Obama's Flawed Vision of America and Americans

9."... there is Sharpton’s report that Obama said he hopes the protestors can keep the peace. If true, it’s about as weak a statement as the President of the United States could make in light of the situation.

He could have made a strong and unequivocal statement that the law must be obeyed and that violence would not be tolerated.

But he didn’t.
Because he is Barack Obama." Blog President to Ferguson protestors Stay on course

The indelible stain that this man has placed on the nation is shared by those who put him in office.

You should go argue with all your conservative pals who claim that rebellion is enshrined as a sacred right in the Declaration of Independence.


I don't argue.

I simply provide truth and education.

Obama Met With Ferguson Activists 8211 Said He 8217 s Concerned They 8220 Stay on Course 8221 The Gateway Pundit
"FBI Warns Ferguson Decision ‘Will Likely’ Lead to Violence By Extremists Protesters"
FBI Warns Ferguson Decision Will Likely Lead to Violence By Extremists Protesters - ABC News

"Obama tells Ferguson protesters: Stay the course

Only fitting that America’s racist Troublemaker-in-Chief, Barack Obama would meet with Ferguson agitators and tell them to “stay the course.”
Obama tells Ferguson protesters Stay the course The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net


"Obama tells Ferguson protesters: Stay the course

Only fitting that America’s racist Troublemaker-in-Chief, Barack Obama would meet with Ferguson agitators and tell them to “stay the course.”
Obama tells Ferguson protesters Stay the course The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net

And this is the 'course' of the Ferguson organizers:

'Yet the most important part of the planning may also be the hardest: how to prevent demonstrations from turning violent. Organizers say they want their efforts here to blossom into a lasting, national movement. So they say they hope for the protests to be forceful, loud and unrelenting, but without the looting or arson that could undermine their message. But they also know that some among the ranks may be more volatile and harder to control.
“We’ve come to the conclusion that we really don’t want violence,” said one organizer with Lost Voices, who goes by the name Bud Cuzz. “We want to fix this. We still want to fight to make the laws change. We still want to raise awareness. But we don’t want the city to turn upside down.”

Yes, that is the course that the President urged them to stay on. Contrary to liars like the OP.


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