Obama's dream of collapsing the U.S. economy is finally here

Wry, they do not want the truth they love the myth that Obama is the all powerful messiah who can singlehandedly collapse the economy despite a republican controlled house.

The GOP stated that their number one goal was to defeat Obama. If in the process they prolong the recession and even if they bring the entire US economy down, well, so be it. They have blocked every effort to stimulate the economy and every plan that may make Obama or this administration look good.

But they have chosen a Tin Man as their nominee and now they are stuck with a loser. I expect the misery will increase as November approaches.
dear fucking idiot,

Obama has improved the mess YOUR ideas caused.

Nope. Made things worse. Its time for him to go.

In my never ending effort to educate people like you:

Where did the mammoth US budget deficits come from? - Yahoo! News

Or remain willfully ignorant and continue to embarrass yourself by posting idiotgrams.

Speaking of embarrassing yourself...did you even read what you cited? Like the following?

"Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler has looked at this in depth, and made his attempt at adding up who is responsible for the $1.3 trillion 2011 deficit alone. His rough estimate is that economic factors accounted for about 46 percent of this single-year shortfall, while Obama policies accounted for 44 percent, and Bush-era policies for about 10 percent."

Gee, how's that foot taste, Wry?
Wry, they do not want the truth they love the myth that Obama is the all powerful messiah who can singlehandedly collapse the economy despite a republican controlled house.

The GOP stated that their number one goal was to defeat Obama. If in the process they prolong the recession and even if they bring the entire US economy down, well, so be it. They have blocked every effort to stimulate the economy and every plan that may make Obama or this administration look good.

But they have chosen a Tin Man as their nominee and now they are stuck with a loser. I expect the misery will increase as November approaches.

Bohner and McConnel have privately stated that the main focus of congressional republicans next year will be to ensure that Barack Obama is not a three term president.
dear fucking idiot,

Obama has improved the mess YOUR ideas caused.

Nope. Made things worse. Its time for him to go.

In my never ending effort to educate people like you:

Where did the mammoth US budget deficits come from? - Yahoo! News

Or remain willfully ignorant and continue to embarrass yourself by posting idiotgrams.

With your never ending zeal of ineptitude, you fail again miserably. Try to educate TM. I made no mention of the CBO nor of deficits. Of course they're wrong. They always are and will be on Ocare predictions. The deplorable fact is that O has raised debt by another 5 trillion, unemployment hasnt been below 8 percent in three and a half years, gdp is 1.3, and the economy is stagnant. You cant refute those facts. The only thing that you have now is smears because your man O is such an utter failure in every regard that relates to the presidency.
Wry, they do not want the truth they love the myth that Obama is the all powerful messiah who can singlehandedly collapse the economy despite a republican controlled house.

The GOP stated that their number one goal was to defeat Obama. If in the process they prolong the recession and even if they bring the entire US economy down, well, so be it. They have blocked every effort to stimulate the economy and every plan that may make Obama or this administration look good.

But they have chosen a Tin Man as their nominee and now they are stuck with a loser. I expect the misery will increase as November approaches.

I'm so tired of hearing this same refrain from progressives trying to cover for the incompetence of this President. The fact is...Barack Obama came into office with majorities in the House and Senate that let him thumb his nose at the GOP...or as Rahm Emanuel put it..."We've got the votes...fuck 'em!" So after two years of Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight calling the shots what we got was a trillion dollar stimulus that helped out Barry's "peeps" and left the Private Sector twisting in the wind and the most badly written piece of legislation in our nation's history...ObamaCare...which is going to affect one sixth of our total economy.

The "American People" are who blocked Barack Obama's agenda when they gave the Democrats a "shellacking" (to use Barry's own words) in the mid-term elections. THEY sent conservatives to Washington so that we wouldn't get more Obama Stimulus and things like Cap & Trade. The GOP simply followed the wishes of the electorate.

As for Mitt Romney? It's amazing to me how a guy who was the most moderate of all the Republican candidates...a Republican Governor from a died in the wool Democratic State like Massachusetts...someone who successfully worked hand in hand with a Democratically controlled legislature...someone who has never failed either as the head of Bain, the head of the Salt Lake Olympics or the Governor of a State could be characterized as a "loser".

I shake my head when I hear something like that coming from a supporter of the most "over hyped", facade of a man I've ever seen. What has Barack Obama EVER done other than get elected the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and then ride that "accomplishment" for his entire adult life? He was a non-entity as a lawyer...as a college lecturer and as a legislator. The ONLY thing that he's good at is public speaking with a teleprompter. The truth is...he should have become an anchor for some network news channel. What he's doing as the President of the United States is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. Seriously...how did this empty suit get the nomination over Hilary Clinton? What the fuck were you people smoking that summer?
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Thousands of coal miners are facing layoffs and Obozo's Green Energy program will result in skyrocketing energy costs which will further burden the American people.

Hundreds of manufacturing facilities are facing closure due to onerous government rules and regulations.

Even more defense-related plants are facing closure with the loss of thousands of highly-skilled workers who will have little choice but to go where the jobs are - highly likely to be overseas.

Another four years of this and we will fall to Third World status with massive food kitchen lines and squatters camps.

Ever looked at TV parks lately? Filled with full-time residents who've been forced from their homes and find it cheaper to live there.

