

More about that HERE

Now it seems it's GALLUP'S TURN.
After failing to cave to intimidation efforts by David Axelrod to change its methodology in computing polls that have showed Romney with a slight lead over Obama, this administration's justice department is doing what it clearly feels is Job Number One. They've joined in a lawsuit against the polling firm on an "unrelated" issue claiming Gallup had over charged the government for services rendered.

As with the Gibson sham, no charges have been officially filed by the DoJ and in fact, the feds have "reserved the right" as it were, to further hammer Gallup for months since this thing started.

This is becoming a trend with Holder Inc.
Piss off the administration and you will be embroiled in a legal battle costing you potentially millions with absolutely no recourse as you're not allowed to ask that the frivolous charges be dismissed until they're actually filed.

The only good thing about this instance is that I'm guessing the DoJ is going to remain quiet on this one until at least after the election. No need advertising your filthy tactics just prior to an election that Gallup already shows you fighting for your life for. ;)
Cue twilight zone music. But at least he's not babbling about how Holder loves Black Panthers, so consider it progress.

By the way, how'd that Fast and Furious thing work out for you? What? It blew up in your face and left Republicans looking stupid and dishonest? How about that. You'd think the conservative base would eventually figure out how they're getting played, with their masters commanding them to be outraged over some new phony scandal each week.
Cue twilight zone music. But at least he's not babbling about how Holder loves Black Panthers, so consider it progress.

By the way, how'd that Fast and Furious thing work out for you? What? It blew up in your face and left Republicans looking stupid and dishonest? How about that. You'd think the conservative base would eventually figure out how they're getting played, with their masters commanding them to be outraged over some new phony scandal each week.

Too stupid to even warrant a response.
Apparently I'm feeling uber charitable.
Chicago Politics at it's best. But the libs aren't listening. As Axelrod said, it would be a shame if something happened to your poll...

Report: DOJ Gallup Suit Followed Axelrod Complaint

I wanted to alert you to this investigative piece in The Daily Caller that shows a possible correlation between a Justice Department lawsuit against Gallup and the failure of Gallup to come up with poll numbers satisfactory to the White House.

From the piece:
Internal emails between senior officials at The Gallup Organization, obtained by The Daily Caller, show senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempting to subtly intimidate the respected polling firm when its numbers were unfavorable to the president.

After Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, Obama’s Department of Justice hit it with an unrelated lawsuit that appears damning on its face.

Axelrod in April tweeted that there were methodological problems with a Gallup poll giving Gov. Mitt Romney a five point edge over President Obama. The White House has long been concerned that, in its view, Gallup tilts against Obama.

Report: DOJ Gallup Suit Followed Axelrod Complaint | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Too stupid to even warrant a response.
Apparently I'm feeling uber charitable.

Still feeling humiliated about how you did a faceplant into a cow patty over Fast and Furious? As well you should. Your gullibility there went above and beyond the call. However, the fact that you can feel shame over it shows you're not beyond all hope.

So, how long before this idiot faux-scandal flames out, like the hundred other fabricated scandals before it? It must really bug you guys that Obama has run such a clean administration. You have to go back to Carter to find a cleaner administration.
Cue twilight zone music. But at least he's not babbling about how Holder loves Black Panthers, so consider it progress.

By the way, how'd that Fast and Furious thing work out for you? What? It blew up in your face and left Republicans looking stupid and dishonest? How about that. You'd think the conservative base would eventually figure out how they're getting played, with their masters commanding them to be outraged over some new phony scandal each week.

Voter fraud....eh, not enough proof
Fast and Furious...not so much
White House security leaks....wuddn't me
Posting accurate information in an attempt to remain the grandaddy of pollsters....we gotcha bitches!
Too stupid to even warrant a response.
Apparently I'm feeling uber charitable.

Still feeling humiliated about how you did a faceplant into a cow patty over Fast and Furious? As well you should. Your gullibility there went above and beyond the call. However, the fact that you can feel shame over it shows you're not beyond all hope.

So, how long before this idiot faux-scandal flames out, like the hundred other fabricated scandals before it? It must really bug you guys that Obama has run such a clean administration. You have to go back to Carter to find a cleaner administration.

You should start a thread citing all the reasons the Fast and Furious investigation should have never happened.
That would be fun. :lol::lol::lol:
Too stupid to even warrant a response.
Apparently I'm feeling uber charitable.

Still feeling humiliated about how you did a faceplant into a cow patty over Fast and Furious? As well you should. Your gullibility there went above and beyond the call. However, the fact that you can feel shame over it shows you're not beyond all hope.

So, how long before this idiot faux-scandal flames out, like the hundred other fabricated scandals before it? It must really bug you guys that Obama has run such a clean administration. You have to go back to Carter to find a cleaner administration.

uber clean my ass.

Obama is a fucking racist and the MSM ignores it
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Cue twilight zone music. But at least he's not babbling about how Holder loves Black Panthers, so consider it progress.

By the way, how'd that Fast and Furious thing work out for you? What? It blew up in your face and left Republicans looking stupid and dishonest? How about that. You'd think the conservative base would eventually figure out how they're getting played, with their masters commanding them to be outraged over some new phony scandal each week.

Holder gives the NBPP a break while fucking whitey

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