Obama's farewell address

did Obama mention the 500 million he pissed off for Solyndra when he could of given it to a few thousand starving/poor black families?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar
But if you deducted the inappropriate pauses occasioned by His having had some Kenyan village dialect as His "cradle language" then the speech was not nearly as long as it seemed.
did Obama mention the 500 million he pissed off for Solyndra when he could of given it to a few thousand starving/poor black families?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
How kompromat works and why Trumpovitch has...
...compromised America so it would appear. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/01/kompromat-trump
did Obama mention the 500 million he pissed off for Solyndra when he could of given it to a few thousand starving/poor black families?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
did Obama mention the 500 million he pissed off for Solyndra when he could of given it to a few thousand starving/poor black families?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
How kompromat works and why Trumpovitch has...
...compromised America so it would appear. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/01/kompromat-trump

The Liberal outlets, and their sycophant hangers-on....you.....are so simple to expose.

Watch this:
If Trump were going to be submissive to Putin, how to explain Dan Coates as Trump's pick for Director of National Intelligence:

Coates was forbidden to go to Russia by Putin for comparing him to Hitler:

"people from the US had been similarly blacklisted, including ... and Dan Coats of Indiana, a former US ambassador to Germany. “While I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer,” Coats wisecracked, “I am honored to be on this list.”
Chrystia Freeland: My Ukraine, and Putin’s big lie

In your face, boooyyyyyeeeeee!!!
did Obama mention the 500 million he pissed off for Solyndra when he could of given it to a few thousand starving/poor black families?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar
Then logically, that would mean Obama is an OUT OF THIS WORLD LIAR.
did Obama mention the 500 million he pissed off for Solyndra when he could of given it to a few thousand starving/poor black families?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake
did Obama mention the 500 million he pissed off for Solyndra when he could of given it to a few thousand starving/poor black families?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake

In several posts I have provided facts and objective statements, and you have done exactly what your masters have trained you to do.

Good work.....doggie treat?
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake

In several posts I have provided facts and objective statements, and you have done exactly what your masters have trained you to do.

Good work.....doggie treat?
On 1/20/2017 trumpovitch will have
broken his lease with the GSA relating to his D.C. Hotel. Will the GSA have the nerve to cancel the lease or will that breach of trust with the American people go unchecked?
Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake

In several posts I have provided facts and objective statements, and you have done exactly what your masters have trained you to do.

Good work.....doggie treat?
On 1/20/2017 trumpovitch will have
broken his lease with the GSA relating to his D.C. Hotel. Will the GSA have the nerve to cancel the lease or will that breach of trust with the American people go unchecked?

1. “On March 3, 2007 USA Today ran a piece on then-Senator Obama regarding two stocks in his portfolio. Obama was running for President and his critics were stating that the Senator may have been involved in insider trading, cronyism, using his position for personal gain, etc. Basically the media ran this story for a day, and then kissed it goodbye. Could you imagine the outrage if these same set of circumstances involved a Republican running for President?” Obama the Investor — Brian Sussman

2. And, from the original AP story: WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday he was not aware he had invested in two companies backed by some of his top donors and said he had done nothing to aid their business with the government. The Illinois senator faced questions about more than $50,000 in investments he made right after taking office in 2005 in two speculative companies, AVI Biopharma and Skyterra Communications.

3. Obama purchased $5,000 in shares for AVI, which was developing a drug to treat avian flu. Two weeks after buying the stock, as the disease was spreading in Asia, Obama pushed for more federal funding to fight the disease, but he said he did not discuss the matter with any company officials.

4. Obama also had more than $50,000 in shares of Skyterra, a company that had just received federal permission to create a nationwide wireless network that combined satellite and land-based communications systems. Among the company’s top investors were donors who raised more than $150,000 for Obama’s political committees, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

5. Obama said he didn’t invest in a qualified blind trust because it wouldn’t enable him to limit which companies he invested in, such as those in the tobacco industry and other areas that he did not want to support. http://www.usatoday.com/news/elections/2007-03-08-2531343349_x.htm

6. Obama with coincidental investment connections. Obama who was an upside down borrower on his condo. Obama who just got a little “boneheaded” advice from convicted felon Tony Rezko when he bought his mansion in Chicago. Obama the Investor — Brian Sussman

7. Skyterra doesn’t ring a bell? Well, how about under its new name: LightSquared? “Reston-based satellite company SkyTerra Communications Inc. re-emerged July 20 as LightSquared,…” http://www.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2010/07/26/story6.html

8. “The liberal Daily Beast reports on a broadband project backed by a frequent Obama White House visitor and donor that has Pentagon officials concerned over potential military GPS interference. The Obama FCC took the lead in intervening on the donor, billionaire hedge fund manager Philip Falcone’s, behalf and granting his company called “LightSquared” one of those coveted Obama waivers from existing law. Then Obama officials reportedly pressured a general to alter his testimony about the company’s impact on military satellite transmissions.”
LightSquared: The next Obama pay-for-play morass?

