Obama's Evolving Opinion On Same-sex Marriage

Romney, standing firm.

Romney, responding to Obama’s shift, reaffirmed his opposition to same-sex marriage. “When these issues were raised in my state of Massachusetts, I indicated my view, which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I do not favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name,” he said in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Denver. “My view is the domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights, and the like are appropriate but that the others are not.”

I'll bet you think he contradicted himself.

Color me bewildered. I posted in English. I used small words, and everything. Logic would dictate you would read, and comprehend.

I was mistaken.
Most Americans views on gay marriage have evolved

15 years ago, you would be laughed at for even suggesting it

Even Dick Cheney supports it

The left has effectively waged an intimidation campaign to play upon apathetic Americans. However, the majority of states have overwhelmingly banned gay marriage.

The left loves to pretend that being against gay marriage is being homophobic or discriminatory. The truth is I have plenty of love for gay people. But I firmly am opposed to government stamping morality upon us and using this issue as justification to indoctrinate us through the school and legal systems. Gay people have a right to practice their brand of sexuality. But I will not pretend that there is a compelling reason for gay marriage and we will not succumb to their feeble minded branding of those who oppose them. Frankly, I've seen all types of hate coming from proponents of gay marriage and it is because they are shallow pathetic beings.


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Obama is completely fine with gay marriage (and many in his cabinet have said so; up to Joe Biden). He has not came out for it b/c it'll not get him votes. But in his second term it's going to be no holds barred. If people want gay marriage then vote for Obama. If people want traditional marriage then vote for Romney.

Again, I'm still trying to figure out how "Traditional Marriage" is actually threatened by same sex marriage.

I mean, it's not like they are changing the flavor of Coke.
Obama is completely fine with gay marriage (and many in his cabinet have said so; up to Joe Biden). He has not came out for it b/c it'll not get him votes. But in his second term it's going to be no holds barred. If people want gay marriage then vote for Obama. If people want traditional marriage then vote for Romney.

Yes, because THIS is THE only issue that matters.

No. And I'm not saying that anyone should vote based only on any one issue. Regardless of the weight that people put on the issue; what they should know is that Obama is pro gay marriage and that Romney is for traditional marriage.

Since the President has no real say on this issue at all, other than his opinion, I'm not sure why you would base your vote on this anyway...
Yes, because THIS is THE only issue that matters.

No. And I'm not saying that anyone should vote based only on any one issue. Regardless of the weight that people put on the issue; what they should know is that Obama is pro gay marriage and that Romney is for traditional marriage.

Since the President has no real say on this issue at all, other than his opinion, I'm not sure why you would base your vote on this anyway...

You'd love for us to bend over and believe that. What happens when the president is trying to pass a law that creates a federal marriage law? Oh, but I'm sure that Obama's views won't "evolve" to include that (SARCASM).
No. And I'm not saying that anyone should vote based only on any one issue. Regardless of the weight that people put on the issue; what they should know is that Obama is pro gay marriage and that Romney is for traditional marriage.

Since the President has no real say on this issue at all, other than his opinion, I'm not sure why you would base your vote on this anyway...

You'd love for us to bend over and believe that. What happens when the president is trying to pass a law that creates a federal marriage law? Oh, but I'm sure that Obama's views won't "evolve" to include that (SARCASM).
That is supposing Obama can evolve to an opinion (whichever one it might be) and nail it down without a looming election.
This is one of those things that no matter which side you're on, obama's coming out is a reason to be pleased. Democrats will praise his courage. Republicans will see this moment as the moment that obama lost the election.
This is one of those things that no matter which side you're on, obama's coming out is a reason to be pleased. Democrats will praise his courage. Republicans will see this moment as the moment that obama lost the election.

LOL - Besides the very far left (which is a significant portion); the left has to be pissed that he didn't stick to his devious underhanded designs and appear to be centrist until after the election.

But since he did not, they'll still defend him to the hilt since that is what they largely believe. They privately lament his lack of prudence though.
Wow, I guess old wingnut line has expired, temporarily, you know,

the one where they praise someone who doesn't just stick a finger in the wind and go whichever way the polls go.

Do you idiots ever get tired, I mean, day after day struggling so hard to be on the opposite side of everything Obama does or doesn't do?

That's the neo-con faux conservative way. Just look at or listen to hannity or limbugh. They are a bunch of fake, phoney, frauds. In short, they are a bunch of hypocrites who are full of shit and they lead their dullard followers into following the party line.

Actually that's the way the left is. We have our principles and Democrats know what they are and they try to invent issues to attack those principles.

Some of them don't even believe what they're saying when they attack us, but that doesn't stop them from lying about it. Joe Biden doesn't really respect Gays or think they're special.....but if he wants to go along for the ride he has to carrying Obama's water on the issue.

I disagree, all one needs to do is listen to Limbaugh and Hannity. If Obama didn't support that "Arab Spring", they would have cried about that and complained that he's "didn't support democracy in the Middle East", now that he did do that and the people that they and we don't like may be taking over, they will criticize him for supporting democracy in the Middle East. In short it's a con game played by those two hucksters in order to manipulate the dullards who follow them. It's actually pretty funny.

And again, Obama shows that he would rather be a King than an executive that regards the will of the people. Thirty states have already banned government recognized gay marriage.

Wow, I guess old wingnut line has expired, temporarily, you know,

the one where they praise someone who doesn't just stick a finger in the wind and go whichever way the polls go.

Do you idiots ever get tired, I mean, day after day struggling so hard to be on the opposite side of everything Obama does or doesn't do?

What struggle? It isn't very difficult to be on the side of Constitutionality, common sense, sound economic policies, understanding that spending more money on bad ideas is not the way to prosperity, and a desire to best represent all the people of this Nation, not just to ones who feel obligated to vote for him because he's: ...
If Gays are born Gay , are Pedophiles born that way to?

Why, yes. Yes, that is exactly what the APA is considering. They would rather refer to them as "minor-attracted adults", and as such, they are prey to inborn urges they cannot control.

Barber believes that would bring the APA one step closer to de-classifying pedophilia as a mental disorder, as they did homosexuality in the 1970s.

Researchers push for APA to destigmatize pedophilia (OneNewsNow.com)

Psychiatrist Group Wants to Normalize Adult-Child Sex at
Romney, standing firm.

Romney, responding to Obama’s shift, reaffirmed his opposition to same-sex marriage. “When these issues were raised in my state of Massachusetts, I indicated my view, which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I do not favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name,” he said in an interview with a Fox affiliate in Denver. “My view is the domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights, and the like are appropriate but that the others are not.”

I bet you're not going to vote for him huh?

She wouldn't vote for Romney even if he promised to pay her mortgage and all her student loans. He's of the wrong religious persuasion.
This is one of those things that no matter which side you're on, obama's coming out is a reason to be pleased. Democrats will praise his courage. Republicans will see this moment as the moment that obama lost the election.

Americans that cast their vote against Obama because of his beliefs on marriage need mental health treatment.

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