Obama's failed European Style Foreign Policy: "There is no Second America"


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
While Mr. Obama’s new style of diplomacy — soft power and nonintervention — was at first seen as a welcome break with the Bush years, five years later a dismal realization has set in. It turns out that soft power cannot replace hard power. On the contrary, soft power is merely a complementary foreign policy tool that can yield results only when it is backed up by real might and the political will to employ it if necessary.

Ultimately, the measuring stick for a successful foreign policy is not how many nice and convincing speeches a leader makes, but whether he succeeds in getting things to go his way. And in this respect Mr. Obama’s low-impact foreign policy was simply not enough. Because if America stays out of the fray, there are many others who will fill the void: Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia; the list of actors and countries that are actively pushing against European and American interests, and getting away with it, grows ever longer.

Barack Obama wanted America to learn from Europe’s soft-power approach. But while Europeans are loath to admit it, they know that European soft power often doesn’t work either — and that it is a luxury that they could afford only because America’s hard power always loomed in the background. And when they dropped the ball, America would pick it up.

And therein lies the lesson to our American friends who seemingly want to become less involved and more European: There is no second America to back you up when you drop the ball.

Astonishingly honest article..

By rushing to the exit and teaming up with the Iranians to reinstall Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki after he lost the elections in 2010 — and by not confronting him forcefully on his anti-Sunni policies — the Obama administration undermined the progress American troops had paid for very dearly.


Poignant article on the dangers of liberalism. The author opines throughout how America has turned more European with its acceptance of social welfare, Obamacare and how these very policies helped to destroy the European economies, something we as Conservatives have all said for quite some time.
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In order to honestly assess Obama's failed policy you have to look at the Bush Doctrine as well that created the vacuum that became , "The Obama Doctrine." Both were extremes of two separate sides of the fence. You have the Socialist agenda V/s the NeoCon doctrine- both equally destructive in my opinion.

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