Obama's freedom fighters continue with their executions

I will not be foolish enough to say all muslims are bad. Not all of them should die. But these are radical Islamists, big difference between them and mainstream Islam.

The Syrian war started when protestor were being fired upon by the Syrian military.
Many Syrian officers and enlisted men left the Syrian army over refusal to fire on civilians and refusal to torture civilians.

Assad has along with Iran have attacked Israeli civilians through militias to make it look like they are not directly responsible.

The Senate Intelligence Committee lead by GOP and Dems want to arm rebels to further advance destabilization of countries in the ME. Maybe for the Israelies, maybe for the corporate war whores in the USA and the rest of the world?
I side with George Washington when he warned that we should stay out foreign affairs and wars and we should severely limit corporations in the US to keep them from taking control of the government.
Corporations care not for whom they kill or what nations are destroyed for the almighty dollar.
I believe Kennedy was assassinated by the pro war organizations because Kennedy wanted US involvement in Vietnam ended.
Reagan was pro war as was Bush sr.
Clinton wanted to downsize the military and build a police state with his million man police force and take away our 2nd Amendment rights.
Bush jr invaded the remainder of Iraq for corporate control of oil production along with the the British, the oil companies were rewarded with long term contracts of Iraqi oil, and the US had gotten more military bases in the ME to increase the military encirclement of Russia.
The US citizens lost freedoms through the Patriot Act on the grounds of fighting terrorism, just as Reagan and Bush sr. did with escalation of the Drug War.
There is one other side I support, my freedom to do what I want as long as I do not infringe on the rights of others, and growing and smoking pot makes me happy along with other hobbies and educational studies.

Much of what I post is cynical humor to expose hypocrites on this site.

That includes assholes that think that if an individual smokes weed they are intellectually inferior, socially awkward and unproductive and should be ostracized into shame, poverty, loss of medical care and job opportunities.
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I will not be foolish enough to say all muslims are bad. Not all of them should die. But these are radical Islamists, big difference between them and mainstream Islam.

The Syrian war started when protestor were being fired upon by the Syrian military.
Many Syrian officers and enlisted men left the Syrian army over refusal to fire on civilians and refusal to torture civilians.

Assad has along with Iran have attacked Israeli civilians through militias to make it look like they are not directly responsible.

The Senate Intelligence Committee lead by GOP and Dems want to arm rebels to further advance destabilization of countries in the ME. Maybe for the Israelies, maybe for the corporate war whores in the USA and the rest of the world?
I side with George Washington when he warned that we should stay out foreign affairs and wars and we should severely limit corporations in the US to keep them from taking control of the government.
Corporations care not for whom they kill or what nations are destroyed for the almighty dollar.
I believe Kennedy was assassinated by the pro war organizations because Kennedy wanted US involvement in Vietnam ended.
Reagan was pro war as was Bush sr.
Clinton wanted to downsize the military and build a police state with his million man police force and take away our 2nd Amendment rights.
Bush jr invaded the remainder of Iraq for corporate control of oil production along with the the British, the oil companies were rewarded with long term contracts of Iraqi oil, and the US had gotten more military bases in the ME to increase the military encirclement of Russia.
The US citizens lost freedoms through the Patriot Act on the grounds of fighting terrorism, just as Reagan and Bush sr. did with escalation of the Drug War.
There is one other side I support, my freedom to do what I want as long as I do not infringe on the rights of others, and growing and smoking pot makes me happy along with other hobbies and educational studies.

Much of what I post is cynical humor to expose hypocrites on this site.

That includes assholes that think that if an individual smokes weed they are intellectually inferior, socially awkward and unproductive and should be ostracized into shame, poverty, loss of medical care and job opportunities.

Perhaps if you were to stop being so cynical and more factual, you would garner some respect around here. Especially from me. I will remain a skeptic. I expose hypocrisy with facts and truth.

1. I disagree. Obama wanted to arm the Syrian rebels. To blame it on anyone else is disingenuous. How do you explain how Obama now wants so badly to attack Syria?

2. Nobody has done anything of the sort. That is why you have special interests controlling policy in both parties.

3. Not all corporations are evil. But some are. I will not pigeonhole all of them into the same group.

4. Name one major war Reagan started as president. I will agree on Bush Sr.

5. I am not one for idle speculation. Prove to me what you claim Clinton did is true.

6. There is nothing to prove this either. Are we delving into conspiracy theories?

7. I agree. The Patriot Act is unconstitutional, given that it was exploited far beyond it's intended purpose.

8. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

9. I support legalizing marijuana. And I don't think anyone smoking it should be so harshly punished. I am not a closet libertarian you know.
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And another one bites the dust.....

If I could neg him I would, but I already did 10 minutes ago.

Oh I bet his life is completely ruined now... :cool:

By all means; reply to that side show instead of this:

The Syrian 'Rebels' don't even try to hide their barbarianism to the outside world. In the latest reported execution, they did so right in front of a journalist.

One Photographer?s Witness to a Brutal Execution in Syria - LightBox

Freedom fighters??? What the fuck is wrong with you man???

Those people are animals!!!

Tell that to your lord and master, Obama. He's the one who's funding and arming them and trying to get us to go to war on their side.

Character: You have none.

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