9. The liberal Daily Beast reports: “Now the Pentagon has been raising concerns about a new wireless project by a satellite broadband company in Virginia called LightSquared, whose majority owner is an investment fund run by Democratic donor Philip Falcone. Gen. Shelton was originally scheduled to testify Aug. 3 to a House committee that the project would interfere with the military’s sensitive Global Positioning Satellite capabilities, which control automated driving directions and missile targeting, among other things.” LightSquared: The next Obama pay-for-play morass?

10. Hope and Change?

Obama.....pretty scummy, huh?

Bet you simply look away.
rexx anyone ever tell you it's better to be pissed off than pissed on? trump with his golden showers come to mind

Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake

In several posts I have provided facts and objective statements, and you have done exactly what your masters have trained you to do.

Good work.....doggie treat?
Woof woof yourself For all I've read of your posts you never mention what a pos and lying thief trump is A predator of women When one is as off the wall to one side as you are against obama I tend not to believe anything they write or say
Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake

In several posts I have provided facts and objective statements, and you have done exactly what your masters have trained you to do.

Good work.....doggie treat?
Woof woof yourself For all I've read of your posts you never mention what a pos and lying thief trump is A predator of women When one is as off the wall to one side as you are against obama I tend not to believe anything they write or say

Jesus.. can we get some punctuation?
Wait....you believed that 'fake news'??????

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake

In several posts I have provided facts and objective statements, and you have done exactly what your masters have trained you to do.

Good work.....doggie treat?
Woof woof yourself For all I've read of your posts you never mention what a pos and lying thief trump is A predator of women When one is as off the wall to one side as you are against obama I tend not to believe anything they write or say

"...I tend not to believe anything they write or say..."

Can I get an autograph???
Trump is a world class liar

He's not the one who got the award for "Lie of the Year," is he.
Fake sun tan Fake university fake taxes The man is nothing but a fake and he has some nerve calling news fake

In several posts I have provided facts and objective statements, and you have done exactly what your masters have trained you to do.

Good work.....doggie treat?
Woof woof yourself For all I've read of your posts you never mention what a pos and lying thief trump is A predator of women When one is as off the wall to one side as you are against obama I tend not to believe anything they write or say

"...I tend not to believe anything they write or say..."

Can I get an autograph???

LikeShow more reactions
Where was this in his 'farewell speech"????

"Mr. Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 and spent his years in the White House trying to fulfill the promises he made as an antiwar candidate, would have a longer tour of duty as a wartime president than Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon or his hero Abraham Lincoln."

Obama....the Nobel Peace Prize winner, is the first two term President in history to have been at war every single day of his terms.

Can you say 'I-N-C-O-M-PE-T-E-N-T'
"In a new study of President Obama’s legacy, the Pew Research Center found that religious affiliation and practice dropped off dramatically during his two terms in the White House.
“When it comes to the nation’s religious identity, the biggest trend during Obama’s presidency is the rise of those who claim no religion at all,” ..."
Pew Report: Religion Plummets in America During Obama Era
"In a new study of President Obama’s legacy, the Pew Research Center found that religious affiliation and practice dropped off dramatically during his two terms in the White House.
“When it comes to the nation’s religious identity, the biggest trend during Obama’s presidency is the rise of those who claim no religion at all,” ..."
Pew Report: Religion Plummets in America During Obama Era
bfd keep your gd religion out of politics
"In a new study of President Obama’s legacy, the Pew Research Center found that religious affiliation and practice dropped off dramatically during his two terms in the White House.
“When it comes to the nation’s religious identity, the biggest trend during Obama’s presidency is the rise of those who claim no religion at all,” ..."
Pew Report: Religion Plummets in America During Obama Era
bfd keep your gd religion out of politics
Oh Lord won't you buy me a mercedes benz my friends all drive porches I must make amends
"In a new study of President Obama’s legacy, the Pew Research Center found that religious affiliation and practice dropped off dramatically during his two terms in the White House.
“When it comes to the nation’s religious identity, the biggest trend during Obama’s presidency is the rise of those who claim no religion at all,” ..."
Pew Report: Religion Plummets in America During Obama Era
bfd keep your gd religion out of politics

The post wasn't necessary......I had recognized you as the lowest of scum well before this post.

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