How's all that Hope and Change working for ya? :cool:

As an immigrant, I had to start working on jobs that most liberals would always and still DO consider dirty, below their dignity and unworthy of their high standards.

I worked in the mines for almost eight years.

In the meantime I learned enough English to enroll in high school as an adult student and get my diploma. Let me add that I am white and even if I wasn't, there was no affirmative action then.

So, I can sympathize with miners and have nothing but contempt for the phony intellectuals who are hell-bent on ruining the livelihood of those hardworking people who provide the 70% of energy for the country.

The same phony intellectual individuals who also oppose hydro-electric generators, because they restrict the swim of some insignificant minnow.

They oppose nuclear reactors for phony reasons portrayed by Hollywood horror movies.

They oppose drilling for oil and they oppose new oil refineries, because they think that their hybrid whose wire they plugged into the wall on their garage gets its power from thin air.

They oppose pipelines that would create thousands of new jobs.

They oppose cutting lumber, but they happily live in their mansions that use more lumber than the decent and modest house of five or ten average workers.

They drive SUV's or ride in limousines. They fly either chartered airplanes or planes that they own, themselves.

They promote impossible ideas like windmills (proving once again that they are intellectuals and lovers of great literature, by acting like Don Quixote), but dismiss the idea of doing research on creating clean coal.

They waste billions on the impossible idea of solar power by refusing to admit that on most of the world most days are cloudy.

And, of course, the one person representation of their ideas is their most ardent but most blind supporter is none other than the most powerful man on Earth, the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

YEAH! Four more year! And then, that's it!
It doesn't get any plainer then this.
Obama hasn't been able to deliver after 4 years.
Now we are going to give him another 4....

Anyone who can gather facts and think for themselves know that were we are now has been building since 80 or so.
Several presidents and both sides of congress are to blame.
dear idiot your team is the one who crashed everything just a few years ago.

Your team is the one who refuses to fix anything and want all sorts of sectors in the government be drowned in the bath tub.

Your team is the one who says what our founders gave us is evil.

Government is not the enemy.

The republican party has said right out loud they want the only control the people have over the wealthy who wish to enslave us all economically to their will dead.

without government what did the world look like in the past?

that is what you will have again when the right kills our government

Dear Idiot,

The economy was just fine when Bush handed it off to Obama. Unemployment was in the 7% range - it shot up to over 10% under Obama and has never been below 8% in his 4 years. The national debt was at $9 trillion, it's now at $16 trillion. The number don't lie, even though you and your dumbocrat pals do:

dear idiot your team is the one who crashed everything just a few years ago.

Your team is the one who refuses to fix anything and want all sorts of sectors in the government be drowned in the bath tub.

Your team is the one who says what our founders gave us is evil.

Government is not the enemy.

The republican party has said right out loud they want the only control the people have over the wealthy who wish to enslave us all economically to their will dead.

without government what did the world look like in the past?

that is what you will have again when the right kills our government
FUCK OFF Loser. THIS is ALL ON OBAMA.. NOW GO UP HIS ASS ALREADY we are tired of listening to your fucking whining!
Government is not the enemy.

You are 100% correct - government is not the enemy.

The idiot liberal dumbocrats, who have given us an unconstitutional monstrosity of a government, is the enemy. It's the idiot liberal dumbocrat that is the cause of the problem. The government mess with $16 trillion in debt and a 1,000 unconstitutional departments is just the symptom of the disease known as liberalism.
New orders for manufactured durable goods in August decreased $30.1 billion or 13.2 percent to $198.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down following three consecutive monthly increases, was the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 3.3 percent July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.6 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 12.4 percent. Transportation equipment, down following four consecutive monthly increases, had the largest decrease, $27.8 billion or 34.9 percent to $51.9 billion.

Shipments of manufactured durable goods in August, down two of the last three months, decreased $6.8 billion or 3.0 percent to $222.5 billion. This was also the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 1.9 percent July increase. Transportation equipment, down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $5.5 billion or 7.9 percent to $63.9 billion.


Coincidence that we had 3 good months with Romney rising and a terrible downturn coinciding with Obama's uptick in the polls? METHINKS NOT.
dear idiot your team is the one who crashed everything just a few years ago.

Your team is the one who refuses to fix anything and want all sorts of sectors in the government be drowned in the bath tub.

Your team is the one who says what our founders gave us is evil.

Government is not the enemy.

The republican party has said right out loud they want the only control the people have over the wealthy who wish to enslave us all economically to their will dead.

without government what did the world look like in the past?

that is what you will have again when the right kills our government

Our side is the one defending everything our founders died to give us.

Your side is a bunch of hateful, anti-american parasites who are just here to bilk the American people for all they are worth. You parasites are just despicable...
Our founders did not give us a standing army. They gave us militias.
They did not give us a military machine to rule the world with.
they did mot give the MIC which sucks up about 1/2 of our tax revenue.

At the time of the war of 1812 we still had militias virtually no formal army.
Anyone who can gather facts and think for themselves know that were we are now has been building since 80 or so.

Several presidents and both sides of congress are to blame.



Hate to slow down the silly partisan slap fight we're all enjoying here, but this pretty well nails it.

Okay, back to the silly partisan slap fight.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhJQp-q1Y1s]Monty Python, The Fish Slapping Dance - YouTube[/ame]

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