Obama's Gay Lover Larry Sinclair To Run For Congress

Jan 17, 2010
This ought to make news and ressurrect the gay love affair scandal between Obama and Larry and the murder of Donald Young. He is running as a independent. He strongly opposes Barack Obama's declaration to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," allowing gays to serve openly in the U.S. Armed Forces. He opposes it because it will make our military and our nation weaker. I can agree to that.

Larry Sinclair for Congress, Update, March 13, 2010, For want of a nail, For want of a dollar, Obama and Sinclair, Truth about Obama, Obama thugs, Florida district 24 election Citizen WElls

Larry Sinclair for Congress 2010

Picture of Obama's alleged gay lover - CNN iReport

Whether or not you like or agree with Larry Sinclair. Larry Sinclair was a huge catalyst for questioning Obama at a time when Obama was getting little scrutiny.
Larry Sinclair is running for Congress, unaffiliated, in Florida District 24. Larry Sinclair has done as much as anyone on this planet to expose the truth about Barack Obama. Sinclair has not backed down from incessant attacks and death threats from the Obama camp. Sinclair has had his Social Security Disability benefits threatened twice and was even arrested on trumped up charges by Joe Biden’s son, Beau. The arrest happened at the conclusion of Larry Sinclair’s press conference at the National Press Club in 2008.
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Someone should tell the nutbar freak that even though libel and slander is difficult to prove for a public figure, actual malice gets over the bar.

Maybe US Army Retired is Larry Sinclair's sock puppet. I'll look into it. :lol::lol:

Look at Obama. Now look at this guy, Sinclair. Obama is a good looking man. If you are going to have "gay" sex, why do it with someone "ugly" and "tired"?

Do it with someone at your own level, like:




or even

Larry Sinclair is the current man toy of US Army Retired
I dunno... the left is still obsessed with Mark Foley and his text messages.. wile their loons run around naked and groping each other.

Hell, their lib icon is Bawney Fwank!!!!

The left do love their fudge packers!
Someone should tell the nutbar freak that even though libel and slander is difficult to prove for a public figure, actual malice gets over the bar.


I have a feeling the government is already watching this nutter. He's the one we'll hear about on CNN, doing some nutter crazy wacked out thing-then I'll be glad to start a thread about it! :thup:

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