Obama's freedom fighters continue with their executions

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOsWmZnD5Kw]A Right to Chemical Weapons? | Think Tank - YouTube[/ame]

And our Freedom Fighter Rebel Forces, the FSA and an Al Qaeda group attacking the village, are continuing to battle for control of the ancient Christian city of Maaloula.

Their attack on this UNESCO site began last week with a suicide bombing, followed by the forced conversion of at least 1 Christian, and the killing of three Christians, one executed after he refused to convert to Islam.
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A Right to Chemical Weapons? | Think Tank - YouTube

And our Freedom Fighter Rebel Forces, the FSA and an Al Qaeda group attacking the village, are continuing to battle for control of the ancient Christian city of Maaloula.

Their attack on this UNESCO site began last week with a suicide bombing, followed by the forced conversion of at least 1 Christian, and the killing of three Christians, one executed after he refused to convert to Islam.

I've already proven your opinions to be false.

How many Christians in Iraq did Bush allow to be killed after the invasion?
Freedom fighters and rebels paid by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

It's bullshit that this is an "uprising". It's bullshit that it's even a "civil war". Many of the *cough* rebels aren't even Syrian.

95% of them are not Syrian, according to one report that I heard.

Yuppers. It's out there. And these are radicals.

Think about a post Assad Syria.

Not a pretty thought at all. The massacres of Christians, Alawites, Sunnis and Shites loyal to Assad will make rivers of blood in the streets of Syria.

And America is backing the radicals.

Maybe it's because some have learned, but where was all this talk of non-involvement before we went into Iraq and Afghanistan? I know that I supported our going into Iraq and Afghanistan at the time, but I now realize how big of a mistake that was. What bothers me is that most of you still try to justify our involvement in those two countries while you are completely against our getting involved in Syria. It just seems hypocritical to me.
A Right to Chemical Weapons? | Think Tank - YouTube

And our Freedom Fighter Rebel Forces, the FSA and an Al Qaeda group attacking the village, are continuing to battle for control of the ancient Christian city of Maaloula.

Their attack on this UNESCO site began last week with a suicide bombing, followed by the forced conversion of at least 1 Christian, and the killing of three Christians, one executed after he refused to convert to Islam.

I've already proven your opinions to be false.

How many Christians in Iraq did Bush allow to be killed after the invasion?

No, you have not. And Bush and Iraq are not the issue here.
Obama's freedom fighters. Just swell. Warms the cockles of your heart to know the President prefers these guys over Assad.


Mr. Issa, the former aide said, then arranged for their execution to be videotaped so he could show his work against Mr. Assad and his military to donors, and seek more financing.

The bad rebels are supported by private citizens in the Arab world and are not Obama's either, and are thethe highly foreign ones. TY W booosh... and for the world depression that helps SOOOO much...
Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia are helping to arm and support the rebels also.

Paid mercenaries. Not rebels.

And they commit atrocities and film them to get more donors. Special.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorists.

Canuks still killing Indians?

I'm in a province where we actually named a holiday after Louis Riel. :eusa_angel:A true freedom fighter for our Metis.

You really need to get up to speed on these so called rebels. And they certainly aren't freedom fighters.

Unless you want to now label AQ as a freedom fighting organization.

In the more than two years this civil war has carried on, a large part of the Syrian opposition has formed a loose command structure that has found support from several Arab nations, and, to a more limited degree, the West.

Other elements of the opposition have assumed an extremist cast, and openly allied with Al Qaeda.”

The bad rebels are supported by private citizens in the Arab world and are not Obama's either, and are thethe highly foreign ones. TY W booosh... and for the world depression that helps SOOOO much...

Give me a name for who Obama is supporting?

"Rebels". "The opposition". No names. CIA is training dudes in Jordan. What's the groups name?

Besides "rebels".

You are supplying them with arms. Who are the weapons going to?

Besides "the opposition".

Inquiring minds need to know.


He's not my hero. But hell's bells he's definitely the lesser of two evils.

This one leader talks openly about genocide. Extermination was the word he used. They don't want democracy.

But, they said, one of his tactics has been to promise to his fighters what he calls “the extermination” of Alawites — the minority Islamic sect to which the Assad family belongs, and which Mr. Issa blames for Syria’s suffering.

Give me a name for who Obama is supporting?
Mccain, Corker, Graham, shall I go on?

Congress's main concern on the CIA plan for Syria arguably hasn't been the length or strength of the plan: it's been whether the arms promised to Syrian rebels could fall into the hands of extremists. That's something the President himself has addressed before, claiming that the administration has enough intelligence on the Syrian rebels to determine who to arm. Senator John McCain, one of the top Syria hawks, also thinks he knows how to tell the "good" and "bad" guys apart here, after one covert visit to the country in May.

The White House Has the Approval It Needs to Arm Syrian Rebels - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire
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I will not be foolish enough to say all muslims are bad. Not all of them should die. But these are radical Islamists, big difference between them and mainstream Islam.
Give me a name for who Obama is supporting?
Mccain, Corker, Graham, shall I go on?

Congress's main concern on the CIA plan for Syria arguably hasn't been the length or strength of the plan: it's been whether the arms promised to Syrian rebels could fall into the hands of extremists. That's something the President himself has addressed before, claiming that the administration has enough intelligence on the Syrian rebels to determine who to arm. Senator John McCain, one of the top Syria hawks, also thinks he knows how to tell the "good" and "bad" guys apart here, after one covert visit to the country in May.

The White House Has the Approval It Needs to Arm Syrian Rebels - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire

McCain's been up Obama's ass for quite a while now. In a Huffpo interview he was lamenting he couldn't be at the White House every day to advise the President.

His liberal connections have earned his daughter her own reality show. The old bastard is only in shit for himself. He gets the most donations from the war machinery out there as well.

McCain even went over to Egypt on Obama's behest to ask the Egyptians be nicer to Morsi and the MB.

I can thank him for his service to his country but he is just an inside the beltway run of the mill politician that's an asshole and loves the "circuit".

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