Obama's Foreign Policy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
No room to complain – it's what he campaigned on! :eusa_shifty:

But say this for Obama: he is keeping his campaign promise. In 2008, Obama repeatedly promised something called "tough diplomacy" with America's rivals. "I will initiate tough diplomacy with our enemies," he promised in May 2008, adding that he would meet them "without preconditions although with preparation."

I know, it's a Breitbart site but it's worth reading before you leftists immediately attack the messenger. Read more @ Obama's Weak Foreign Policy: He's Just Fulfilling a Campaign Promise
And this:

An Obama foreign policy sampler _ all in 1 day

March 17, 2014, BY JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Seldom has one day captured the breadth, aspirations and limitations of American foreign policy.

On Monday, President Barack Obama imposed sanctions on members of officialdom in a resurgent Russia, tried his hand at an elusive Mideast peace deal and visited wounded soldiers at Walter Reed, a reminder of two wars ending under his watch

- See more at: An Obama foreign policy sampler _ all in 1 day | CNS News

How come he didn't get in a round of golf?
obama's foreign policy would work if he was dealing with the coffee klatch in the faculty lounge. He's dealing with stronger and smarter people than he is. He's the little professor finding out what happens outside the halls of academia.
No room to complain – it's what he campaigned on! :eusa_shifty:

But say this for Obama: he is keeping his campaign promise. In 2008, Obama repeatedly promised something called "tough diplomacy" with America's rivals. "I will initiate tough diplomacy with our enemies," he promised in May 2008, adding that he would meet them "without preconditions although with preparation."

I know, it's a Breitbart site but it's worth reading before you leftists immediately attack the messenger. Read more @ Obama's Weak Foreign Policy: He's Just Fulfilling a Campaign Promise

The U.S. and the EU just sanctioned Russia. Do you have any idea how belittling that is to Russia? Russia tried to step up and it got sent back to its corner. Yeah, Russia snatch Crimea but it cost them any respect they might have had as an equal amongst 21st century countries. Just look at what the action was compared to. Russia's alliances with other countries are always with the hardliners; North Korea, the communist leaders of China, the hardliners of Iran. All of these are fading just as Russia will. Crimea and Ukraine will begin to look like North and South Korea, respectively.
I just read a news article about the EU trying to decide how best to put sanctions together against Russia. For some reason I think this is so wrong to say but from a purely practical sense I think it is counter productive for the EU to impose sanctions. Revoke visas, sure, but keep economics going as it has been. It is one of those, Russia and Crimea are going to end up suffering more than anything the EU could possibly do to them. What it says about future aggressions by anyone I don't know but for a practical matter between the EU and Russia, done deal.
Embedded in this article is a video of Chancellor Merkel's speech to the Bundestag. I am assuming the white haired guy is a Russian diplomat. He looks none too happy, with good reason. If Merkel's statements are fully implemented Russia would be extremely marginalized in the Eurasia theater. Russia might have just done what everyone was kind of subconsciously hoping they would do. Just think about what the policies Russia and the hardliners of China, to name two, have been doing. If Russia was taken out of the equation of international relations the world would be a better place.
Chancellor Merkel outlines German position ahead of EU summit on Crimea | News | DW.DE | 20.03.2014
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I realize I am 180 on the last two replies. It is Machiavellian philosophy, either don't fight or win, either choice you either win or lose. Take the middle ground and you are sure to lose in two ways.
Obama expands sanctions against top aides, associates of Putin over annexation of Crimea - The Washington Post
The Pentagon said that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel also spoke with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, who told him that Russian troops along the Ukrainian border were there only to conduct exercises.

Russia is so far back into the ropes on this one. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel having Sergei Shoigu explain himself. I am sure the conversation went according to protocol but having that much of an upper hand must have been just a little bit of fun.
Obama's Carteresque "strength through weakness" foreign policy entirely negates any possible need for having a military at all. Hey, since January, 2009 every nation on the planet and even those on Moochelle's home world, LOVES America! That's why there is universal peace and not a single American has been killed or even kidnapped since then.

/sarcasm off
We should all respect the weak.

After all, Putin does.....doesn't he?

How will Our Kenyan President cope when Putin inspires Alaskans to vote on whether they want to stay with a nation that locks up their resources or return to Russis. After all, in the eyes of Russian historians that "purchase" buy Seward was a mere lease and the due-date is about at hand.

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