Obamas heading to Hawaii "Winter White House"

So....lets look at the wingnut definition of "elitist"

Renting a vacation home is considered elitist

But owning a multimillion dollar retreat is not

Your are missing the fine point- again sometimes lost on the nutroot fisters

The issues are the left's hypocrisy on the issue of vacations and

trying pass off this guy as some type of "People's President"
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So....lets look at the wingnut definition of "elitist"

Renting a vacation home is considered elitist

But owning a multimillion dollar retreat is not

Your are missing the fine point- again sometimes lost on the nutroot fisters

The issues are the left's hypocrisy on the issue of vacations and

trying pass off this guy as some type of "People's President"

People don't take vacations???
So....lets look at the wingnut definition of "elitist"

Renting a vacation home is considered elitist

But owning a multimillion dollar retreat is not

Your are missing the fine point- again sometimes lost on the nutroot fisters

The issues are the left's hypocrisy on the issue of vacations and

trying pass off this guy as some type of "People's President"

People don't take vacations???

Only the non-elitists
Words like "elitist" don't mean anything.

Well not to one that is .....sure

If it does have meaning, define it.
While you're at it, tell me how I am one.

I never said you where- You could or could not be for all anyone could know- It does not really matter

Standard def:
one who advocates elitism
a person who is or who believes himself or herself to be a member of an elite group

Hitler was a community organizer​
Well not to one that is .....sure

If it does have meaning, define it.
While you're at it, tell me how I am one.

I never said you where- You could or could not be for all anyone could know- It does not really matter

Standard def:
one who advocates elitism
a person who is or who believes himself or herself to be a member of an elite group

Hitler was a community organizer​

It's rhetoric, and one of the stupider ones.

I mean, define it in the political sense - give me a definition on how Obama is an elitist, examples of him "advocating elitism" or evidence that he believes himself to be a member of an elite group.
I never said you where- You could or could not be for all anyone could know- It does not really matter

Standard def:
one who advocates elitism
a person who is or who believes himself or herself to be a member of an elite group

Hitler was a community organizer​

It's rhetoric, and one of the stupider ones.

I mean, define it in the political sense - give me a definition on how Obama is an elitist, examples of him "advocating elitism" or evidence that he believes himself to be a member of an elite group.

He cant and wont. What he will do though is show things that are, in his eyes, elitist.
I never said you where- You could or could not be for all anyone could know- It does not really matter

Standard def:
one who advocates elitism
a person who is or who believes himself or herself to be a member of an elite group

Hitler was a community organizer​

It's rhetoric, and one of the stupider ones.

I mean, define it in the political sense - give me a definition on how Obama is an elitist, examples of him "advocating elitism" or evidence that he believes himself to be a member of an elite group.

Actually, it is the standard def

I do believe if you go back to beginning some of the things were listed

For example

He sends his own children to private school while denying school vouchers for poor children to go to those same schools-

that's one - do you need more
It's rhetoric, and one of the stupider ones.

I mean, define it in the political sense - give me a definition on how Obama is an elitist, examples of him "advocating elitism" or evidence that he believes himself to be a member of an elite group.

Actually, it is the standard def

I do believe if you go back to beginning some of the things were listed

For example

He sends his own children to private school while denying school vouchers for poor children to go to those same schools-

that's one - do you need more

The definition isn't the rhetoric that I was talking about. Calling Obama an elitist is. No President has ever sent their kids to public school in DC. Vouchers is another topic. Try again.
Actually, it is the standard def

I do believe if you go back to beginning some of the things were listed

For example

He sends his own children to private school while denying school vouchers for poor children to go to those same schools-

that's one - do you need more

The definition isn't the rhetoric that I was talking about. Calling Obama an elitist is. No President has ever sent their kids to public school in DC. Vouchers is another topic. Try again.

Jimmy Carter

Try again

So It is good enough for my kids but not yours- that is not elitist- interesting
One does have to wonder how those parents would feel about that issue?
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The definition isn't the rhetoric that I was talking about. Calling Obama an elitist is. No President has ever sent their kids to public school in DC. Vouchers is another topic. Try again.

Jimmy Carter

Try again

So It is good enough for my kids but not yours- that is not elitist- interesting
One does have to wonder how those parents would feel about that issue?

You're right. But no President since him has, mostly due to the fact that Amy Carter struggled with securtiy issues and making friends throughout her whole time in school - Carter recommended to the next President to have a school-age child (Clinton) that he send Chelsea to private school for that reason.

Anyway, you're missing my point entirely, and I don't have the patience to respond right now. If you can't understand that calling the leader of the free world an "elitist" is pure rhetoric, and completely meaningless, so be it.
Anyway, you're missing my point entirely, and I don't have the patience to respond right now. If you can't understand that calling the leader of the free world an "elitist" is pure rhetoric, and completely meaningless, so be it.

As are you- missing mine

The point is the rhetoric and the hypocrisy of the left - Many of the things the left said made Bush an elitist are the same things Papa Obama has done as well and even more.

I believe that most Politicians are corrupt and elitist in some form. This President is no different. To argue he is somehow not or above it all- is disingenuous

The 'People's President Celebrates ' Pork Bill or Jimmy Carter Remembrance Bill' with $50/lb steaks at a Swank White House party -so much for Shared Sacrifice or Post Modern 'Let Them Eat Cake'

As told to ABC’s Jake Tapper, the menu included alcoholic beverages (vodka martinis are an Obama favorite, reportedly) and wagyu steak ($50/lb).
Coming off of the most expensive inaugural celebration in American history and passage of a trillion-dollar 'Pork bill or Jimmy Carter Remembrance Bill' that will saddle future generations with unprecedented debt, should not the Messiah consider cutting back on such indulgences.

Or is the White House exempt from “shared sacrifice” ?

How many people do you know that have eaten wagyu steak?

Ok so now we have the "People's President" excluding others from his kids' private schools who eats $50/lb steak during a recession
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